1 | This directory contains source codes of utilities (programs) that can be |
2 | used to process the LMD Mars GCM output files (like "diagfi" or |
3 | "stats"). |
4 | In addition most output file from one of these program can then be |
5 | processed by another. |
6 | |
7 | See script "compile" for instructions and recommendations to compile |
8 | the utilities. Once adequately modified, that script can be used to |
9 | compile each utility; e.g. to build the zrecast.e utility program: |
10 | > compile zrecast |
11 | |
12 | Note that inputs can be provided by (1) replying to questions on screen or |
13 | (2) filling the corresponding *.def and redirecting the input of these *.def |
14 | files instead. For example : |
15 | > concatnc.e < concatnc.def |
16 | > zrecast.e < zrecast.def |
17 | |
18 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
19 | 1) concatnc.e : concatenate successive GCM output files |
20 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
21 | |
22 | This program is used to concatenate consecutive |
23 | output files ("diagfi", and even "stats") for a selection of |
24 | variable, in order to obtain one single big file. The time simension can |
25 | be "sols" or "Ls" (in that last case, Ls will not be linear, and |
26 | software like Grads may not be able to use it. To have a linear "Ls" |
27 | timescale, you can use "Ls_Linear.e" (see below). |
28 | You can also add a "Ls" variable corresponding solar longitude for each |
29 | timestep by using the "adls" option. |
30 | |
31 | Output file is : concat.nc |
32 | |
33 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
34 | 2) zrecast.e : put GCM data in physical vertical coordinate |
35 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
36 | |
37 | GCM outputs are in GCM hybrid coordinate which do not correspond to any |
38 | physical vertical coordinate ! zrecast is NECESSARY to make any publishable |
39 | scientific figure. |
40 | |
41 | This program reads 4D (lon-lat-alt-time) fields from GCM output files |
42 | (ie: diagfi.nc time series or concat.nc or stats.nc files) and, by |
43 | integrating the hydrostatic equation, recasts data along the vertical |
44 | direction. |
45 | The vertical coordinate can be either 1) pressure, 2) above areoid |
46 | altitudes, 3) above local surface altitudes or 4) distance to center of |
47 | the planet. Some interpolation along the vertical direction is also |
48 | done, following instructions given by user (levels may be specified |
49 | or given as minimu,maximum and number of levels). |
50 | For "above areoid altitudes" output, Atmospheric pressure is added to |
51 | output dataset; for "pressure coordinate" outputs, the above areoid |
52 | altitude of pressure is added to output dataset. |
53 | |
54 | Minimal requirements and dependencies: |
55 | The dataset must include the following data: |
56 | - surface pressure |
57 | - atmospheric temperature |
58 | - hybrid coordinates aps() and bps(), or sigma levels() |
59 | - ground geopotential (in input file; if not found, it is sought |
60 | in a 'diagfi.nc' file. If not found there, it is then sought in |
61 | a 'phisinit.nc' file (see section 1.3.3 of program) |
62 | |
63 | - When integration the hydrostatic equation, we assume that R, the |
64 | molecular Gas Constant, may not be constant, so it is computed as |
65 | R=P/(rho*T) (P=Pressure, rho=density, T=temperature) |
66 | If 'rho' is not available, then we use a constant R (see section |
67 | 2.2 in source file) |
68 | |
69 | - Vertical interpolation : note that density (kg.m-3) and species density |
70 | (e.g. in molecules.cm-3) must be vertically interpolated in log-space. For |
71 | that purpose, these variables names must start with "rho" (exemple : rho for |
72 | density, rho_co2, rho_o2, etc....) |
73 | |
74 | output file is : |
75 | name_of_input_file_P.nc with pressure coordinate |
76 | name_of_input_file_A.nc with altitude above areoid coordinate |
77 | name_of_input_file_S.nc with altitude above local surface coordinate |
78 | name_of_input_file_R.nc with altitude as distance to center of planet |
79 | |
80 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
81 | 3) localtime.e : put GCM data in local time coordinate |
82 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
83 | |
84 | Program to redistribute and interpolate the variable a the same |
85 | local times everywhere (useful to mimic satellite observations, or |
86 | analyse day to day variations at a given local time). |
87 | input : diagfi.nc / concat.nc / stats.nc kind of files |
88 | |
89 | output file is : name_of_input_file_LT.nc |
90 | |
91 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
92 | 4) lslin.e : redistribute and AVERAGE gcm output in Ls coordinate. |
93 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
94 | |
95 | This program has been designed to interpol data in Solar Longitude (Ls) |
96 | linear time coordinate (usable with grads) from Netcdf diagfi or concatnc |
97 | files and to AVERAGE the instantaneous data in Ls period (for comparison with |
98 | binned dataset, for instance). |
99 | |
100 | lslin also creates a lslin.ctl file that can be read |
101 | directly by grads (>xdfopen lsllin.ctl) to plot in Ls coordinate to |
102 | avoid some problem with grads when grads think that "the time interval |
103 | is too small"... |
104 | |
105 | Output file is : name_of_input_file_LS.nc |
106 | |
107 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
108 | 5) solzenangle.e : select GCM data at a given solar zenith angle |
109 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
110 | |
111 | Program to redistribute and interpolate the variable a the same |
112 | solar zenith angle (notably useful to mimic satellite observations and in particular |
113 | SOLAR OCCULTATIONS by choosing solar zenith angle = 90°) |
114 | The user choose between Morning and Evening side. |
115 | |
116 | input : diagfi.nc / concat.nc / stats.nc kind of files |
117 | |
118 | On the morning side output file (1 output per sol per grid point) is : |
119 | name_of_input_file_MO.nc |
120 | |
121 | On the evening side output file is (1 output per sol per grid point): |
122 | name_of_input_file_EV.nc |
123 | |
124 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
125 | 6) hrecast.e : interpolate data at another horizontal grid resolution. |
126 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
127 | |
128 | This program can interpolate GCM output on any horizontal grid (regular |
129 | lat - lon) as long as it cover all the planet. |
130 | The grid can be given points by points. The best way is to use the |
131 | redirected input hrecast.def |
132 | |
133 | hrecast.e < hrecast.def |
134 | |
135 | |
136 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
137 | 7) expandstartfi.e : to plot data in a startfi.nc file |
138 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
139 | |
140 | In startfi.nc file, data are not plotable because the horizontal coordinate |
141 | in only a 1D list of all atmospheric columns on the planets. |
142 | This program takes a physics start file ("startfi.nc") and recasts it |
143 | on the corresponding lonxlat grid (so it contents may easily be displayed |
144 | using Python, Grads, Ferret, etc.) |
145 | |
146 | Simply run expandstartfi.e as a command line with arguments: |
147 | |
148 | expandstartfi.e [infile.nc] [outfile.nc] |
149 | |
150 | (if infile is not specified, "startfi.nc" is used as default) |
151 | (if outfile is not specified, it is built as "infile_ex.nc") |
152 | |
153 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
154 | 8) extract.e : get data at specific coordinates for comparison with observations |
155 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
156 | |
157 | This program extracts (ie: interpolates) pointwise values of an atmospheric |
158 | variable from a 'zrecast'ed diagfi file (works if altitude is geometrical |
159 | height or a pressure vertical coordinates) |
160 | user has to specify: |
161 | - name of input file |
162 | - date (in sols) offset wrt the input file (e.g. if the input file "begins" |
163 | at Ls=0, then the offset is 0; if the input file begins at Ls=30, the |
164 | offset date corresponding to the first 3 months is 61+66+66=193 sols, etc.) |
165 | - the "extraction mode": |
166 | 1: extract individual values; user will specify values of |
167 | lon lat alt Ls LT (all on a same line) |
168 | on as many lines as there are sought values |
169 | 2: extract a profile: user will specify on a first line the values of |
170 | lon lat Ls LT (all on a same line) |
171 | and then only specify values of altitudes (m or Pa depending on the |
172 | coordinate in the input file), one per line, at which values are |
173 | sought |
174 | - output values are sent to (ASCII) output file 'infile_var_.dat', where |
175 | 'infile' is the input file name (without trailing '.nc') and |
176 | 'var' is the sought variable, for extraction mode 1 as |
177 | lines of "lon lat alt Ls LT value" and for a profile (extraction mode 2) |
178 | as lines of "alt value" |
179 | |
180 | NB: If there is no data to do an appropriate interpolation to extract |
181 | the sought value, then a "missing_value" (taken from the variable's |
182 | attribute in the input file, most likely -9.99E33) is returned. |
183 | |
184 | See files "extract.points.def" and "extract.profile.def" for examples of |
185 | input format that would simply need to be redirected to extract.e, e.g.: |
186 | |
187 | extract.e < extract.points.def |
188 | |
189 | |