{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} First set of questions: Modifications of variables in tab_cntrl: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) day_ini : Initial day (=0 at Ls=0) (19) z0 : default surface roughness (m) (21) emin_turb : minimal energy (PBL) (20) lmixmin : mixing length (PBL) (26) emissiv : ground emissivity (24 et 25) emisice : CO2 ice max emissivity (22 et 23) albedice : CO2 ice cap albedos (31 et 32) iceradius : mean scat radius of CO2 snow (33 et 34) dtemisice : time scale for snow metamorphism (27) tauvis : mean dust vis. reference opacity (35) volcapa : soil volumetric heat capacity (18) obliquit : planet obliquity (deg) (17) peri_day : perihelion date (sol since Ls=0) ( ) peri_ls : perihelion date (Ls since Ls=0) (15) periheli : min. sun-mars dist (Mkm) (16) aphelie : max. sun-mars dist (Mkm) Second set of questions : List of possible changes : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flat : no topography ("aquaplanet") bilball : uniform albedo and thermal inertia z0 : set a uniform surface roughness length coldspole : cold subsurface and high albedo at S.Pole qname : change tracer name q=0 : ALL tracer =zero q=x : give a specific uniform value to one tracer q=profile : specify a profile for a tracer freedust : rescale dust to a true value ini_q : tracers initialization for chemistry and water vapour ini_q-h2o : tracers initialization for chemistry only composition : change atm main composition: CO2,N2,Ar, O2,CO ini_h2osurf : reinitialize surface water ice noglacier : Remove tropical H2O ice if |lat|<45 watercapn : H20 ice on permanent N polar cap watercaps : H20 ice on permanent S polar cap wetstart : start with a wet atmosphere isotherm : Isothermal Temperatures, wind set to zero co2ice=0 : remove CO2 polar cap ptot : change total pressure therm_ini_s : set soil thermal inertia to reference surface values subsoilice_n : put deep underground ice layer in northern hemisphere subsoilice_s : put deep underground ice layer in southern hemisphere mons_ice : put underground ice layer according to MONS derived data \end{verbatim} }