1 | C====================================================================== |
2 | PROGRAM newstart |
3 | c======================================================================= |
4 | c |
5 | c |
6 | c Auteur: Christophe Hourdin/Francois Forget/Yann Wanherdrick |
7 | c ------ |
8 | c Derniere modif : 12/03 |
9 | c |
10 | c |
11 | c Objet: Create or modify the initial state for the LMD Mars GCM |
12 | c ----- (fichiers NetCDF start et startfi) |
13 | c |
14 | c |
15 | c======================================================================= |
16 | |
17 | ! to use 'getin' |
18 | use ioipsl_getincom, only: getin |
19 | use infotrac, only: iniadvtrac, nqtot, tname |
20 | use tracer_mod, only: noms, igcm_dust_number, igcm_dust_mass, |
21 | & igcm_ccn_number, igcm_ccn_mass, |
22 | & igcm_h2o_vap, igcm_h2o_ice |
23 | use surfdat_h, only: phisfi, z0, zmea, zstd, zsig, zgam, zthe, |
24 | & albedodat, z0_default |
25 | use comsoil_h, only: inertiedat, layer, mlayer, nsoilmx |
26 | use control_mod, only: day_step, iphysiq, anneeref |
27 | use phyredem, only: physdem0, physdem1 |
28 | use iostart, only: open_startphy |
29 | use comgeomphy, only: initcomgeomphy |
30 | use planete_h |
31 | implicit none |
32 | |
33 | #include "dimensions.h" |
34 | integer, parameter :: ngridmx = (2+(jjm-1)*iim - 1/jjm) |
35 | #include "dimphys.h" |
36 | !#include "surfdat.h" |
37 | !#include "comsoil.h" |
38 | !#include "dimradmars.h" |
39 | !#include "yomaer.h" |
40 | #include "paramet.h" |
41 | #include "comconst.h" |
42 | #include "comvert.h" |
43 | #include "comgeom2.h" |
44 | !#include "control.h" |
45 | #include "logic.h" |
46 | #include "description.h" |
47 | #include "ener.h" |
48 | #include "temps.h" |
49 | !#include "lmdstd.h" |
50 | #include "comdissnew.h" |
51 | #include "clesph0.h" |
52 | #include "serre.h" |
53 | #include "netcdf.inc" |
54 | !#include"advtrac.h" |
55 | !#include"tracer.h" |
56 | #include "datafile.h" |
57 | c======================================================================= |
58 | c Declarations |
59 | c======================================================================= |
60 | |
61 | c Variables dimension du fichier "start_archive" |
62 | c------------------------------------ |
63 | CHARACTER relief*3 |
64 | |
65 | c et autres: |
66 | c---------- |
67 | |
68 | c Variables pour les lectures NetCDF des fichiers "start_archive" |
69 | c-------------------------------------------------- |
70 | INTEGER nid_dyn, nid_fi,nid,nvarid |
71 | ! INTEGER size |
72 | INTEGER length |
73 | parameter (length = 100) |
74 | INTEGER tab0 |
76 | parameter (NB_ETATMAX = 100) |
77 | |
78 | REAL date |
79 | REAL p_rad,p_omeg,p_g,p_mugaz,p_daysec |
80 | |
81 | c Variable histoire |
82 | c------------------ |
83 | REAL vcov(iip1,jjm,llm),ucov(iip1,jjp1,llm) ! vents covariants |
84 | REAL phis(iip1,jjp1) |
85 | REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: q(:,:,:,:) ! champs advectes |
86 | |
87 | c autre variables dynamique nouvelle grille |
88 | c------------------------------------------ |
89 | REAL pks(iip1,jjp1) |
90 | REAL w(iip1,jjp1,llm+1) |
91 | REAL pbaru(ip1jmp1,llm),pbarv(ip1jm,llm) |
92 | ! REAL dv(ip1jm,llm),du(ip1jmp1,llm) |
93 | ! REAL dh(ip1jmp1,llm),dp(ip1jmp1) |
94 | REAL phi(iip1,jjp1,llm) |
95 | |
96 | integer klatdat,klongdat |
97 | PARAMETER (klatdat=180,klongdat=360) |
98 | |
99 | c Physique sur grille scalaire |
100 | c---------------------------- |
101 | real zmeaS(iip1,jjp1),zstdS(iip1,jjp1) |
102 | real zsigS(iip1,jjp1),zgamS(iip1,jjp1),ztheS(iip1,jjp1) |
103 | real z0S(iip1,jjp1) |
104 | |
105 | c variable physique |
106 | c------------------ |
107 | REAL tsurf(ngridmx) ! surface temperature |
108 | REAL tsoil(ngridmx,nsoilmx) ! soil temperature |
109 | REAL co2ice(ngridmx) ! CO2 ice layer |
110 | REAL emis(ngridmx) ! surface emissivity |
111 | REAL tauscaling(ngridmx) ! dust conversion factor |
112 | REAL tauscadyn(iip1,jjp1) ! dust conversion factor on the dynamics grid |
113 | REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: qsurf(:,:) |
114 | REAL q2(ngridmx,nlayermx+1) |
115 | ! REAL rnaturfi(ngridmx) |
116 | real alb(iip1,jjp1),albfi(ngridmx) ! albedos |
117 | real ith(iip1,jjp1,nsoilmx),ithfi(ngridmx,nsoilmx) ! thermal inertia (3D) |
118 | real surfith(iip1,jjp1),surfithfi(ngridmx) ! surface thermal inertia (2D) |
119 | REAL latfi(ngridmx),lonfi(ngridmx),airefi(ngridmx) |
120 | |
121 | INTEGER i,j,l,isoil,ig,idum |
122 | real mugaz ! molar mass of the atmosphere |
123 | |
124 | EXTERNAL iniconst,geopot,inigeom |
125 | integer ierr !, nbetat |
126 | integer ismin |
127 | external ismin |
128 | |
129 | c Variables on the new grid along scalar points |
130 | c------------------------------------------------------ |
131 | ! REAL p(iip1,jjp1) |
132 | REAL t(iip1,jjp1,llm) |
133 | real phisold_newgrid(iip1,jjp1) |
134 | REAL :: teta(iip1, jjp1, llm) |
135 | REAL :: pk(iip1,jjp1,llm) |
136 | REAL :: pkf(iip1,jjp1,llm) |
137 | REAL :: ps(iip1, jjp1) |
138 | REAL :: masse(iip1,jjp1,llm) |
139 | REAL :: xpn,xps,xppn(iim),xpps(iim) |
140 | REAL :: p3d(iip1, jjp1, llm+1) |
141 | REAL :: beta(iip1,jjp1,llm) |
142 | ! REAL dteta(ip1jmp1,llm) |
143 | |
144 | c Variable de l'ancienne grille |
145 | c------------------------------ |
146 | real time |
147 | real tab_cntrl(100) |
148 | real tab_cntrl_bis(100) |
149 | |
150 | c variables diverses |
151 | c------------------- |
152 | real choix_1 ! ==0 : read start_archive file ; ==1: read start files |
153 | character*80 fichnom |
154 | integer Lmodif,iq |
155 | integer flagthermo, flagh2o |
156 | character modif*20 |
157 | real z_reel(iip1,jjp1) |
158 | real tsud,albsud,alb_bb,ith_bb,Tiso |
159 | real ptoto,pcap,patm,airetot,ptotn,patmn |
160 | ! real ssum |
161 | character*1 yes |
162 | logical :: flagiso=.false. , flagps0=.false. |
163 | real val, val2, val3 ! to store temporary variables |
164 | real :: iceith=2000 ! thermal inertia of subterranean ice |
165 | real :: iceithN,iceithS ! values of thermal inertias in N & S hemispheres |
166 | integer iref,jref |
167 | |
168 | INTEGER :: itau |
169 | |
170 | INTEGER :: numvanle |
171 | character(len=50) :: txt ! to store some text |
172 | integer :: count |
173 | real :: profile(llm+1) ! to store an atmospheric profile + surface value |
174 | |
175 | ! MONS data: |
176 | real :: MONS_Hdn(iip1,jjp1) ! Hdn: %WEH=Mass fraction of H2O |
177 | real :: MONS_d21(iip1,jjp1) ! ice table "depth" (in kg/m2) |
178 | ! coefficient to apply to convert d21 to 'true' depth (m) |
179 | real :: MONS_coeff |
180 | real :: MONS_coeffS ! coeff for southern hemisphere |
181 | real :: MONS_coeffN ! coeff for northern hemisphere |
182 | ! real,parameter :: icedepthmin=1.e-3 ! Ice begins at most at that depth |
183 | |
184 | c sortie visu pour les champs dynamiques |
185 | c--------------------------------------- |
186 | ! INTEGER :: visuid |
187 | ! real :: time_step,t_ops,t_wrt |
188 | ! CHARACTER*80 :: visu_file |
189 | |
190 | cpp = 744.499 ! for Mars, instead of 1004.70885 (Earth) |
191 | preff = 610. ! for Mars, instead of 101325. (Earth) |
192 | pa= 20 ! for Mars, instead of 500 (Earth) |
193 | |
194 | ! initialize "serial/parallel" related stuff |
195 | CALL init_phys_lmdz(iim,jjp1,llm,1,(/(jjm-1)*iim+2/)) |
196 | call initcomgeomphy |
197 | |
198 | ! Load tracer number and names: |
199 | call iniadvtrac(nqtot,numvanle) |
200 | ! allocate arrays |
201 | allocate(q(iip1,jjp1,llm,nqtot)) |
202 | allocate(qsurf(ngridmx,nqtot)) |
203 | |
204 | c======================================================================= |
205 | c Choice of the start file(s) to use |
206 | c======================================================================= |
207 | |
208 | write(*,*) 'From which kind of files do you want to create new', |
209 | . 'start and startfi files' |
210 | write(*,*) ' 0 - from a file start_archive' |
211 | write(*,*) ' 1 - from files start and startfi' |
212 | |
213 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
214 | c Open file(s) to modify (start or start_archive) |
215 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
216 | |
217 | DO |
218 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) choix_1 |
219 | if ((choix_1 /= 0).OR.(choix_1 /=1)) EXIT |
220 | ENDDO |
221 | |
222 | c Open start_archive |
223 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
224 | if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
225 | |
226 | write(*,*) 'Creating start files from:' |
227 | write(*,*) './start_archive.nc' |
228 | write(*,*) |
229 | fichnom = 'start_archive.nc' |
230 | ierr = NF_OPEN (fichnom, NF_NOWRITE,nid) |
231 | IF (ierr.NE.NF_NOERR) THEN |
232 | write(6,*)' Problem opening file:',fichnom |
233 | write(6,*)' ierr = ', ierr |
234 | CALL ABORT |
235 | ENDIF |
236 | tab0 = 50 |
237 | Lmodif = 1 |
238 | |
239 | c OR open start and startfi files |
240 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
241 | else |
242 | write(*,*) 'Creating start files from:' |
243 | write(*,*) './start.nc and ./startfi.nc' |
244 | write(*,*) |
245 | fichnom = 'start.nc' |
246 | ierr = NF_OPEN (fichnom, NF_NOWRITE,nid_dyn) |
247 | IF (ierr.NE.NF_NOERR) THEN |
248 | write(6,*)' Problem opening file:',fichnom |
249 | write(6,*)' ierr = ', ierr |
250 | CALL ABORT |
251 | ENDIF |
252 | |
253 | fichnom = 'startfi.nc' |
254 | ierr = NF_OPEN (fichnom, NF_NOWRITE,nid_fi) |
255 | IF (ierr.NE.NF_NOERR) THEN |
256 | write(6,*)' Problem opening file:',fichnom |
257 | write(6,*)' ierr = ', ierr |
258 | CALL ABORT |
259 | ENDIF |
260 | |
261 | tab0 = 0 |
262 | Lmodif = 0 |
263 | |
264 | endif |
265 | |
266 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
267 | c Lecture du tableau des parametres du run (pour la dynamique) |
268 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
269 | |
270 | if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
271 | |
272 | write(*,*) 'reading tab_cntrl START_ARCHIVE' |
273 | c |
274 | ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid, "controle", nvarid) |
275 | #ifdef NC_DOUBLE |
276 | ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid, nvarid, tab_cntrl) |
277 | #else |
278 | ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid, nvarid, tab_cntrl) |
279 | #endif |
280 | c |
281 | else if (choix_1.eq.1) then |
282 | |
283 | write(*,*) 'reading tab_cntrl START' |
284 | c |
285 | ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid_dyn, "controle", nvarid) |
286 | #ifdef NC_DOUBLE |
287 | ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid_dyn, nvarid, tab_cntrl) |
288 | #else |
289 | ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid_dyn, nvarid, tab_cntrl) |
290 | #endif |
291 | c |
292 | write(*,*) 'reading tab_cntrl STARTFI' |
293 | c |
294 | ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid_fi, "controle", nvarid) |
295 | #ifdef NC_DOUBLE |
296 | ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid_fi, nvarid, tab_cntrl_bis) |
297 | #else |
298 | ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid_fi, nvarid, tab_cntrl_bis) |
299 | #endif |
300 | c |
301 | do i=1,50 |
302 | tab_cntrl(i+50)=tab_cntrl_bis(i) |
303 | enddo |
304 | write(*,*) 'printing tab_cntrl', tab_cntrl |
305 | do i=1,100 |
306 | write(*,*) i,tab_cntrl(i) |
307 | enddo |
308 | |
309 | endif |
310 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
311 | c Initialisation des constantes dynamique |
312 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
313 | |
314 | kappa = tab_cntrl(9) |
315 | etot0 = tab_cntrl(12) |
316 | ptot0 = tab_cntrl(13) |
317 | ztot0 = tab_cntrl(14) |
318 | stot0 = tab_cntrl(15) |
319 | ang0 = tab_cntrl(16) |
320 | write(*,*) "Newstart: kappa,etot0,ptot0,ztot0,stot0,ang0" |
321 | write(*,*) kappa,etot0,ptot0,ztot0,stot0,ang0 |
322 | |
323 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
324 | c Lecture du tab_cntrl et initialisation des constantes physiques |
325 | c - pour start: Lmodif = 0 => pas de modifications possibles |
326 | c (modif dans le tabfi de readfi + loin) |
327 | c - pour start_archive: Lmodif = 1 => modifications possibles |
328 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
329 | if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
330 | ! tabfi requires that input file be first opened by open_startphy(fichnom) |
331 | fichnom = 'start_archive.nc' |
332 | call open_startphy(fichnom) |
333 | call tabfi (nid,Lmodif,tab0,day_ini,lllm,p_rad, |
334 | . p_omeg,p_g,p_mugaz,p_daysec,time) |
335 | else if (choix_1.eq.1) then |
336 | fichnom = 'startfi.nc' |
337 | call open_startphy(fichnom) |
338 | call tabfi (nid_fi,Lmodif,tab0,day_ini,lllm,p_rad, |
339 | . p_omeg,p_g,p_mugaz,p_daysec,time) |
340 | endif |
341 | |
342 | rad = p_rad |
343 | omeg = p_omeg |
344 | g = p_g |
345 | mugaz = p_mugaz |
346 | daysec = p_daysec |
347 | ! write(*,*) 'aire',aire |
348 | |
349 | |
350 | c======================================================================= |
352 | c======================================================================= |
353 | |
354 | day_step=180 !?! Note: day_step is a common in "control.h" |
355 | CALL defrun_new( 99, .TRUE. ) |
356 | CALL iniconst |
357 | CALL inigeom |
358 | idum=-1 |
359 | idum=0 |
360 | |
361 | c Initialisation coordonnees /aires |
362 | c ------------------------------- |
363 | ! Note: rlatu(:) and rlonv(:) are commons defined in "comgeom.h" |
364 | ! rlatu() and rlonv() are given in radians |
365 | latfi(1)=rlatu(1) |
366 | lonfi(1)=0. |
367 | DO j=2,jjm |
368 | DO i=1,iim |
369 | latfi((j-2)*iim+1+i)=rlatu(j) |
370 | lonfi((j-2)*iim+1+i)=rlonv(i) |
371 | ENDDO |
372 | ENDDO |
373 | latfi(ngridmx)=rlatu(jjp1) |
374 | lonfi(ngridmx)=0. |
375 | |
376 | ! build airefi(), mesh area on physics grid |
377 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,aire,airefi) |
378 | ! Poles are single points on physics grid |
379 | airefi(1)=airefi(1)*iim |
380 | airefi(ngridmx)=airefi(ngridmx)*iim |
381 | |
382 | ! also initialize various physics flags/settings which might be needed |
383 | ! (for instance initracer needs to know about some flags, and/or |
384 | ! 'datafile' path may be changed by user) |
385 | call phys_state_var_init(ngridmx,llm,nqtot, |
386 | . latfi,lonfi,airefi, |
387 | . daysec,dtphys,rad,g,r,cpp) |
388 | call conf_phys(nqtot) |
389 | |
390 | c======================================================================= |
391 | c lecture topographie, albedo, inertie thermique, relief sous-maille |
392 | c======================================================================= |
393 | |
394 | if (choix_1.ne.1) then ! pour ne pas avoir besoin du fichier |
395 | ! surface.dat dans le cas des start |
396 | |
397 | c do while((relief(1:3).ne.'mol').AND.(relief(1:3).ne.'pla')) |
398 | c write(*,*) |
399 | c write(*,*) 'choix du relief (mola,pla)' |
400 | c write(*,*) '(Topographie MGS MOLA, plat)' |
401 | c read(*,fmt='(a3)') relief |
402 | relief="mola" |
403 | c enddo |
404 | |
405 | CALL datareadnc(relief,phis,alb,surfith,z0S, |
406 | & zmeaS,zstdS,zsigS,zgamS,ztheS) |
407 | |
408 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,phis,phisfi) |
409 | ! CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) |
410 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,surfith,surfithfi) |
411 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) |
412 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,z0S,z0) |
413 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,zmeaS,zmea) |
414 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,zstdS,zstd) |
415 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,zsigS,zsig) |
416 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,zgamS,zgam) |
417 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ztheS,zthe) |
418 | |
419 | endif ! of if (choix_1.ne.1) |
420 | |
421 | |
422 | c======================================================================= |
423 | c Lecture des fichiers (start ou start_archive) |
424 | c======================================================================= |
425 | |
426 | if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
427 | |
428 | write(*,*) 'Reading file START_ARCHIVE' |
429 | CALL lect_start_archive(ngridmx,llm,nqtot, |
430 | & date,tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2, |
431 | & t,ucov,vcov,ps,co2ice,teta,phisold_newgrid,q,qsurf, |
432 | & tauscaling,surfith,nid) |
433 | write(*,*) "OK, read start_archive file" |
434 | ! copy soil thermal inertia |
435 | ithfi(:,:)=inertiedat(:,:) |
436 | |
437 | ierr= NF_CLOSE(nid) |
438 | |
439 | else if (choix_1.eq.1) then ! c'est l'appel a tabfi de phyeta0 qui |
440 | ! permet de changer les valeurs du |
441 | ! tab_cntrl Lmodif=1 |
442 | tab0=0 |
443 | Lmodif=1 ! Lmodif set to 1 to allow modifications in phyeta0 |
444 | write(*,*) 'Reading file START' |
445 | fichnom = 'start.nc' |
446 | CALL dynetat0(fichnom,nqtot,vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse, |
447 | . ps,phis,time) |
448 | |
449 | write(*,*) 'Reading file STARTFI' |
450 | fichnom = 'startfi.nc' |
451 | CALL phyetat0 (fichnom,tab0,Lmodif,nsoilmx,ngridmx,llm,nqtot, |
452 | . day_ini,time, |
453 | . tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf,co2ice,tauscaling) |
454 | |
455 | ! copy albedo and soil thermal inertia |
456 | do i=1,ngridmx |
457 | albfi(i) = albedodat(i) |
458 | do j=1,nsoilmx |
459 | ithfi(i,j) = inertiedat(i,j) |
460 | enddo |
461 | ! build a surfithfi(:) using 1st layer of ithfi(:), which might |
462 | ! be neede later on if reinitializing soil thermal inertia |
463 | surfithfi(i)=ithfi(i,1) |
464 | enddo |
465 | |
466 | else |
467 | CALL exit(1) |
468 | endif |
469 | |
470 | dtvr = daysec/REAL(day_step) |
471 | dtphys = dtvr * REAL(iphysiq) |
472 | |
473 | c======================================================================= |
474 | c |
475 | c======================================================================= |
476 | ! If tracer names follow 'old' convention (q01, q02, ...) then |
477 | ! rename them |
478 | count=0 |
479 | do iq=1,nqtot |
480 | txt=" " |
481 | write(txt,'(a1,i2.2)') 'q',iq |
482 | if (txt.eq.tname(iq)) then |
483 | count=count+1 |
484 | endif |
485 | enddo ! of do iq=1,nqtot |
486 | |
487 | ! initialize tracer names noms(:) and indexes (igcm_co2, igcm_h2o_vap, ...) |
488 | call initracer(ngridmx,nqtot,qsurf) |
489 | |
490 | if (count.eq.nqtot) then |
491 | write(*,*) 'Newstart: updating tracer names' |
492 | ! copy noms(:) to tname(:) to have matching tracer names in physics |
493 | ! and dynamics |
494 | tname(1:nqtot)=noms(1:nqtot) |
495 | endif |
496 | |
497 | c======================================================================= |
498 | c |
499 | c======================================================================= |
500 | |
501 | do ! infinite loop on list of changes |
502 | |
503 | write(*,*) |
504 | write(*,*) |
505 | write(*,*) 'List of possible changes :' |
506 | write(*,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
507 | write(*,*) |
508 | write(*,*) 'flat : no topography ("aquaplanet")' |
509 | write(*,*) 'bilball : uniform albedo and thermal inertia' |
510 | write(*,*) 'z0 : set a uniform surface roughness length' |
511 | write(*,*) 'coldspole : cold subsurface and high albedo at |
512 | $ S.Pole' |
513 | write(*,*) 'qname : change tracer name' |
514 | write(*,*) 'q=0 : ALL tracer =zero' |
515 | write(*,*) 'q=x : give a specific uniform value to one |
516 | $ tracer' |
517 | write(*,*) 'q=profile : specify a profile for a tracer' |
518 | write(*,*) 'freedust : rescale dust to a true value' |
519 | write(*,*) 'ini_q : tracers initialization for chemistry |
520 | $ and water vapour' |
521 | write(*,*) 'ini_q-h2o : tracers initialization for chemistry |
522 | $ only' |
523 | write(*,*) 'ini_h2osurf : reinitialize surface water ice ' |
524 | write(*,*) 'noglacier : Remove tropical H2O ice if |lat|<45' |
525 | write(*,*) 'watercapn : H20 ice on permanent N polar cap ' |
526 | write(*,*) 'watercaps : H20 ice on permanent S polar cap ' |
527 | write(*,*) 'wetstart : start with a wet atmosphere' |
528 | write(*,*) 'isotherm : Isothermal Temperatures, wind set to |
529 | $ zero' |
530 | write(*,*) 'co2ice=0 : remove CO2 polar cap' |
531 | write(*,*) 'ptot : change total pressure' |
532 | write(*,*) 'therm_ini_s : set soil thermal inertia to reference |
533 | $ surface values' |
534 | write(*,*) 'subsoilice_n : put deep underground ice layer in |
535 | $ northern hemisphere' |
536 | write(*,*) 'subsoilice_s : put deep underground ice layer in |
537 | $ southern hemisphere' |
538 | write(*,*) 'mons_ice : put underground ice layer according |
539 | $ to MONS derived data' |
540 | |
541 | write(*,*) |
542 | write(*,*) 'Change to perform ?' |
543 | write(*,*) ' (enter keyword or return to end)' |
544 | write(*,*) |
545 | |
546 | read(*,fmt='(a20)') modif |
547 | if (modif(1:1) .eq. ' ') exit ! exit loop on changes |
548 | |
549 | write(*,*) |
550 | write(*,*) trim(modif) , ' : ' |
551 | |
552 | c 'flat : no topography ("aquaplanet")' |
553 | c ------------------------------------- |
554 | if (trim(modif) .eq. 'flat') then |
555 | c set topo to zero |
556 | CALL initial0(ip1jmp1,z_reel) |
557 | CALL multscal(ip1jmp1,z_reel,g,phis) |
558 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,phis,phisfi) |
559 | write(*,*) 'topography set to zero.' |
560 | write(*,*) 'WARNING : the subgrid topography parameters', |
561 | & ' were not set to zero ! => set calllott to F' |
562 | |
563 | c Choice for surface pressure |
564 | yes=' ' |
565 | do while ((yes.ne.'y').and.(yes.ne.'n')) |
566 | write(*,*) 'Do you wish to choose homogeneous surface', |
567 | & 'pressure (y) or let newstart interpolate ', |
568 | & ' the previous field (n)?' |
569 | read(*,fmt='(a)') yes |
570 | end do |
571 | if (yes.eq.'y') then |
572 | flagps0=.true. |
573 | write(*,*) 'New value for ps (Pa) ?' |
574 | 201 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) patm |
575 | if(ierr.ne.0) goto 201 |
576 | write(*,*) |
577 | write(*,*) ' new ps everywhere (Pa) = ', patm |
578 | write(*,*) |
579 | do j=1,jjp1 |
580 | do i=1,iip1 |
581 | ps(i,j)=patm |
582 | enddo |
583 | enddo |
584 | end if |
585 | |
586 | c bilball : albedo, inertie thermique uniforme |
587 | c -------------------------------------------- |
588 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'bilball') then |
589 | write(*,*) 'constante albedo and iner.therm:' |
590 | write(*,*) 'New value for albedo (ex: 0.25) ?' |
591 | 101 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) alb_bb |
592 | if(ierr.ne.0) goto 101 |
593 | write(*,*) |
594 | write(*,*) ' uniform albedo (new value):',alb_bb |
595 | write(*,*) |
596 | |
597 | write(*,*) 'New value for thermal inertia (eg: 247) ?' |
598 | 102 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) ith_bb |
599 | if(ierr.ne.0) goto 102 |
600 | write(*,*) 'uniform thermal inertia (new value):',ith_bb |
601 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
602 | DO i=1,iip1 |
603 | alb(i,j) = alb_bb ! albedo |
604 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx |
605 | ith(i,j,isoil) = ith_bb ! thermal inertia |
606 | enddo |
607 | END DO |
608 | END DO |
609 | ! CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) |
610 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) |
611 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) |
612 | |
613 | ! also reset surface roughness length to default value |
614 | write(*,*) 'surface roughness length set to:',z0_default,' m' |
615 | z0(:)=z0_default |
616 | |
617 | ! z0 : set surface roughness length to a constant value |
618 | ! ----------------------------------------------------- |
619 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'z0') then |
620 | write(*,*) 'set a uniform surface roughness length' |
621 | write(*,*) ' value for z0_default (ex: ',z0_default,')?' |
622 | ierr=1 |
623 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
624 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) z0_default |
625 | enddo |
626 | z0(:)=z0_default |
627 | |
628 | c coldspole : sous-sol de la calotte sud toujours froid |
629 | c ----------------------------------------------------- |
630 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'coldspole') then |
631 | write(*,*)'new value for the subsurface temperature', |
632 | & ' beneath the permanent southern polar cap ? (eg: 141 K)' |
633 | 103 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) tsud |
634 | if(ierr.ne.0) goto 103 |
635 | write(*,*) |
636 | write(*,*) ' new value of the subsurface temperature:',tsud |
637 | c nouvelle temperature sous la calotte permanente |
638 | do l=2,nsoilmx |
639 | tsoil(ngridmx,l) = tsud |
640 | end do |
641 | |
642 | |
643 | write(*,*)'new value for the albedo', |
644 | & 'of the permanent southern polar cap ? (eg: 0.75)' |
645 | 104 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) albsud |
646 | if(ierr.ne.0) goto 104 |
647 | write(*,*) |
648 | |
649 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
650 | c Option 1: only the albedo of the pole is modified : |
651 | albfi(ngridmx)=albsud |
652 | write(*,*) 'ig=',ngridmx,' albedo perennial cap ', |
653 | & albfi(ngridmx) |
654 | |
655 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
656 | c Option 2 A haute resolution : coordonnee de la vrai calotte ~ |
657 | c DO j=1,jjp1 |
658 | c DO i=1,iip1 |
659 | c ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i |
660 | c if(j.eq.1) ig=1 |
661 | c if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx |
662 | c if ((rlatu(j)*180./pi.lt.-84.).and. |
663 | c & (rlatu(j)*180./pi.gt.-91.).and. |
664 | c & (rlonv(i)*180./pi.gt.-91.).and. |
665 | c & (rlonv(i)*180./pi.lt.0.)) then |
666 | cc albedo de la calotte permanente fixe a albsud |
667 | c alb(i,j)=albsud |
668 | c write(*,*) 'lat=',rlatu(j)*180./pi, |
669 | c & ' lon=',rlonv(i)*180./pi |
670 | cc fin de la condition sur les limites de la calotte permanente |
671 | c end if |
672 | c ENDDO |
673 | c ENDDO |
674 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
675 | |
676 | c CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) |
677 | |
678 | |
679 | c ptot : Modification of the total pressure: ice + current atmosphere |
680 | c ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
681 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'ptot') then |
682 | |
683 | c calcul de la pression totale glace + atm actuelle |
684 | patm=0. |
685 | airetot=0. |
686 | pcap=0. |
687 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
688 | DO i=1,iim |
689 | ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i |
690 | if(j.eq.1) ig=1 |
691 | if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx |
692 | patm = patm + ps(i,j)*aire(i,j) |
693 | airetot= airetot + aire(i,j) |
694 | pcap = pcap + aire(i,j)*co2ice(ig)*g |
695 | ENDDO |
696 | ENDDO |
697 | ptoto = pcap + patm |
698 | |
699 | print*,'Current total pressure at surface (co2 ice + atm) ', |
700 | & ptoto/airetot |
701 | |
702 | print*,'new value?' |
703 | read(*,*) ptotn |
704 | ptotn=ptotn*airetot |
705 | patmn=ptotn-pcap |
706 | print*,'ptoto,patm,ptotn,patmn' |
707 | print*,ptoto,patm,ptotn,patmn |
708 | print*,'Mult. factor for pressure (atm only)', patmn/patm |
709 | do j=1,jjp1 |
710 | do i=1,iip1 |
711 | ps(i,j)=ps(i,j)*patmn/patm |
712 | enddo |
713 | enddo |
714 | |
715 | c Correction pour la conservation des traceurs |
716 | yes=' ' |
717 | do while ((yes.ne.'y').and.(yes.ne.'n')) |
718 | write(*,*) 'Do you wish to conserve tracer total mass (y)', |
719 | & ' or tracer mixing ratio (n) ?' |
720 | read(*,fmt='(a)') yes |
721 | end do |
722 | |
723 | if (yes.eq.'y') then |
724 | write(*,*) 'OK : conservation of tracer total mass' |
725 | DO iq =1, nqtot |
726 | DO l=1,llm |
727 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
728 | DO i=1,iip1 |
729 | q(i,j,l,iq)=q(i,j,l,iq)*patm/patmn |
730 | ENDDO |
731 | ENDDO |
732 | ENDDO |
733 | ENDDO |
734 | else |
735 | write(*,*) 'OK : conservation of tracer mixing ratio' |
736 | end if |
737 | |
738 | c qname : change tracer name |
739 | c -------------------------- |
740 | else if (trim(modif).eq.'qname') then |
741 | yes='y' |
742 | do while (yes.eq.'y') |
743 | write(*,*) 'Which tracer name do you want to change ?' |
744 | do iq=1,nqtot |
745 | write(*,'(i3,a3,a20)')iq,' : ',trim(tname(iq)) |
746 | enddo |
747 | write(*,'(a35,i3)') |
748 | & '(enter tracer number; between 1 and ',nqtot |
749 | write(*,*)' or any other value to quit this option)' |
750 | read(*,*) iq |
751 | if ((iq.ge.1).and.(iq.le.nqtot)) then |
752 | write(*,*)'Change tracer name ',trim(tname(iq)),' to ?' |
753 | read(*,*) txt |
754 | tname(iq)=txt |
755 | write(*,*)'Do you want to change another tracer name (y/n)?' |
756 | read(*,'(a)') yes |
757 | else |
758 | ! inapropiate value of iq; quit this option |
759 | yes='n' |
760 | endif ! of if ((iq.ge.1).and.(iq.le.nqtot)) |
761 | enddo ! of do while (yes.ne.'y') |
762 | |
763 | c q=0 : set tracers to zero |
764 | c ------------------------- |
765 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'q=0') then |
766 | c mise a 0 des q (traceurs) |
767 | write(*,*) 'Tracers set to 0 (1.E-30 in fact)' |
768 | DO iq =1, nqtot |
769 | DO l=1,llm |
770 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
771 | DO i=1,iip1 |
772 | q(i,j,l,iq)=1.e-30 |
773 | ENDDO |
774 | ENDDO |
775 | ENDDO |
776 | ENDDO |
777 | |
778 | c set surface tracers to zero |
779 | DO iq =1, nqtot |
780 | DO ig=1,ngridmx |
781 | qsurf(ig,iq)=0. |
782 | ENDDO |
783 | ENDDO |
784 | |
785 | c q=x : initialise tracer manually |
786 | c -------------------------------- |
787 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'q=x') then |
788 | write(*,*) 'Which tracer do you want to modify ?' |
789 | do iq=1,nqtot |
790 | write(*,*)iq,' : ',trim(tname(iq)) |
791 | enddo |
792 | write(*,*) '(choose between 1 and ',nqtot,')' |
793 | read(*,*) iq |
794 | if ((iq.lt.1).or.(iq.gt.nqtot)) then |
795 | ! wrong value for iq, go back to menu |
796 | write(*,*) "wrong input value:",iq |
797 | cycle |
798 | endif |
799 | write(*,*)'mixing ratio of tracer ',trim(tname(iq)), |
800 | & ' ? (kg/kg)' |
801 | read(*,*) val |
802 | DO l=1,llm |
803 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
804 | DO i=1,iip1 |
805 | q(i,j,l,iq)=val |
806 | ENDDO |
807 | ENDDO |
808 | ENDDO |
809 | write(*,*) 'SURFACE value of tracer ',trim(tname(iq)), |
810 | & ' ? (kg/m2)' |
811 | read(*,*) val |
812 | DO ig=1,ngridmx |
813 | qsurf(ig,iq)=val |
814 | ENDDO |
815 | |
816 | c q=profile : initialize tracer with a given profile |
817 | c -------------------------------------------------- |
818 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'q=profile') then |
819 | write(*,*) 'Tracer profile will be sought in ASCII file' |
820 | write(*,*) "'profile_tracer' where 'tracer' is tracer name" |
821 | write(*,*) "(one value per line in file; starting with" |
822 | write(*,*) "surface value, the 1st atmospheric layer" |
823 | write(*,*) "followed by 2nd, etc. up to top of atmosphere)" |
824 | write(*,*) 'Which tracer do you want to set?' |
825 | do iq=1,nqtot |
826 | write(*,*)iq,' : ',trim(tname(iq)) |
827 | enddo |
828 | write(*,*) '(choose between 1 and ',nqtot,')' |
829 | read(*,*) iq |
830 | if ((iq.lt.1).or.(iq.gt.nqtot)) then |
831 | ! wrong value for iq, go back to menu |
832 | write(*,*) "wrong input value:",iq |
833 | cycle |
834 | endif |
835 | ! look for input file 'profile_tracer' |
836 | txt="profile_"//trim(tname(iq)) |
837 | open(41,file=trim(txt),status='old',form='formatted', |
838 | & iostat=ierr) |
839 | if (ierr.eq.0) then |
840 | ! OK, found file 'profile_...', load the profile |
841 | do l=1,llm+1 |
842 | read(41,*,iostat=ierr) profile(l) |
843 | if (ierr.ne.0) then ! something went wrong |
844 | exit ! quit loop |
845 | endif |
846 | enddo |
847 | if (ierr.eq.0) then |
848 | ! initialize tracer values |
849 | qsurf(:,iq)=profile(1) |
850 | do l=1,llm |
851 | q(:,:,l,iq)=profile(l+1) |
852 | enddo |
853 | write(*,*)'OK, tracer ',trim(tname(iq)), |
854 | & ' initialized ','using values from file ',trim(txt) |
855 | else |
856 | write(*,*)'problem reading file ',trim(txt),' !' |
857 | write(*,*)'No modifications to tracer ',trim(tname(iq)) |
858 | endif |
859 | else |
860 | write(*,*)'Could not find file ',trim(txt),' !' |
861 | write(*,*)'No modifications to tracer ',trim(tname(iq)) |
862 | endif |
863 | |
864 | c convert dust from virtual to true values |
865 | c -------------------------------------------------- |
866 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'freedust') then |
867 | if (minval(tauscaling) .lt. 0) then |
868 | write(*,*) 'WARNING conversion factor negative' |
869 | write(*,*) 'This is probably because it was not present |
870 | &in the file' |
871 | write(*,*) 'A constant conversion is used instead.' |
872 | tauscaling(:) = 1.e-3 |
873 | endif |
874 | CALL gr_fi_dyn(1,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,tauscaling,tauscadyn) |
875 | do l=1,llm |
876 | do j=1,jjp1 |
877 | do i=1,iip1 |
878 | if (igcm_dust_number .ne. 0) |
879 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_dust_number) = |
880 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_dust_number) * tauscadyn(i,j) |
881 | if (igcm_dust_mass .ne. 0) |
882 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_dust_mass) = |
883 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_dust_mass) * tauscadyn(i,j) |
884 | if (igcm_ccn_number .ne. 0) |
885 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_ccn_number) = |
886 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_ccn_number) * tauscadyn(i,j) |
887 | if (igcm_ccn_mass .ne. 0) |
888 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_ccn_mass) = |
889 | & q(i,j,l,igcm_ccn_mass) * tauscadyn(i,j) |
890 | end do |
891 | end do |
892 | end do |
893 | |
894 | tauscaling(:) = 1. |
895 | |
896 | ! We want to have the very same value at lon -180 and lon 180 |
897 | do l = 1,llm |
898 | do j = 1,jjp1 |
899 | do iq = 1,nqtot |
900 | q(iip1,j,l,iq) = q(1,j,l,iq) |
901 | end do |
902 | end do |
903 | end do |
904 | |
905 | write(*,*) 'done rescaling to true vale' |
906 | |
907 | c ini_q : Initialize tracers for chemistry |
908 | c ----------------------------------------------- |
909 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'ini_q') then |
910 | flagh2o = 1 |
911 | flagthermo = 0 |
912 | yes=' ' |
913 | c For more than 32 layers, possible to initiate thermosphere only |
914 | if (llm.gt.32) then |
915 | do while ((yes.ne.'y').and.(yes.ne.'n')) |
916 | write(*,*)'', |
917 | & 'initialisation for thermosphere only? (y/n)' |
918 | read(*,fmt='(a)') yes |
919 | if (yes.eq.'y') then |
920 | flagthermo=1 |
921 | else |
922 | flagthermo=0 |
923 | endif |
924 | enddo |
925 | endif |
926 | |
927 | call inichim_newstart(ngridmx, nqtot, q, qsurf, ps, |
928 | & flagh2o, flagthermo) |
929 | |
930 | ! We want to have the very same value at lon -180 and lon 180 |
931 | do l = 1,llm |
932 | do j = 1,jjp1 |
933 | do iq = 1,nqtot |
934 | q(iip1,j,l,iq) = q(1,j,l,iq) |
935 | end do |
936 | end do |
937 | end do |
938 | |
939 | write(*,*) 'inichim_newstart: chemical species and |
940 | $ water vapour initialised' |
941 | |
942 | c ini_q-h2o : as above except for the water vapour tracer |
943 | c ------------------------------------------------------ |
944 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'ini_q-h2o') then |
945 | flagh2o = 0 |
946 | flagthermo = 0 |
947 | yes=' ' |
948 | ! for more than 32 layers, possible to initiate thermosphere only |
949 | if(llm.gt.32) then |
950 | do while ((yes.ne.'y').and.(yes.ne.'n')) |
951 | write(*,*)'', |
952 | & 'initialisation for thermosphere only? (y/n)' |
953 | read(*,fmt='(a)') yes |
954 | if (yes.eq.'y') then |
955 | flagthermo=1 |
956 | else |
957 | flagthermo=0 |
958 | endif |
959 | enddo |
960 | endif |
961 | |
962 | call inichim_newstart(ngridmx, nqtot, q, qsurf, ps, |
963 | & flagh2o, flagthermo) |
964 | |
965 | ! We want to have the very same value at lon -180 and lon 180 |
966 | do l = 1,llm |
967 | do j = 1,jjp1 |
968 | do iq = 1,nqtot |
969 | q(iip1,j,l,iq) = q(1,j,l,iq) |
970 | end do |
971 | end do |
972 | end do |
973 | |
974 | write(*,*) 'inichim_newstart: chemical species initialised |
975 | $ (except water vapour)' |
976 | |
977 | c wetstart : wet atmosphere with a north to south gradient |
978 | c -------------------------------------------------------- |
979 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'wetstart') then |
980 | ! check that there is indeed a water vapor tracer |
981 | if (igcm_h2o_vap.eq.0) then |
982 | write(*,*) "No water vapour tracer! Can't use this option" |
983 | stop |
984 | endif |
985 | DO l=1,llm |
986 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
987 | DO i=1,iip1-1 |
988 | q(i,j,l,igcm_h2o_vap)=150.e-6 * (rlatu(j)+pi/2.) / pi |
989 | ENDDO |
990 | ! We want to have the very same value at lon -180 and lon 180 |
991 | q(iip1,j,l,igcm_h2o_vap) = q(1,j,l,igcm_h2o_vap) |
992 | ENDDO |
993 | ENDDO |
994 | |
995 | write(*,*) 'Water mass mixing ratio at north pole=' |
996 | * ,q(1,1,1,igcm_h2o_vap) |
997 | write(*,*) '---------------------------south pole=' |
998 | * ,q(1,jjp1,1,igcm_h2o_vap) |
999 | |
1000 | c ini_h2osurf : reinitialize surface water ice |
1001 | c -------------------------------------------------- |
1002 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'ini_h2osurf') then |
1003 | write(*,*)'max surface ice left?(e.g. 0.2 kg/m2=200microns)' |
1004 | 207 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val |
1005 | if(ierr.ne.0) goto 207 |
1006 | write(*,*)'also set negative values of surf ice to 0' |
1007 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
1008 | qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=min(val,qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)) |
1009 | qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=max(0.,qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)) |
1010 | end do |
1011 | |
1012 | c noglacier : remove tropical water ice (to initialize high res sim) |
1013 | c -------------------------------------------------- |
1014 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'noglacier') then |
1015 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
1016 | j=(ig-2)/iim +2 |
1017 | if(ig.eq.1) j=1 |
1018 | write(*,*) 'OK: remove surface ice for |lat|<45' |
1019 | if (abs(rlatu(j)*180./pi).lt.45.) then |
1020 | qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=0. |
1021 | end if |
1022 | end do |
1023 | |
1024 | |
1025 | c watercapn : H20 ice on permanent northern cap |
1026 | c -------------------------------------------------- |
1027 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'watercapn') then |
1028 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
1029 | j=(ig-2)/iim +2 |
1030 | if(ig.eq.1) j=1 |
1031 | if (rlatu(j)*180./pi.gt.80.) then |
1032 | qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e5 |
1033 | write(*,*) 'ig=',ig,' H2O ice mass (kg/m2)= ', |
1034 | & qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) |
1035 | write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh South boundary (deg)= ', |
1036 | & rlatv(j)*180./pi |
1037 | end if |
1038 | enddo |
1039 | |
1040 | c watercaps : H20 ice on permanent southern cap |
1041 | c ------------------------------------------------- |
1042 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'watercaps') then |
1043 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
1044 | j=(ig-2)/iim +2 |
1045 | if(ig.eq.1) j=1 |
1046 | if (rlatu(j)*180./pi.lt.-80.) then |
1047 | qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e5 |
1048 | write(*,*) 'ig=',ig,' H2O ice mass (kg/m2)= ', |
1049 | & qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) |
1050 | write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh North boundary (deg)= ', |
1051 | & rlatv(j-1)*180./pi |
1052 | end if |
1053 | enddo |
1054 | |
1055 | c isotherm : Isothermal temperatures and no winds |
1056 | c ------------------------------------------------ |
1057 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'isotherm') then |
1058 | |
1059 | write(*,*)'Isothermal temperature of the atmosphere, |
1060 | & surface and subsurface' |
1061 | write(*,*) 'Value of this temperature ? :' |
1062 | 203 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) Tiso |
1063 | if(ierr.ne.0) goto 203 |
1064 | |
1065 | do ig=1, ngridmx |
1066 | tsurf(ig) = Tiso |
1067 | end do |
1068 | do l=2,nsoilmx |
1069 | do ig=1, ngridmx |
1070 | tsoil(ig,l) = Tiso |
1071 | end do |
1072 | end do |
1073 | flagiso=.true. |
1074 | call initial0(llm*ip1jmp1,ucov) |
1075 | call initial0(llm*ip1jm,vcov) |
1076 | call initial0(ngridmx*(llm+1),q2) |
1077 | |
1078 | c co2ice=0 : remove CO2 polar ice caps' |
1079 | c ------------------------------------------------ |
1080 | else if (trim(modif) .eq. 'co2ice=0') then |
1081 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
1082 | co2ice(ig)=0 |
1083 | emis(ig)=emis(ngridmx/2) |
1084 | end do |
1085 | |
1086 | ! therm_ini_s: (re)-set soil thermal inertia to reference surface values |
1087 | ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1088 | |
1089 | else if (trim(modif).eq.'therm_ini_s') then |
1090 | ! write(*,*)"surfithfi(1):",surfithfi(1) |
1091 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx |
1092 | inertiedat(1:ngridmx,isoil)=surfithfi(1:ngridmx) |
1093 | enddo |
1094 | write(*,*)'OK: Soil thermal inertia has been reset to referenc |
1095 | &e surface values' |
1096 | ! write(*,*)"inertiedat(1,1):",inertiedat(1,1) |
1097 | ithfi(:,:)=inertiedat(:,:) |
1098 | ! recast ithfi() onto ith() |
1099 | call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) |
1100 | ! Check: |
1101 | ! do i=1,iip1 |
1102 | ! do j=1,jjp1 |
1103 | ! do isoil=1,nsoilmx |
1104 | ! write(77,*) i,j,isoil," ",ith(i,j,isoil) |
1105 | ! enddo |
1106 | ! enddo |
1107 | ! enddo |
1108 | |
1109 | ! subsoilice_n: Put deep ice layer in northern hemisphere soil |
1110 | ! ------------------------------------------------------------ |
1111 | |
1112 | else if (trim(modif).eq.'subsoilice_n') then |
1113 | |
1114 | write(*,*)'From which latitude (in deg.), up to the north pole, |
1115 | &should we put subterranean ice?' |
1116 | ierr=1 |
1117 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1118 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val |
1119 | if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value |
1120 | ! do a sanity check |
1121 | if((val.lt.0.).or.(val.gt.90)) then |
1122 | write(*,*)'Latitude should be between 0 and 90 deg. !!!' |
1123 | ierr=1 |
1124 | else ! find corresponding jref (nearest latitude) |
1125 | ! note: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude |
1126 | ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 |
1127 | do j=1,jjp1 |
1128 | if ((rlatu(j)*180./pi.ge.val).and. |
1129 | & (rlatu(j+1)*180./pi.le.val)) then |
1130 | ! find which grid point is nearest to val: |
1131 | if (abs(rlatu(j)*180./pi-val).le. |
1132 | & abs((rlatu(j+1)*180./pi-val))) then |
1133 | jref=j |
1134 | else |
1135 | jref=j+1 |
1136 | endif |
1137 | |
1138 | write(*,*)'Will use nearest grid latitude which is:', |
1139 | & rlatu(jref)*180./pi |
1140 | endif |
1141 | enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 |
1142 | endif ! of if((val.lt.0.).or.(val.gt.90)) |
1143 | endif !of if (ierr.eq.0) |
1144 | enddo ! of do while |
1145 | |
1146 | ! Build layers() (as in soil_settings.F) |
1147 | val2=sqrt(mlayer(0)*mlayer(1)) |
1148 | val3=mlayer(1)/mlayer(0) |
1149 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx |
1150 | layer(isoil)=val2*(val3**(isoil-1)) |
1151 | enddo |
1152 | |
1153 | write(*,*)'At which depth (in m.) does the ice layer begin?' |
1154 | write(*,*)'(currently, the deepest soil layer extends down to:' |
1155 | & ,layer(nsoilmx),')' |
1156 | ierr=1 |
1157 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1158 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val2 |
1159 | ! write(*,*)'val2:',val2,'ierr=',ierr |
1160 | if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value, but do a sanity check |
1161 | if(val2.gt.layer(nsoilmx)) then |
1162 | write(*,*)'Depth should be less than ',layer(nsoilmx) |
1163 | ierr=1 |
1164 | endif |
1165 | if(val2.lt.layer(1)) then |
1166 | write(*,*)'Depth should be more than ',layer(1) |
1167 | ierr=1 |
1168 | endif |
1169 | endif |
1170 | enddo ! of do while |
1171 | |
1172 | ! find the reference index iref the depth corresponds to |
1173 | ! if (val2.lt.layer(1)) then |
1174 | ! iref=1 |
1175 | ! else |
1176 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 |
1177 | if((val2.gt.layer(isoil)).and.(val2.lt.layer(isoil+1))) |
1178 | & then |
1179 | iref=isoil |
1180 | exit |
1181 | endif |
1182 | enddo |
1183 | ! endif |
1184 | |
1185 | ! write(*,*)'iref:',iref,' jref:',jref |
1186 | ! write(*,*)'layer',layer |
1187 | ! write(*,*)'mlayer',mlayer |
1188 | |
1189 | ! thermal inertia of the ice: |
1190 | ierr=1 |
1191 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1192 | write(*,*)'What is the value of subterranean ice thermal inert |
1193 | &ia? (e.g.: 2000)' |
1194 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr)iceith |
1195 | enddo ! of do while |
1196 | |
1197 | ! recast ithfi() onto ith() |
1198 | call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) |
1199 | |
1200 | do j=1,jref |
1201 | ! write(*,*)'j:',j,'rlatu(j)*180./pi:',rlatu(j)*180./pi |
1202 | do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes |
1203 | ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer |
1204 | ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ |
1205 | & (((val2-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref)**2))+ |
1206 | & ((layer(iref+1)-val2)/(iceith)**2))) |
1207 | ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers |
1208 | do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx |
1209 | ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith ! ice |
1210 | enddo |
1211 | enddo ! of do i=1,iip1 |
1212 | enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 |
1213 | |
1214 | |
1215 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) |
1216 | |
1217 | ! do i=1,nsoilmx |
1218 | ! write(*,*)'i:',i,'ithfi(1,i):',ithfi(1,i) |
1219 | ! enddo |
1220 | |
1221 | |
1222 | ! subsoilice_s: Put deep ice layer in southern hemisphere soil |
1223 | ! ------------------------------------------------------------ |
1224 | |
1225 | else if (trim(modif).eq.'subsoilice_s') then |
1226 | |
1227 | write(*,*)'From which latitude (in deg.), down to the south pol |
1228 | &e, should we put subterranean ice?' |
1229 | ierr=1 |
1230 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1231 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val |
1232 | if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value |
1233 | ! do a sanity check |
1234 | if((val.gt.0.).or.(val.lt.-90)) then |
1235 | write(*,*)'Latitude should be between 0 and -90 deg. !!!' |
1236 | ierr=1 |
1237 | else ! find corresponding jref (nearest latitude) |
1238 | ! note: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude |
1239 | ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 |
1240 | do j=1,jjp1 |
1241 | if ((rlatu(j)*180./pi.ge.val).and. |
1242 | & (rlatu(j+1)*180./pi.le.val)) then |
1243 | ! find which grid point is nearest to val: |
1244 | if (abs(rlatu(j)*180./pi-val).le. |
1245 | & abs((rlatu(j+1)*180./pi-val))) then |
1246 | jref=j |
1247 | else |
1248 | jref=j+1 |
1249 | endif |
1250 | |
1251 | write(*,*)'Will use nearest grid latitude which is:', |
1252 | & rlatu(jref)*180./pi |
1253 | endif |
1254 | enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 |
1255 | endif ! of if((val.lt.0.).or.(val.gt.90)) |
1256 | endif !of if (ierr.eq.0) |
1257 | enddo ! of do while |
1258 | |
1259 | ! Build layers() (as in soil_settings.F) |
1260 | val2=sqrt(mlayer(0)*mlayer(1)) |
1261 | val3=mlayer(1)/mlayer(0) |
1262 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx |
1263 | layer(isoil)=val2*(val3**(isoil-1)) |
1264 | enddo |
1265 | |
1266 | write(*,*)'At which depth (in m.) does the ice layer begin?' |
1267 | write(*,*)'(currently, the deepest soil layer extends down to:' |
1268 | & ,layer(nsoilmx),')' |
1269 | ierr=1 |
1270 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1271 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val2 |
1272 | ! write(*,*)'val2:',val2,'ierr=',ierr |
1273 | if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value, but do a sanity check |
1274 | if(val2.gt.layer(nsoilmx)) then |
1275 | write(*,*)'Depth should be less than ',layer(nsoilmx) |
1276 | ierr=1 |
1277 | endif |
1278 | if(val2.lt.layer(1)) then |
1279 | write(*,*)'Depth should be more than ',layer(1) |
1280 | ierr=1 |
1281 | endif |
1282 | endif |
1283 | enddo ! of do while |
1284 | |
1285 | ! find the reference index iref the depth corresponds to |
1286 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 |
1287 | if((val2.gt.layer(isoil)).and.(val2.lt.layer(isoil+1))) |
1288 | & then |
1289 | iref=isoil |
1290 | exit |
1291 | endif |
1292 | enddo |
1293 | |
1294 | ! write(*,*)'iref:',iref,' jref:',jref |
1295 | |
1296 | ! thermal inertia of the ice: |
1297 | ierr=1 |
1298 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1299 | write(*,*)'What is the value of subterranean ice thermal inert |
1300 | &ia? (e.g.: 2000)' |
1301 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr)iceith |
1302 | enddo ! of do while |
1303 | |
1304 | ! recast ithfi() onto ith() |
1305 | call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) |
1306 | |
1307 | do j=jref,jjp1 |
1308 | ! write(*,*)'j:',j,'rlatu(j)*180./pi:',rlatu(j)*180./pi |
1309 | do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes |
1310 | ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer |
1311 | ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ |
1312 | & (((val2-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref)**2))+ |
1313 | & ((layer(iref+1)-val2)/(iceith)**2))) |
1314 | ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers |
1315 | do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx |
1316 | ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith ! ice |
1317 | enddo |
1318 | enddo ! of do i=1,iip1 |
1319 | enddo ! of do j=jref,jjp1 |
1320 | |
1321 | |
1322 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) |
1323 | |
1324 | c 'mons_ice' : use MONS data to build subsurface ice table |
1325 | c -------------------------------------------------------- |
1326 | else if (trim(modif).eq.'mons_ice') then |
1327 | |
1328 | ! 1. Load MONS data |
1329 | call load_MONS_data(MONS_Hdn,MONS_d21) |
1330 | |
1331 | ! 2. Get parameters from user |
1332 | ierr=1 |
1333 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1334 | write(*,*) "Coefficient to apply to MONS 'depth' in Northern", |
1335 | & " Hemisphere?" |
1336 | write(*,*) " (should be somewhere between 3.2e-4 and 1.3e-3)" |
1337 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) MONS_coeffN |
1338 | enddo |
1339 | ierr=1 |
1340 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1341 | write(*,*) "Coefficient to apply to MONS 'depth' in Southern", |
1342 | & " Hemisphere?" |
1343 | write(*,*) " (should be somewhere between 3.2e-4 and 1.3e-3)" |
1344 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) MONS_coeffS |
1345 | enddo |
1346 | ierr=1 |
1347 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1348 | write(*,*) "Value of subterranean ice thermal inertia ", |
1349 | & " in Northern hemisphere?" |
1350 | write(*,*) " (e.g.: 2000, or perhaps 2290)" |
1351 | ! read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceith |
1352 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceithN |
1353 | enddo |
1354 | ierr=1 |
1355 | do while (ierr.ne.0) |
1356 | write(*,*) "Value of subterranean ice thermal inertia ", |
1357 | & " in Southern hemisphere?" |
1358 | write(*,*) " (e.g.: 2000, or perhaps 2290)" |
1359 | ! read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceith |
1360 | read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceithS |
1361 | enddo |
1362 | |
1363 | ! 3. Build subterranean thermal inertia |
1364 | |
1365 | ! initialise subsurface inertia with reference surface values |
1366 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx |
1367 | ithfi(1:ngridmx,isoil)=surfithfi(1:ngridmx) |
1368 | enddo |
1369 | ! recast ithfi() onto ith() |
1370 | call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) |
1371 | |
1372 | do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes |
1373 | do j=1,jjp1 ! loop on latitudes |
1374 | ! set MONS_coeff |
1375 | if (rlatu(j).ge.0) then ! northern hemisphere |
1376 | ! N.B: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude |
1377 | ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 |
1378 | MONS_coeff=MONS_coeffN |
1379 | iceith=iceithN |
1380 | else ! southern hemisphere |
1381 | MONS_coeff=MONS_coeffS |
1382 | iceith=iceithS |
1383 | endif |
1384 | ! check if we should put subterranean ice |
1385 | if (MONS_Hdn(i,j).ge.14.0) then ! no ice if Hdn<14% |
1386 | ! compute depth at which ice lies: |
1387 | val=MONS_d21(i,j)*MONS_coeff |
1388 | ! compute val2= the diurnal skin depth of surface inertia |
1389 | ! assuming a volumetric heat cap. of C=1.e6 J.m-3.K-1 |
1390 | val2=ith(i,j,1)*1.e-6*sqrt(88775./3.14159) |
1391 | if (val.lt.val2) then |
1392 | ! ice must be below the (surface inertia) diurnal skin depth |
1393 | val=val2 |
1394 | endif |
1395 | if (val.lt.layer(nsoilmx)) then ! subterranean ice |
1396 | ! find the reference index iref that depth corresponds to |
1397 | iref=0 |
1398 | do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 |
1399 | if ((val.ge.layer(isoil)).and.(val.lt.layer(isoil+1))) |
1400 | & then |
1401 | iref=isoil |
1402 | exit |
1403 | endif |
1404 | enddo |
1405 | ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer |
1406 | ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ |
1407 | & (((val-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref+1)**2))+ |
1408 | & ((layer(iref+1)-val)/(iceith)**2))) |
1409 | ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers |
1410 | do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx |
1411 | ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith |
1412 | enddo |
1413 | endif ! of if (val.lt.layer(nsoilmx)) |
1414 | endif ! of if (MONS_Hdn(i,j).lt.14.0) |
1415 | enddo ! do j=1,jjp1 |
1416 | enddo ! do i=1,iip1 |
1417 | |
1418 | ! Check: |
1419 | ! do i=1,iip1 |
1420 | ! do j=1,jjp1 |
1421 | ! do isoil=1,nsoilmx |
1422 | ! write(77,*) i,j,isoil," ",ith(i,j,isoil) |
1423 | ! enddo |
1424 | ! enddo |
1425 | ! enddo |
1426 | |
1427 | ! recast ith() into ithfi() |
1428 | CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) |
1429 | |
1430 | else |
1431 | write(*,*) ' Unknown (misspelled?) option!!!' |
1432 | end if ! of if (trim(modif) .eq. '...') elseif ... |
1433 | |
1434 | enddo ! of do ! infinite loop on liste of changes |
1435 | |
1436 | 999 continue |
1437 | |
1438 | |
1439 | c======================================================================= |
1440 | c Correct pressure on the new grid (menu 0) |
1441 | c======================================================================= |
1442 | |
1443 | if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
1444 | r = 1000.*8.31/mugaz |
1445 | |
1446 | do j=1,jjp1 |
1447 | do i=1,iip1 |
1448 | ps(i,j) = ps(i,j) * |
1449 | . exp((phisold_newgrid(i,j)-phis(i,j)) / |
1450 | . (t(i,j,1) * r)) |
1451 | end do |
1452 | end do |
1453 | |
1454 | c periodicity of surface ps in longitude |
1455 | do j=1,jjp1 |
1456 | ps(1,j) = ps(iip1,j) |
1457 | end do |
1458 | end if |
1459 | |
1460 | c======================================================================= |
1461 | c======================================================================= |
1462 | |
1463 | c======================================================================= |
1464 | c Initialisation de la physique / ecriture de newstartfi : |
1465 | c======================================================================= |
1466 | |
1467 | |
1468 | CALL inifilr |
1469 | CALL pression(ip1jmp1, ap, bp, ps, p3d) |
1470 | |
1471 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1472 | c Initialisation pks: |
1473 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1474 | |
1475 | CALL exner_hyb(ip1jmp1, ps, p3d, beta, pks, pk, pkf) |
1476 | ! Calcul de la temperature potentielle teta |
1477 | |
1478 | if (flagiso) then |
1479 | DO l=1,llm |
1480 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
1481 | DO i=1,iim |
1482 | teta(i,j,l) = Tiso * cpp/pk(i,j,l) |
1483 | ENDDO |
1484 | teta (iip1,j,l)= teta (1,j,l) |
1485 | ENDDO |
1486 | ENDDO |
1487 | else if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
1488 | DO l=1,llm |
1489 | DO j=1,jjp1 |
1490 | DO i=1,iim |
1491 | teta(i,j,l) = t(i,j,l) * cpp/pk(i,j,l) |
1492 | ENDDO |
1493 | teta (iip1,j,l)= teta (1,j,l) |
1494 | ENDDO |
1495 | ENDDO |
1496 | endif |
1497 | |
1498 | C Calcul intermediaire |
1499 | c |
1500 | if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
1501 | CALL massdair( p3d, masse ) |
1502 | c |
1503 | print *,' ALPHAX ',alphax |
1504 | |
1505 | DO l = 1, llm |
1506 | DO i = 1, iim |
1507 | xppn(i) = aire( i, 1 ) * masse( i , 1 , l ) |
1508 | xpps(i) = aire( i,jjp1 ) * masse( i , jjp1 , l ) |
1509 | ENDDO |
1510 | xpn = SUM(xppn)/apoln |
1511 | xps = SUM(xpps)/apols |
1512 | DO i = 1, iip1 |
1513 | masse( i , 1 , l ) = xpn |
1514 | masse( i , jjp1 , l ) = xps |
1515 | ENDDO |
1516 | ENDDO |
1517 | endif |
1518 | phis(iip1,:) = phis(1,:) |
1519 | |
1520 | CALL inidissip ( lstardis, nitergdiv, nitergrot, niterh, |
1521 | * tetagdiv, tetagrot , tetatemp ) |
1522 | itau=0 |
1523 | if (choix_1.eq.0) then |
1524 | day_ini=int(date) |
1525 | hour_ini=date-int(date) |
1526 | endif |
1527 | c |
1528 | CALL geopot ( ip1jmp1, teta , pk , pks, phis , phi ) |
1529 | |
1530 | CALL caldyn0( itau,ucov,vcov,teta,ps,masse,pk,phis , |
1531 | * phi,w, pbaru,pbarv,day_ini+time ) |
1532 | c CALL caldyn |
1533 | c $ ( itau,ucov,vcov,teta,ps,masse,pk,pkf,phis , |
1534 | c $ phi,conser,du,dv,dteta,dp,w, pbaru,pbarv, day_ini ) |
1535 | |
1536 | CALL dynredem0("restart.nc",day_ini,anneeref,phis,nqtot) |
1537 | CALL dynredem1("restart.nc",hour_ini,vcov,ucov,teta,q, |
1538 | . nqtot,masse,ps) |
1539 | C |
1540 | C Ecriture etat initial physique |
1541 | C |
1542 | |
1543 | call physdem0("restartfi.nc",lonfi,latfi,nsoilmx,ngridmx,llm, |
1544 | . nqtot,dtphys,real(day_ini),0.0, |
1545 | . airefi,albfi,ithfi,zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe) |
1546 | call physdem1("restartfi.nc",nsoilmx,ngridmx,llm,nqtot, |
1547 | . dtphys,hour_ini, |
1548 | . tsurf,tsoil,co2ice,emis,q2,qsurf,tauscaling) |
1549 | |
1550 | c======================================================================= |
1551 | c Formats |
1552 | c======================================================================= |
1553 | |
1554 | 1 FORMAT(//10x,'la valeur de im =',i4,2x,'lue sur le fichier de dema |
1555 | *rrage est differente de la valeur parametree iim =',i4//) |
1556 | 2 FORMAT(//10x,'la valeur de jm =',i4,2x,'lue sur le fichier de dema |
1557 | *rrage est differente de la valeur parametree jjm =',i4//) |
1558 | 3 FORMAT(//10x,'la valeur de lllm =',i4,2x,'lue sur le fichier demar |
1559 | *rage est differente de la valeur parametree llm =',i4//) |
1560 | |
1561 | write(*,*) "newstart: All is well that ends well." |
1562 | |
1563 | end |
1564 | |
1565 | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
1566 | subroutine load_MONS_data(MONS_Hdn,MONS_d21) |
1567 | implicit none |
1568 | ! routine to load Benedicte Diez MONS dataset, fill in date in southern |
1569 | ! polar region, and interpolate the result onto the GCM grid |
1570 | #include"dimensions.h" |
1571 | #include"paramet.h" |
1572 | #include"datafile.h" |
1573 | #include"comgeom.h" |
1574 | ! arguments: |
1575 | real,intent(out) :: MONS_Hdn(iip1,jjp1) ! Hdn: %WEH=Mass fraction of H2O |
1576 | real,intent(out) :: MONS_d21(iip1,jjp1) ! ice table "depth" (in kg/m2) |
1577 | ! N.B MONS datasets should be of dimension (iip1,jjp1) |
1578 | ! local variables: |
1579 | character(len=88) :: filename="results_MONS_lat_lon_H_depth.txt" |
1580 | character(len=88) :: txt ! to store some text |
1581 | integer :: ierr,i,j |
1582 | integer,parameter :: nblon=180 ! number of longitudes of MONS datasets |
1583 | integer,parameter :: nblat=90 ! number of latitudes of MONS datasets |
1584 | real :: pi |
1585 | real :: longitudes(nblon) ! MONS dataset longitudes |
1586 | real :: latitudes(nblat) ! MONS dataset latitudes |
1587 | ! MONS dataset: mass fraction of H2O where H is assumed to be in H2O |
1588 | real :: Hdn(nblon,nblat) |
1589 | real :: d21(nblon,nblat)! MONS dataset "depth" (g/cm2) |
1590 | |
1591 | ! Extended MONS dataset (for interp_horiz) |
1592 | real :: Hdnx(nblon+1,nblat) |
1593 | real :: d21x(nblon+1,nblat) |
1594 | real :: lon_bound(nblon+1) ! longitude boundaries |
1595 | real :: lat_bound(nblat-1) ! latitude boundaries |
1596 | |
1597 | ! 1. Initializations: |
1598 | |
1599 | write(*,*) "Loading MONS data" |
1600 | |
1601 | ! Open MONS datafile: |
1602 | open(42,file=trim(datafile)//"/"//trim(filename), |
1603 | & status="old",iostat=ierr) |
1604 | if (ierr/=0) then |
1605 | write(*,*) "Error in load_MONS_data:" |
1606 | write(*,*) "Failed opening file ", |
1607 | & trim(datafile)//"/"//trim(filename) |
1608 | write(*,*)'1) You can change the path to the file in ' |
1609 | write(*,*)' file phymars/datafile.h' |
1610 | write(*,*)'2) If necessary ',trim(filename), |
1611 | & ' (and other datafiles)' |
1612 | write(*,*)' can be obtained online at:' |
1613 | write(*,*)' http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~forget/datagcm/datafile' |
1614 | CALL ABORT |
1615 | else ! skip first line of file (dummy read) |
1616 | read(42,*) txt |
1617 | endif |
1618 | |
1619 | pi=2.*asin(1.) |
1620 | |
1621 | !2. Load MONS data (on MONS grid) |
1622 | do j=1,nblat |
1623 | do i=1,nblon |
1624 | ! swap latitude index so latitudes go from north pole to south pole: |
1625 | read(42,*) latitudes(nblat-j+1),longitudes(i), |
1626 | & Hdn(i,nblat-j+1),d21(i,nblat-j+1) |
1627 | ! multiply d21 by 10 to convert from g/cm2 to kg/m2 |
1628 | d21(i,nblat-j+1)=d21(i,nblat-j+1)*10.0 |
1629 | enddo |
1630 | enddo |
1631 | close(42) |
1632 | |
1633 | ! there is unfortunately no d21 data for latitudes -77 to -90 |
1634 | ! so we build some by linear interpolation between values at -75 |
1635 | ! and assuming d21=0 at the pole |
1636 | do j=84,90 ! latitudes(84)=-77 ; latitudes(83)=-75 |
1637 | do i=1,nblon |
1638 | d21(i,j)=d21(i,83)*((latitudes(j)+90)/15.0) |
1639 | enddo |
1640 | enddo |
1641 | |
1642 | ! 3. Build extended MONS dataset & boundaries (for interp_horiz) |
1643 | ! longitude boundaries (in radians): |
1644 | do i=1,nblon |
1645 | ! NB: MONS data is every 2 degrees in longitude |
1646 | lon_bound(i)=(longitudes(i)+1.0)*pi/180.0 |
1647 | enddo |
1648 | ! extra 'modulo' value |
1649 | lon_bound(nblon+1)=lon_bound(1)+2.0*pi |
1650 | |
1651 | ! latitude boundaries (in radians): |
1652 | do j=1,nblat-1 |
1653 | ! NB: Mons data is every 2 degrees in latitude |
1654 | lat_bound(j)=(latitudes(j)-1.0)*pi/180.0 |
1655 | enddo |
1656 | |
1657 | ! MONS datasets: |
1658 | do j=1,nblat |
1659 | Hdnx(1:nblon,j)=Hdn(1:nblon,j) |
1660 | Hdnx(nblon+1,j)=Hdnx(1,j) |
1661 | d21x(1:nblon,j)=d21(1:nblon,j) |
1662 | d21x(nblon+1,j)=d21x(1,j) |
1663 | enddo |
1664 | |
1665 | ! Interpolate onto GCM grid |
1666 | call interp_horiz(Hdnx,MONS_Hdn,nblon,nblat-1,iim,jjm,1, |
1667 | & lon_bound,lat_bound,rlonu,rlatv) |
1668 | call interp_horiz(d21x,MONS_d21,nblon,nblat-1,iim,jjm,1, |
1669 | & lon_bound,lat_bound,rlonu,rlatv) |
1670 | |
1671 | end subroutine |