1 | SUBROUTINE surfini(ngrid,piceco2,qsurf,psolaralb) |
2 | ! to use 'getin' |
3 | USE ioipsl_getincom |
4 | use netcdf |
5 | use tracer_mod, only: nqmx, noms |
6 | use comgeomfi_h, only: long, lati |
7 | use surfdat_h, only: watercaptag, frost_albedo_threshold, |
8 | & albedo_h2o_ice, inert_h2o_ice, albedodat, |
9 | & albedice, dryness |
10 | #ifndef MESOSCALE |
11 | use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only : klon_glo ! # of physics point on full grid |
12 | use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_master, gather, scatter |
13 | #endif |
14 | USE comcstfi_h |
16 | c======================================================================= |
17 | c |
18 | c creation des calottes pour l'etat initial |
19 | c |
20 | c======================================================================= |
21 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
22 | c Declarations: |
23 | c ------------- |
24 | #include "dimensions.h" |
25 | #include "callkeys.h" |
26 | #include "datafile.h" |
27 | |
28 | integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns |
29 | real,intent(in) :: piceco2(ngrid) ! CO2 ice thickness |
30 | real,intent(inout) :: qsurf(ngrid,nqmx) ! tracer on surface (kg/m2) |
31 | real,intent(out) :: psolaralb(ngrid,2) ! albedo |
32 | |
33 | INTEGER ig,icap,iq,alternate |
34 | REAL icedryness ! ice dryness |
35 | |
36 | ! longwatercaptag is watercaptag. Trick for some compilers |
37 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(100000) :: longwatercaptag |
38 | |
39 | ! There are 3 different modes for ice distribution: |
40 | ! icelocationmode = 1 ---> based on data from surface.nc |
41 | ! icelocationmode = 2 ---> directly predefined for GCM resolutions 32x24 or 64x48 |
42 | ! icelocationmode = 3 ---> based on logical relations for latitude and longitude |
43 | ! For visualisation : > /u/tnalmd/bin/watercaps gcm_txt_output_file |
44 | INTEGER,SAVE :: icelocationmode = 2 |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | !in case icelocationmode == 1 |
48 | INTEGER i,j |
49 | INTEGER imd,jmd |
50 | PARAMETER (imd=360,jmd=180) |
51 | REAL zdata(imd,jmd) |
52 | REAL zelat,zelon |
53 | |
54 | #ifndef MESOSCALE |
55 | INTEGER nb_ice(klon_glo,2) ! number of counts | detected ice for GCM grid |
56 | #endif |
57 | INTEGER latice(jjm,2),lonice (iim,2) ! number of counts | detected ice along lat & lon axis |
58 | |
59 | REAL step,count,ratiolat |
60 | |
61 | INTEGER ierr,nid,nvarid |
62 | |
63 | REAL,SAVE :: min_icevalue = 500. |
64 | character(len=50) :: string = 'thermal' |
65 | |
66 | character (len=100) :: zedatafile |
67 | |
68 | #ifdef MESOSCALE |
69 | |
70 | do ig=1,ngrid |
71 | |
72 | !write(*,*) "all qsurf to zero. dirty." |
73 | do iq=1,nqmx |
74 | qsurf(ig,iq)=0. !! on jette les inputs GCM |
75 | !! on regle juste watercaptag |
76 | !! il faudrait garder les inputs GCM |
77 | !! si elles sont consequentes |
78 | enddo |
79 | if ( ( lati(ig)*180./pi .gt. 70. ) .and. |
80 | . ( albedodat(ig) .ge. 0.26 ) ) then |
81 | write(*,*)"outlier ",ig |
82 | watercaptag(ig) = .true. |
83 | dryness(ig) = 1. |
84 | albedodat(ig) = albedo_h2o_ice !! pour output |
85 | else |
86 | watercaptag(ig) = .false. |
87 | dryness(ig) = 1. |
88 | endif |
89 | |
90 | enddo |
91 | #endif |
92 | ! problem with nested precompiling flags |
93 | |
94 | #ifndef MESOSCALE |
95 | ! to handle parallel cases |
96 | #if CPP_PARA |
97 | logical watercaptag_glo(klon_glo) |
98 | real dryness_glo(klon_glo) |
99 | real lati_glo(klon_glo) |
100 | real long_glo(klon_glo) |
101 | #else |
102 | logical watercaptag_glo(ngrid) |
103 | real dryness_glo(ngrid) |
104 | real lati_glo(ngrid) |
105 | real long_glo(ngrid) |
106 | #endif |
107 | #endif |
108 | |
109 | #ifndef MESOSCALE |
110 | |
111 | c |
112 | c======================================================================= |
113 | ! Initialize watercaptag (default is false) |
114 | watercaptag_glo(:)=.false. |
115 | |
116 | c water ice outliers |
117 | c ------------------------------------------ |
118 | |
119 | IF ((water) .and. (caps)) THEN |
120 | |
121 | c Perennial H20 north cap defined by watercaptag=true (allows surface to be |
122 | c hollowed by sublimation in vdifc). |
123 | |
124 | c We might not want albedodat to be modified because it is used to write |
125 | c restart files. Instead, albedo is directly modified when needed (i.e. |
126 | c if we have watercaptag and no co2 ice), below and in albedocaps.F90 |
127 | |
128 | c "Dryness coefficient" controlling the evaporation and |
129 | c sublimation from the ground water ice (close to 1) |
130 | c HERE, the goal is to correct for the fact |
131 | c that the simulated permanent water ice polar caps |
132 | c is larger than the actual cap and the atmospheric |
133 | c opacity not always realistic. |
134 | |
135 | alternate = 0 |
136 | |
137 | if (ngrid .ne. 1) then |
138 | watercaptag(:) = .false. |
139 | longwatercaptag(:) = .false. |
140 | endif |
141 | |
142 | write(*,*) "surfini: Ice dryness ?" |
143 | icedryness=1. ! default value |
144 | call getin("icedryness",icedryness) |
145 | write(*,*) "surfini: icedryness = ",icedryness |
146 | dryness (:) = icedryness |
147 | |
148 | ! To be able to run in parallel, we work on the full grid |
149 | ! and dispatch results afterwards |
150 | |
151 | ! start by geting latitudes and logitudes on full grid |
152 | ! (in serial mode, this is just a copy) |
153 | call gather(lati,lati_glo) |
154 | call gather(long,long_glo) |
155 | |
156 | if (is_master) then |
157 | |
158 | IF (ngrid .eq. 1) THEN ! special case for 1d --> do nothing |
159 | |
160 | print*, 'ngrid = 1, do no put ice caps in surfini.F' |
161 | |
162 | ELSE IF (icelocationmode .eq. 1) THEN |
163 | |
164 | print*,'Surfini: ice caps defined from surface.nc' |
165 | |
166 | ! This method detects ice as gridded value above min_icevalue in the field "string" from surface.nc |
167 | ! Typically, it is for thermal inertia above 500 tiu. |
168 | ! Two conditions are verified: |
169 | ! 1. GCM ice caps are defined such as area is conserved for a given latitude |
170 | ! (the approximation is that all points within the GCM latitude resolution have the same area). |
171 | ! 2. caps are placed to fill the GCM points with the most detected ice first. |
172 | |
173 | |
174 | |
175 | zedatafile = trim(datafile) |
176 | |
177 | |
178 | ierr=nf90_open(trim(zedatafile)//'/surface.nc', |
179 | & NF90_NOWRITE,nid) |
180 | |
181 | IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN |
182 | write(*,*)'Error : cannot open file surface.nc ' |
183 | write(*,*)'(in phymars/surfini.F)' |
184 | write(*,*)'It should be in :',trim(zedatafile),'/' |
185 | write(*,*)'1) You can set this path in the callphys.def file:' |
186 | write(*,*)' datadir=/path/to/the/datafiles' |
187 | write(*,*)'2) If necessary, surface.nc (and other datafiles)' |
188 | write(*,*)' can be obtained online on:' |
189 | write(*,*)' http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/planets/mars/datadir' |
190 | CALL ABORT |
191 | ENDIF |
192 | |
193 | |
194 | ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid, string, nvarid) |
195 | if (ierr.ne.nf90_noerr) then |
196 | write(*,*) 'surfini error, cannot find ',trim(string) |
197 | write(*,*) ' in file ',trim(zedatafile),'/surface.nc' |
198 | write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) |
199 | stop |
200 | endif |
201 | |
202 | ierr=nf90_get_var(nid, nvarid, zdata) |
203 | |
204 | if (ierr.ne.nf90_noerr) then |
205 | write(*,*) 'surfini: error failed loading ',trim(string) |
206 | write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) |
207 | stop |
208 | endif |
209 | |
210 | |
211 | ierr=nf90_close(nid) |
212 | |
213 | |
214 | nb_ice(:,1) = 1 ! default: there is no ice |
215 | latice(:,1) = 1 |
216 | lonice(:,1) = 1 |
217 | nb_ice(:,2) = 0 |
218 | latice(:,2) = 0 |
219 | lonice(:,2) = 0 |
220 | !print*,'jjm,iim',jjm,iim ! jjm = nb lati , iim = nb longi |
221 | |
222 | ! loop over the GCM grid - except for poles (ig=1 and ngrid) |
223 | do ig=2,klon_glo-1 |
224 | |
225 | ! loop over the surface file grid |
226 | do i=1,imd |
227 | do j=1,jmd |
228 | zelon = i - 180. |
229 | zelat = 90. - j |
230 | if ((abs(lati_glo(ig)*180./pi-zelat).le.90./real(jjm)) .and. |
231 | & (abs(long_glo(ig)*180./pi-zelon).le.180./real(iim))) then |
232 | ! count all points in that GCM grid point |
233 | nb_ice(ig,1) = nb_ice(ig,1) + 1 |
234 | if (zdata(i,j) > min_icevalue) |
235 | ! count all detected points in that GCM grid point |
236 | & nb_ice(ig,2) = nb_ice(ig,2) + 1 |
237 | endif |
238 | enddo |
239 | enddo |
240 | |
241 | ! projection of nb_ice on GCM lat and lon axes |
242 | latice(1+(ig-2)/iim,:) = |
243 | & latice(1+(ig-2)/iim,:) + nb_ice(ig,:) |
244 | lonice(1+mod(ig-2,iim),:) = |
245 | & lonice(1+mod(ig-2,iim),:) + nb_ice(ig,:) ! lonice is USELESS ... |
246 | |
247 | enddo ! of do ig=2,klon_glo-1 |
248 | |
249 | |
250 | |
251 | ! special case for poles |
252 | nb_ice(1,2) = 1 ! ice prescribed on north pole |
253 | latice(1,:) = nb_ice(1,:) |
254 | lonice(1,:) = nb_ice(1,:) |
255 | latice(jjm,:) = nb_ice(ngrid,:) |
256 | lonice(iim,:) = nb_ice(ngrid,:) |
257 | |
258 | |
259 | ! print*, 'latice TOT', latice(:,1) |
260 | ! print*, 'latice FOUND', latice(:,2) |
261 | ! print*, 'lonice TOT', lonice(:,1) |
262 | ! print*, 'lonice FOUND', lonice(:,2) |
263 | |
264 | ! print*, 'lat ratio', int(real(latice(:,2))/real(latice(:,1))*iim) |
265 | ! print*, 'lon ratio', int(real(lonice(:,2))/real(lonice(:,1))*jjm) |
266 | |
267 | ! print*,'' |
268 | ! print*,'sum lat', sum(latice(:,1)), sum(lonice(:,1)) |
269 | ! print*,'sum lon', sum(latice(:,2)), sum(lonice(:,2)) |
270 | |
271 | |
272 | ! loop over GCM latitudes. CONSIDER ONLY NORTHERN HEMISPHERE |
273 | do i=1,jjm/2 |
274 | step = 1. ! threshold to add ice cap |
275 | count = 0. ! number of ice GCM caps at this latitude |
276 | ! ratiolat is the ratio of area covered by ice within this GCM latitude range |
277 | ratiolat = real(latice(i,2))/real(latice(i,1)) |
278 | !print*,'i',i,(i-1)*iim+2,i*iim+1 |
279 | |
280 | ! put ice caps while there is not enough ice, |
281 | ! as long as the threshold is above 20% |
282 | do while ( (count .le. ratiolat*iim ) .and. (step .ge. 0.2)) |
283 | count = 0. |
284 | ! loop over GCM longitudes |
285 | do j=1,iim |
286 | ! if the detected ice ratio in the GCM grid point |
287 | ! is more than 'step', then add ice |
288 | if (real(nb_ice((i-1)*iim+1+j,2)) |
289 | & / real(nb_ice((i-1)*iim+1+j,1)) .ge. step) then |
290 | watercaptag_glo((i-1)*iim+1+j) = .true. |
291 | count = count + 1 |
292 | endif |
293 | enddo ! of do j=1,iim |
294 | !print*, 'step',step,count,ratiolat*iim |
295 | step = step - 0.01 |
296 | enddo ! of do while |
297 | !print*, 'step',step,count,ratiolat*iim |
298 | |
299 | enddo ! of do i=1,jjm/2 |
300 | |
301 | |
302 | ELSE IF (icelocationmode .eq. 2) THEN |
303 | |
304 | print*,'Surfini: predefined ice caps' |
305 | |
306 | if ((iim .eq. 32) .and. (jjm .eq. 24)) then ! 32x24 |
307 | |
308 | print*,'water ice caps distribution for 32x24 resolution' |
309 | longwatercaptag(1:9) = .true. ! central cap - core |
310 | longwatercaptag(26:33) = .true. ! central cap |
311 | longwatercaptag(1:33) = .true. ! central cap |
312 | longwatercaptag(56) = .true. ! central cap |
313 | longwatercaptag(58) = .true. ! central cap |
314 | longwatercaptag(60) = .true. ! central cap |
315 | longwatercaptag(62) = .true. ! central cap |
316 | longwatercaptag(64) = .true. ! central cap |
317 | !--------------------- OUTLIERS ---------------------------- |
318 | |
319 | else if ((iim .eq. 64) .and. (jjm .eq. 48)) then ! 64x48 |
320 | |
321 | print*,'water ice caps distribution for 64x48 resolution' |
322 | longwatercaptag(1:65) = .true. ! central cap - core |
323 | longwatercaptag(75:85) = .true. ! central cap |
324 | longwatercaptag(93:114) = .true. ! central cap |
325 | !--------------------- OUTLIERS ---------------------------- |
326 | if (.true.) then |
327 | longwatercaptag(136) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
328 | longwatercaptag(138) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
329 | longwatercaptag(140) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
330 | longwatercaptag(142) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
331 | longwatercaptag(161) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
332 | longwatercaptag(163) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
333 | longwatercaptag(165) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
334 | longwatercaptag(183) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
335 | longwatercaptag(185) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
336 | longwatercaptag(187) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
337 | longwatercaptag(189) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
338 | longwatercaptag(191) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
339 | longwatercaptag(193) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 78.75 |
340 | longwatercaptag(194) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
341 | longwatercaptag(203) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
342 | longwatercaptag(207) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
343 | longwatercaptag(244) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
344 | longwatercaptag(246) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
345 | longwatercaptag(250) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
346 | longwatercaptag(252) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
347 | longwatercaptag(254) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
348 | longwatercaptag(256) = .true. ! outlier, lat = 75 |
349 | endif |
350 | !-------------------------------------------------------------- |
351 | |
352 | |
353 | |
354 | else if (klon_glo .ne. 1) then |
355 | |
356 | print*,'No predefined ice location for this resolution :', |
357 | & iim,jjm |
358 | print*,'Please change icelocationmode in surfini.F' |
359 | print*,'Or add some new definitions ...' |
360 | call abort |
361 | |
362 | endif |
363 | |
364 | do ig=1,klon_glo |
365 | if (longwatercaptag(ig)) watercaptag_glo(ig) = .true. |
366 | enddo |
367 | |
368 | |
369 | ELSE IF (icelocationmode .eq. 3) THEN |
370 | |
371 | print*,'Surfini: ice caps defined by lat and lon values' |
372 | |
373 | do ig=1,klon_glo |
374 | |
375 | c-------- Towards olympia planitia water caps ----------- |
376 | c-------------------------------------------------------- |
377 | |
378 | if ( ( ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. 77. ) .and. ! cap #2 |
379 | . ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. 80. ) .and. |
380 | . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. 110. ) .and. |
381 | . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. 181. ) ) |
382 | . .or. |
383 | |
384 | . ( ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. 75. ) .and. ! cap #4 (Korolev crater) |
385 | . ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. 76. ) .and. |
386 | . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. 150. ) .and. |
387 | . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. 168. ) ) |
388 | . .or. |
389 | . ( ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. 77 ) .and. ! cap #5 |
390 | . ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. 80. ) .and. |
391 | . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. -150.) .and. |
392 | . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. -110.) ) ) |
393 | . then |
394 | |
395 | if ((alternate .eq. 0)) then ! 1/2 en 64x48 sinon trop large en lat |
396 | ! watercaptag(ig)=.true. |
397 | alternate = 1 |
398 | else |
399 | alternate = 0 |
400 | endif !end if alternate = 0 |
401 | |
402 | endif |
403 | |
404 | c----------- Opposite olympia planitia water cap -------- |
405 | c-------------------------------------------------------- |
406 | |
407 | if ( ( ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. 80 ) .and. |
408 | . ( lati_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. 84 ) ) |
409 | . .and. |
410 | . ( ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .lt. -95. ) .or. !!! 32x24 |
411 | . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .gt. 85. ) ) ) then !!! 32x24 |
412 | ! . ( ( ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. -29. ) .and. !!! 64x48 |
413 | ! . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. 90. ) ) .or. !!! 64x48 |
414 | ! . ( ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .ge. -77. ) .and. !!! 64x48 |
415 | ! . ( long_glo(ig)*180./pi .le. -70. ) ) ) ) then !!! 64x48 |
416 | ! watercaptag_glo(ig)=.true. |
417 | endif |
418 | |
419 | |
420 | c -------------------- Central cap ---------------------- |
421 | c-------------------------------------------------------- |
422 | |
423 | if (abs(lati_glo(ig)*180./pi).gt.80) |
424 | . watercaptag_glo(ig)=.true. |
425 | |
426 | c-------------------------------------------------------- |
427 | c-------------------------------------------------------- |
428 | end do ! of (klon_glo) |
429 | |
430 | |
431 | ELSE |
432 | |
433 | print*, 'In surfini.F, icelocationmode is ', icelocationmode |
434 | print*, 'It should be 1, 2 or 3.' |
435 | call abort |
436 | |
437 | ENDIF ! of if (icelocation) |
438 | |
439 | |
440 | ! print caps locations - useful for plots too |
441 | print*,'surfini: latitude | longitude | ig' |
442 | do ig=1,klon_glo |
443 | dryness_glo(ig) = icedryness |
444 | |
445 | if (watercaptag_glo(ig)) then |
446 | print*,'surfini: ice water cap', lati_glo(ig)*180./pi, |
447 | & long_glo(ig)*180./pi, ig |
448 | endif |
449 | enddo |
450 | |
451 | endif !of if (is_master) |
452 | |
453 | ! Now scatter fields watercaptag and dryness from master to all |
454 | ! (is just a plain copy in serial mode) |
455 | call scatter(dryness_glo,dryness) |
456 | call scatter(watercaptag_glo,watercaptag) |
457 | |
458 | ! end of #else of #ifdef MESOSCALE |
459 | ENDIF ! (caps & water) |
460 | #endif |
461 | |
462 | c =============================================================== |
464 | c =============================================================== |
465 | |
466 | write(*,*)"surfini: water frost thickness", |
467 | s frost_albedo_threshold |
468 | write(*,*)"surfini: water ice albedo:", albedo_h2o_ice |
469 | write(*,*)"surfini: water ice TI:", inert_h2o_ice |
470 | |
471 | c To start with : Initial albedo = observed dataset |
472 | c ------------------------------------------------- |
473 | DO ig=1,ngrid |
474 | psolaralb(ig,1)=albedodat(ig) |
475 | psolaralb(ig,2)=albedodat(ig) |
476 | END DO |
477 | PRINT*,'surfini: minimum albedo without water caps', |
478 | & minval(albedodat) |
479 | PRINT*,'surfini: maximum albedo without water caps', |
480 | & maxval(albedodat) |
481 | |
482 | c initial albedo if permanent H2O ice is present |
483 | c ------------------------------------------------ |
484 | IF ((water) .and. (caps)) THEN |
485 | DO ig=1,ngrid |
486 | IF (watercaptag(ig)) THEN |
487 | psolaralb(ig,1) = albedo_h2o_ice |
488 | psolaralb(ig,2) = albedo_h2o_ice |
489 | ENDIF |
490 | END DO |
491 | PRINT*,'surfini: minimum albedo with water caps', |
492 | & minval(albedodat) |
493 | PRINT*,'surfini: maximum albedo with water caps', |
494 | & maxval(albedodat) |
495 | |
496 | ENDIF |
497 | |
498 | c changing initial albedo if CO2 ice is present |
499 | c ------------------------------------------- |
500 | |
501 | DO ig=1,ngrid |
502 | IF (piceco2(ig) .GT. 0.) THEN |
503 | IF(lati(ig).LT. 0.) THEN |
504 | icap=2 ! Southern hemisphere |
505 | ELSE |
506 | icap=1 ! Northern hemisphere |
507 | ENDIF |
508 | psolaralb(ig,1) = albedice(icap) |
509 | psolaralb(ig,2) = albedice(icap) |
510 | END IF |
511 | END DO |
512 | |
513 | c changing initial albedo if water ice frost is present |
514 | c ------------------------------------------- |
515 | IF (water) THEN |
516 | do iq=1,nqmx |
517 | c if there is frost and surface albedo is set to albedo_h2o_ice |
518 | if(noms(iq).eq."h2o_ice") then |
519 | do ig=1,ngrid |
520 | |
521 | if ((watercaptag(ig).eqv..false.) |
522 | & .and. (qsurf(ig,iq).lt.-frost_albedo_threshold)) then |
523 | print*, '' |
524 | print*, '!!! PROBLEM in SURFINI !!!!' |
527 | print*, '' |
528 | print*, 'ig,qsurf,threshold' , |
529 | & ig, qsurf(ig,iq), -frost_albedo_threshold |
530 | print*, '' |
531 | print*, '1) Check h2o_ice in startfi and ice |
532 | & distribution in surfini' |
533 | print*, '2) Use ini_h2osurf option in newstart' |
534 | print*, '' |
535 | #ifndef MESOINI |
536 | CALL ABORT |
537 | #else |
538 | qsurf(ig,iq) = 0. |
539 | #endif |
540 | endif |
541 | |
542 | if ((piceco2(ig) .eq. 0.).and. |
543 | & (qsurf(ig,iq).gt.frost_albedo_threshold)) then |
544 | psolaralb(ig,1) = albedo_h2o_ice |
545 | psolaralb(ig,2) = albedo_h2o_ice |
546 | c PRINT*,'surfini.F frost', |
547 | c & lati(ig)*180./pi, long(ig)*180./pi |
548 | endif |
549 | enddo |
550 | endif |
551 | end do |
552 | PRINT*,'surfini: minimum albedo with frost and co2', |
553 | & minval(albedodat) |
554 | PRINT*,'surfini: maximum albedo with frost and co2', |
555 | & maxval(albedodat) |
556 | ELSE |
557 | watercaptag(:) = .false. |
558 | END IF ! OF IF(water) |
559 | |
560 | RETURN |
561 | END |