#!/bin/bash ################################################################ ### Launching script for a chained simulation of 1D PCM runs ### ################################################################ echo "The launching script is starting!" echo "The output file is \"loglaunch.txt\"." if [ "$1" = "bg" ]; then date else nohup "$0" bg > loglaunch.txt 2>&1 & exit 1 fi # A few parameters that might need be changed depending on your setup: # Path to the arch.env to source: source ../trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/arch.env # Save the current value of LC_NUMERIC and set it to a locale that uses a dot as the decimal separator OLD_LC_NUMERIC=$LC_NUMERIC LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8 ################################################################ #---------- Modify here the number of years to be simulated ------------ ## set the number of Martian years: n_myears=1000 #------------------ Modify here the name of PCM exe -------------------- ## fill in the name of executable for PCM: exePCM="testphys1d_29_phymars_seq.e" ################################################################ #------ Check if files/directories necessary for the script exist ------ dir=`pwd` machine=`hostname` address=`whoami` if [ ! -f "$exePCM" ]; then echo "Error: file \"$exePCM\" does not exist in $dir!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "out_PCM" ]; then mkdir out_PCM fi if [ ! -d "starts" ]; then mkdir starts fi if [ ! -d "diags" ]; then mkdir diags fi #---------------------------- Initialization --------------------------- dir=`pwd` machine=`hostname` address=`whoami` echo "This is a chained simulation for PCM runs in $dir on $machine." echo "Number of years to be simulated: $n_myears Martian years." myear=686.9725 # Number of Earth days in Martian year eyear=365.256363004 # Number of days in Earth year convert_years=$(echo "$myear/$eyear" | bc -l) convert_years=$(printf "%.4f" $convert_years) # Rounding to the 4th decimal to respect the precision of Martian year i_myear=0 iPCM=1 cp startfi.nc starts/ if [ -f "star1D.nc" ]; then cp star1D.txt starts/ fi #---------------- Main loop to to run PCM year by year ----------------- while [ $i_myear -lt $n_myears ]; do # Run the PCM echo "Run PCM $iPCM: year $iPCM/$n_myears..." ./$exePCM > out_runPCM${iPCM} 2>&1 if [ ! -f "restartfi.nc" ]; then # Check if run ended abnormally echo "Error: the run PCM $iPCM crashed!" exit 1 fi # Copy data files and prepare the next run mv out_runPCM${iPCM} out_PCM/run${iPCM} mv diagfi.nc diags/diagfi${iPCM}.nc if [ -f "diagsoil.nc" ]; then mv diagsoil.nc diags/diagsoil${iPCM}.nc fi if [ -f "stats.nc" ]; then mv stats.nc diags/stats${iPCM}.nc fi if [ -f "Xdiurnalave.nc" ]; then mv Xdiurnalave.nc diags/Xdiurnalave${iPCM}.nc fi cp restartfi.nc starts/startfi${iPCM}.nc mv restartfi.nc startfi.nc if [ -f "restart1D.txt" ]; then cp restart1D.txt starts/restart1D${iPCM}.txt mv restart1D.txt start1D.txt fi ((iPCM++)) ((i_myear++)) echo "Done!" done # Restore the previous value of LC_NUMERIC LC_NUMERIC=$OLD_LC_NUMERIC date echo "The launching script ended."