1 | ! |
2 | ! $Id: sortvarc.F 1403 2010-07-01 09:02:53Z fairhead $ |
3 | ! |
4 | SUBROUTINE sortvarc |
5 | $(itau,ucov,teta,ps,masse,pk,phis,vorpot,phi,bern,dp,time , |
6 | $ vcov ) |
7 | |
8 | use control_mod,only:resetvarc |
10 | |
11 | c======================================================================= |
12 | c |
13 | c Auteur: P. Le Van |
14 | c ------- |
15 | c |
16 | c Objet: |
17 | c ------ |
18 | c |
19 | c sortie des variables de controle |
20 | c |
21 | c======================================================================= |
22 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
23 | c Declarations: |
24 | c ------------- |
25 | |
26 | #include "dimensions.h" |
27 | #include "paramet.h" |
28 | #include "comconst.h" |
29 | #include "comvert.h" |
30 | #include "comgeom.h" |
31 | #include "ener.h" |
32 | #include "logic.h" |
33 | #include "temps.h" |
34 | |
35 | c Arguments: |
36 | c ---------- |
37 | |
38 | INTEGER itau |
39 | REAL ucov(ip1jmp1,llm),teta(ip1jmp1,llm),masse(ip1jmp1,llm) |
40 | REAL vcov(ip1jm,llm) |
41 | REAL ps(ip1jmp1),phis(ip1jmp1) |
42 | REAL vorpot(ip1jm,llm) |
43 | REAL phi(ip1jmp1,llm),bern(ip1jmp1,llm) |
44 | REAL dp(ip1jmp1) |
45 | REAL time |
46 | REAL pk(ip1jmp1,llm) |
47 | |
48 | c Local: |
49 | c ------ |
50 | |
51 | REAL vor(ip1jm),bernf(ip1jmp1,llm),ztotl(llm) |
52 | REAL etotl(llm),stotl(llm),rmsvl(llm),angl(llm),ge(ip1jmp1) |
53 | REAL cosphi(ip1jm),omegcosp(ip1jm) |
54 | REAL dtvrs1j,rjour,heure,radsg,radomeg |
55 | REAL massebxy(ip1jm,llm) |
56 | INTEGER l, ij, imjmp1 |
57 | |
58 | REAL SSUM |
59 | |
60 | logical firstcal |
61 | data firstcal/.true./ |
62 | save firstcal |
63 | |
64 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
65 | ! Ehouarn: when no initialization fields from file, resetvarc should be |
66 | ! set to false |
67 | if (firstcal) then |
68 | if (.not.read_start) then |
69 | resetvarc=.true. |
70 | endif |
71 | endif |
72 | |
73 | dtvrs1j = dtvr/daysec |
74 | rjour = REAL( INT( itau * dtvrs1j )) |
75 | heure = ( itau*dtvrs1j-rjour ) * 24. |
76 | imjmp1 = iim * jjp1 |
77 | IF(ABS(heure - 24.).LE.0.0001 ) heure = 0. |
78 | c |
79 | CALL massbarxy ( masse, massebxy ) |
80 | |
81 | c ..... Calcul de rmsdpdt ..... |
82 | |
83 | ge(:)=dp(:)*dp(:) |
84 | |
85 | rmsdpdt = SSUM(ip1jmp1,ge,1) - SSUM(jjp1,ge,iip1) |
86 | c |
87 | rmsdpdt = daysec* 1.e-2 * SQRT(rmsdpdt/imjmp1) |
88 | |
89 | CALL SCOPY( ijp1llm,bern,1,bernf,1 ) |
90 | CALL filtreg(bernf,jjp1,llm,-2,2,.TRUE.,1) |
91 | |
92 | c ..... Calcul du moment angulaire ..... |
93 | |
94 | radsg = rad /g |
95 | radomeg = rad * omeg |
96 | c |
97 | DO ij=iip2,ip1jm |
98 | cosphi( ij ) = COS(rlatu((ij-1)/iip1+1)) |
99 | omegcosp(ij) = radomeg * cosphi(ij) |
100 | ENDDO |
101 | |
102 | c ... Calcul de l'energie,de l'enstrophie,de l'entropie et de rmsv . |
103 | |
104 | DO l=1,llm |
105 | DO ij = 1,ip1jm |
106 | vor(ij)=vorpot(ij,l)*vorpot(ij,l)*massebxy(ij,l) |
107 | ENDDO |
108 | ztotl(l)=(SSUM(ip1jm,vor,1)-SSUM(jjm,vor,iip1)) |
109 | |
110 | DO ij = 1,ip1jmp1 |
111 | ge(ij)= masse(ij,l)*(phis(ij)+teta(ij,l)*pk(ij,l) + |
112 | s bernf(ij,l)-phi(ij,l)) |
113 | ENDDO |
114 | etotl(l) = SSUM(ip1jmp1,ge,1) - SSUM(jjp1,ge,iip1) |
115 | |
116 | DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 |
117 | ge(ij) = masse(ij,l)*teta(ij,l) |
118 | ENDDO |
119 | stotl(l)= SSUM(ip1jmp1,ge,1) - SSUM(jjp1,ge,iip1) |
120 | |
121 | DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 |
122 | ge(ij)=masse(ij,l)*AMAX1(bernf(ij,l)-phi(ij,l),0.) |
123 | ENDDO |
124 | rmsvl(l)=2.*(SSUM(ip1jmp1,ge,1)-SSUM(jjp1,ge,iip1)) |
125 | |
126 | DO ij =iip2,ip1jm |
127 | ge(ij)=(ucov(ij,l)/cu(ij)+omegcosp(ij))*masse(ij,l) * |
128 | * cosphi(ij) |
129 | ENDDO |
130 | angl(l) = rad * |
131 | s (SSUM(ip1jm-iip1,ge(iip2),1)-SSUM(jjm-1,ge(iip2),iip1)) |
132 | ENDDO |
133 | |
134 | DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 |
135 | ge(ij)= ps(ij)*aire(ij) |
136 | ENDDO |
137 | ptot = SSUM(ip1jmp1,ge,1)-SSUM(jjp1,ge,iip1) |
138 | etot = SSUM( llm, etotl, 1 ) |
139 | ztot = SSUM( llm, ztotl, 1 ) |
140 | stot = SSUM( llm, stotl, 1 ) |
141 | rmsv = SSUM( llm, rmsvl, 1 ) |
142 | ang = SSUM( llm, angl, 1 ) |
143 | |
144 | IF (firstcal.and.resetvarc) then |
145 | PRINT 3500, itau, rjour, heure,time |
146 | PRINT*,'WARNING!!! On recalcule les valeurs initiales de :' |
147 | PRINT*,'ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang' |
148 | PRINT *, ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang |
149 | etot0 = etot |
150 | ptot0 = ptot |
151 | ztot0 = ztot |
152 | stot0 = stot |
153 | ang0 = ang |
154 | END IF |
155 | |
156 | ! compute relative changes in etot,... (except if 'reference' values |
157 | ! are zero, which can happen when using iniacademic) |
158 | if (etot0.ne.0) then |
159 | etot= etot/etot0 |
160 | else |
161 | etot=1. |
162 | endif |
163 | rmsv= SQRT(rmsv/ptot) |
164 | if (ptot0.ne.0) then |
165 | ptot= ptot/ptot0 |
166 | else |
167 | ptot=1. |
168 | endif |
169 | if (ztot0.ne.0) then |
170 | ztot= ztot/ztot0 |
171 | else |
172 | ztot=1. |
173 | endif |
174 | if (stot0.ne.0) then |
175 | stot= stot/stot0 |
176 | else |
177 | stot=1. |
178 | endif |
179 | if (ang0.ne.0) then |
180 | ang = ang /ang0 |
181 | else |
182 | ang=1. |
183 | endif |
184 | |
185 | firstcal = .false. |
186 | |
187 | PRINT 3500, itau, rjour, heure, time |
188 | PRINT 4000, ptot,rmsdpdt,etot,ztot,stot,rmsv,ang |
189 | |
190 | RETURN |
191 | |
192 | 3500 FORMAT(10("*"),4x,'pas',i7,5x,'jour',f9.0,'heure',f5.1,4x |
193 | * ,'date',f14.4,4x,10("*")) |
194 | 4000 FORMAT(10x,'masse',4x,'rmsdpdt',7x,'energie',2x,'enstrophie' |
195 | * ,2x,'entropie',3x,'rmsv',4x,'mt.ang',/,'GLOB ' |
196 | . ,f10.6,e13.6,5f10.3/ |
197 | * ) |
198 | END |
199 | |