source: trunk/LMDZ.MARS/libf/phymars/dust_rad_adjust_mod.F90 @ 3026

Last change on this file since 3026 was 2643, checked in by abierjon, 3 years ago

Mars GCM:
Implementation of the IRabs-to-VISext dust scenario conversion, depending on the GCM effective radius :

  • new flag 'reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario', false by default, must be set to true to use this dynamic conversion (otherwise, the coefficient takes the constant value of 2.6, eqv to reff=1.5um, as before) A specific line is added in deftank/callphys.def.GCM6
  • this flag requires the 'dustiropacity' to be set to 'tes' to match the IR scenario's wavelength. 'mcs'-like dso diagnostics can only be produced by the use of the post-processing tool util/aeroptical.F90
  • the variable IRtoVIScoef is computed in aeropacity via the GCM CDOD ratio : tau_pref_gcm_VIS/tau_pref_gcm_IR (only at the first call to callradite during each physical timestep)
  • change read_dust_scenario into module read_dust_scenario_mod


File size: 5.9 KB
[2417]1module dust_rad_adjust_mod
3implicit none
5real,save,allocatable :: dust_rad_adjust_prev(:) ! adjustment coefficient
6                         ! computed when at current t_scenario
7real,save,allocatable :: dust_rad_adjust_next(:) ! adjustment coefficient
8                         ! computed for t_scenario of the next sol
[2584]10!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dust_rad_adjust_prev,dust_rad_adjust_next)
14  subroutine compute_dust_rad_adjust(ngrid,nlayer,zday,pplev, &
[2643]15                                     taudust,IRtoVIScoef,     &
16                                     dust_rad_adjust)
18  use geometry_mod, only: longitude_deg
19  use time_phylmdz_mod, only: dtphys, daysec
20  use dust_param_mod, only: odpref, t_scenario_sol
[2643]21  use read_dust_scenario_mod, only: read_dust_scenario
23  implicit none
25  integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns
26  integer,intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric levels
[2634]27  real,intent(in) :: zday ! time (in sols and fraction thereof)
[2417]28  real,intent(in) :: pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! pressure (Pa) at layer boundaries
29  real,intent(in) :: taudust(ngrid) ! visible dust columns opacity in the GCM
[2643]30  real,intent(in) :: IRtoVIScoef(ngrid) ! conversion coefficient to apply on
31                                        ! scenario absorption IR (9.3um) CDOD
32                                        ! = tau_pref_gcm_VIS / tau_pref_gcm_IR
[2417]33  real,intent(out) :: dust_rad_adjust(ngrid) ! radiative adjustment coefficient
34                      ! for dust
36  real,allocatable,save :: local_time(:) ! LT at current physics time step
37  real,allocatable,save :: local_time_prevdt(:) ! LT at previous physics time step
[2634]38  real :: zday_prevdt ! value of zday at previous physics time step
[2417]39  real,save :: zday_scenario ! to fetch dod values from the scenario
40  real,save :: zday_scenario_next ! to fetch dod values from the scenario the next day
[2634]41  logical,save :: firstcall=.true. ! is it the first call of the run?
[2417]42  integer :: ig
43!  real,allocatable,save :: tau_pref_scenario(:)
44  real,allocatable,save :: tau_pref_scenario_next(:)
45  real :: weight ! interpolation weight
[2634]47!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(local_time,local_time_prevdt,zday_scenario,zday_scenario_next)
48!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall,tau_pref_scenario_next)
[2417]51  ! 0. preliminary stuff
52  ! NB: this routine may be called multiple times per physics
53  ! so we have to save some arrays to store the information and not
54  ! recompute it for each call
56  if (firstcall) then
57    write(*,*) "compute_dust_rad_adjust: dust scenario assumed exact at", &
58               " time(sol)=",t_scenario_sol
59    allocate(local_time(ngrid))
60    allocate(local_time_prevdt(ngrid))
61!    allocate(tau_pref_scenario(ngrid))
62    allocate(tau_pref_scenario_next(ngrid))
63    firstcall=.false.
64  endif ! of if firstcall
[2634]66  ! 1. Compute local times (in sol fraction)
67  local_time(1:ngrid)=modulo(1.+(zday-INT(zday)) + &
68                       (longitude_deg(1:ngrid)/15)/24,1.)
69  zday_prevdt=zday-dtphys/daysec
70  local_time_prevdt(1:ngrid)=modulo(1.+(zday_prevdt-INT(zday_prevdt)) + &
71                       (longitude_deg(1:ngrid)/15)/24,1.)
73  zday_scenario=zday-modulo(zday,1.) ! integer value of the day: the scenario
74  ! opacity is assumed to be measured at 2pm but stored at nidnight
75  zday_scenario_next=zday_scenario+1
77  ! 2. Load dust opacities for zday_scenario and zday_scenario_next
[2634]78!  call read_dust_scenario(ngrid,nlayer,zday_scenario,pplev,     &
79!                                       tau_pref_scenario)
80  call read_dust_scenario(ngrid,nlayer,zday_scenario_next,pplev, &
[2643]81                                       IRtoVIScoef,              &
[2634]82                                       tau_pref_scenario_next)
84  ! 3. Update dust_rad_adjust_* for grid points which just reached 2pm
[2634]85  do ig=1,ngrid
86   if ((local_time(ig).ge.t_scenario_sol).and. &
87                (local_time_prevdt(ig).lt.(t_scenario_sol))) then
88     ! store previous "next" as "prev" (NB we could also decide to recompute
89     ! it using the current taudust...)
90     dust_rad_adjust_prev(ig)=dust_rad_adjust_next(ig)
91     ! compute new target based on current dust opacity
92     dust_rad_adjust_next(ig)=tau_pref_scenario_next(ig)* &
93                              pplev(ig,1)/odpref/taudust(ig)
95     ! Upper limit for dust_rad_adjust
96     ! this is done to avoid skyrocketing taus given to the radiative transfer
97     ! when there is a huge diurnal variation of tau (especially in polar nights)
98      dust_rad_adjust_next(ig)=min(dust_rad_adjust_next(ig), 5.) !3.
100   endif
101  enddo
103  ! 4. Compute dust_rad_adjust using linear interpolation
104  ! between dust_rad_adjust_prev and dust_rad_adjust_next
105  do ig=1,ngrid
106    ! prev and next are separated by a sol exactly
107    ! we just need the distance (in sol) between current local time
108    ! and 2pm the day before
109    if (local_time(ig).ge.t_scenario_sol) then
110      ! we are between t_scenario_sol and midnight
111      weight=local_time(ig)-t_scenario_sol
112    else
113      ! we are between midnight and t_scenario_sol of the next day
114      weight=(1.-t_scenario_sol)+local_time(ig)
115    endif
116    dust_rad_adjust(ig)=dust_rad_adjust_prev(ig)+ &
117                        weight* &
118                        (dust_rad_adjust_next(ig)-dust_rad_adjust_prev(ig))
119  enddo! of do=ig=1,ngrid
121  end subroutine compute_dust_rad_adjust
124! Initialization of the module variables
126  subroutine ini_dust_rad_adjust_mod(ngrid)
128  implicit none
130  integer, intent(in) :: ngrid
132  allocate(dust_rad_adjust_prev(ngrid))
133  allocate(dust_rad_adjust_next(ngrid))
135  end subroutine ini_dust_rad_adjust_mod
137  subroutine end_dust_rad_adjust_mod
139  implicit none
141  if (allocated(dust_rad_adjust_prev)) deallocate(dust_rad_adjust_prev)
142  if (allocated(dust_rad_adjust_next)) deallocate(dust_rad_adjust_next)
144  end subroutine end_dust_rad_adjust_mod
146end module dust_rad_adjust_mod
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