\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} %\usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{natbib} % si appel à bibtex %\usepackage[francais]{babel} %\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % accents directs (é...), avec babel %\usepackage{rotating} \setlength{\hoffset}{-1.in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{3.cm} \setlength{\textwidth}{15.cm} \setlength{\marginparsep}{0.mm} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0.mm} \setlength{\voffset}{-1.in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0.mm} \setlength{\headheight}{0.mm} \setlength{\headsep}{30.mm} \setlength{\textheight}{24.cm} \setlength{\footskip}{1.cm} \setlength{\parindent}{0.mm} \setlength{\parskip}{1 em} \newcommand{\ten}[1]{$\times 10^{#1}$~} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.} \begin{document} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{center} {\bf \LARGE Documentation for LMDZ, Planets version \vspace{1cm} \Large How to modify the initial state: the newstart tool } \vspace{1cm} S\'ebastien Lebonnois \vspace{1cm} Latest version: \today \end{center} \section{First step: \textsf{start\_archive.nc}} The initial state of a simulation is read by the GCM in the files \textsf{start.nc} and \textsf{startphy.nc}. A first step to change these files is first to change them into a \textsf{start\_archive.nc} file. This is coming from the Mars GCM, where this file can include all the \textsf{start*.nc} files for the 12 months of one complete Martian Year. To do this conversion, you need to use the \textsf{start2archive} tool. Currently, this tool is well adapted for Venus and Titan, so the corresponding routine is called \textsf{start2archive-VT.F} It is located in the \textsf{dyn3d} directory, and compiled the same way as the GCM. As inputs, it will need the same \textsf{*.def} files as those used during the simulation that created the \textsf{start*.nc} files. It then creates the \textsf{start\_archive.nc} file from \textsf{start.nc} and \textsf{startphy.nc}. \section{Second step: the \textsf{newstart} tool} This tool allows many changes in the initial state: \begin{itemize} \item change in resolution \item change in zoom characteristics \item change in surface characteristics (topography, albedo) \item change in planetary constants \end{itemize} Currently, this tool is well adapted for Venus and Titan, so the corresponding routine is called \textsf{newstart-VT.F}, located in the \textsf{dyn3d} directory. As for the \textsf{start2archive} tool, it is compiled the same way as the GCM (in sequential only). As inputs, it takes the \textsf{start\_archive.nc} file with the initial state to be modified, and the \textsf{traceur.def} and \textsf{z2sig.def} files. It also needs a specific \textsf{run.def} file, taylored to include only the needed changes. To change the resolution, compile \textsf{newstart-VT} in the new resolution. For the topography, the default behaviour will be to use the previous one (from \textsf{start\_archive.nc}) and to interpolate it to the new resolution. You may want to use the highest resolution topography file you have to get a finer topography when increasing the resolution. In that case, you can add the line \textsf{topoflag=y} in the taylored \textsf{run.def} file. Your topography file should be called \textsf{Relief.nc}. This file must include the variable \textsf{RELIEF}, which is the topography in meters. It will be read by \textsf{newstart} and the new surface geopotential will be computed. This may also be used to modify the topography the way you want. One point concerning Venus topography: it should be reversed in the \textsf{Relief.nc} file, so that the GCM runs as if it was looking at Venus with the South pole upward. \section{Specific \textsf{run.def} file} {\bf Zoom} To make a simulation with a zoom, the grid has to be altered. This needs to be done through \textsf{newstart}, using zoom parameters that will be read from the \textsf{run.def} file. These parameters include (see specific zoom documentation ?): \begin{itemize} \item {\it clon,clat}: coordinates of the zoom center (in degrees) \item {\it grossismx,grossismy}: resolution increase factor within the zoom area \item {\it fxyhypb}: logical. If "y" (True) then hyperbolic function for the transition. \item {\it dzoomx,dzoomy}: fraction of the total domain used in the zoom area (used only if {\it fxyhypb}=y) \item {\it taux,tauy}: zoom stiffness (in the transition area ?) (used only if {\it fxyhypb}=y) \item ysinus: logical (used only if {\it fxyhypb}=n). Use sinus of latitude instead of latitude for the transition. \end{itemize} For Venus, the topography being reversed, {\it clat} and {\it clon} must take this into account when targeting a specific feature ! {\bf Albedo} If you want to change the value of the albedo, you can add the lines \textsf{albedoflag=y} \textsf{albedo=$<$value$>$} in \textsf{run.def} to input the new value. For the albedo, we may want to use a map. This is not yet implemented. When it will be, the file containing this map can be used to change the albedo (as for the topography). {\bf Other parameters} It could be possible to include other parameters in the change (, just by adding optional lines in \textsf{run.def}. The reading has to be hardcoded in \textsf{newstart-VT.F} first, but it's easy. The specific heat is already implemented ({\it cpp}). \section{Technical aspects} The subroutines used for the \textsf{start\_archive.nc} and \textsf{newstart} tools are located in the \textsf{phy$<$planet$>$} directory, since they may slightly vary from one planet to the other. For \textsf{start\_archive.nc}, these routines are: \begin{itemize} \item \textsf{ini\_archive.F} \item \textsf{readstart.F} \item \textsf{readstartphy.F} \item \textsf{write\_archive.F} \end{itemize} For \textsf{newstart}, they are: \begin{itemize} \item \textsf{interp\_vert.F} \item \textsf{scal\_wind.F} \item \textsf{wind\_scal.F} \item \textsf{writerestart.F} \item \textsf{writerestartphy.F} \item \textsf{startvar.F90} and \textsf{grid\_noro.F}, which are used to read the \textsf{Relief.nc} file and compute the surface geopotential and the parameters needed for the orographic gravity wave drag. \end{itemize} \end{document}