1 | module generic_cloud_common_h |
2 | |
3 | !============================================================================ |
4 | ! Purpose |
5 | ! ------- |
6 | ! Set up relevant constants and parameters for generic condensable tracers cycles, |
7 | ! and generic condensable tracers cloud properties |
8 | ! |
9 | ! Authors |
10 | ! ------- |
11 | ! Adapted from watercommon_h.F90 |
12 | ! by Lucas Teinturier & Noé Clément (2022) |
13 | !============================================================================ |
14 | |
15 | use comcstfi_mod, only: r, cpp, mugaz |
16 | implicit none |
17 | real, save :: m ! molecular mass of the specie (g/mol) |
18 | real, save :: delta_gasH ! Enthalpy of vaporization (J/mol) |
19 | real,save :: Tref ! Ref temperature for Clausis-Clapeyron (K) |
20 | real,save :: Pref ! Reference pressure for Clausius Clapeyron (Pa) |
21 | real, save :: epsi_generic ! fractionnal molecular mass (m/mugaz) |
22 | real,save :: RLVTT_generic !Latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) |
23 | real,save :: metallicity_coeff ! Coefficient to take into account the metallicity |
24 | real,save :: RCPV_generic ! specific heat capacity of the tracer vapor at Tref |
25 | |
26 | contains |
27 | |
28 | subroutine specie_parameters(specname) |
29 | |
30 | implicit none |
31 | |
32 | !============================================================================ |
33 | ! Load the adequate set of parameters for specname |
34 | ! We use Clausius Clapeyron. |
35 | ! Values are based on Vissher (2010) and Morley (2012). |
36 | ! |
37 | ! Also set up few others useful parameters, such as epsi_generic=m/mugaz, RLVTT_generic and |
38 | ! the metallicity_coeff. |
39 | ! Authors |
40 | ! -------- |
41 | ! Lucas Teinturier (2022) |
42 | !============================================================================ |
43 | ! Inputs |
44 | character(*), intent(in) :: specname |
45 | print*,"entree dans specie_parameters avec specname = ",specname |
46 | if (trim(specname) .eq. "Mg") then |
47 | print*,"Loading data for Mg" |
48 | delta_gasH = 521.7E3 !J/mol |
49 | Tref = 2303.0 !K |
50 | Pref = 1.0E5 !in Pa |
51 | m = 140.6931 |
52 | RLVTT_generic = delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
53 | metallicity_coeff=1.0*log(10.0) |
54 | |
55 | else if (trim(specname) .eq. "Na") then |
56 | print*,"Loading data for Na" |
57 | delta_gasH = 265.9E3 |
58 | Tref = 1624.0 |
59 | Pref = 1.0E5 |
60 | m = 78.04454 !Na2S |
61 | RLVTT_generic = delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
62 | metallicity_coeff=0.5*log(10.0) |
63 | |
64 | else if (trim(specname) .eq. "Fe") then |
65 | print*,"Loading data for Fe" |
66 | delta_gasH = 401.9E3 |
67 | Tref = 2903.0 |
68 | Pref = 1.0E5 |
69 | m = 55.8450 |
70 | RLVTT_generic = delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
71 | metallicity_coeff=0.0*log(10.0) |
72 | |
73 | else if (trim(specname) .eq. "Cr") then |
74 | print*,"Loading data for Cr" |
75 | delta_gasH = 394.2E3 |
76 | Tref = 2749.0 |
77 | Pref = 1.0E5 |
78 | m = 51.9961 |
79 | RLVTT_generic = delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
80 | metallicity_coeff=0.0*log(10.0) |
81 | |
82 | else if (trim(specname) .eq. "KCl") then |
83 | print*,"Loading data for KCl" |
84 | delta_gasH = 217.9E3 |
85 | Tref = 1495.0 |
86 | Pref = 1.0E5 |
87 | metallicity_coeff=0.0*log(10.0) |
88 | m = 74.5498 |
89 | RLVTT_generic = delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
90 | else if (trim(specname) .eq. "Mn") then |
91 | print*,"Loading data for Mn" |
92 | delta_gasH = 455.8E3 |
93 | Tref = 2064.0 |
94 | Pref = 1.0E5 |
95 | metallicity_coeff=1.0*log(10.0) |
96 | m = 87.003049 |
97 | RLVTT_generic = delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
98 | else if (trim(specname) .eq. "Zn") then |
99 | print*,"Loading data for Zn" |
100 | delta_gasH = 303.9E3 |
101 | Tref = 1238.0 |
102 | Pref = 1.0E5 |
103 | metallicity_coeff=1.0*log(10.0) |
104 | m = 97.445 |
105 | RLVTT_generic = delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
106 | else |
107 | print*,"Unknow species (not in Mg, Fe, Na, KCl, Cr, Mn or Zn)" |
108 | endif |
109 | epsi_generic = m/mugaz |
110 | end subroutine specie_parameters |
111 | |
112 | |
113 | subroutine specie_parameters_table(specname) |
114 | use datafile_mod, only: datadir |
115 | implicit none |
116 | !============================================================================ |
117 | ! Load the adequate set of parameters for specname |
118 | ! From a table of traceurs |
119 | ! |
120 | ! Also set up few others useful parameters, such as epsi_generic=m/mugaz, RLVTT_generic and |
121 | ! the metallicity_coeff. |
122 | ! Authors |
123 | ! -------- |
124 | ! Noé Clément (2022) |
125 | !============================================================================ |
126 | |
127 | character(*), intent(in) :: specname |
128 | integer :: ios |
129 | character(len=500):: table_traceurs_line ! table_traceurs_line lines with parameters |
130 | |
131 | open(117,file=trim(datadir)//'/table_tracers_condensable',form='formatted',status='old') |
132 | |
133 | read(117,'(A)') table_traceurs_line |
134 | |
135 | do |
136 | read(117,'(A)', iostat=ios) table_traceurs_line |
137 | |
138 | if (index(table_traceurs_line,specname) /= 0) then |
139 | |
140 | if (index(table_traceurs_line,'delta_gasH=' ) /= 0) then |
141 | read(table_traceurs_line(index(table_traceurs_line,'delta_gasH=')+len('delta_gasH='):),*) delta_gasH |
142 | print*, 'delta_gasH ', delta_gasH |
143 | end if |
144 | if (index(table_traceurs_line,'Tref=' ) /= 0) then |
145 | read(table_traceurs_line(index(table_traceurs_line,'Tref=')+len('Tref='):),*) Tref |
146 | print*, 'Tref', Tref |
147 | end if |
148 | if (index(table_traceurs_line,'Pref=' ) /= 0) then |
149 | read(table_traceurs_line(index(table_traceurs_line,'Pref=')+len('Pref='):),*) Pref |
150 | print*, 'Pref', Pref |
151 | end if |
152 | if (index(table_traceurs_line,'mass=' ) /= 0) then |
153 | read(table_traceurs_line(index(table_traceurs_line,'mass=')+len('mass='):),*) m |
154 | print*, 'mass', m |
155 | end if |
156 | if (index(table_traceurs_line,'metallicity_coeff=' ) /= 0) then |
157 | read(table_traceurs_line(index(table_traceurs_line,'metallicity_coeff=')+len('metallicity_coeff='):),*) metallicity_coeff |
158 | print*, 'metallicity_coeff', metallicity_coeff |
159 | end if |
160 | if (index(table_traceurs_line,'RCPV_generic=' ) /= 0) then |
161 | read(table_traceurs_line(index(table_traceurs_line,'RCPV_generic=')+len('RCPV_generic='):),*) RCPV_generic |
162 | print*, 'RCPV_generic', RCPV_generic |
163 | end if |
164 | |
165 | ios=1 |
166 | end if |
167 | |
168 | if (ios /= 0) exit |
169 | |
170 | end do |
171 | |
172 | if (ios .eq. -1) then ! If the file has been read but there is no data on the speci, then we have ios equal to -1 |
173 | |
174 | write(*,*), "ERROR : the following traceur is not referenced in the table_tracers_condensable : ", specname |
175 | |
176 | end if |
177 | |
178 | close(117) |
179 | |
180 | RLVTT_generic=delta_gasH/(m/1000.) |
181 | |
182 | write(*,*) 'RLVTT_generic', RLVTT_generic |
183 | |
184 | epsi_generic = m/mugaz |
185 | |
186 | end subroutine specie_parameters_table |
187 | |
188 | subroutine Psat_generic(T,p,metallicity,psat,qsat) |
190 | !============================================================================ |
191 | ! Clausius-Clapeyron relation : |
192 | ! d(Ln(psat))/dT = delta_gasH/(RT^2) |
193 | ! ->Psat = Pref * exp(-delta_gasH/R*(1/T-1/Tref)) |
194 | ! |
195 | ! Authors |
196 | ! -------- |
197 | ! Lucas Teinturier (2022) adapted from Psat_water of Jeremy Leconte (2012) |
198 | !============================================================================ |
199 | !Inputs |
200 | real, intent(in) :: T, p ! Temperature and pressure of the layer (in K and Pas) |
201 | real, intent(in) :: metallicity ! metallycity (log10) |
202 | !Outputs |
203 | real, intent(out) :: psat,qsat !saturation vapor pressure (Pa) and mass mixing ratio at saturation (kg/kg) of the layer |
204 | |
205 | psat = pref*exp(-delta_gasH/(r*mugaz/1000.)*(1/T-1/Tref)-metallicity_coeff*metallicity) ! in Pa (because pref in Pa) |
206 | |
207 | if (psat .gt. p) then |
208 | qsat = 1. ! is the maximum amount of vapor that a parcel can hold without condensation, in specific concentration. |
209 | else |
210 | qsat = epsi_generic *psat/(p-(1-epsi_generic)*psat) |
211 | endif |
212 | end subroutine Psat_generic |
213 | |
214 | subroutine Lcpdqsat_generic(T,p,psat,qsat,dqsat,dlnpsat) |
215 | implicit none |
216 | |
217 | !=============================================================================== |
218 | ! Compute dqsat = L/cp* d(qsat)/dT and d(Ln(psat)) = L/cp*d(Ln(psat))/dT |
219 | ! we have d(ln(psat))/dT = delta_gasH/R*(1/T^2) for clausius-clapeyron |
220 | ! r*mugaz/1000. is the perfect gaz constant in the computation of "dummy" |
221 | ! Authors |
222 | ! -------- |
223 | ! Lucas Teinturier (2022) adapted from Lcpdqsat_water of Jeremy Leconte (2012) |
224 | !=============================================================================== |
225 | ! Inputs |
226 | real, intent(in) :: T ! Temperature (K) |
227 | real, intent(in) :: p ! Pressure (Pa) |
228 | real, intent(in) :: psat ! Saturation vapor pressure (Pa) |
229 | real, intent(in) :: qsat ! Mass mixing ratio at saturation (kg/kg) |
230 | |
231 | ! Outputs |
232 | real, intent(out) :: dqsat,dlnpsat |
233 | |
234 | ! Variables |
235 | real :: dummy ! used to store d(ln(psat))/dT |
236 | |
237 | dummy = delta_gasH/((r*mugaz/1000.)*(T**2)) |
238 | |
239 | if (psat .gt. p) then |
240 | dqsat =0. |
241 | else |
242 | dqsat = (RLVTT_generic/cpp) *qsat*(p/(p-(1-epsi_generic)*psat))*dummy |
243 | dlnpsat = (RLVTT_generic/cpp) * dummy |
244 | endif |
245 | |
246 | end subroutine Lcpdqsat_generic |
247 | |
248 | !================================================================== |
249 | subroutine Tsat_generic(p,Tsat) |
250 | |
251 | implicit none |
252 | |
253 | !================================================================== |
254 | ! Purpose |
255 | ! ------- |
256 | ! Compute the saturation temperature |
257 | ! for a given pressure (Pa) |
258 | ! |
259 | ! Authors |
260 | ! ------- |
261 | ! Noé Clément (2022) |
262 | ! |
263 | !================================================================== |
264 | |
265 | ! input |
266 | real p |
267 | |
268 | ! output |
269 | real Tsat |
270 | |
271 | |
272 | Tsat = 1/(1/Tref - (r*mugaz/1000.)/delta_gasH*Log(p/Pref)) |
273 | |
274 | end subroutine Tsat_generic |
275 | !================================================================== |
276 | |
277 | end module generic_cloud_common_h |