#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## ######## Library of bash functions for the PEM launching script ######## ######################################################################## # To end the launching script endlaunch() { # Restore the previous value of LC_NUMERIC LC_NUMERIC=$OLD_LC_NUMERIC date echo "Success: the launching script for the PEM simulation completed normally!" exit 0 } # To end the launching script with error errlaunch() { # Restore the previous value of LC_NUMERIC LC_NUMERIC=$OLD_LC_NUMERIC date echo "Error: an issue occured in the launching script for the PEM simulation!" exit 1 } # To check what is the job scheduler function job_scheduler() { if command -v squeue &> /dev/null; then echo "SLURM is installed on $machine." name_job="#SBATCH --job-name=" kill_job="scancel" submit_job="sbatch --parsable" submit_dependjob="sbatch --parsable --dependency" elif command -v qstat &> /dev/null; then echo "PBS/TORQUE is installed on $machine." name_job="#PBS -N " kill_job="qdel" submit_job="qsub" submit_dependjob="qsub -W depend" else echo "Error: neither SLURM nor TORQUE/PBS is installed on $machine!" echo "You need to adapt the script to your job scheduler." errlaunch fi } # To check if everything necessary for the launching script is ok checklaunch() { # Save the current value of LC_NUMERIC and set it to a locale that uses a dot as the decimal separator OLD_LC_NUMERIC=$LC_NUMERIC LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8 if [ -v n_mars_years ] && [ ! -z "$n_mars_years" ]; then if [ $(echo "$n_mars_years < 0." | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error: the value of 'n_mars_years' must be >0!" errlaunch fi elif [ -v n_earth_years ] && [ ! -z "$n_earth_years" ]; then if [ $(echo "$n_earth_years < 0." | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error: the value of 'n_earth_years' must be >0!" errlaunch fi else echo "Error: no number of years to be simulated has been set!" errlaunch fi if [ $nPCM_ini -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$nPCM_ini" ]; then echo "Error: the value of 'nPCM_ini' must be >1!" errlaunch fi if [ $nPCM -lt 2 ] || [ -z "$nPCM" ]; then echo "Error: the value of 'nPCM' must be >1!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "PCMrun.job" ]; then echo "Error: file \"PCMrun.job\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "PEMrun.job" ]; then echo "Error: file \"PEMrun.job\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "run_PCM.def" ]; then echo "Error: file \"run_PCM.def\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "run_PEM.def" ]; then echo "Error: file \"run_PEM.def\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "context_lmdz_physics.xml" ]; then echo "Error: file \"context_lmdz_physics.xml\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "field_def_physics_mars.xml" ]; then echo "Error: file \"field_def_physics_mars.xml\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "file_def_physics_mars.xml" ]; then echo "Error: file \"file_def_physics_mars.xml\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -f "iodef.xml" ]; then echo "Error: file \"iodef.xml\" does not exist in $dir!" errlaunch fi if [ ! -d "out_PCM" ]; then mkdir out_PCM fi if [ ! -d "out_PEM" ]; then mkdir out_PEM fi if [ ! -d "starts" ]; then mkdir starts fi if [ ! -d "diags" ]; then mkdir diags fi if [ $mode -ne 0 ]; then job_scheduler fi } # To convert Earth years into Mars years convertyears() { myear=686.9725 # Number of Earth days in Martian year eyear=365.256363004 # Number of days in Earth year convert_years=$(echo "$myear/$eyear" | bc -l) convert_years=$(printf "%.4f" $convert_years) # Rounding to the 4th decimal to respect the precision of Martian year if [ -v n_mars_years ]; then n_myear=$n_mars_years echo "Number of years to be simulated: $n_myear Martian years." elif [ -v n_earth_years ]; then n_myear=$(echo "$n_earth_years/$convert_years" | bc -l) echo "Number of years to be simulated: $n_earth_years Earth years = $n_myear Martian years." fi } # To initialize the launching script initlaunch() { echo "This is a chained simulation for PEM and PCM runs in $dir on $machine by $user." convertyears i_myear=0. iPEM=1 iPCM=1 cp startfi.nc starts/ if [ -f "start.nc" ]; then cp start.nc starts/ elif [ -f "star1D.nc" ]; then cp star1D.txt starts/ fi if [ -f "startpem.nc" ]; then cp startpem.nc starts/ fi # Create a file to manage years of the chained simulation and store some info from the PEM runs echo $i_myear $n_myear $convert_years $iPCM $iPEM $nPCM $nPCM_ini > info_PEM.txt } # To submit the PCM runs # arg1: launching mode # arg2: counting method # arg3: number of PCM runs to launch # arg4: local number of the PCM run from which to start (optional) submitPCM() { find . -type f -name "PCMrun*.job" ! -name "PCMrun.job" -delete ii=1 if [ ! -z $4 ]; then ii=$4 fi if [ $(echo "$i_myear < $n_myear" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Run PCM $iPCM: call $ii/$3..." if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Mode: processing scripts sed -i "s/^k=[0-9]\+$/k=$(echo "3 - $nPCM_ini" | bc)/" PCMrun.job ./PCMrun.job if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errlaunch fi else # Mode: submitting jobs cp PCMrun.job PCMrun${iPCM}.job sed -i -E "s/($name_job[^0-9]*[0-9]*[^0-9]*)[0-9]+$/\1${iPCM}/" PCMrun${iPCM}.job sed -i "s/^k=[0-9]\+$/k=$(echo "3 - $nPCM_ini" | bc)/" PCMrun${iPCM}.job jobID=$(eval "$submit_job PCMrun${iPCM}.job") # Create a file to cancel the dependent jobs of the cycle echo "#!/bin/bash" > kill_launchPEM.sh chmod +x kill_launchPEM.sh echo $kill_job $jobID >> kill_launchPEM.sh fi ((iPCM++)) if [ $2 -ne 0 ]; then # Counting: PCM runs taken into account i_myear=$(echo "$i_myear + 1." | bc -l) fi ((ii++)) else endlaunch fi for ((i = $ii; i <= $3; i++)); do if [ $(echo "$i_myear < $n_myear" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Run PCM $iPCM: call $i/$3..." if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Mode: processing scripts sed -i "s/^k=[0-9]\+$/k=$(echo "$i + 2 - $nPCM_ini" | bc)/" PCMrun.job ./PCMrun.job if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errlaunch fi else # Mode: submitting jobs cp PCMrun.job PCMrun${iPCM}.job sed -i -E "s/($name_job[^0-9]*[0-9]*[^0-9]*)[0-9]+$/\1${iPCM}/" PCMrun${iPCM}.job sed -i "s/^k=[0-9]\+$/k=$(echo "$i + 2 - $nPCM_ini" | bc)/" PCMrun${iPCM}.job jobID=$(eval "$submit_dependjob=afterok:${jobID} PCMrun${iPCM}.job") echo $kill_job $jobID >> kill_launchPEM.sh fi ((iPCM++)) if [ $2 -ne 0 ]; then # Counting: PCM runs taken into account i_myear=$(echo "$i_myear + 1." | bc -l) fi else endlaunch fi done } # To submit the PEM run # arg1: launching mode submitPEM() { if [ $(echo "$i_myear < $n_myear" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Run PEM $iPEM" if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Mode: processing scripts ./PEMrun.job if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errlaunch fi else # Mode: submitting jobs sed -i -E "s/($name_job[^0-9]*[0-9]*[^0-9]*)[0-9]+$/\1${iPEM}/" PEMrun.job jobID=$(eval "$submit_job PEMrun.job") # Create a file to cancel the dependent jobs of the cycle echo "#!/bin/bash" > kill_launchPEM.sh chmod +x kill_launchPEM.sh echo $kill_job $jobID >> kill_launchPEM.sh fi else endlaunch fi } # To make one cycle of PCM and PEM runs # arg1: launching mode # arg2: counting method # arg3: number of PCM runs to launch # arg4: local number of the PCM run from which to start (optional) cyclelaunch() { # PCM runs submitPCM $1 $2 $3 $4 # PEM run if [ $(echo "$i_myear < $n_myear" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Run PEM $iPEM" if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Mode: processing scripts ./PEMrun.job if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errlaunch fi else # Mode: submitting jobs sed -i -E "s/($name_job[^0-9]*[0-9]*[^0-9]*)[0-9]+$/\1${iPEM}/" PEMrun.job jobID=$(eval "$submit_dependjob=afterok:${jobID} PEMrun.job") echo $kill_job $jobID >> kill_launchPEM.sh fi else endlaunch fi } # To clean files after the starting run of the relaunch # arg1: file name prefix to clean # arg2: file name extension to clean # arg3: file number from which to clean cleanfiles() { prefix=$1 extension=$2 if [ -z "$extension" ]; then for file in ${prefix}*; do num=${file#$prefix} if [[ $num =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ $num -gt $3 ]; then rm $file fi done else for file in ${prefix}*${extension}; do num=${file#$prefix} num=${num%$extension} if [[ $num =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ $num -gt $3 ]; then rm $file fi done fi } # To relaunch from PCM run # arg1: launching mode # arg2: counting method relaunchPCM() { iPCM=$(($irelaunch + 1)) cleanfiles diags/diagfi .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles diags/diagsoil .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles diags/data2reshape .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles "out_PCM/run" "" $irelaunch cleanfiles starts/restart1D .txt $irelaunch cleanfiles starts/restart .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles starts/restartfi .nc $irelaunch cp starts/restartfi${irelaunch}.nc startfi.nc if [ -f "starts/restart${irelaunch}.nc" ]; then cp starts/restart${irelaunch}.nc start.nc elif [ -f "starts/restart1D${irelaunch}.txt" ]; then cp starts/restart1D${irelaunch}.txt start1D.txt fi if [ $irelaunch -le $nPCM_ini ]; then # PCM relaunch during the initialization cycle iPEM=1 if [ $2 -ne 0 ]; then # Counting: PCM runs taken into account i_myear=$irelaunch else # Counting: only PEM runs count i_myear=0 fi sed -i "1s/.*/$i_myear $n_myear $convert_years $iPCM $iPEM $nPCM $nPCM_ini/" info_PEM.txt cleanfiles diags/diagpem .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles diags/diagsoilpem .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles "out_PEM/run" "" $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restart1D_postPEM .txt $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restart_postPEM .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restartfi_postPEM .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restartpem .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) rm -f startpem.nc if [ $irelaunch -eq $(($nPCM_ini - 1)) ]; then cp diags/data2reshape${irelaunch}.nc data2reshape_Y1.nc cyclelaunch $1 $2 $nPCM_ini $iPCM elif [ $irelaunch -eq $nPCM_ini ]; then cp diags/data2reshape$(($irelaunch - 1)).nc data2reshape_Y1.nc cp diags/data2reshape${irelaunch}.nc data2reshape_Y2.nc submitPEM $1 # The next job is a PEM run else cyclelaunch $1 $2 $nPCM_ini $iPCM fi else # PCM relaunch during a cycle iPEM=$(echo "($iPCM - $nPCM_ini)/$nPCM + 1" | bc) il=$(echo "($irelaunch - $nPCM_ini + 1)%$nPCM + 1" | bc) if [ $2 -ne 0 ]; then # Counting: PCM runs taken into account i_myear=$(($(awk "NR==$iPEM {print \$3}" "info_PEM.txt") + $il)) else # Counting: only PEM runs count i_myear=$(awk "NR==$iPEM {print \$3}" "info_PEM.txt") fi sed -i "1s/.*/$i_myear $n_myear $convert_years $iPCM $iPEM $nPCM $nPCM_ini/" info_PEM.txt cleanfiles diags/diagpem .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles diags/diagsoilpem .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles "out_PEM/run" "" $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restart1D_postPEM .txt $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restart_postPEM .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restartfi_postPEM .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restartpem .nc $(($iPEM - 1)) cp starts/restartpem$(($iPEM - 1)).nc startpem.nc if [ $il -eq $(($nPCM - 1)) ]; then # Second to last PCM run cp diags/data2reshape${irelaunch}.nc data2reshape_Y1.nc cyclelaunch $1 $2 $nPCM $il elif [ $il -eq $nPCM ]; then # Last PCM run so the next job is a PEM run cp diags/data2reshape$(($irelaunch - 1)).nc data2reshape_Y1.nc cp diags/data2reshape${irelaunch}.nc data2reshape_Y2.nc submitPEM $1 else cyclelaunch $1 $2 $nPCM $il fi fi } # To relaunch from PEM run # arg1: launching mode # arg2: counting method relaunchPEM() { iPEM=$(echo "$irelaunch + 1" | bc) iPCM=$(echo "$nPCM_ini + $nPCM*($irelaunch - 1) + 1" | bc) i_myear=$(awk "NR==$(($iPEM + 1)) {print \$3}" "info_PEM.txt") sed -i "1s/.*/$i_myear $n_myear $convert_years $iPCM $iPEM $nPCM $nPCM_ini/" info_PEM.txt cleanfiles diags/diagfi .nc $(($iPCM - 1)) cleanfiles diags/diagsoil .nc $(($iPCM - 1)) cleanfiles "out_PCM/run" "" $(($iPCM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restart1D .txt $(($iPCM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restart .nc $(($iPCM - 1)) cleanfiles starts/restartfi .nc $(($iPCM - 1)) cleanfiles diags/data2reshape .nc $(($iPCM - 1)) cleanfiles diags/diagpem .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles diags/diagsoilpem .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles "out_PEM/run" "" $irelaunch cleanfiles starts/restart1D_postPEM .txt $irelaunch cleanfiles starts/restart_postPEM .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles starts/restartfi_postPEM .nc $irelaunch cleanfiles starts/restartpem .nc $irelaunch cp starts/restartpem${irelaunch}.nc startpem.nc cp starts/restartfi_postPEM${irelaunch}.nc startfi.nc if [ -f "starts/restart_postPEM${irelaunch}.nc" ]; then cp starts/restart_postPEM${irelaunch}.nc start.nc elif [ -f "starts/restart1D_postPEM${irelaunch}.txt" ]; then cp starts/restart1D_postPEM${irelaunch}.txt start1D.txt fi cyclelaunch $1 $2 $nPCM }