1 | module lmdz_call_atke |
2 | |
3 | USE lmdz_atke_exchange_coeff, ONLY : atke_compute_km_kh |
4 | |
5 | implicit none |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | contains |
9 | |
10 | subroutine call_atke(dtime,ngrid,nlay,cdrag_uv,cdrag_t,u_surf,v_surf,temp_surf, & |
11 | wind_u,wind_v,temp,qvap,play,pinterf,zlay,zinterf, & |
12 | tke,Km_out,Kh_out) |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 | |
17 | USE lmdz_atke_turbulence_ini, ONLY : iflag_num_atke, rg, rd |
18 | |
19 | implicit none |
20 | |
21 | |
22 | ! Declarations: |
23 | !============= |
24 | |
25 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime ! timestep (s) |
26 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid ! number of horizontal index (flat grid) |
27 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlay ! number of vertical index |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: cdrag_uv ! drag coefficient for wind |
31 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: cdrag_t ! drag coefficient for temperature |
32 | |
33 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: u_surf ! x wind velocity at the surface |
34 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: v_surf ! y wind velocity at the surface |
35 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: temp_surf ! surface temperature |
36 | |
37 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: wind_u ! zonal velocity (m/s) |
38 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: wind_v ! meridional velocity (m/s) |
39 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: temp ! temperature (K) |
40 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: qvap ! specific humidity (kg/kg) |
41 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: play ! pressure (Pa) |
42 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(IN) :: pinterf ! pressure at interfaces(Pa) |
43 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: zlay ! altitude at the middle of the vertical layers (m) |
44 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(IN) :: zinterf ! altitude at interfaces (m) |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(INOUT) :: tke ! turbulent kinetic energy at interface between layers |
48 | |
49 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(OUT) :: Km_out ! output: Exchange coefficient for momentum at interface between layers |
50 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(OUT) :: Kh_out ! output: Exchange coefficient for heat flux at interface between layers |
51 | |
52 | |
53 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay) :: wind_u_predict, wind_v_predict |
54 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid) :: wind1 |
55 | INTEGER i |
56 | |
57 | |
58 | call atke_compute_km_kh(ngrid,nlay,dtime,& |
59 | wind_u,wind_v,temp,qvap,play,pinterf,zlay,zinterf,cdrag_uv,& |
60 | tke,Km_out,Kh_out) |
61 | |
62 | |
63 | |
64 | if (iflag_num_atke .EQ. 1) then |
65 | !! In this case, we make an explicit prediction of the wind shear to calculate the tke in a |
66 | !! forward backward way |
67 | !! pay attention that the treatment of the TKE |
68 | !! has to be adapted when solving the TKE with a prognostic equation |
69 | |
70 | do i=1,ngrid |
71 | wind1(i)=sqrt(wind_u(i,1)**2+wind_v(i,1)**2) |
72 | enddo |
73 | call atke_explicit_prediction(ngrid,nlay,rg,rd,dtime,pinterf,play,temp,wind1,wind_u,Km_out,u_surf,cdrag_uv,wind_u_predict) |
74 | call atke_explicit_prediction(ngrid,nlay,rg,rd,dtime,pinterf,play,temp,wind1,wind_v,Km_out,v_surf,cdrag_uv,wind_v_predict) |
75 | |
76 | |
77 | call atke_compute_km_kh(ngrid,nlay,dtime,& |
78 | wind_u_predict,wind_v_predict,temp,qvap,play,pinterf,zlay,zinterf,cdrag_uv, & |
79 | tke,Km_out,Kh_out) |
80 | |
81 | end if |
82 | |
83 | |
84 | |
85 | |
86 | |
87 | |
88 | end subroutine call_atke |
89 | |
90 | !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
91 | |
92 | subroutine atke_explicit_prediction(ngrid,nlay,rg,rd,dtime,pinterf,play,temp,wind1,x_in,K_in,x_surf,cdrag,x_predict) |
93 | |
94 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid ! number of horizontal index (flat grid) |
95 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlay ! number of vertical index |
96 | REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rg,rd,dtime ! gravity, R dry air and timestep |
97 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: play ! pressure middle of layers (Pa) |
98 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: temp ! temperature (K) |
99 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: wind1 ! wind speed first level (m/s) |
100 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(IN) :: pinterf ! pressure at interfaces(Pa) |
101 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(IN) :: x_in ! variable at the beginning of timestep |
102 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay+1), INTENT(IN) :: K_in ! eddy diffusivity coef at the beginning of time step |
103 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: x_surf ! surface variable |
104 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid), INTENT(IN) :: cdrag ! drag coefficient |
105 | REAL, DIMENSION(ngrid,nlay), INTENT(OUT) :: x_predict ! variable at the end of time step after explicit prediction |
106 | |
107 | |
108 | integer i,k |
109 | real ml,F1,rho |
110 | real, dimension(ngrid) :: play1,temp1 |
111 | real, dimension(ngrid,nlay+1) :: K_big |
112 | |
113 | ! computation of K_big |
114 | |
115 | play1(:)=play(:,1) |
116 | temp1(:)=temp(:,1) |
117 | |
118 | ! "big K" calculation |
119 | do k=2,nlay-1 |
120 | do i=1,ngrid |
121 | rho=pinterf(i,k)/rd/(0.5*(temp(i,k-1)+temp(i,k))) |
122 | K_big(i,k)=rg*K_in(i,k)/(play(i,k)-play(i,k+1))*(rho**2) |
123 | enddo |
124 | enddo |
125 | ! speficic treatment for k=nlay |
126 | do i=1,ngrid |
127 | rho=pinterf(i,nlay)/rd/temp(i,nlay) |
128 | K_big(i,nlay)=rg*K_in(i,nlay)/(2*(play(i,nlay)-pinterf(i,nlay+1)))*(rho**2) |
129 | enddo |
130 | |
131 | |
132 | |
133 | ! x_predict calculation for 2<=k<=nlay-1 |
134 | do k=2,nlay-1 |
135 | do i=1,ngrid |
136 | ml=(pinterf(i,k)-pinterf(i,k+1))/rg |
137 | x_predict(i,k)=x_in(i,k)-dtime/ml*(-K_big(i,k+1)*x_in(i,k+1) & |
138 | + (K_big(i,k)+K_big(i,k+1))*x_in(i,k) & |
139 | - K_big(i,k)*x_in(i,k-1)) |
140 | enddo |
141 | enddo |
142 | |
143 | ! Specific treatment for k=1 |
144 | do i=1,ngrid |
145 | ml=(pinterf(i,1)-pinterf(i,2))/rg |
146 | F1=-play1(i)/rd/temp1(i)*wind1(i)*cdrag(i)*(x_in(i,1)-x_surf(i)) ! attention convention sens du flux |
147 | x_predict(i,1)=x_in(i,1)-dtime/ml*(-K_big(i,2)*(x_in(i,2) - x_in(i,1))-F1) |
148 | enddo |
149 | |
150 | ! Specific treatment for k=nlay |
151 | ! flux at the top of the atmosphere=0 |
152 | do i=1,ngrid |
153 | ml=0.5*(pinterf(i,nlay)-pinterf(i,nlay+1))/rg |
154 | x_predict(i,nlay)=x_in(i,nlay)+dtime/ml*(K_big(i,nlay)*(x_in(i,nlay)-x_in(i,nlay-1))) |
155 | enddo |
156 | |
157 | |
158 | end subroutine atke_explicit_prediction |
159 | |
160 | |
161 | |
162 | end module lmdz_call_atke |