#!/bin/csh -f # $Header: /users/lmdz/cvsroot/LMDZ.3.3/makegcm,v 1.21 2001/07/04 08:41:44 lmdz Exp $ #set verbose echo ######################################################################## # options par defaut pour la commande make ######################################################################## set dim="64x48x32" set physique=std set phys="PHYS=$physique" set include='-I$(LIBF)/grid -I$(LIBF)/misc -I. -I$(LIBF)/dynlonlat_phylonlat' set ntrac = 1 set filtre=filtrez set grille=reg set dyntype="dyn" set bands="32x36" set scatterers="1" set full="" #src_dirs: directories containing source files set src_dirs="grid misc" ######################################################################## # path a changer contenant les sources et les objets du modele ######################################################################## #### If you want you can set environment variables here # default LMDGCM is where the makegcm script is: #setenv LMDGCM `pwd`"/"`dirname $0` # only works for relative paths set scriptdir=`dirname $0` setenv LMDGCM `readlink -f $scriptdir` #setenv LMDGCM "/san/home/rdword/gcm/LMDZ.GENERIC" setenv LIBOGCM $LMDGCM/libo # NetCDF, on LMD computers: setenv NCDFLIB /donnees/emlmd/netcdf64-4.0.1_gfortran/lib setenv NCDFINC /donnees/emlmd/netcdf64-4.0.1_gfortran/include ##### setenv localdir "`pwd`" set MODIPSL=0 echo $localdir | grep modipsl >& /dev/null if ( ! $status ) then set MODIPSL=1 setenv LMDGCM $localdir cd ../.. setenv LIBOGCM "`pwd`/lib" cd $localdir if ( `hostname` == rhodes ) then set NCDFINC=`grep sxnec ../../util/AA_make.gdef| grep NCDF_INC|sed -e "s/^.* =//"` set NCDFLIB=`grep sxnec ../../util/AA_make.gdef| grep NCDF_LIB|sed -e 's/^.* =//'` else if ( `hostname` == nymphea0 ) then set NCDFINC=`grep fjvpp ../../util/AA_make.gdef| grep NCDF_INC|sed -e "s/^.* =//"` set NCDFLIB=`grep fjvpp ../../util/AA_make.gdef| grep NCDF_LIB|sed -e 's/^.* =//'` else echo 'Probleme de definition des variables NCDFINC et NCDFLIB' endif endif else if ( ! $?LMDGCM ) then echo You must initialize the variable LMDGCM in your environnement echo for instance: "setenv LMDGCM /usr/myself/supergcm" in .cshrc exit endif if ( ! $?LIBOGCM ) then set LIBOGCM=$LMDGCM/libo endif if ( ! $?NCDFLIB ) then echo You must initialize the variable NCDFLIB in your environnement echo for instance: "setenv NCDFLIB /usr/myself/netcdf" in .cshrc exit endif if ( ! $?NCDFINC ) then echo You must initialize the variable NCDFINC in your environnement echo for instance: "setenv NCDFINC /usr/myself/netcdf" in .cshrc exit endif endif set model=$LMDGCM set libo=$LIBOGCM ######################################################################## # Les differentes platformes reconnues ######################################################################## set HP=0 set IBM=0 set SUN=0 set VPP=0 set CRAY=0 set DEC=0 set LINUX=0 set NEC=0 set XNEC=0 if ( `uname` == HP-UX ) then set machine=HP set HP=1 else if (`uname` == UNIX_System_V ) then set machine=VPP set VPP=1 else if (`uname` == SunOS ) then set machine=SUN set SUN=1 else if ( `uname` == AIX ) then set machine=IBM set IBM=1 else if ( `uname` == OSF1 ) then set machine=ALPHA set DEC=1 else if ( `uname` == Linux ) then set machine=LINUX set LINUX=1 else if ( `hostname` == atlas || `hostname` == axis || `hostname` == etoile ) then set machine=CRAY set CRAY=1 else if ( `uname` == SUPER-UX ) then set machine=NEC set NEC=1 else if ( `hostname` == rhodes) then set machine=XNEC set XNEC=1 else if ( `uname` == CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64) then set machine=LINUX set LINUX=1 else echo Vous travaillez sur une machine non prevue par le reglement exit endif # create $libo directory if it doesn't exist if ( ! -d $libo ) then mkdir $libo endif if $VPP then set netcdf=netcdf_v else set netcdf=netcdf endif ######################################################################## # Quelques initialisations de variables du shell. ######################################################################## set dyn= set opt_link="" set adjnt="" set opt_dep="" set optim90="" set oplink="" ######################################################################## # Optimisations par defaut suivant les machines ######################################################################## echo "Optimisations par defaut suivant les machines" set libf=$model/libf #setenv localdir "LOCAL_DIR=`pwd`" #setenv localdir "`pwd`" cd $model if $CRAY then set optim90="-Wp'-P' -DCRAY "'-p$(LIBO) -eiv ' set oplink="-Wl'-DSTACK=128 -f indef' -L$NCDFLIB -lnetcdf " set mod_loc_dir=" " set mod_suffix=" " else if $SUN then set optim90=" -fast" set optimtru90=" -fast -free" set opt_link="-L$NCDFLIB -lnetcdf" set mod_loc_dir=$localdir set mod_suffix=mod else if $HP then else if $IBM then else if $VPP then set optim90="$optim -X9 -w" if $COUPLE then set opt_link="-Wg,-c $IOIPSLDIR/liboasis2.4_mpi2.a /usr/lang/mpi2/lib64/libmpi.a /usr/lang/mpi2/lib64/libmp.a /usr/local/lib/lib64/libnetcdf_cc.a -L$IOIPSLDIR -lioipsl" set oplink="-Wl,-t,-P,-dy " else set opt_link="-Wg,-c /usr/local/lib/lib64/libnetcdf_cc.a -L$IOIPSLDIR -lioipsl" set oplink="-Wl,-t,-dy " endif set mod_loc_dir=$IOIPSLDIR set mod_suffix=mod else if $DEC then else if $LINUX then # Ehouarn 'gfortran' compiler set optim="-O3 -funroll-loops " set optim90="-O3 -funroll-loops " set optimtru90="-O3 -funroll-loops " set opt_link=" -L$NCDFLIB -lnetcdf " #NB: on gnome -O3 ==> NaNs ... #set optim=" -O2 -ip -mkl=sequential -align common " #set optim90=" -O2 -ip -mkl=sequential -align common " #set optimtru90=" -O2 -ip -mkl=sequential -align common " set mod_loc_dir="./" set mod_suffix=mod else if $NEC then set optim90=' -clear -C hopt -float0 -ew -P static -Wf,"-pvctl fullmsg noassume "' set optimtru90=' -clear -f4 -C hopt -float0 -ew -P static -Wf,"-pvctl fullmsg noassume "' ### set opt_link=" -C hopt -float0 -ew -P static -L$IOIPSLDIR -lioipsl -L/u/rech/psl/rpsl003/IOIPSL -lnetcdf_i8r8_v " set opt_link=" -C hopt -float0 -ew -P static -L/SX/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf_i8r8 " set mod_loc_dir="." set mod_suffix="mod" else if $XNEC then set optim90=' -clear -R5 -C vopt -float0 -ew -P static -Wf,"-pvctl loopcnt=40000 fullmsg noassume "' set optimtru90=' -clear -R5 -f4 -C vopt -float0 -ew -P static -Wf,"-pvctl loopcnt=40000 fullmsg noassume "' if $MODIPSL then if $COUPLE then set opt_link="-L$IOIPSLDIR -lsxioipsl -loasis2.4_mpi2 -float0 -ew -P static -I$NCDFINC $NCDFLIB " else set opt_link="-L$IOIPSLDIR -lsxioipsl -float0 -ew -P static -I$NCDFINC $NCDFLIB " endif set mod_loc_dir="./" else set opt_link=" -C hopt -float0 -ew -P static -I$NCDFINC -L/SX/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf_i8r8" set mod_loc_dir="." endif set mod_suffix="mod" endif set nomlib=${machine}_gfortran # Impose distinct name for 64 bit Linux machines (to avoid mixing 32 and 64) if (`uname` == Linux && `uname -m` == "x86_64") then set nomlib=${machine}64_gfortran endif ######################################################################## # lecture des options de mymake ######################################################################## top: if ($#argv > 0) then switch ($1:q) case -h: ######################################################################## # Manuel en ligne ######################################################################## more <> tmp end set suf= foreach i ( `sort tmp | uniq ` ) set suf=$suf$i end if ( ! $IBM ) then set nomlib="$nomlib$suf" endif if ( $DEC ) then set nomlib=DEC endif # dimension echo "dimension avant sed $dim" if ( $IBM ) then set dim=`echo $dim | sed -en 's/[^0-9]/ /g'` set dim_=`echo $dim | sed -en 's/[^0-9]/_/g'` else if ( $SUN || $XNEC ) then set dim=`echo $dim | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g'` set dim_=`echo $dim | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/_/g'` else set dim=`echo $dim | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g'` set dim_=`echo $dim | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/_/g'` endif # bands echo "bands avant sed $bands" if ( $IBM ) then set bands=`echo $bands | sed -en 's/[^0-9]/ /g'` set bands_=`echo $bands | sed -en 's/[^0-9]/_/g'` else if ( $SUN || $XNEC ) then set bands=`echo $bands | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g'` set bands_=`echo $bands | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/_/g'` else set bands=`echo $bands | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g'` set bands_=`echo $bands | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/_/g'` endif # build final name of libraries directory: if ( "$dyntype" == "olddyn" ) then set nomlib=${nomlib}_${dim_}_t${ntrac}_s${scatterers}_${grille}_olddyn else set nomlib=${nomlib}_${dim_}_t${ntrac}_s${scatterers}_${grille} endif # Append number of bands to nomlib (new for universal model) set nomlib=${nomlib}_${bands_} # Append 'physique' type, if it is not mars, to nomlib if ( "$physique" != "mars" ) then set nomlib=${nomlib}_${physique} endif ## M-A-F nomlib trop long sur CRAY pour ar if ( $CRAY ) then set nomlib=F90_${dim_}_t${ntrac} endif if ( $NEC || $XNEC ) then set nomlib=F90_${dim_}_t${ntrac} endif echo "calcul de la dimension" set dimc=`echo $dim | wc -w` if ( "$dimc" == "2" ) then set include="$include "'-I$(LIBF)/dyn2d ' set dimh=$dim endif if ( "$dimc" == "3" ) then if ( "$dyntype" == "olddyn" ) then set include="$include "'-I$(LIBF)/olddyn3d ' set src_dirs="$src_dirs olddyn3d dynlonlat_phylonlat dynlonlat_phylonlat/phy$physique" else set include="$include "'-I$(LIBF)/dyn3d ' set src_dirs="$src_dirs dyn3d dynlonlat_phylonlat dynlonlat_phylonlat/phy$physique" endif set libdyn_phy="-ldynlonlat_phylonlat" set LIBDYN_PHYS='$(LIBO)/libdynlonlat_phylonlat.a' set dimh=`echo $dim | awk ' { print $1 "." $2 } '` endif echo "dimc is $dimc" ######################################################################## # path pour les #include ######################################################################## set include="$include -I$NCDFINC " echo $include ######################################################################## # Gestion des dimensions du modele. # on cree ou remplace le fichier des dimensions/nombre de traceur ######################################################################## cd $libf/grid if ( -f dimensions.h ) then echo "WARNING: you are already compiling the model somewhere else" echo "Wait until the first compilation is finished before starting." echo "If you are sure that you are not compiling elsewhere, you can" echo "type [yes] to continue." echo "Do you want to continue?" if ( $< == "yes" ) then #remove old dimensions.h , bands.h and scatterers.h files \rm -f $libf/grid/dimensions.h \rm -f $libf/grid/bands.h \rm -f $libf/phy${physique}/bands.h \rm -f $libf/phy${physique}/scatterers.h else exit endif endif # Build the appropriate 'dimensions.h' file cd dimension ./makdim $dim # echo contents of dimensions.h to standard output cat $libf/grid/dimensions.h # Build the appropriate 'bands.h' file cd $libf/phy$physique/bands ./makbands $bands # echo contents of bands.h to standard output cat $libf/phy$physique/bands.h # Build the appropriate 'scatterers.h' file cd $libf/phy$physique/scatterers ./make_scatterers $scatterers # echo contents of scatterers.h to standard output cat $libf/phy$physique/scatterers.h cd $LMDGCM # set path to objects directory set libo=$libo/$nomlib # create objects directory, if it doesn't exist if ( ! -d $libo ) then mkdir $libo cd $model endif ######################################################################## # Differentes dynamiques (3d, 2d, 1d) ######################################################################## set dimension=`echo $dim | wc -w` echo dimension $dimension dim $dim if ( $dimension == 1 ) then echo "No dynamics" ## set dyn="L_DYN= DYN= L_FILTRE= " ## NB: we still need to have L_DYN=libdyn3d to reach routines and module ## objects which are located in dyn3d set dyntype="" set filtre="L_DYN= DYN= FILTRE= L_FILTRE= " set dyn="L_DYN= DYN= L_FILTRE= " set dirmain="phy$physique/dyn1d" set src_dirs="$src_dirs phy$physique/dyn1d " set include="$include "' -I$(LIBF)/phy'"$physique"'/dyn1d' endif endif cd $model if ( $dimension == 3 ) then cd libf/grid \rm fxyprim.h cp -p fxy_${grille}.h fxyprim.h endif ###################################################################### # Gestion du filtre qui n'existe qu'en 3d. ###################################################################### # set filtre to 'oldfiltrez' if using -olddyn option if ( "$dyntype" == "olddyn" ) then set filtre="oldfiltrez" endif if ( `expr $dimc \> 2` == 1 ) then set filtre="FILTRE=$filtre" if ( "$dyntype" == "olddyn" ) then set src_dirs="$src_dirs oldfiltrez" else set src_dirs="$src_dirs filtrez" endif else set filtre="FILTRE= L_FILTRE= L_DYN= " endif echo "MACRO FILTRE $filtre" echo "dimc $dimc" #cleanup for a full recompilation, if requested if ("$full" == "full") then # remove makefile and $libo cd $model \rm -f makefile \rm -rf $libo/* endif ######################################################################## # Avant de lancer le make, on recree le makefile si necessaire ######################################################################## # c'est a dire dans 3 cas: # 1. si la liste des fichiers .F et .h a ete modifiee depuis la # derniere creation du makefile # 2. si le fichier contenant cette liste "liste_des_sources" # n'existe pas. # 3. Si le makefile n'existe pas. ######################################################################## cd $model find libf -name '*.[Fh]' -print | sort >! tmp77 #find libf -name '*.[Fh]' -exec egrep -i " *use *ioipsl" {} \; -print >! tmp90 find libf -name '*.[Fh]90' -print | sort >> tmp90 if ( `diff tmp77 liste_des_sources_f77 | wc -w` \ || `diff tmp90 liste_des_sources_f90 | wc -w` \ || ! -f makefile \ || ! -f liste_des_sources_f90 \ || ! -f liste_des_sources_f77 ) then echo "les fichiers suivants ont ete crees ou detruits" echo "ou les fichiers suivants sont passes ou ne sont plus en Fortran 90" diff liste_des_sources_f77 tmp77 diff liste_des_sources_f90 tmp90 \cp tmp77 liste_des_sources_f77 \cp tmp90 liste_des_sources_f90 echo "Remaking the makefile!" echo "src_dirs: $src_dirs" create_make_gcm $src_dirs >! tmp \mv tmp makefile echo "New makefile created." endif ######################################################################## # Execution de la comande make ######################################################################## echo PHYSIQUE $phys echo dynamique $dyn $dimension echo OPTIM90="$optim90" $filtre LIBO=$libo $dyn PHYS=$phys DIM=$dimc PROG=$code echo PATH pour les fichiers INCLUDE $include echo OPLINK="$oplink" if $HP then set f77='fort77 +OP' set f90='jensaisrien' set opt_link="$opt_link -lm" else if $VPP then set f77=frt set f90=$f77 else if $CRAY then set f77=f90 set f90=f90 else if $LINUX then # default for gfortran is that "free format" is up to 132 characters, # but we sometimes have more, so move that limit to 264 characters set f77="gfortran -ffree-line-length-264" set f90="gfortran -ffree-line-length-264" # set opt_link=" -L$LIBOGCM -L$NCDFLIB -lnetcdff -lnetcdf " set opt_link=" -L$LIBOGCM -L$NCDFLIB -lnetcdf " else if $SUN then set f77=f90 set f90=f90 else if $NEC then set f77=f90 set f90=f90 else if $XNEC then set f77=sxmpif90 set f90=sxmpif90 else set f77=f77 set f90=f90 endif cd $model if $VPP then set make="gmake RANLIB=ls" else if $CRAY then set make="make RANLIB=ls" else if $NEC then set make="make RANLIB=ls" else if $LINUX then set make="make -k RANLIB=ranlib" else if $XNEC then set make="/usr/local/bin/gmake RANLIB=ls" set make="/usr/freeware/bin/gmake RANLIB=ls" else set make="make RANLIB=ranlib" endif # # etat0_netcdf a besoin d'info de la physique # A revoir set include="$include"" -I$libf/phy$physique" ################################################################# # Execution de la comande make... ENFIN! ################################################################# if $VPP then set optim90=" $optim90 -Am -M$libo" set optimtru90="$optim90" else if $SUN then set optim90=" $optim90 -M$libo" set optimtru90=" $optimtru90 " else if $NEC then set optim90=" $optim90 -I$libo " else if $XNEC then set optim90=" $optim90 -I$libo " set optimtru90=" $optimtru90 -I$libo " else if $LINUX then # set optim="$optim -module $libo" # set optim90="$optim90 -module $libo" # set optimtru90="$optimtru90 -module $libo" # Ehouarn: remove set mod_loc_dir def below; mod_loc_dir=$localdir (set above) # set mod_loc_dir=$libo # Ehouarn : adapt to gfortran set optim="$optim -I${libo}" set optim90="$optim90 -I${libo}" set optimtru90="$optimtru90 -ffree-form -I${libo}" endif set link="$f90 $optim90" set ar=ar if $XNEC then set link="sxld $opt_link" set link="$f90 " # set ar=sxar endif cd $localdir set source_code=${code}.F # handle cases when the main program is in the physics directory set dirmain=dyn${dimc}d if ( -f $LMDGCM/libf/dyn3d/${code}.F90 ) then set source_code=${code}.F90 endif if ( -f $LMDGCM/libf/phy${physique}/dyn1d/${code}.F ) then set dirmain=phy${physique}/dyn1d set source_code=${code}.F endif if ( -f $LMDGCM/libf/phy${physique}/dyn1d/${code}.F90 ) then set dirmain=phy${physique}/dyn1d set source_code=${code}.F90 endif if ( -f $LMDGCM/libf/dynlonlat_phylonlat/phy${physique}/${code}.F ) then set dirmain=dynlonlat_phylonlat/phy${physique} set source_code=${code}.F endif if ( -f $LMDGCM/libf/dynlonlat_phylonlat/phy${physique}/${code}.F90 ) then set dirmain=dynlonlat_phylonlat/phy${physique} set source_code=${code}.F90 endif echo $make -f $LMDGCM/makefile \ OPTION_DEP="$opt_dep" OPTION_LINK="$opt_link" \ OPTIM="$optim" \ OPTIM90="$optim90" \ OPTIMTRU90="$optimtru90" \ INCLUDE="$include" \ $filtre \ LIBO=$libo \ $phys \ LIBDYN_PHYS=${LIBDYN_PHYS} \ DIM=$dimc \ DYNTYPE="$dyntype" \ L_DYN_PHY="$libdyn_phy" \ L_ADJNT="$adjnt" \ LOCAL_DIR="$localdir" \ F77="$f77" \ F90="$f90" \ OPLINK="$oplink" \ LINK="$link" \ GCM="$LMDGCM" \ MOD_LOC_DIR=$mod_loc_dir \ MOD_SUFFIX=$mod_suffix \ AR=$ar \ DIRMAIN=$dirmain \ SOURCE=$source_code \ PROG=$code $make -f $LMDGCM/makefile \ OPTION_DEP="$opt_dep" OPTION_LINK="$opt_link" \ OPTIM="$optim" \ OPTIM90="$optim90" \ OPTIMTRU90="$optimtru90" \ INCLUDE="$include" \ $filtre \ LIBO=$libo \ $phys \ LIBDYN_PHYS=${LIBDYN_PHYS} \ DIM=$dimc \ DYNTYPE="$dyntype" \ L_DYN_PHY="$libdyn_phy" \ L_ADJNT="$adjnt" \ LOCAL_DIR="$localdir" \ F77="$f77" \ F90="$f90" \ OPLINK="$oplink" \ LINK="$link" \ GCM="$LMDGCM" \ MOD_LOC_DIR=$mod_loc_dir \ MOD_SUFFIX=$mod_suffix \ AR=$ar \ DIRMAIN=$dirmain \ SOURCE=$source_code \ PROG=$code \rm -f $libf/grid/dimensions.h \rm -f $libf/grid/bands.h \rm -f $libf/phy$physique/bands.h \rm -f $libf/phy$physique/scatterers.h