#!/bin/bash ################################################################ ### Script to concatenate "diagpem.nc" outputs into one file ### ################################################################ set -e trap 'echo -e "\033[31mError: an issue occurred in the script on line $LINENO! Please review the command and try again.\033[0m"' ERR ################################################################ # Modify here the parameters for the script ########################################### # Output file name output_file="diagpem_concat.nc" # Frequency of PEM outputs ecritpem=1 # Number of initial PCM calls nPCM_ini=4 # Number of GCM calls between each PEM call nPCM=2 # List of NetCDF files to concatenate directory="diags" files=($directory/diagpem*.nc) output_file=($directory/$output_file) ################################################################ # Checking if everything is ok if [ ! -d "$directory" ]; then echo "Error: directory \"$diags\" not found!" exit 1 fi if [ ${#files[@]} -lt 2 ]; then echo "Error: there are not enough files for concatenation!" exit 1 fi if [ -f "$output_file" ]; then rm $output_file fi # Loop to concatenate the NetCDF files newTime=$((nPCM_ini + 1)) for file in "${files[@]}"; do # Extract the 'Time' variable into a temporary file ncks -v Time "$file" > tmp_Time.txt # Extract the 'data' block containing the Time values data_block=$(awk '/data:/ {flag=1} flag; /\}/ {flag=0}' tmp_Time.txt | sed '1d;$d') data_block=$(echo "$data_block" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//') data_block=$(echo "$data_block" | sed 's/Time =//') data_block=$(echo "$data_block" | sed 's/;$//') IFS=', ' read -ra Time_values <<< "$data_block" # Remove the temporary file rm tmp_Time.txt # Updating the variable 'Time' with the number of the year for ((i=0; i < ${#Time_values[@]}; i++)); do ncap2 -O -s "Time($i)=$newTime" $file $file newTime=$((newTime + ecritpem)) done # Concatenate the NetCDF file to the output if [ ! -f "$output_file" ]; then cp $file $output_file else ncrcat -O $output_file $file -o $output_file fi newTime=$((newTime + nPCM)) done echo "Concatenation of \"$directory/diagpem*.nc\" files into \"$output_file\" is complete!"