source: trunk/LMDZ.GENERIC/deftank/ @ 1243

Last change on this file since 1243 was 839, checked in by aslmd, 12 years ago

LMDZ.GENERIC. ooops sorry. two files were modified but this was not my intent. corrected.

File size: 4.7 KB
1## Orbit / general options
2## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3# Run with or without tracer transport ?
4tracer    = .true.
5# Diurnal cycle ?  if diurnal=false, diurnally averaged solar heating
6diurnal   = .false.
7# Seasonal cycle ? if season=false, Ls stays constant, to value set in "start"
8season    = .true.
9# Tidally resonant orbit ? must have diurnal=false, correct rotation rate in newstart
10tlocked   = .false.
11# Tidal resonance ratio ? ratio T_orbit to T_rotation
12nres      = 1
13# Write some more output on the screen ?
14lwrite    = .false.
15# Save statistics in file "" ?
16callstats = .false.
17# Test energy conservation of model physics ?
18enertest  = .false.
19# Check to see if cpp, mugaz values used match gas mixture defined in gases.def (recommended) ?
22## Radiative transfer options
23## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
24# call radiative transfer?
25callrad    = .true.
26# the rad. transfer is computed every "iradia" physical timestep
27iradia     = 6
28# call multilayer correlated-k radiative transfer ?
29corrk      = .true.
30# Include continuum absorption in radiative transfer (note CO2 is treated separately) ?
31continuum  = .true.
32# folder in which correlated-k data is stored ?
33corrkdir   = N2CO2poor_H2Ovar
34# call visible gaseous absorption in radiative transfer ?
35callgasvis = .true.
36# Include Rayleigh scattering in the visible ?
37rayleigh   = .true.
38# Characteristic planetary equilibrium (black body) temperature
39# This is used only in the aerosol radiative transfer setup. (see aerave.F)
40tplanet    = 215.
41# Output spectral OLR in 3D?
42specOLR    = .false.
43# Output global radiative balance in file 'rad_bal.out' - slow for 1D!!
44meanOLR    = .true.
45# Variable gas species: Radiatively active ?
46varactive  = .true.
47# Variable gas species: Fixed vertical distribution ?
48varfixed   = .false.
49# Variable gas species: Saturation percentage value at ground ?
50satval     = 0.0
52## Star type
53## ~~~~~~~~~
54startype = 1
55# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
56# The choices are:
58#       startype = 1            Sol        (G2V-class main sequence)
59#       startype = 2            Ad Leo     (M-class, synthetic)
60#       startype = 3            GJ644
61#       startype = 4            HD128167
62# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
63# Stellar flux at 1 AU. Examples:
64# 1366.0 W m-2          Sol today
65# 1024.5 W m-2          Sol today x 0.75 = weak early Sun
66# 18.462 W m-2          The feeble Gl581
67Fat1AU = 1366.0
69## Tracer and aerosol options
70## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
71# Gravitational sedimentation of tracers (KEEP FALSE FOR NOW) ?
72sedimentation = .false.
74## Other physics options
75## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
76# call turbulent vertical diffusion ?
77calldifv = .true.
78# use turbdiff instead of vdifc ?
79UseTurbDiff = .true.
80# call convective adjustment ?
81calladj  = .true.
82# call thermal conduction in the soil ?
83callsoil = .true.
86## extra non-standard definitions for Earth
89## Tracer and aerosol options
90## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
91# Radiatively active CO2 aerosol?
92aeroco2       = .false.
93# Fixed CO2 aerosol distribution?
94aerofixco2    = .false.
95# Radiatively active water aerosol?
96aeroh2o       = .true.
97# Fixed water aerosol distribution?
98aerofixh2o  = .false.
99# basic dust opacity
100dusttau       = 0.0
101# Varying H2O cloud fraction?
102CLFvarying    = .true.
103# H2O cloud fraction if fixed?
104CLFfixval     = 0.5
105# fixed radii for cloud particles?
107# number mixing ratio of CO2 ice particles
108Nmix_co2      = 100000.
109# number mixing ratio of water particles (for rafixed=.false.)
110Nmix_h2o      = 1.e7
111# number mixing ratio of water ice particles (for rafixed=.false.)
112Nmix_h2o_ice      = 5.e5
113# radius of H2O water particles (for rafixed=.true.):
115# radius of H2O ice particles (for rafixed=.true.):
117# atm mass update due to tracer evaporation/condensation?
118mass_redistrib = .false.
120## Water options
121## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
122# Model water cycle
123water         = .true.
124# Model water cloud formation
125watercond     = .true.
126# Model water precipitation (including coagulation etc.)
127waterrain     = .true.
128# Use simple precipitation scheme?
130# multiplicative constant in Boucher 95 precip scheme
132# WATER: hydrology ?
133hydrology     = .true.
134# H2O snow (and ice) albedo ?
135albedosnow    = 0.6
136# Maximum sea ice thickness ?
137maxicethick   = 10.
138# Freezing point of seawater (degrees C) ?
139Tsaldiff      = 0.0
140# Evolve surface water sources ?
141sourceevol    = .false.
143## CO2 options
144## ~~~~~~~~~~~
145# gas is non-ideal CO2 ?
146nonideal      = .false.
147# call CO2 condensation ?
148co2cond       = .false.
149# Set initial temperature profile to 1 K above CO2 condensation everywhere?
150nearco2cond   = .false.
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