1 | %\part{Faire tourner le mod\`ele} |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | \chapter{Running the model: a practice simulation} |
5 | |
6 | \label{loc:contact1} |
7 | |
8 | This chapter is meant for first time users of the LMD model. |
9 | As the best introduction to the model is surely to run a simulation, |
10 | here we explain how to go about it. |
11 | All you will need are files and scripts necessary to build the GCM (all are in |
12 | the {\tt LMDZ.COMMON} and {\tt LMDZ.MARS} directories which you will download |
13 | as explained in the next |
14 | sections) as well as some initial states to initiate simulations and, |
15 | if not working on the |
16 | LMD machines, some extra datafiles for external forcings (topography, |
17 | dust scenarios, radiative properties of dust and water ice, etc.).\\ |
18 | Once you have followed the example given below, |
19 | you can then go on to change the control parameters and the initial states |
20 | as you wish. A more detailed description of the model's organization |
21 | as well as associated inputs and |
22 | outputs are given in sections~\ref{sc:info} and~\ref{sc:io}. |
23 | |
24 | \section{Obtaining the model} |
25 | The LMD model project is developped using subversion (svn), the free software |
26 | versioning and a revision control system. |
27 | To obtain (download) the latest version of the model, |
28 | simply go to the directory where you want to |
29 | install the model and use the relevant svn command:\\ |
30 | {\tt svn checkout http://svn.lmd.jussieu.fr/Planeto/trunk --depth empty}\\ |
31 | Then move to the newly generated {\tt trunk directory} and download |
32 | (i.e. {\tt svn update}) the |
33 | {\tt LMDZ.MARS} and {\tt LMDZ.COMMON} directories (the contents of these |
34 | directories are described in chapter \ref{loc:contenu}) with: |
35 | \begin{verbatim} |
36 | svn update LMDZ.MARS LMDZ.COMMON UTIL |
37 | \end{verbatim} |
38 | |
39 | If you are not on the LMD machines, you will also need to download a |
40 | set of files available online at:\\ |
41 | \url{http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/planets/mars/datadir}\\ |
42 | (preserve the file names and subdirectory structure). |
43 | This directory contains input files (topography, dust scenarios, |
44 | radiative properties of scatteres, etc.) which the GCM needs to run. |
45 | Where you put your local {\tt datadir} directory (or whatever name |
46 | you choose for this directory) is not critical, as that location can |
47 | be specified at runtime (see sections \ref{sc:running_gcm} and |
48 | \ref{sc:callphys.def}).\\ |
49 | |
50 | To run the model, you will also need some initial condition files that |
51 | can be downloaded from:\\ |
52 | \url{http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/planets/mars/starts} |
53 | (see section \ref{sc:inputfiles}). |
54 | |
55 | \section{Prerequisites} |
56 | Before downloading and installing the model, a few prerequisites |
57 | must be satisfied: |
58 | \begin{enumerate} |
59 | \item The NetCDF library must be installed |
60 | on your system, using the same |
61 | compiler suite (e.g. gfortran and gcc, or ifort and icc) that you will use |
62 | to compile the model. The latest version of the NetCDF package is available |
63 | on the web at the following address:\\ |
64 | \url{https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf} \\ |
65 | |
66 | along with instructions for building (or downloading precompiled |
67 | binaries of) the library.\\ |
68 | Note that we provide in the {\tt UTIL} directory a Bash script |
69 | {\tt install\_netcdf4.0.1.bash} which may be used to download and install |
70 | version 4.0.1 of the NetCDF library; run {\tt install\_netcdf4.0.1.bash -h} |
71 | to list available options. |
72 | \item Some software to load and display NetCDF files such as |
73 | \begin{itemize} |
74 | \item Ferret \url{http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret} |
75 | \item Panoply \url{https://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply} |
76 | \item GrAdS \url{http://grads.iges.org/grads} |
77 | \item ncview \url{http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/ncview_home_page.html} |
78 | \end{itemize} |
79 | among others, should be installed on your system. |
80 | \item The {\tt fcm} utility must be installed on your system. |
81 | If it is not already so, it may be obtained by the following svn command line:\\ |
82 | {\verb+ svn checkout http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/fcm/svn/PATCHED/FCM_V1.2+}\\ |
83 | And add its {\tt bin} subdirectory to your {\tt PATH} environment variable |
84 | to make the {\tt fcm} command available from anywhere. |
85 | \item To run at higher resolution (and/or with many tracers) requires some memory, in particular a reasonable stacksize (which is often quite limited by default). It is thus highly recommended that you set this value to {\tt unlimited} via |
86 | the command |
87 | \begin{verbatim} |
88 | ulimit -s unlimited |
89 | \end{verbatim} |
90 | before running the GCM, or more pragmatically by adding this instruction to you |
91 | {\tt .bashrc} or {\tt .profile} so that it is always set. |
92 | \end{enumerate} |
93 | |
94 | \section{Installing the model} |
95 | Scripts for installation/compilation for the model are in the {\tt LMDZ.COMMON} directory |
96 | These scripts can also run the model on parallel computers. |
97 | |
98 | You should first compile the IOIPSL library which is used\footnote{It is in fact for now possible to run the GCM without the IOIPSL library but this requires adding the {\tt -io noioipsl} to the {\tt makelmdz\_fcm} command line, and might no longer be possible in the future.} by the GCM. To do this go to the {\tt LMDZ.COMMON/ioipsl} directory. There are a number of example scripts (depending on machines and compiler suites to use) to run to download and install the ioipsl library. As an illustrative example we detail here using the {\tt install\_ioipsl\_gfortran.bash} script: |
99 | \begin{itemize} |
100 | \item Edit script {\tt install\_ioipsl\_gfortran.bash} to set the path to your NetCDF library in the {\tt setfolder} variable, e.g. \verb+ setfolder="/usr/local/netcdf"+ |
101 | \item Run the script: \verb+ ./install_ioipsl_gfortran.bash+ |
102 | \item If all went well the script should end with the message \verb+ OK: ioipsl library is in + followed by the full path to the library {\tt libioipsl.a} and companion module files in in subdirectory \verb+modipsl/lib+ |
103 | \end{itemize} |
104 | |
105 | \section{Compiling the model} |
106 | \label{sc:compile} |
107 | The Bash script {\tt makelmdz\_fcm} is used to compile the model. |
108 | It needs not be modified or adapted to your settings, as all |
109 | specificities are set in corresponding files located in the {\tt arch} |
110 | subdirectory. For a given machine, e.g. {\tt MyMachine}, one should create |
111 | two files, {\tt arch-MyMachine.fcm} and {\tt arch-MyMachine.path}, using the |
112 | provided example files to set appropriate compiler options and paths |
113 | (for instance {\tt arch-linux-ifort-para.fcm} and |
114 | {\tt arch-linux-ifort-para.path} are adapted to run on local LMD machines).\\ |
115 | The {\tt makelmdz\_fcm} script has the mandatory option {\tt -arch MyArch} |
116 | to specify the arch files to use (the {\tt "MyArch"} string should be replaced |
117 | with the name used for your own arch files), and multiple options: |
118 | \begin{itemize} |
119 | \item Example 1: Compiling the Martian model at grid resolution 64x48x49 |
120 | \begin{verbatim} |
121 | makelmdz_fcm -arch linux-ifort -d 64x48x49 -p mars gcm |
122 | \end{verbatim} |
123 | \item Example 2: Compiling as above but in "debug" mode |
124 | \begin{verbatim} |
125 | makelmdz_fcm -arch linux-ifort -d 64x48x49 -p mars -debug gcm |
126 | \end{verbatim} |
127 | \item Example 3: Compiling the model to run in parallel (MPI) mode: |
128 | \begin{verbatim} |
129 | makelmdz_fcm -arch linux-ifort -parallel mpi -d 64x48x49 -p mars gcm |
130 | \end{verbatim} |
131 | This option is different from the -j option that determines the number of cores when compilation is run in parallel mode. |
132 | \item For an overview of all available options: |
133 | \begin{verbatim} |
134 | makelmdz_fcm -h |
135 | \end{verbatim} |
136 | \end{itemize} |
137 | Upon succesfull compilation, the GCM executable is generated in the |
138 | {\tt LMDZ.COMMON/bin} directory with the following naming convention: |
139 | \begin{verbatim} |
140 | gcm_XXX_phymars_YY.e |
141 | \end{verbatim} |
142 | where \verb+XXX+ is the model resolution (which was specified with the {\tt -d} argument) and \verb+YY+ is either \verb+seq+ or \verb+para+ depending on if the model was compiled in serial or parallel mode ({\tt -parallel} argument). |
143 | |
144 | \section{Input files (initial states and def files)} |
145 | \label{sc:inputfiles} |
146 | In directory \verb+LMDZ.MARS/deftank+ |
147 | you will find some examples of run |
148 | parameter files ({\tt .def} files) which the model needs at runtime. |
149 | The four files the model requires (they must be in the same directory as the |
150 | executable {\tt gcm.e}) are: |
151 | {\bf run.def} (described in |
152 | section~\ref{loc:entrees}) {\bf callphys.def} |
153 | (see section~\ref{sc:callphys.def}), |
154 | {\bf callphys.def}, {\bf z2sig.def} and {\bf traceur.def}.\\ |
155 | |
156 | The example {\tt .def} files given in the {\tt deftank} directory |
157 | are for various configurations (e.g. model resolution), copy (and eventually |
158 | rename these files to match the generic names) to the directory where |
159 | you will run the model.\\ |
160 | |
161 | Copy initial condition files |
162 | {\bf start.nc} and {startfi.nc} (described in section |
163 | \ref{loc:entrees}) to the same directory.\\ |
164 | You can extract such files from {\bf start\_archive} |
165 | `banks of initial states' (i.e. files which |
166 | contain collections of initial states from |
167 | stndard scenarios and which can thus be used |
168 | to check if the model is installed correctly) stored on the LMD website at |
169 | \url{http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/planets/mars/starts}. |
170 | See section~\ref{sc:newstart} for a description of how to proceed to |
171 | extract {\bf start} files from {\bf start\_archives}. |
172 | |
173 | \section{Running the model} |
174 | \label{sc:running_gcm} |
175 | \begin{figure} |
176 | \centerline{\framebox[1.4\textwidth][c]{\includegraphics[width=1.2\textwidth]{Fig/inout.pdf}}} |
177 | \caption{Input/output data} |
178 | \label{fig:inout} |
179 | \end{figure} |
180 | |
181 | Once you have the program {\bf gcm.e}, |
182 | input files {\bf start.nc} {\bf startfi.nc}, |
183 | and parameter files {\bf run.def callphys.def traceur.def z2sig.def} |
184 | in the same directory, |
185 | simply execute the program to run\footnote{ |
186 | Note that if you ar not running on the LMD machines, you'll have to |
187 | modify or add, in file {\tt callphys.def}, the line: |
188 | {\tt datadir = /path/to/datafile}\\ |
189 | Where {\tt /path/to/datafile} is the full path to the directory which |
190 | contains the set of files downloaded from:\\ |
191 | \url{http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/planets/mars/datadir} \\ |
192 | To ease downloading, a tar file of this directory can be obtained at: \\ |
193 | \url{http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/planets/mars/datadir.tar.gz} |
194 | } |
195 | a simulation: |
196 | \begin{verbatim} |
197 | gcm.e |
198 | \end{verbatim} |
199 | |
200 | You might also want to keep all messages and diagnotics written to standard |
201 | output (i.e. the screen). You should then redirect the standard output |
202 | (and error) to some file, e.g. {\tt gcm.out}: |
203 | \begin{verbatim} |
204 | gcm.e > gcm.out 2>&1 |
205 | \end{verbatim} |
206 | |
207 | If you want to use parallel mode (as MPI for instance), you should specify it as follow: |
208 | \begin{verbatim} |
209 | mpirun gcm.e > gcm.out 2>&1 |
210 | \end{verbatim} |
211 | NB: The definition of parallel parameters, such as number of cores, is dependant on the machine used. |
212 | You should find examples of scripts within other simulations or machine user guides. |
213 | |
214 | |
215 | \section{Visualizing the output files} |
216 | |
217 | As the model runs it generates output files {\bf diagfi.nc} and |
218 | {\bf stats.nc} files. The former contains instantaneous values of |
219 | various fields and the later statistics (over the whole run) of some |
220 | variables. |
221 | |
222 | \subsection{Using Ferret to visualize outputs} |
223 | Documentation and tutorials are available on the Ferret official website: |
224 | \begin{verbatim} |
225 | https://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/ |
226 | \end{verbatim} |
227 | If you are a new user, we strongly recommend first spending some time browsing the official tutorials and documentation to learn more about Ferret capabilities and usage.\\ |
228 | |
229 | Here is asimple illustrative example of how one may visualize temperature for the 5th layer and 9th time step from a {\tt diagfi.nc} file: |
230 | \begin{description} |
231 | \item {\bf -} Ferret session: |
232 | \begin{description} |
233 | \item \verb+ferret+ {\it return} |
234 | \item \verb!yes? use diagfi.nc! |
235 | \item \verb!yes? show data! (displays information about available variables and their dimensions) |
236 | \item \verb!yes? fill temp[k=5,l=9]! (plot temperature map of 5th layer and 9th time step) |
237 | \end{description} |
238 | \end{description} |
239 | |
240 | \subsection{Using GrAds to visualize outputs} |
241 | If you have never used the graphic software {\bf GrAds}, we strongly |
242 | recommend spending half an hour to familiarize yourself with it by following |
243 | the demonstration provided for that purpose. |
244 | The demo is fast and easy to follow and you will learn the basic commands. |
245 | To do this read file |
246 | \begin{verbatim} |
247 | /distrib/local/grads/sample |
248 | \end{verbatim} |
249 | |
250 | For example, to visualize files {\tt diagfi.nc} and {\tt stats.nc} |
251 | |
252 | NetCDF files {\tt diagfi.nc} and {\tt stats.nc} can be accessed directly |
253 | using GrAdS thanks to utility program gradsnc, |
254 | (the user does not need to intervene).\\ |
255 | |
256 | \noindent |
257 | To visualize the temperature in the 5th layer using file |
258 | {\tt diagfi.nc} for example: |
259 | \label{loc:visu} |
260 | |
261 | \begin{description} |
262 | \item {\bf -} GrAdS session: |
263 | |
264 | \begin{description} |
265 | \item \verb+grads+ {\it return} |
266 | |
267 | \item {\it return} (opens a landscape window) |
268 | |
269 | \item \verb+ga-> sdfopen diagfi.nc+ |
270 | |
271 | \item \verb+ga-> query file+ (displays info about the open file, including the name of the stored variables. Shortcut: {\it q file}) |
272 | |
273 | \item \verb+ga-> set z 5+ (fixes the altitude to the 5th layer) |
274 | |
275 | \item \verb+ga-> set t 1+ (fixes the time to the first stored value) |
276 | |
277 | \item \verb+ga-> query dims+ (indicates the fixed values for the 4 |
278 | dimensions. Shortcut: {\it q dims}) |
279 | |
280 | \item \verb+ga-> display temp+ (displays the temperature card for the 5th layer and for the first time value stored. Shortcut: {\it d |
281 | T}) |
282 | |
283 | \item \verb+ga-> clear+ (clears the display. Shortcut: {\it c}) |
284 | |
285 | \item \verb+ga-> set gxout shaded+ (not a contour plot, but a shaded one) |
286 | |
287 | \item \verb+ga-> display temp+ |
288 | |
289 | \item \verb+ga-> set gxout contour+ (returns to contour mode to display the levels) |
290 | |
291 | \item \verb+ga-> display temp+ (superimposes the contours if the clear command is not used) |
292 | |
293 | \end{description} |
294 | \end{description} |
295 | |
296 | |
297 | |
298 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
299 | |
300 | \section{Resuming a simulation} |
301 | At the end of a simulation, the model generates {\bf restart} files |
302 | (files {\tt restart.nc} and {\tt restartfi.nc}) |
303 | which contain the final state of the model. |
304 | As shown in figure~\ref{fig:inout}, |
305 | these files (which are of the same format as the start files) |
306 | can later be used as initial |
307 | states for a new simulation.\\ |
308 | |
309 | \noindent |
310 | The {\bf restart} files just need to be renamed: |
311 | \begin{verbatim} |
312 | mv restart.nc start.nc |
313 | mv restartfi.nc startfi.nc |
314 | \end{verbatim} |
315 | \noindent |
316 | and running a simulation with these will in fact resume the simulation |
317 | from where the previous run ended. |
318 | |
319 | \section{Chain simulations} |
320 | |
321 | In practice, we recommend running a chain of simulations lasting several |
322 | days or longer (or hundreds of days at low resolution). |
323 | |
324 | To do this, a script named {\tt run0} is available in |
325 | \verb+LMDZ.MARS/deftank+ , which should be used as follows: |
326 | \begin{itemize} |
327 | \item Set the length of each simulation in {\tt run.def} |
328 | (i.e. set the value of {\tt nday}) |
329 | \item Set the maximum number of simulations at the beginning of the {\tt run0} |
330 | script (i.e. set the value of {\tt nummax}) |
331 | \item Copy start files {\tt start.nc startfi.nc} over and rename them |
332 | {\tt start0.nc startfi0.nc}. |
333 | \item Run script {\tt run0} |
334 | \end{itemize} |
335 | |
336 | {\tt run0} runs a series of simulations that generate the indexed output |
337 | files (e.g. {\tt start1, startfi1, diagfi1}, etc.) |
338 | including files {\tt lrun1, lrun2}, etc. containing the redirection of the |
339 | display and the information about the run. |
340 | |
341 | To carry on simulations after a first series |
342 | (for example, starting from {\tt start5 and startfi5}), just write the |
343 | index of the initial files (e.g. 5) in the file {\tt num\_run}. |
344 | If {\tt num\_run} exists, the model will start from the index written in |
345 | {\tt num\_run}. If not it will start from, {\tt start0 and startfi0}. |
346 | |
347 | |
348 | {\it NOTE}: A script is available for performing annual runs with 12 seasons |
349 | at 30$^o$ solar longitude |
350 | as it is in the database (script {\bf \tt run\_mcd}, also found in directory |
351 | {\tt deftank}). |
352 | This script functions with script run0. Just set the number of simulations to |
353 | 1 in run0. Then copy {\tt run.def} into {\tt run.def.ref} and set nday to 9999 in this |
354 | file. To start from startN.c, edit the file run\_mcd and comment |
355 | (with a \#) the N months already created and describe N in {\tt num\_run}. |
356 | Then run {\bf \tt run\_mcd}. |
357 | |
358 | Some scripts similar to {\tt run\_mcd}, but including dedicated handling of job schedulers for the Occigen and Ciclad supercomputers can be found in the {\tt ciclad} and {\tt occigen} subdirectories of {\tt deftank}. Check out the {\tt README} files there. |
359 | |
360 | \section{Creating and modifying initial states} |
361 | |
362 | \label{sc:newstart} |
363 | |
364 | \subsection{Using program ``newstart''} |
365 | |
366 | Several model parameters (for example, the dust optical depth) are stored in |
367 | the initial states (NetCDF files {\tt start.nc} |
368 | and {\tt startfi.nc}). |
369 | To change these parameters, or to generally change the model resolution, |
370 | use program {\bf newstart}. |
371 | |
372 | This program is also used to create an initial state. |
373 | In practice, we usually reuse an old initial state, and modify it using |
374 | {\bf newstart}. |
375 | |
376 | Like the GCM, program {\bf newstart} must be |
377 | compiled (using the {\tt makelmdz\_fcm} script) |
378 | at the required grid resolution. |
379 | For example: |
380 | \begin{verbatim} |
381 | makelmdz_fcm -arch local -d 64x48x25 -p mars newstart |
382 | \end{verbatim} |
383 | The resulting executable will be created in the {\tt LMDZ.COMMON/bin} directory, as \verb+newstart_XXX_phymars_seq.e+, where \verb+XXX+ is the dimension (values given to the {\tt -d} argument) for which newstart was compiled.\\ |
384 | |
385 | Then run the newstart program in a directory containing the start |
386 | and def file to be used: |
387 | \begin{verbatim} |
388 | newstart.e |
389 | \end{verbatim} |
390 | |
391 | The program then gives you two options: |
392 | \begin{verbatim} |
393 | From which kind of files do you want to create newstart and startfi files |
394 | 0 - from a file start_archive |
395 | 1 - from files start and startfi |
396 | \end{verbatim} |
397 | |
398 | \begin{itemize} |
399 | \item{-} Option ``1'' allows you to read and modify the information needed |
400 | to create a new initial state from the files |
401 | \verb+ start.nc, startfi.nc + |
402 | \item{-} Option ``0'' allows you to read and modify the information needed to |
403 | create a new initial state from file |
404 | \verb+ start_archive.nc + (whatever the \verb+ start_archive.nc + |
405 | grid resolution is).\\ |
406 | \end{itemize} |
407 | If you use tracers, make sure that they are taken into account in your |
408 | start files (either start or start\_archive).\\ \\ |
409 | Then answer to the various questions in the scroll menu. |
410 | These questions allow you to modify the initial state for the following |
411 | parameters. |
412 | |
413 | \input{input/questions_inistate.tex} |
414 | |
415 | Program {\bf newstart.e} creates files |
416 | {\tt restart.nc} and {\tt restartfi.nc} |
417 | that you generally need to rename (for instance rename them in start0.nc |
418 | and startfi0.nc if you want to use run0 or run\_mcd, starting with season 0; |
419 | rename them {\tt start.nc} and {\tt startfi.nc} if you just want to perform |
420 | one run with {\tt gcm.e}). |
421 | |
422 | |
423 | \subsection{Creating the initial start\_archive.nc file } |
424 | |
425 | Archive file |
426 | {\tt start\_archive.nc} is created from files |
427 | {\tt start.nc} and {\tt startfi.nc} by program {\bf start2archive}. |
428 | Program {\bf start2archive} compiles to the same grid resolution as the |
429 | {\tt start.nc} and {\tt startfi.nc} grid resolution. For example: |
430 | |
431 | \begin{verbatim} |
432 | makelmd_fcm -arch local -d 64x48x25 -p mars start2archive |
433 | \end{verbatim} |
434 | Then run \verb+ start2archive.e+ \\ \\ |
435 | You now have a \verb+ start_archive.nc+ file for one season that you can |
436 | use with newstart. |
437 | If you want to gather other states obtained at other times of year, rerun |
438 | {\tt start2archive.e} with the {\tt start.nc} and {\tt startfi.nc} |
439 | corresponding to these. |
440 | These additional initial states will automatically be added to the |
441 | {\tt start\_archive.nc} file present in the directory. |
442 | |
443 | \subsection{Changing the horizontal or vertical grid resolution} |
444 | |
445 | To run at a different grid resolution than available initial conditions |
446 | files, one needs to use tools {\bf newstart} and {\bf start2archive} |
447 | |
448 | For example, to create initial states at grid resolution |
449 | 32$\times$24$\times$25 from NetCDF files |
450 | \verb+ start + and \verb+ startfi + at grid resolution |
451 | 64$\times$48$\times$32 : |
452 | |
453 | \begin{itemize} |
454 | \item Create file \verb+ start_archive.nc + |
455 | with {\bf start2archive.e} compiled at grid resolution |
456 | 64$\times$48$\times$25 using {\bf old file {\tt z2sig.def} |
457 | used previously} |
458 | |
459 | \item Create files |
460 | {\tt newstart.nc} and {\tt newstartfi.nc} |
461 | with {\bf newstart.e} |
462 | compiled at grid resolution 32$\times$24$\times$25, |
463 | using {\bf new file {\tt z2sig.def}} |
464 | |
465 | \end{itemize} |
466 | |
467 | If you want to create starts files with tracers for 49 layers using a |
468 | {\tt start\_archive.nc} obtained for 32 layers, do not forget to use the |
469 | \verb+ ini_q+ option in newstart in order to correctly initialize tracers |
470 | value for layer 33 to layer 49. |
471 | You just have to answer yes to the question on thermosphere initialization |
472 | if you want to initialize the thermosphere part only (l=33 to l=49), |
473 | and no if you want to initialize tracers for all layers (l=0 to l=49).\\ \\ |
474 | |