[2510] | 1 | #PBS -S /bin/bash |
| 2 | #PBS -N run_month1 |
[2216] | 3 | #PBS -q day |
| 4 | #PBS -j eo |
| 5 | #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24 |
[2510] | 6 | #PBS -l mem=30gb |
| 7 | #PBS -l vmem=50gb |
[2216] | 8 | #PBS -l walltime=20:00:00 |
| 9 | |
| 10 | ## Script to run chained simulations on Ciclad |
| 11 | ## (uses script "run0" and reference file "run.def.ref") |
| 12 | ## Set values of "num_now" and "num_end" in the script below |
| 13 | ## to set initial month # and final month # of the simulation |
| 14 | |
| 15 | # go to directory where the job was launched |
| 16 | cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR |
| 17 | |
| 18 | # source the environment (you might need to adapt this path to your case) |
| 19 | source ../trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/arch.env |
| 20 | |
| 21 | date |
| 22 | |
| 23 | ## set starting month and ending month below: |
| 24 | num_now=1 |
| 25 | num_end=12 |
| 26 | (( num_previous = $num_now - 1 )) |
| 27 | |
| 28 | echo "$num_previous" > num_run |
| 29 | # next month number |
| 30 | (( num_next = $num_now + 1 )) |
| 31 | # true (i.e. modulo 12) month number |
| 32 | (( true_num = $num_now % 12 )) |
| 33 | |
| 34 | \rm -f error; touch error |
| 35 | |
| 36 | case $true_num in |
| 37 | 1 ) sed s/9999/61/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #1 |
| 38 | 2 ) sed s/9999/66/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #2 |
| 39 | 3 ) sed s/9999/66/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #3 |
| 40 | 4 ) sed s/9999/65/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #4 |
| 41 | 5 ) sed s/9999/60/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #5 |
| 42 | 6 ) sed s/9999/54/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #6 |
| 43 | 7 ) sed s/9999/50/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #7 |
| 44 | 8 ) sed s/9999/46/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #8 |
| 45 | 9 ) sed s/9999/47/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #9 |
| 46 | 10 ) sed s/9999/47/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #10 |
| 47 | 11 ) sed s/9999/51/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #11 |
| 48 | 0 ) sed s/9999/56/ run.def.ref > run.def ; run0 >> error ;; #12 |
| 49 | * ) echo "error" ;; |
| 50 | esac |
| 51 | |
| 52 | # launch job for next month |
| 53 | if (( $num_next <= $num_end )) ; then |
[2510] | 54 | cp -f run_month$num_now tmp |
| 55 | sed -e "s@run_month${num_now}@run_month${num_next}@" \ |
| 56 | -e "s@num_now=${num_now}@num_now=${num_next}@" tmp > run_month$num_next |
| 57 | rm tmp |
[2216] | 58 | qsub run_month$num_next |
| 59 | fi |