8 years |
lfita |
Adding 'tturb' for temporal turbulence (Taylor's decomposition x -<x>)
8 years |
lfita |
First final version!!!
- Adding re-set of times for a given model
8 years |
lfita |
First working version with `Nlines'
Inclusion of computation of …
8 years |
lfita |
Getting more there for the all model-experiments figures
8 years |
lfita |
Getting the all model-experiments figures ready
8 years |
lfita |
- `optitle': Function to creat the operation section in the …
8 years |
lfita |
Working version with 2lines', 2linesTime'
8 years |
lfita |
Starting to add plot `2lines'
8 years |
lfita |
First version of 'pinterp' model differences working!
Inclusion of …
8 years |
lfita |
Working up to the model differences of statistics without 'lon' or 'lat'
8 years |
lfita |
First working version with model differences!
8 years |
lfita |
Starting to add differences among models
8 years |
lfita |
Adding generic `cntkind'
8 years |
lfita |
Working up to the differences among experiments even with `LMDZ'
8 years |
lfita |
Up to first differences with LMDZ
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `tvar'
9 years |
lfita |
Addding `tstd': temporal standard deviation
9 years |
lfita |
Working version up to the drawing of both differences: op, var
9 years |
lfita |
Up to file differences computing
9 years |
lfita |
Up to getting written/read difference files
9 years |
lfita |
Working copy with plots even from the SCRATCH !
9 years |
lfita |
Working for plot vertical cross section plot. Issue on axis labels
9 years |
lfita |
Working version with figures shadcont2Dsfc' and shadconthovmsfc'
9 years |
lfita |
Getting almost there for the first figure!
9 years |
lfita |
Working copy up to statistics without 'turb' and redudec space …
9 years |
lfita |
Working on the changing name of variables and disappearing variables…
9 years |
lfita |
Working version of some diagnostics. NOT working for 2D in `pinterp'
9 years |
lfita |
Getting up to before the proper computation of the CF-variables
9 years |
lfita |
Creation of the python script to generate the files and the plots for …