[3458] | 1 | ############################################################################################## |
| 2 | ### Python script to output the stratification data over time from the "startpem.nc" files ### |
| 3 | ############################################################################################## |
| 4 | |
| 5 | import os |
| 6 | import numpy as np |
| 7 | from netCDF4 import Dataset |
| 8 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
| 9 | from scipy import interpolate |
| 10 | |
| 11 | ######################### |
| 12 | ### Parameters to fill in |
| 13 | folder_path = "starts" |
| 14 | base_name = "restartpem" |
[3460] | 15 | dz = 0.1 # Discrization step of the reference grid for the elevation [m] |
[3458] | 16 | infofile = 'info_PEM.txt' |
| 17 | ######################### |
| 18 | |
| 19 | |
| 20 | ############################################################################################## |
| 21 | ### Function to read the "startpem.nc" files and process their stratification data |
| 22 | def process_files(folder_path,base_name): |
| 23 | # Find all files in the directory with the pattern {base_name}{num}.nc |
| 24 | nfile = 0 |
| 25 | for file_name in sorted(os.listdir(folder_path)): |
| 26 | if file_name.startswith(base_name) and file_name.endswith('.nc'): |
| 27 | file_number = file_name[len(base_name):-3] |
| 28 | if file_number.isdigit(): |
| 29 | nfile += 1 |
| 30 | |
| 31 | if nfile == 0: |
| 32 | print("No files found. Exiting...") |
| 33 | return |
| 34 | |
| 35 | # Process each file and collect data |
| 36 | datasets = [] |
| 37 | max_top_elevation = 0 |
| 38 | max_nb_str = 0 |
| 39 | ngrid = Dataset(os.path.join(folder_path,base_name + "1.nc"),'r').dimensions['physical_points'].size # ngrid is the same for all files |
| 40 | nslope = Dataset(os.path.join(folder_path,base_name + "1.nc"),'r').dimensions['nslope'].size # nslope is the same for all files |
[3460] | 41 | longitude = Dataset(os.path.join(folder_path,base_name + "1.nc"),'r').variables['longitude'][:] |
| 42 | latitude = Dataset(os.path.join(folder_path,base_name + "1.nc"),'r').variables['latitude'][:] |
[3458] | 43 | for i in range(1,nfile + 1): |
| 44 | file_path = os.path.join(folder_path,base_name + str(i) + ".nc") |
| 45 | #print(f"Processing file: {file_path}") |
| 46 | ds = Dataset(file_path,'r') |
| 47 | datasets.append(ds) |
| 48 | |
| 49 | # Track max of nb_str_max |
| 50 | max_nb_str = max(ds.dimensions['nb_str_max'].size,max_nb_str) |
| 51 | |
| 52 | # Track max of top_elevation across all slopes |
| 53 | for k in range(1,nslope + 1): |
| 54 | slope_var_name = f"stratif_slope{k:02d}_top_elevation" |
| 55 | max_top_elevation = max(max_top_elevation,np.max(ds.variables[slope_var_name][:])) |
| 56 | |
[3460] | 57 | print(f"> number of files = {nfile}") |
| 58 | print(f"> ngrid = {ngrid}") |
| 59 | print(f"> nslope = {nslope}") |
| 60 | print(f"> max(nb_str_max) = {max_nb_str}") |
| 61 | print(f"> max(top_elevation) = {max_top_elevation}") |
[3458] | 62 | |
| 63 | # Concatenate stratif variables with dimension 'nb_str_max' along the "Time" dimension |
| 64 | stratif_data = [] |
| 65 | stratif_heights = np.zeros((ngrid,nfile,nslope,max_nb_str)) |
[3460] | 66 | stratif_co2ice = np.zeros((ngrid,nfile,nslope,max_nb_str)) |
| 67 | stratif_h2oice = np.zeros((ngrid,nfile,nslope,max_nb_str)) |
| 68 | stratif_dust = np.zeros((ngrid,nfile,nslope,max_nb_str)) |
| 69 | stratif_air = np.zeros((ngrid,nfile,nslope,max_nb_str)) |
[3458] | 70 | for var_name in datasets[0].variables: |
| 71 | if 'top_elevation' in var_name: |
| 72 | for i in range(0,ngrid): |
| 73 | for j in range(0,nfile): |
| 74 | for k in range(0,nslope): |
| 75 | if f'slope{k + 1:02d}' in var_name: |
| 76 | stratif_heights[i,j,k,:datasets[j].variables[var_name].shape[1]] = datasets[j].variables[var_name][0,:,i] |
| 77 | print(f"Processed variable: {var_name}") |
| 78 | elif 'co2ice_volfrac' in var_name: |
| 79 | for i in range(0,ngrid): |
| 80 | for j in range(0,nfile): |
| 81 | for k in range(0,nslope): |
| 82 | if f'slope{k + 1:02d}' in var_name: |
| 83 | stratif_co2ice[i,j,k,:datasets[j].variables[var_name].shape[1]] = datasets[j].variables[var_name][0,:,i] |
| 84 | print(f"Processed variable: {var_name}") |
| 85 | elif 'h2oice_volfrac' in var_name: |
| 86 | for i in range(0,ngrid): |
| 87 | for j in range(0,nfile): |
| 88 | for k in range(0,nslope): |
| 89 | if f'slope{k + 1:02d}' in var_name: |
| 90 | stratif_h2oice[i,j,k,:datasets[j].variables[var_name].shape[1]] = datasets[j].variables[var_name][0,:,i] |
| 91 | print(f"Processed variable: {var_name}") |
| 92 | elif 'dust_volfrac' in var_name: |
| 93 | for i in range(0,ngrid): |
| 94 | for j in range(0,nfile): |
| 95 | for k in range(0,nslope): |
| 96 | if f'slope{k + 1:02d}' in var_name: |
| 97 | stratif_dust[i,j,k,:datasets[j].variables[var_name].shape[1]] = datasets[j].variables[var_name][0,:,i] |
| 98 | print(f"Processed variable: {var_name}") |
| 99 | elif 'air_volfrac' in var_name: |
| 100 | for i in range(0,ngrid): |
| 101 | for j in range(0,nfile): |
| 102 | for k in range(0,nslope): |
| 103 | if f'slope{k + 1:02d}' in var_name: |
| 104 | stratif_air[i,j,k,:datasets[j].variables[var_name].shape[1]] = datasets[j].variables[var_name][0,:,i] |
| 105 | print(f"Processed variable: {var_name}") |
| 106 | |
| 107 | # Close the datasets |
| 108 | for ds in datasets: |
| 109 | ds.close() |
| 110 | |
| 111 | stratif_data = [stratif_heights,stratif_co2ice,stratif_h2oice,stratif_dust,stratif_air] |
[3460] | 112 | return stratif_data, max_top_elevation, longitude, latitude |
[3458] | 113 | |
| 114 | ### Function to interpolate the stratification data on a reference grid |
| 115 | def interpolate_data(stratif_data,max_top_elevation,dz): |
| 116 | # Define the reference ref_grid |
| 117 | ref_grid = np.arange(0,max_top_elevation,dz) |
[3460] | 118 | print(f"> Number of ref_grid points = {len(ref_grid)}") |
[3458] | 119 | |
| 120 | # Interpolate the strata properties on the ref_grid |
[3460] | 121 | gridded_stratif_data = -1.*np.ones((np.shape(stratif_data)[0] - 1,np.shape(stratif_data)[1],np.shape(stratif_data)[2],np.shape(stratif_data)[3],len(ref_grid))) |
[3458] | 122 | for iprop in range(1,np.shape(stratif_data)[0]): |
| 123 | for i in range(np.shape(stratif_data)[1]): |
| 124 | for j in range(np.shape(stratif_data)[2]): |
| 125 | for k in range(np.shape(stratif_data)[3]): |
[3460] | 126 | i_hmax = np.max(np.nonzero(stratif_data[0][i,j,k,:])) |
| 127 | hmax = stratif_data[0][i,j,k,i_hmax] |
| 128 | i_zmax = np.searchsorted(ref_grid,hmax,'left') |
| 129 | f = interpolate.interp1d(stratif_data[0][i,j,k,:i_hmax + 1],stratif_data[iprop][i,j,k,:i_hmax + 1],kind = 'next')#,fill_value = "extrapolate") |
| 130 | gridded_stratif_data[iprop - 1,i,j,k,:i_zmax] = f(ref_grid[:i_zmax]) |
[3458] | 131 | |
| 132 | return ref_grid, gridded_stratif_data |
| 133 | |
| 134 | ### Function to read the "info_PEM.txt" file |
| 135 | def read_infofile(file_name): |
| 136 | with open(file_name,'r') as file: |
| 137 | # Read the first line to get the parameters |
| 138 | first_line = file.readline().strip() |
| 139 | parameters = list(map(float,first_line.split())) |
| 140 | |
| 141 | # Read the following lines |
| 142 | data_lines = [] |
| 143 | date_time = [] |
| 144 | for line in file: |
| 145 | data = list(map(int,line.split())) |
| 146 | data_lines.append(data) |
| 147 | date_time.append(data[0]) |
| 148 | |
| 149 | return date_time |
| 150 | |
| 151 | ### Processing |
[3460] | 152 | stratif_data, max_top_elevation, longitude, latitude = process_files(folder_path,base_name) |
[3458] | 153 | ref_grid, gridded_stratif_data = interpolate_data(stratif_data,max_top_elevation,dz) |
| 154 | date_time = read_infofile(infofile) |
| 155 | |
| 156 | ### Figures plotting |
| 157 | subtitle = ['CO2 ice','H2O ice','Dust','Air'] |
| 158 | cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis').copy() |
| 159 | cmap.set_under('white') |
| 160 | for igr in range(np.shape(gridded_stratif_data)[1]): |
| 161 | for isl in range(np.shape(gridded_stratif_data)[3]): |
| 162 | fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize = (10,8)) |
| 163 | fig.suptitle(f'Contents variation over time in the layered-deposit of grid point {igr + 1} and slope {isl + 1}') |
| 164 | iprop = 0 |
| 165 | for ax in axes.flat: |
| 166 | time_mesh, elevation_mesh = np.meshgrid(date_time,ref_grid) |
| 167 | #im = ax.imshow(np.transpose(gridded_stratif_data[iprop][0,:,0,:]),aspect = 'auto',cmap = 'viridis',origin = 'lower',extent = [date_time[0],date_time[-1],ref_grid[0],ref_grid[-1]],vmin = 0,vmax = 1) |
| 168 | im = ax.pcolormesh(time_mesh,elevation_mesh,np.transpose(gridded_stratif_data[iprop][igr,:,isl,:]),cmap = cmap,shading = 'auto',vmin = 0,vmax = 1) |
| 169 | ax.set_title(subtitle[iprop]) |
| 170 | ax.set(xlabel = 'Time (y)',ylabel = 'Elevation (m)') |
| 171 | #ax.label_outer() |
| 172 | iprop += 1 |
| 173 | cbar = fig.colorbar(im,ax = axes.ravel().tolist(),label = 'Content value') |
| 174 | plt.savefig(f"layering_evolution_ig{igr + 1}_is{isl + 1}.png") |
| 175 | plt.show() |