!----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'control.h' ! For Fortran 77/Fortran 90 compliance always use line continuation ! symbols '&' in columns 73 and 6 ! COMMON/control_i/ndynstep,day_step, & & iperiod,iconser,idissip,iphysiq , & & anneeref COMMON/control_r/periodav,ecritphy,nday_r INTEGER ndynstep ! # of dynamical time steps to run (if negative or not specified in run.def, nday_r is used instead) INTEGER day_step ! # of dynamical time steps per day INTEGER iperiod ! make a Matsuno step before avery iperiod-1 LF steps INTEGER iconser ! INTEGER idissip ! apply dissipation every idissip dynamical step INTEGER iphysiq ! call physics every iphysiq dynamical steps INTEGER anneeref ! reference year # ! not used REAL periodav REAL ecritphy ! output data in "diagfi.nc" every ecritphy dynamical steps real nday_r ! number of days to run (possibly including a fraction of day) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------