#!/bin/bash ########################################################################### # Script to perform several chained LMD Mars GCM simulations # SET HERE the maximum total number of simulations nummax=1 # Also, ensure that the gcm executable name is correct below: gcm=gcm_64x48x54_phymars_para.e # ########################################################################### set -x echo "---------------------------------------------------------" echo "starting run0" dir=`pwd` machine=`hostname` address=`whoami` # Look for file "num_run" which should contain # the value of the previously computed season # (defaults to 0 if file "num_run" does not exist) if [[ -r num_run ]] ; then echo "found file num_run" numold=`cat num_run` else numold=0 fi echo "numold is set to" ${numold} # Set value of current season (( numnew = ${numold} + 1 )) echo "numnew is set to" ${numnew} # Look for initialization data files (exit if none found) if [[ ( -r start${numold}.nc && -r startfi${numold}.nc ) ]] ; then \cp -f start${numold}.nc start.nc \cp -f startfi${numold}.nc startfi.nc else if (( ${numold} == 99999 )) ; then echo "No run because previous run crashed ! (99999 in num_run)" exit else echo "Where is file start"${numold}".nc??" exit fi fi # Run GCM srun --cpu-bind=threads --label -c${OMP_NUM_THREADS:=1} $gcm > lrun${numnew} 2>&1 # Check if run ended normaly and copy datafiles if [[ ( -r restartfi.nc && -r restart.nc ) ]] ; then echo "Run seems to have ended normaly" \mv -f restartfi.nc startfi${numnew}.nc \mv -f restart.nc start${numnew}.nc else if [[ -r num_run ]] ; then \mv -f num_run num_run.crash else echo "No file num_run to build num_run.crash from !!" # Impose a default value of 0 for num_run echo 0 > num_run.crash fi echo 99999 > num_run ############## To receive an Email message if the run crashes ######## mail -s "crash run GCM" $address < num_run # If we are over nummax : stop if (( $numnew + 1 > $nummax )) ; then exit else \cp -f run0 exe_mars ./exe_mars fi