\chapter{Utilities} \label{sc:utilities} A few post-processing tools, which handle GCM outputs (files {\tt diagfi.nc} and {\tt stats.nc}) are available on the web at:\\ \verb+http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~forget/datagcm/Utilities/+\\ The directory contains compiled executables (\verb+*.e+ files) of the tools decribed below, along with some examples of input instruction (\verb+*.def+ files) and a \verb+README+.\\ There is also a \verb+SOURCES+ directory which contains the (Fortran) sources of the codes, if you should need to recompile them on your platform. \section{concatnc} This program concatenates consecutive output files ({\tt diagfi.nc} or even {\tt stats.nc} files) for a selection of variable, in order to obtain one single big file. The time dimension of the output can be "sols" or "Ls" (note that in that latter case, Ls values won't be evenly distributed, and software like Grads may not be able to use and plot the data).\\ To obtain an evenly sampled "Ls" timescale, you can use the {\tt lslin.e} program (described below).\\ The output file created by {\tt conctanc.e} is {\tt concat.nc} \section{lslin} This program is designed to interpolate data given in irregular Solar Longitude (Ls) into an evenly sampled linear time coordinate (usable with Grads). Input Netcdf files may be {\tt diagfi.nc} or {\tt concat.nc} files and the resulting output file is {\tt lslin.nc} lslin also create a {\tt lslin.ctl} file that can be read directly by grads (\verb+>xdfopen lslin.ctl+) to plot in Ls coordinate to avoid some problem with grads when Grads think that "the time interval is too small"... \section{localtime} The {\tt localtime.e} program is designed to re-interpolate data in order to yield values at the same given local time (useful to mimic satellite observations, or analyse day to day variations at given local time).\\ Input files may be of {\tt diagfi.nc}, {\tt stats.nc} or {\tt concat.nc} type and the output file name is build from the input one, to which {\tt \_LT.nc} is appened (e.g. if the input file is {\tt myfile.nc} then output file will be {\tt myfile\_LT.nc}). \section{zrecast} With this program you can recast atmospheric (i.e.: 4D-dimentional longitude-latitude-altitude-time) data from GCM outputs (e.g. as given in {\tt diagfi.nc}, {\tt concat.nc} and {\tt stats.nc} files) onto either {\it pressure} or {\it altitude above areoid} vertical coordinates.\\ Since integrating the hydrostatic equation is required to recast the data, the input file must contain surface pressure and atmospheric temperature, as well as the ground geopotential.\\ If recasting data onto {\it pressure} coordinates, then the output file name is given by the input file name to which {\tt\_P.nc} will be appened. If recasting data onto {\it altitude above areoid} coordinates, then a {\tt\_A.nc} will be appened. %\section{How to concat diagfi files?} %In the directory concatnc (available on the web at %http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/\verb+~+forget/datagcm/Utilities/), %you will find a tool to concat the diagfi files. %To compile, juste type "make" %(make sure the makefile is updated: FC= pgf90 for PC and FC= f90 for suns).\\ \\ %run concatnc.e \\ \\ %Your data are in concat.nc % %\section{How to convert your output in pressure coordinates?} %In your working directory, compile at the correct grid resolution, which is %the same as the one of your output files (stats or diagfi).\\ \\ %makegcm -d 64x48x32 -p mars anl\_stats-diag \\ \\ %run anl\_stats-diag.e %Your data in pressure coordinate will be in the resuting diagfi.nc %(or stats.nc). \\ %If needed, you can change the source file anl\_stats-diag.F in %yourpath/LMDZ.MARS/libf/dyn3d