COMMON/surfdat/albedodat(ngridmx), & & phisfi(ngridmx),albedice(2),emisice(2),emissiv, & & TESice_Ncoef,TESice_Scoef, & & iceradius(2) , dtemisice(2), & & zmea(ngridmx),zstd(ngridmx), & & zsig(ngridmx),zgam(ngridmx),zthe(ngridmx), & & z0(ngridmx),z0_default, albedo_h2o_ice, inert_h2o_ice, & & frost_albedo_threshold COMMON/surfdatl/TESicealbedo,watercaptag,temptag real albedodat ! albedo of bare ground real phisfi ! geopotential at ground level real albedice ! default albedo for ice (1: North H. 2: South H.) real emisice ! ice emissivity; 1:Northern hemisphere 2:Southern hemisphere real emissiv ! emissivity of bare ground logical TESicealbedo ! use TES ice cap albedoes (if set to .true.) logical watercaptag(ngridmx) ! flag for water ice surface logical temptag !temp tag for water caps real albedo_h2o_ice ! water ice albedo real inert_h2o_ice ! water ice thermal inertia real frost_albedo_threshold ! water frost thickness on the ground (kg.m^-2, ie mm) real TESice_Ncoef ! coefficient for TES ice albedo in Northern hemisphere real TESice_Scoef ! coefficient for TES ice albedo in Southern hemisphere real iceradius , dtemisice real zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe real z0 ! surface roughness length (m) real z0_default ! default (constant over planet) surface roughness (m)