#!/bin/bash # sanity check: do we have the required argument ? if (( $# != 1 )) then echo "Wrong number of parameters in $0 !!!" echo " Usage:" echo " $0 num" echo " where num is the number of scatterers" exit fi filename=scatterers.$1 if [ ! -f $filename ] ; then # if the file doesn't exist, we create it cat << EOF > $filename !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'scatterers.h' ! ! Number of kind of tracer radiative properties ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! (ex: naerkind=1 if you use one dust mode without ice ...) ! (ex: naerkind=2 if you use one dust mode and active ice ...) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: naerkind=$1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF else echo "$filename already exists!" fi # remove 'old' scatterers.h file and replace it with new one \rm -f ../scatterers.h tar cf - $filename | ( cd .. ; tar xf - ; mv $filename scatterers.h ) # line above is a trick to preserve time of creation of scatterers.# files