\chapter{Program organization and compilation script} \label{sc:info} \index{Programming organization and compilation} \label{loc:contenu} Currently the model is split between two directories: {\bf LMDZ.COMMON} and {\bf LMDZ.MARS}. The reason for this separation is that all that concerns the dynamics (and which is common to all planets) is in {\bf LMDZ.COMMON} whereas all that concerns the Martian physics is in {\bf LMDZ.MARS}. For historical reasons, {\bf LMDZ.MARS} still includes a dynamical core, but it is strongly recommended to use the {\bf LMDZ.COMMON} (mandatory if you want to run in parallel). \noindent Here is a brief description of the contents of directory {\bf LMDZ.COMMON}: \begin{verbatim} libf/ model FORTRAN Source code (.F or .F90) and include files (.h) organised in sub-directories (dynamics (dyn3d), filters (filtrez), interface with physical packages (dynphy_lonlat), ...) arch/ set of architecture files used by the makelmdz_fcm script makelmdz_fcm script to use to compile the GCM and related utilities bin/ directory where executables generated by the makelmdz_fcm script will be generated ioipsl/ directory with scripts usefull to download and build the IOIPSL library (not needed by the Martian GCM). \end{verbatim} \noindent And a brief description of the {\bf LMDZ.MARS} directory contents: \begin{verbatim} libf/ Model FORTRAN Source code (.F or .F90) and include files (.h) organised in sub-directories (physics (phymars), dynamics (dyn3d), filters (filtrez)...) deftank/ A collection of examples of parameter files required to run the GCM (run.def, callphys.def, ...) util/ A set of programs useful for post-processing GCM outputs. makegcm (Obsolete) script that should be used to compile the GCM as well as related utilities (newstart, start2archive, testphys1d) \end{verbatim} \section{Organization of the model source files} \index{Organization of the model source files} The model source files are stored in various sub directories in directories {\tt LMDZ.COMMON/libf} and {\tt LMDZ.MARS/libf}. These sub-directories correspond to the different parts of the model: \\ In {\tt LMDZ.COMMON} one will find directories relevant for the dynamical core: \begin{description} \item{\bf grid:} mainly made up of "dimensions.h" file, which contains the parameters that define the model grid, i.e. the number of points in longitude (iim), latitude (jjm) and altitude (llm). \item{\bf dyn3d:} contains the dynamical core's serial code. \item{\bf dyn3dpar:} contains the dynamical core's parallel code. \item{\bf dy3d\_common:} contains routine common to serial and parallel dynamical cores. \item{\bf dynphy\_lonlat:} contains the physics/dynamics interfaces, including in subdirectory {\tt dynphy\_lonlat/phymars} the interface to the Martian physics. \item{\bf filtrez:} contains the longitudinal filter sources applied in the polar latitudes where the Courant-Friedrich-Levy stability criterion would otherwise be violated. \item{\bf misc:} contains miscelaneous routines, neither specific to dynamics or physics. \item{\bf phy\_common:} contains routines common to all physics packages (Mars, Venus, ...) \item{\bf aeronomars, phymars:} these are links to the directories of the Mars physics package in {\tt LMDZ.MARS/libf} \item{\bf aeronostd, chimtitan, muphytitan, phystd, phytitan, phyvenus:} links, which may be broken, to other physics packages (Titan, Venus, Generic GCM). \end{description} \noindent In {\tt LMDZ.MARS/libf} are subdirectories relevent to the Mars physics package: \begin{description} \item{\bf dyn3d, grid, filtrez:} Obsolete versions of the serial dynamical core (the dynamics package included in LMDZ.COMMON should be used instead). \item{\bf phymars:} contains the Martian physics routines. \item{\bf aeronomars:} contains the Martian chemistry and thermosphere routines. \end{description} \section{Programming} The model is written in {\bf Fortran}. \begin{itemize} \item The program sources are written in {\bf ``file.F"} or {\bf ``file.F90''} files. The extension .F is the standard extension for fixed-form Fortran and the extension .F90 is for free-form Fortran. These files must be preprocessed (by a{\bf C preprocessor} such as (cpp)) before compilation (this behaviour is, for most compilers, implicitly obtained but using a capital F in the extention of the file names). \item Constants are placed in COMMON declarations, located in the common ``include'' files {\bf "file.h"} or in relevant modules. \item In general, variables should be passed from subroutine to subroutine as arguments (and never as COMMON blocks). \item In some parts of the code, for ``historical'' reasons, the following rule is sometimes used: in the subroutine, the variables (ex: \verb+name+) passed as an argument by the calling program are given the prefix \verb+p+ (ex: \verb+pname+) while the local variables are given the prefix \verb+z+ (ex: \verb+zname+). As a result, several variables change their prefix (and thus their name) when passing from a calling subroutine to a called subroutine. \end{itemize} \section{Model organization} Figure~\ref{fg:organi_phys} describes the main subroutines called by physiq.F. \index{Model organization} \begin{figure} \begin{flushleft} \includegraphics[scale=0.70,angle=-90]{Fig/physique.pdf} \caption{Organigram of subroutine function physiq.F} \label{fg:organi_phys} \end{flushleft} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Compilation du modele %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Compiling the model} \index{Compiling the model} \label{sc:compil1} Technically, the model is compiled using the Unix utility {\tt make}. The {\tt makelmdz\_fcm} utility script recreates the {\tt makefile} file when necessary, for example, when a source file has been added or removed since the last compilation. \noindent {\bf None of this is visible to the user. To (re-)compile the model just run the command} \begin{verbatim} makelmdz_fcm \end{verbatim} with adequate options (e.g. {\tt makelmdz\_fcm -arch local -d 62x48x32 -p mars gcm}), as described in section~\ref{sc:compile}. \paragraph{Help manual for the makelmdz\_fcm script} Use the "-h" option to learn about possible options: \begin{verbatim} makelmdz_fcm -h \end{verbatim} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % makegcm.help: lu dans makegcm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\input{input/makegcm_help.tex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%