1 | subroutine sugas_corrk |
2 | |
3 | !================================================================== |
4 | ! |
5 | ! Purpose |
6 | ! ------- |
7 | ! Set up gaseous absorption parameters used by the radiation code. |
8 | ! This subroutine is a replacement for the old 'setrad', which contained |
9 | ! both absorption and scattering data. |
10 | ! |
11 | ! Authors |
12 | ! ------- |
13 | ! Adapted and generalised from the NASA Ames code by Robin Wordsworth (2009) |
14 | ! Added double gray case by Jeremy Leconte (2012) |
15 | ! New HITRAN continuum data section by RW (2012) |
16 | ! |
17 | ! Summary |
18 | ! ------- |
19 | ! |
20 | !================================================================== |
21 | |
22 | use radinc_h |
23 | use radcommon_h, only : pgasref,pfgasref,pgasmin,pgasmax |
24 | use radcommon_h, only : tgasref,tgasmin,tgasmax |
25 | use radcommon_h, only : gasv,gasi,FZEROI,FZEROV,gweight |
26 | use radcommon_h, only : wrefvar,WNOI,WNOV |
27 | use datafile_mod, only: datadir |
28 | |
29 | use gases_h |
30 | use ioipsl_getincom |
31 | implicit none |
32 | |
33 | #include "callkeys.h" |
34 | #include "comcstfi.h" |
35 | |
36 | !================================================================== |
37 | |
38 | logical file_ok |
39 | |
40 | integer n, nt, np, nh, ng, nw, m, i |
41 | integer L_NGAUSScheck |
42 | |
43 | character(len=200) :: file_id |
44 | character(len=500) :: file_path |
45 | |
46 | ! ALLOCATABLE ARRAYS -- AS 12/2011 |
47 | REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gasi8, gasv8 |
48 | character*3,allocatable,DIMENSION(:) :: gastype ! for check with gnom |
49 | |
50 | real*8 x, xi(4), yi(4), ans, p |
51 | ! For gray case (JL12) |
52 | real kappa_IR, kappa_VI, IR_VI_wnlimit, nVI_limit,nIR_limit |
53 | |
54 | integer ngas, igas, jgas |
55 | |
56 | double precision testcont ! for continuum absorption initialisation |
57 | |
58 | !======================================================================= |
59 | ! Load variable species data, exit if we have wrong database |
60 | file_id='/corrk_data/' // TRIM(corrkdir) // '/Q.dat' |
61 | file_path=TRIM(datadir)//TRIM(file_id) |
62 | |
63 | ! check that the file exists |
64 | inquire(FILE=file_path,EXIST=file_ok) |
65 | if(.not.file_ok) then |
66 | write(*,*)'The file ',TRIM(file_path) |
67 | write(*,*)'was not found by sugas_corrk.F90, exiting.' |
68 | write(*,*)'Check that your path to datagcm:',trim(datadir) |
69 | write(*,*)' is correct. You can change it in callphys.def with:' |
70 | write(*,*)' datadir = /absolute/path/to/datagcm' |
71 | write(*,*)'Also check that the corrkdir you chose in callphys.def exists.' |
72 | call abort |
73 | endif |
74 | |
75 | ! check that database matches varactive toggle |
76 | open(111,file=TRIM(file_path),form='formatted') |
77 | read(111,*) ngas |
78 | |
79 | if(ngas.ne.ngasmx)then |
80 | print*,'Number of gases in radiative transfer data (',ngas,') does not', & |
81 | 'match that in gases.def (',ngasmx,'), exiting.' |
82 | call abort |
83 | endif |
84 | |
85 | if(ngas.eq.1 .and. (varactive.or.varfixed))then |
86 | print*,'You have varactive/fixed=.true. but the database [', & |
87 | corrkdir(1:LEN_TRIM(corrkdir)), & |
88 | '] has no variable species, exiting.' |
89 | call abort |
90 | elseif(ngas.gt.5 .or. ngas.lt.1)then |
91 | print*,ngas,' species in database [', & |
92 | corrkdir(1:LEN_TRIM(corrkdir)), & |
93 | '], radiative code cannot handle this.' |
94 | call abort |
95 | endif |
96 | |
97 | ! dynamically allocate gastype and read from Q.dat |
98 | IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( gastype ) ) ALLOCATE( gastype( ngas ) ) |
99 | |
100 | do igas=1,ngas |
101 | read(111,*) gastype(igas) |
102 | print*,'Gas ',igas,' is ',gastype(igas) |
103 | enddo |
104 | |
105 | ! get array size, load the coefficients |
106 | open(111,file=TRIM(file_path),form='formatted') |
107 | read(111,*) L_REFVAR |
109 | read(111,*) wrefvar |
110 | close(111) |
111 | |
112 | if(L_REFVAR.gt.1 .and. (.not.varactive) .and. (.not.varfixed))then |
113 | print*,'You have varactive and varfixed=.false. and the database [', & |
114 | corrkdir(1:LEN_TRIM(corrkdir)), & |
115 | '] has a variable species.' |
116 | call abort |
117 | endif |
118 | |
119 | ! Check that gastype and gnom match |
120 | do igas=1,ngas |
121 | print*,'Gas ',igas,' is ',gnom(igas) |
122 | if(gnom(igas).ne.gastype(igas))then |
123 | print*,'Name of a gas in radiative transfer data (',gastype(igas),') does not ', & |
124 | 'match that in gases.def (',gnom(igas),'), exiting. You should compare ', & |
125 | 'gases.def with Q.dat in your radiative transfer directory.' |
126 | call abort |
127 | endif |
128 | enddo |
129 | print*,'Confirmed gas match in radiative transfer and gases.def!' |
130 | |
131 | ! display the values |
132 | print*,'Variable gas volume mixing ratios:' |
133 | do n=1,L_REFVAR |
134 | !print*,n,'.',wrefvar(n),' kg/kg' ! pay attention! |
135 | print*,n,'.',wrefvar(n),' mol/mol' |
136 | end do |
137 | print*,'' |
138 | |
139 | !======================================================================= |
140 | ! Set the weighting in g-space |
141 | |
142 | file_id='/corrk_data/' // TRIM(corrkdir) // '/g.dat' |
143 | file_path=TRIM(datadir)//TRIM(file_id) |
144 | |
145 | ! check that the file exists |
146 | inquire(FILE=file_path,EXIST=file_ok) |
147 | if(.not.file_ok) then |
148 | write(*,*)'The file ',TRIM(file_path) |
149 | write(*,*)'was not found by sugas_corrk.F90, exiting.' |
150 | write(*,*)'Check that your path to datagcm:',trim(datadir) |
151 | write(*,*)' is correct. You can change it in callphys.def with:' |
152 | write(*,*)' datadir = /absolute/path/to/datagcm' |
153 | write(*,*)'Also check that the corrkdir you chose in callphys.def exists.' |
154 | call abort |
155 | endif |
156 | |
157 | ! check the array size is correct, load the coefficients |
158 | open(111,file=TRIM(file_path),form='formatted') |
159 | read(111,*) L_NGAUSScheck |
160 | if(.not.(L_NGAUSScheck.eq.L_NGAUSS)) then |
161 | print*,'The size of your radiative transfer g-space array does ' |
162 | print*,'not match the value given in g.dat, exiting.' |
163 | call abort |
164 | endif |
165 | read(111,*) gweight |
166 | close(111) |
167 | |
168 | ! display the values |
169 | print*,'Correlated-k g-space grid:' |
170 | do n=1,L_NGAUSS |
171 | print*,n,'.',gweight(n) |
172 | end do |
173 | print*,'' |
174 | |
175 | !======================================================================= |
176 | ! Set the reference pressure and temperature arrays. These are |
177 | ! the pressures and temperatures at which we have k-coefficients. |
178 | |
179 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
180 | ! pressure |
181 | |
182 | file_id='/corrk_data/' // TRIM(corrkdir) // '/p.dat' |
183 | file_path=TRIM(datadir)//TRIM(file_id) |
184 | |
185 | ! check that the file exists |
186 | inquire(FILE=file_path,EXIST=file_ok) |
187 | if(.not.file_ok) then |
188 | write(*,*)'The file ',TRIM(file_path) |
189 | write(*,*)'was not found by sugas_corrk.F90, exiting.' |
190 | write(*,*)'Check that your path to datagcm:',trim(datadir) |
191 | write(*,*)' is correct. You can change it in callphys.def with:' |
192 | write(*,*)' datadir = /absolute/path/to/datagcm' |
193 | write(*,*)'Also check that the corrkdir you chose in callphys.def exists.' |
194 | call abort |
195 | endif |
196 | |
197 | ! get array size, load the coefficients |
198 | open(111,file=TRIM(file_path),form='formatted') |
199 | read(111,*) L_NPREF |
201 | read(111,*) pgasref |
202 | close(111) |
203 | L_PINT = (L_NPREF-1)*5+1 |
204 | IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( pfgasref ) ) ALLOCATE( PFGASREF(L_PINT) ) |
205 | |
206 | ! display the values |
207 | print*,'Correlated-k pressure grid (mBar):' |
208 | do n=1,L_NPREF |
209 | print*,n,'. 1 x 10^',pgasref(n),' mBar' |
210 | end do |
211 | print*,'' |
212 | |
213 | ! save the min / max matrix values |
214 | pgasmin = 10.0**pgasref(1) |
215 | pgasmax = 10.0**pgasref(L_NPREF) |
216 | |
217 | ! interpolate to finer grid |
218 | do n=1,L_NPREF-1 |
219 | do m=1,5 |
220 | pfgasref((n-1)*5+m) = pgasref(n)+(m-1)*0.2 |
221 | end do |
222 | end do |
223 | pfgasref(L_PINT) = pgasref(L_NPREF) |
224 | ! Warning, pfgasref needs generalisation to uneven grids! |
225 | |
226 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
227 | ! temperature |
228 | |
229 | file_id='/corrk_data/' // TRIM(corrkdir) // '/T.dat' |
230 | file_path=TRIM(datadir)//TRIM(file_id) |
231 | |
232 | ! check that the file exists |
233 | inquire(FILE=file_path,EXIST=file_ok) |
234 | if(.not.file_ok) then |
235 | write(*,*)'The file ',TRIM(file_path) |
236 | write(*,*)'was not found by sugas_corrk.F90, exiting.' |
237 | write(*,*)'Check that your path to datagcm:',trim(datadir) |
238 | write(*,*)' is correct. You can change it in callphys.def with:' |
239 | write(*,*)' datadir = /absolute/path/to/datagcm' |
240 | write(*,*)'Also check that the corrkdir you chose in callphys.def exists.' |
241 | call abort |
242 | endif |
243 | |
244 | ! get array size, load the coefficients |
245 | open(111,file=TRIM(file_path),form='formatted') |
246 | read(111,*) L_NTREF |
248 | read(111,*) tgasref |
249 | close(111) |
250 | |
251 | ! display the values |
252 | print*,'Correlated-k temperature grid:' |
253 | do n=1,L_NTREF |
254 | print*,n,'.',tgasref(n),' K' |
255 | end do |
256 | |
257 | ! save the min / max matrix values |
258 | tgasmin = tgasref(1) |
259 | tgasmax = tgasref(L_NTREF) |
260 | |
261 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
262 | ! allocate the multidimensional arrays in radcommon_h |
263 | |
268 | |
269 | ! display the values |
270 | print*,'' |
271 | print*,'Correlated-k matrix size:' |
272 | print*,'[',L_NTREF,',',L_NPREF,',',L_REFVAR,',',L_NGAUSS,']' |
273 | |
274 | !======================================================================= |
275 | ! Get gaseous k-coefficients and interpolate onto finer pressure grid |
276 | |
277 | if (graybody) then |
278 | ! constant absorption coefficient in visible |
279 | write(*,*)"graybody: constant absorption coefficient in visible:" |
280 | kappa_VI=-100000. |
281 | call getin("kappa_VI",kappa_VI) |
282 | write(*,*)" kappa_VI = ",kappa_VI |
283 | kappa_VI=kappa_VI*1.e4* mugaz * 1.672621e-27 ! conversion from m^2/kg to cm^2/molecule |
284 | |
285 | ! constant absorption coefficient in IR |
286 | write(*,*)"graybody: constant absorption coefficient in InfraRed:" |
287 | kappa_IR=-100000. |
288 | call getin("kappa_IR",kappa_IR) |
289 | write(*,*)" kappa_IR = ",kappa_IR |
290 | kappa_IR=kappa_IR*1.e4* mugaz * 1.672621e-27 ! conversion from m^2/kg to cm^2/molecule |
291 | |
292 | ! wavelength used to separate IR from VI |
293 | IR_VI_wnlimit=3000. |
294 | write(*,*)"graybody: Visible / Infrared separation set at",10000./IR_VI_wnlimit,"um" |
295 | |
296 | nVI_limit=L_NSPECTV |
297 | Do nw=1,L_NSPECTV |
298 | if (WNOV(nw).gt.IR_VI_wnlimit) then |
299 | nVI_limit=nw-1 |
300 | exit |
301 | endif |
302 | End do |
303 | nIR_limit=L_NSPECTI |
304 | Do nw=1,L_NSPECTI |
305 | if (WNOI(nw).gt.IR_VI_wnlimit) then |
306 | nIR_limit=nw-1 |
307 | exit |
308 | endif |
309 | End do |
310 | write(*,*)"graybody: Visible / Infrared separation set at band ",nIR_limit,nVI_limit |
311 | |
312 | End if |
313 | |
314 | |
315 | ! VISIBLE |
316 | if (callgasvis.and.(.not.TRIM(corrkdir).eq.'null').and.(.not.TRIM(corrkdir).eq.'null_LowTeffStar').and.(.not.graybody)) then |
317 | file_id='/corrk_data/'//trim(adjustl(banddir))//'/corrk_gcm_VI.dat' |
318 | file_path=TRIM(datadir)//TRIM(file_id) |
319 | |
320 | ! check that the file exists |
321 | inquire(FILE=file_path,EXIST=file_ok) |
322 | if(.not.file_ok) then |
323 | write(*,*)'The file ',TRIM(file_path) |
324 | write(*,*)'was not found by sugas_corrk.F90.' |
325 | write(*,*)'Are you sure you have absorption data for these bands?' |
326 | call abort |
327 | endif |
328 | |
329 | open(111,file=TRIM(file_path),form='formatted') |
330 | read(111,*) gasv8 |
331 | close(111) |
332 | |
333 | else if (callgasvis.and.graybody) then |
334 | if(nVI_limit.eq.0) then |
335 | gasv8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:L_NSPECTV,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_VI |
336 | else if (nVI_limit.eq.L_NSPECTV) then |
337 | gasv8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:L_NSPECTV,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_IR |
338 | else |
339 | gasv8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:nVI_limit,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_IR |
340 | gasv8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,nVI_limit+1:L_NSPECTV,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_VI |
341 | end if |
342 | else |
343 | print*,'Visible corrk gaseous absorption is set to zero.' |
344 | gasv8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:L_NSPECTV,1:L_NGAUSS)=0.0 |
345 | endif |
346 | |
347 | ! INFRA-RED |
348 | if ((.not.TRIM(corrkdir).eq.'null').and.(.not.TRIM(corrkdir).eq.'null_LowTeffStar').and.(.not.graybody)) then |
349 | file_id='/corrk_data/'//trim(adjustl(banddir))//'/corrk_gcm_IR.dat' |
350 | file_path=TRIM(datadir)//TRIM(file_id) |
351 | |
352 | ! check that the file exists |
353 | inquire(FILE=file_path,EXIST=file_ok) |
354 | if(.not.file_ok) then |
355 | write(*,*)'The file ',TRIM(file_path) |
356 | write(*,*)'was not found by sugas_corrk.F90.' |
357 | write(*,*)'Are you sure you have absorption data for these bands?' |
358 | call abort |
359 | endif |
360 | |
361 | open(111,file=TRIM(file_path),form='formatted') |
362 | read(111,*) gasi8 |
363 | close(111) |
364 | |
365 | ! 'fzero' is a currently unused feature that allows optimisation |
366 | ! of the radiative transfer by neglecting bands where absorption |
367 | ! is close to zero. As it could be useful in the future, this |
368 | ! section of the code has been kept commented and not erased. |
369 | ! RW 7/3/12. |
370 | |
371 | do nw=1,L_NSPECTI |
372 | fzeroi(nw) = 0. |
373 | ! do nt=1,L_NTREF |
374 | ! do np=1,L_NPREF |
375 | ! do nh=1,L_REFVAR |
376 | ! do ng = 1,L_NGAUSS |
377 | ! if(gasi8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng).lt.1.0e-25)then |
378 | ! fzeroi(nw)=fzeroi(nw)+1. |
379 | ! endif |
380 | ! end do |
381 | ! end do |
382 | ! end do |
383 | ! end do |
384 | ! fzeroi(nw)=fzeroi(nw)/dble(L_NTREF*L_NPREF*L_REFVAR*L_NGAUSS) |
385 | end do |
386 | |
387 | do nw=1,L_NSPECTV |
388 | fzerov(nw) = 0. |
389 | ! do nt=1,L_NTREF |
390 | ! do np=1,L_NPREF |
391 | ! do nh=1,L_REFVAR |
392 | ! do ng = 1,L_NGAUSS |
393 | ! if(gasv8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng).lt.1.0e-25)then |
394 | ! fzerov(nw)=fzerov(nw)+1. |
395 | ! endif |
396 | ! end do |
397 | ! end do |
398 | ! end do |
399 | ! end do |
400 | ! fzerov(nw)=fzerov(nw)/dble(L_NTREF*L_NPREF*L_REFVAR*L_NGAUSS) |
401 | end do |
402 | |
403 | else if (graybody) then |
404 | if(nIR_limit.eq.0) then |
405 | gasi8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:L_NSPECTI,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_VI |
406 | else if (nIR_limit.eq.L_NSPECTI) then |
407 | gasi8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:L_NSPECTI,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_IR |
408 | else |
409 | gasi8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:nIR_limit,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_IR |
410 | gasi8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,nIR_limit+1:L_NSPECTI,1:L_NGAUSS)=kappa_VI |
411 | end if |
412 | else |
413 | print*,'Infrared corrk gaseous absorption is set to zero.' |
414 | gasi8(1:L_NTREF,1:L_NPREF,1:L_REFVAR,1:L_NSPECTV,1:L_NGAUSS)=0.0 |
415 | endif |
416 | |
417 | |
418 | ! Take log10 of the values - this is what we will interpolate. |
419 | ! Smallest value is 1.0E-200. |
420 | |
421 | do nt=1,L_NTREF |
422 | do np=1,L_NPREF |
423 | do nh=1,L_REFVAR |
424 | do ng = 1,L_NGAUSS |
425 | |
426 | do nw=1,L_NSPECTV |
427 | if(gasv8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng).gt.1.0d-200) then |
428 | gasv8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng) = log10(gasv8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng)) |
429 | else |
430 | gasv8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng) = -200.0 |
431 | end if |
432 | end do |
433 | |
434 | do nw=1,L_NSPECTI |
435 | if(gasi8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng).gt.1.0d-200) then |
436 | gasi8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng) = log10(gasi8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng)) |
437 | else |
438 | gasi8(nt,np,nh,nw,ng) = -200.0 |
439 | end if |
440 | end do |
441 | |
442 | end do |
443 | end do |
444 | end do |
445 | end do |
446 | |
447 | ! Interpolate the values: first the longwave |
448 | |
449 | do nt=1,L_NTREF |
450 | do nh=1,L_REFVAR |
451 | do nw=1,L_NSPECTI |
452 | do ng=1,L_NGAUSS |
453 | |
454 | ! First, the initial interval |
455 | |
456 | n = 1 |
457 | do m=1,5 |
458 | x = pfgasref(m) |
459 | xi(1) = pgasref(n) |
460 | xi(2) = pgasref(n+1) |
461 | xi(3) = pgasref(n+2) |
462 | xi(4) = pgasref(n+3) |
463 | yi(1) = gasi8(nt,n,nh,nw,ng) |
464 | yi(2) = gasi8(nt,n+1,nh,nw,ng) |
465 | yi(3) = gasi8(nt,n+2,nh,nw,ng) |
466 | yi(4) = gasi8(nt,n+3,nh,nw,ng) |
467 | call lagrange(x,xi,yi,ans) |
468 | gasi(nt,m,nh,nw,ng) = 10.0**ans |
469 | end do |
470 | |
471 | do n=2,L_NPREF-2 |
472 | do m=1,5 |
473 | i = (n-1)*5+m |
474 | x = pfgasref(i) |
475 | xi(1) = pgasref(n-1) |
476 | xi(2) = pgasref(n) |
477 | xi(3) = pgasref(n+1) |
478 | xi(4) = pgasref(n+2) |
479 | yi(1) = gasi8(nt,n-1,nh,nw,ng) |
480 | yi(2) = gasi8(nt,n,nh,nw,ng) |
481 | yi(3) = gasi8(nt,n+1,nh,nw,ng) |
482 | yi(4) = gasi8(nt,n+2,nh,nw,ng) |
483 | call lagrange(x,xi,yi,ans) |
484 | gasi(nt,i,nh,nw,ng) = 10.0**ans |
485 | end do |
486 | end do |
487 | |
488 | ! Now, get the last interval |
489 | |
490 | n = L_NPREF-1 |
491 | do m=1,5 |
492 | i = (n-1)*5+m |
493 | x = pfgasref(i) |
494 | xi(1) = pgasref(n-2) |
495 | xi(2) = pgasref(n-1) |
496 | xi(3) = pgasref(n) |
497 | xi(4) = pgasref(n+1) |
498 | yi(1) = gasi8(nt,n-2,nh,nw,ng) |
499 | yi(2) = gasi8(nt,n-1,nh,nw,ng) |
500 | yi(3) = gasi8(nt,n,nh,nw,ng) |
501 | yi(4) = gasi8(nt,n+1,nh,nw,ng) |
502 | call lagrange(x,xi,yi,ans) |
503 | gasi(nt,i,nh,nw,ng) = 10.0**ans |
504 | end do |
505 | |
506 | ! Fill the last pressure point |
507 | |
508 | gasi(nt,L_PINT,nh,nw,ng) = & |
509 | 10.0**gasi8(nt,L_NPREF,nh,nw,ng) |
510 | |
511 | end do |
512 | end do |
513 | end do |
514 | end do |
515 | |
516 | ! Interpolate the values: now the shortwave |
517 | |
518 | do nt=1,L_NTREF |
519 | do nh=1,L_REFVAR |
520 | do nw=1,L_NSPECTV |
521 | do ng=1,L_NGAUSS |
522 | |
523 | ! First, the initial interval |
524 | |
525 | n = 1 |
526 | do m=1,5 |
527 | x = pfgasref(m) |
528 | xi(1) = pgasref(n) |
529 | xi(2) = pgasref(n+1) |
530 | xi(3) = pgasref(n+2) |
531 | xi(4) = pgasref(n+3) |
532 | yi(1) = gasv8(nt,n,nh,nw,ng) |
533 | yi(2) = gasv8(nt,n+1,nh,nw,ng) |
534 | yi(3) = gasv8(nt,n+2,nh,nw,ng) |
535 | yi(4) = gasv8(nt,n+3,nh,nw,ng) |
536 | call lagrange(x,xi,yi,ans) |
537 | gasv(nt,m,nh,nw,ng) = 10.0**ans |
538 | end do |
539 | |
540 | do n=2,L_NPREF-2 |
541 | do m=1,5 |
542 | i = (n-1)*5+m |
543 | x = pfgasref(i) |
544 | xi(1) = pgasref(n-1) |
545 | xi(2) = pgasref(n) |
546 | xi(3) = pgasref(n+1) |
547 | xi(4) = pgasref(n+2) |
548 | yi(1) = gasv8(nt,n-1,nh,nw,ng) |
549 | yi(2) = gasv8(nt,n,nh,nw,ng) |
550 | yi(3) = gasv8(nt,n+1,nh,nw,ng) |
551 | yi(4) = gasv8(nt,n+2,nh,nw,ng) |
552 | call lagrange(x,xi,yi,ans) |
553 | gasv(nt,i,nh,nw,ng) = 10.0**ans |
554 | end do |
555 | end do |
556 | |
557 | ! Now, get the last interval |
558 | |
559 | n = L_NPREF-1 |
560 | do m=1,5 |
561 | i = (n-1)*5+m |
562 | x = pfgasref(i) |
563 | xi(1) = pgasref(n-2) |
564 | xi(2) = pgasref(n-1) |
565 | xi(3) = pgasref(n) |
566 | xi(4) = pgasref(n+1) |
567 | yi(1) = gasv8(nt,n-2,nh,nw,ng) |
568 | yi(2) = gasv8(nt,n-1,nh,nw,ng) |
569 | yi(3) = gasv8(nt,n,nh,nw,ng) |
570 | yi(4) = gasv8(nt,n+1,nh,nw,ng) |
571 | call lagrange(x,xi,yi,ans) |
572 | gasv(nt,i,nh,nw,ng) = 10.0**ans |
573 | end do |
574 | |
575 | ! Fill the last pressure point |
576 | |
577 | gasv(nt,L_PINT,nh,nw,ng) = & |
578 | 10.0**gasv8(nt,L_NPREF,nh,nw,ng) |
579 | |
580 | end do |
581 | end do |
582 | end do |
583 | end do |
584 | |
585 | |
586 | !======================================================================= |
587 | ! Initialise the continuum absorption data |
588 | |
589 | do igas=1,ngasmx |
590 | |
591 | if(gnom(igas).eq.'N2_')then |
592 | |
593 | call interpolateN2N2(100.D+0,250.D+0,17500.D+0,testcont,.true.) |
594 | |
595 | elseif(gnom(igas).eq.'H2_')then |
596 | |
597 | ! first do self-induced absorption |
598 | call interpolateH2H2(500.D+0,250.D+0,17500.D+0,testcont,.true.) |
599 | ! then cross-interactions with other gases |
600 | do jgas=1,ngasmx |
601 | if(gnom(jgas).eq.'N2_')then |
602 | call interpolateN2H2(592.D+0,278.15D+0,200000.D+0,10000.D+0,testcont,.true.) |
603 | elseif(gnom(jgas).eq.'He_')then |
604 | call interpolateH2He(500.D+0,250.D+0,200000.D+0,10000.D+0,testcont,.true.) |
605 | endif |
606 | enddo |
607 | |
608 | elseif(gnom(igas).eq.'H2O')then |
609 | |
610 | ! H2O is special |
611 | if(H2Ocont_simple)then |
612 | call interpolateH2Ocont_PPC(990.D+0,296.D+0,683.2D+0*2,0.D+0,testcont,.true.) |
613 | else |
614 | call interpolateH2Ocont_CKD(990.D+0,296.D+0,683.2D+0*2,0.D+0,testcont,.true.) |
615 | endif |
616 | |
617 | endif |
618 | |
619 | enddo |
620 | |
621 | print*,'----------------------------------------------------' |
622 | print*,'And that`s all we have. It`s possible that other' |
623 | print*,'continuum absorption may be present, but if it is we' |
624 | print*,'don`t yet have data for it...' |
625 | print*,'' |
626 | |
627 | ! Deallocate local arrays |
628 | IF( ALLOCATED( gasi8 ) ) DEALLOCATE( gasi8 ) |
629 | IF( ALLOCATED( gasv8 ) ) DEALLOCATE( gasv8 ) |
630 | IF( ALLOCATED( pgasref ) ) DEALLOCATE( pgasref ) |
631 | IF( ALLOCATED( gastype ) ) DEALLOCATE( gastype ) |
632 | |
633 | return |
634 | end subroutine sugas_corrk |