! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'dimradmars.h' ! Declaration and initialisation or radiative transfer calculations !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! nflev: number of vertical layer ! ndlon,ndlo2: number of horizontal points ! Splitting of horizontal grid ! NDLO2 et ndomainsz pour le decoupage de l'appel a la physique ! ATTENTION: Il faut 1 < ndomainsz =< ngridmx INTEGER NFLEV,NDLON,NDLO2,ndomainsz ! parameter (ndomainsz=ngridmx) parameter (ndomainsz=(ngridmx-1)/20 + 1) ! parameter (ndomainsz=(ngridmx-1)/5 + 1) parameter (NFLEV=nlayermx,NDLON=ndomainsz) ! avec decoupage parameter (NDLO2=NDLON) ! Number of kind of tracer radiative properties ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! naerkind is set in scatterers.h (built when compiling with makegcm -s #) #include"scatterers.h" ! NB: May have to change value of nsizemax below when changing scatterers ! Reference wavelengths used to compute reference optical depth (m) ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REAL longrefir(naerkind),longrefvis(naerkind) REAL long1vis,long2vis,long3vis, long1ir,long2ir REAL long1co2,long2co2 REAL sunfr(2) integer nir, nuco2 INTEGER npademx,nabsmx,nt_pademx, NSUN ! Definition of spectral intervals at thermal infrared wavelengths (LW) ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parameter (nir=4) ! Total number of thermal IR bands parameter (nuco2=2) ! number of bands in CO2 bands PARAMETER (long1ir=5.E-6 , long2ir=200.E-6) PARAMETER (long1co2=1.E+0 / 865.E+2 , long2co2=1.E+0 / 500.E+2) ! Warning : the "nir" thermal IR bands are not ordered by wavelength: ! iir=1 : central 15um CO2 bands \ ! iir=2 : CO2 band wings [long1co2-long2co2] MINUS central band ! iir=3 : 9 um band [long1ir - long1co2] ! iir=4 : Far IR [long2co2 - long2ir] ! Definition of spectral interval at solar wavelengths (SW) ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARAMETER (NSUN=2) ! do not change that ! ! Boundaries of spectral intervals (m) : PARAMETER (long1vis=0.1E-6 , long2vis=0.5E-6 , long3vis=5.E-6) ! Fraction of solar energy in solar band #1 [long1vis-long2vis] DATA sunfr(1) / 0.274490 / ! Fraction of solar energy in solar band #2 [long2vis-long3vis] DATA sunfr(2) / 0.725509 / ! Maximum number of grain size classes ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! This parameter has to be set to the maximum number of particle ! sizes contained in the optical parameter database; For example, ! if only one grain size is used to describe dust, and 30 are used ! to describe water-ice crystals in the visible and 15 in the IR, ! nsizemax has to be set to 30. ! If only one grain size is considered for all the aerosols, set ! this parameter to 1 and convolution will be turned off during ! the radiative calculations. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nsizemax = 60 ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nsizemax = 1 ! Various initialisation for LW radiative code ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! npademx : nombre de coef de pade ! nabsmx : ? ! nt_pademx : nombre d'intervalles de temperature pour pade PARAMETER (npademx=4,nabsmx=2,nt_pademx=19)