[2542] | 1 | subroutine deposition_source(ngrid, nlayer, nq, & |
| 2 | ig, zzlay, zzlev,zdens, & |
| 3 | zycol, ptimestep) |
| 4 | !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc |
| 5 | ! |
| 6 | ! dry deposition of chemical species |
| 7 | ! |
| 8 | !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc |
| 9 | ! |
| 10 | use chimiedata_h |
| 11 | use gases_h |
| 12 | use tracer_h, only: noms, nesp, mmol |
| 13 | use conc_mod, only: mmean ! mean molecular mass of the atmosphere |
| 14 | |
| 15 | implicit none |
| 16 | ! |
| 17 | ! |
| 18 | ! input |
| 19 | ! |
| 20 | integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns |
| 21 | integer,intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers |
| 22 | integer,intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers |
| 23 | integer ig ! grid point index |
| 24 | real zzlay(ngrid,nlayer) ! altitude at the middle of the layers (m) |
| 25 | real zzlev(ngrid,nlayer+1) ! altitude at layer boundaries (m) |
| 26 | real zdens(nlayer) ! density (cm^-3) |
| 27 | real zycol(nlayer,nesp) ! composition (volume mixing ratio) |
| 28 | real ptimestep ! physical timestep (s) |
| 29 | ! |
| 30 | ! local |
| 31 | ! |
| 32 | real vd ! dry deposition velocity (cm.s-1) |
| 33 | real deltaz ! thickness of first layer (m) |
| 34 | real deltaznlay ! thickness of last layer (m) |
| 35 | real loss ! loss rate (s-1) |
| 36 | real prod ! production rate (s-1) |
| 37 | integer iq |
| 38 | logical, save :: firstcall = .true. |
| 39 | |
| 40 | |
| 41 | if (firstcall) then |
| 42 | print*,'photochemistry: initialize deposition/source' |
| 43 | |
| 44 | ! You can set SF_mode/SF_value/prod_rate in traceur.def with #Moderntrac-v1 |
| 45 | !! Cases SF_mode=1 (fixed mixing ratio) |
| 46 | !SF_mode(igcm_co2)=1 |
| 47 | !SF_value(igcm_co2)=gfrac(igas_CO2) |
| 48 | |
| 49 | !! Cases SF_mode=2 (production flux in molecules/m2/s) |
| 50 | !prod_rate(indexchim('co'))=3.0e13 |
| 51 | |
| 52 | firstcall=.false. |
| 53 | endif !firstcall |
| 54 | |
| 55 | ! thickness of first layer (m) |
| 56 | deltaz = zzlev(ig,2) - zzlev(ig,1) |
| 57 | deltaznlay = zzlev(ig,nlayer) - zzlev(ig,nlayer-1) |
| 58 | |
| 59 | ! hydrogen escape |
| 60 | !escape(ig,indexchim('h2'))=2.5e17*(zycol(nlayer,indexchim('h2'))+2*zycol(nlayer,indexchim('ch4'))+zycol(nlayer,indexchim('h2o_vap'))) |
| 61 | |
| 62 | do iq=1,nesp |
| 63 | if(SF_mode(iq).eq.1) then |
| 64 | surface_flux(ig,iq)=(SF_value(iq)-zycol(1,iq))/ptimestep*(zdens(1)*1e6*deltaz) |
| 65 | zycol(1,iq) = SF_value(iq) |
| 66 | !! Set mmr instead of vmr |
| 67 | !surface_flux(ig,iq)=(SF_value(iq)*mmean(ig,1)/mmol(iq+1)-zycol(1,iq))/ptimestep*(zdens(1)*1e6*deltaz) |
| 68 | !zycol(1,iq) = SF_value(iq)*mmean(ig,1)/mmol(iq+1) |
| 69 | zycol(nlayer,iq) = zycol(nlayer,iq)-ptimestep*escape(ig,iq)/(zdens(nlayer)*1e6*deltaznlay) |
| 70 | elseif(SF_mode(iq).eq.2) then ! loss/prod rate (s-1) |
| 71 | loss = 0.01*SF_value(iq)/deltaz |
| 72 | zycol(1,iq) = zycol(1,iq)*exp(-loss*ptimestep)+(prod_rate(iq)/(zdens(1)*1e6*deltaz))*ptimestep |
| 73 | zycol(nlayer,iq) = zycol(nlayer,iq)-ptimestep*escape(ig,iq)/(zdens(nlayer)*1e6*deltaznlay) |
| 74 | surface_flux(ig,iq)=-0.01*SF_value(iq)*zycol(1,iq)*(zdens(1)*1e6)+prod_rate(iq) |
| 75 | endif |
| 76 | enddo ! end nesp |
| 77 | |
| 78 | return |
| 79 | end |