state real LAGES_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LAGES_LIC" "LMDZ Snow age on frozen land kind soil" "day" state real LAGES_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LAGES_OCE" "LMDZ Snow age on ocean kind soil" "day" state real LAGES_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LAGES_SIC" "LMDZ Snow age on frozen ocean kind soil" "day" state real LAGES_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LAGES_TER" "LMDZ Snow age on land kind soil" "day" ##state real LAHYB misc 1 - rh "LAHYB" "LMDZ model_level_number" "Pa" state real LAIRE ij misc 1 - rh "LAIRE" "LMDZ Grid area" "-" state real LAIRETER ij misc 1 - rh "LAIRETER" "LMDZ Grid area CONT" "-" state real LALB1 ij misc 1 - rh "LALB1" "LMDZ Surface VIS albedo" "-" state real LALB2 ij misc 1 - rh "LALB2" "LMDZ Surface Near IR albedo" "-" state real LALBE_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LALBE_LIC" "LMDZ Albedo VIS surf. lic" "m2/s2" state real LALBE_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LALBE_OCE" "LMDZ Albedo VIS surf. oce" "m2/s2" state real LALBE_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LALBE_SIC" "LMDZ Albedo VIS surf. sic" "m2/s2" state real LALBE_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LALBE_TER" "LMDZ Albedo VIS surf. ter" "m2/s2" state real LALE ij misc 1 - rh "LALE" "LMDZ ALE" "m2/s2" state real LALE_BL ij misc 1 - rh "LALE_BL" "LMDZ ALE BL" "m2/s2" state real LALE_WK ij misc 1 - rh "LALE_WK" "LMDZ ALE WK" "m2/s2" state real LALP ij misc 1 - rh "LALP" "LMDZ ALP" "W/m2" state real LALP_BL ij misc 1 - rh "LALP_BL" "LMDZ ALP BL" "m2/s2" state real LALP_WK ij misc 1 - rh "LALP_WK" "LMDZ ALP WK" "m2/s2" ##state real LALT misc 1 - rh "LALT" "LMDZ model_level_number" "Km" state real LA_TH ikj misc 1 - rh "LA_TH" "LMDZ Thermal plume fraction" "-" state real LBETA_PREC ikj misc 1 - rh "LBETA_PREC" "LMDZ LS Conversion rate to prec" "(kg/kg)/s" ##state real LBHYB misc 1 - rh "LBHYB" "LMDZ model_level_number" " " state real LBILS ij misc 1 - rh "LBILS" "LMDZ Surf. total heat flux" "W/m2" state real LBILS_DISS ij misc 1 - rh "LBILS_DISS" "LMDZ Surf. total heat flux" "W/m2" state real LBILS_EC ij misc 1 - rh "LBILS_EC" "LMDZ Surf. total heat flux" "W/m2" state real LBILS_ENTHALP ij misc 1 - rh "LBILS_ENTHALP" "LMDZ Surf. total heat flux" "W/m2" state real LBILS_KINETIC ij misc 1 - rh "LBILS_KINETIC" "LMDZ Surf. total heat flux" "W/m2" state real LBILS_LATENT ij misc 1 - rh "LBILS_LATENT" "LMDZ Surf. total heat flux" "W/m2" state real LBILS_TKE ij misc 1 - rh "LBILS_TKE" "LMDZ Surf. total heat flux" "W/m2" state real LCAPE ij misc 1 - rh "LCAPE" "LMDZ Conv avlbl pot ener" "J/kg" state real LCAPE_MAX ij misc 1 - rh "LCAPE_MAX" "LMDZ CAPE max." "J/kg" state real LCDRH ij misc 1 - rh "LCDRH" "LMDZ Heat drag coef." "-" state real LCDRM ij misc 1 - rh "LCDRM" "LMDZ Momentum drag coef." "-" state real LCLDEMI ikj misc 1 - rh "LCLDEMI" "LMDZ Cloud optical emissivity" "1" state real LCLDH ij misc 1 - rh "LCLDH" "LMDZ High-level cloudiness" "-" state real LCLDL ij misc 1 - rh "LCLDL" "LMDZ Low-level cloudiness" "-" state real LCLDM ij misc 1 - rh "LCLDM" "LMDZ Mid-level cloudiness" "-" state real LCLDQ ij misc 1 - rh "LCLDQ" "LMDZ Cloud liquid water path" "kg/m2" state real LCLDT ij misc 1 - rh "LCLDT" "LMDZ Total cloudiness" "-" state real LCLDTAU ikj misc 1 - rh "LCLDTAU" "LMDZ Cloud optical thickness" "1" state real LCLWCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LCLWCON" "LMDZ Convective Cloud Liquid water content" "kg/kg" state real LCONTFRACATM ij misc 1 - rh "LCONTFRACATM" "LMDZ % sfce ter+lic" "-" state real LCONTFRACOR ij misc 1 - rh "LCONTFRACOR" "LMDZ % sfce terre OR" "-" state real LCUMPB ij misc 1 - rh "LCUMPB" "LMDZ Cumulated tracer PBVL1" "-" state real LCUMRN ij misc 1 - rh "LCUMRN" "LMDZ Cumulated tracer RNVL1" "-" state real LDMC ikj misc 1 - rh "LDMC" "LMDZ Deep COnvective Mass Flux" "kg/(m2*s)" state real LDNWD ikj misc 1 - rh "LDNWD" "LMDZ saturated downdraft" "kg/m2/s" state real LDNWD0 ikj misc 1 - rh "LDNWD0" "LMDZ unsat. downdraft" "kg/m2/s" state real LDQAJS ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQAJS" "LMDZ Dry adjust. dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQCON" "LMDZ Convection dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQDYN ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQDYN" "LMDZ Dynamics dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQEVA ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQEVA" "LMDZ Reevaporation dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQLSC ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQLSC" "LMDZ Condensation dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQLSCST ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQLSCST" "LMDZ dQ strat." "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQLSCTH ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQLSCTH" "LMDZ dQ therm." "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQPHY ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQPHY" "LMDZ Physics dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQTHE ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQTHE" "LMDZ Thermal dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQVDF ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQVDF" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDQWAK ikj misc 1 - rh "LDQWAK" "LMDZ Wake dQ" "(kg/kg)/s" state real LDTAJS ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTAJS" "LMDZ Dry adjust. dT" "K/s" state real LDTCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTCON" "LMDZ Convection dT" "K/s" state real LDTDIS ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTDIS" "LMDZ TKE dissipation dT" "K/s" state real LDTDYN ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTDYN" "LMDZ Dynamics dT" "K/s" state real LDTEC ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTEC" "LMDZ Cinetic dissip dT" "K/s" state real LDTEVA ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTEVA" "LMDZ Reevaporation dT" "K/s" state real LD_TH ikj misc 1 - rh "LD_TH" "LMDZ Thermal plume detrainment" "K/s" state real LDTHMIN ij misc 1 - rh "LDTHMIN" "LMDZ dTheta mini" "K/m" state real LDTLIF ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTLIF" "LMDZ Orography dT" "K/s" state real LDTLSC ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTLSC" "LMDZ Condensation dT" "K/s" state real LDTLSCHR ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTLSCHR" "LMDZ Large-scale condensational heating rate" "K/s" state real LDTLSCST ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTLSCST" "LMDZ dT strat." "K/s" state real LDTLSCTH ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTLSCTH" "LMDZ dT therm." "K/s" state real LDTLW0 ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTLW0" "LMDZ CS LW radiation dT" "K/s" state real LDTLWR ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTLWR" "LMDZ LW radiation dT" "K/s" state real LDTORO ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTORO" "LMDZ Orography dT" "K/s" state real LDTPHY ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTPHY" "LMDZ Physics dT" "K/s" state real LDTSVDFG ij misc 1 - rh "LDTSVDFG" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dTs(g)" "K/s" state real LDTSVDFI ij misc 1 - rh "LDTSVDFI" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dTs(g)" "K/s" state real LDTSVDFO ij misc 1 - rh "LDTSVDFO" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dTs(o)" "K/s" state real LDTSVDFT ij misc 1 - rh "LDTSVDFT" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dTs(t)" "K/s" state real LDTSW0 ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTSW0" "LMDZ CS SW radiation dT" "K/s" state real LDTSWR ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTSWR" "LMDZ SW radiation dT" "K/s" state real LDTTHE ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTTHE" "LMDZ Thermal dT" "K/s" state real LDTVDF ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTVDF" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dT" "K/s" state real LDTWAK ikj misc 1 - rh "LDTWAK" "LMDZ Wake dT" "K/s" state real LDUCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LDUCON" "LMDZ Convection du" "m/s2" state real LDUDYN ikj misc 1 - rh "LDUDYN" "LMDZ Dynamics dU" "m/s2" state real LDULIF ikj misc 1 - rh "LDULIF" "LMDZ Orography dU" "m/s2" state real LDUORO ikj misc 1 - rh "LDUORO" "LMDZ Orography dU" "m/s2" state real LDUVDF ikj misc 1 - rh "LDUVDF" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dU" "m/s2" state real LDVCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LDVCON" "LMDZ Convection dv" "m/s2" state real LDVDYN ikj misc 1 - rh "LDVDYN" "LMDZ Dynamics dV" "m/s2" state real LDVLIF ikj misc 1 - rh "LDVLIF" "LMDZ Orography dV" "m/s2" state real LDVORO ikj misc 1 - rh "LDVORO" "LMDZ Orography dV" "m/s2" state real LDVVDF ikj misc 1 - rh "LDVVDF" "LMDZ Boundary-layer dV" "m/s2" state real LEC550AER ikj misc 1 - rh "LEC550AER" "LMDZ Extinction at 550nm" "m^-1" state real LE_TH ikj misc 1 - rh "LE_TH" "LMDZ Thermal plume entrainment" "K/s" state real LEVAP ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAP" "LMDZ Evaporat" "kg/(s*m2)" state real LEVAP_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAP_LIC" "LMDZ evaporation at surface lic" "kg/(s*m2)" state real LEVAP_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAP_OCE" "LMDZ evaporation at surface oce" "kg/(s*m2)" state real LEVAPPOT_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAPPOT_LIC" "LMDZ Temperature lic" "K" state real LEVAPPOT_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAPPOT_OCE" "LMDZ Temperature oce" "K" state real LEVAPPOT_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAPPOT_SIC" "LMDZ Temperature sic" "K" state real LEVAPPOT_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAPPOT_TER" "LMDZ Temperature ter" "K" state real LEVAP_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAP_SIC" "LMDZ evaporation at surface sic" "kg/(s*m2)" state real LEVAP_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LEVAP_TER" "LMDZ evaporation at surface ter" "kg/(s*m2)" state real LEVU ikj misc 1 - rh "LEVU" "LMDZ Eddy viscosity coefficient for Momentum Variables" "m2 s-1" state real LFBASE ij misc 1 - rh "LFBASE" "LMDZ Cld base mass flux" "kg/m2/s" state real LFDER ij misc 1 - rh "LFDER" "LMDZ Heat flux derivation" "W/m2" state real LFFONTE ij misc 1 - rh "LFFONTE" "LMDZ Thermal flux for snow melting" "W/m2" state real LFL ikj misc 1 - rh "LFL" "LMDZ Denominator of Cloud droplet effective radius" " " state real LFLAT ij misc 1 - rh "LFLAT" "LMDZ Latent heat flux" "W/m2" state real LFLW_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LFLW_LIC" "LMDZ LW lic" "W/m2" state real LFLW_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LFLW_OCE" "LMDZ LW oce" "W/m2" state real LFLW_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LFLW_SIC" "LMDZ LW sic" "W/m2" state real LFLW_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LFLW_TER" "LMDZ LW ter" "W/m2" state real LFQCALVING ij misc 1 - rh "LFQCALVING" "LMDZ Ice Calving" "kg/m2/s" state real LFQFONTE ij misc 1 - rh "LFQFONTE" "LMDZ Land ice melt" "kg/m2/s" state real LFRACT_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LFRACT_LIC" "LMDZ Fraction lic" "1" state real LFRACT_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LFRACT_OCE" "LMDZ Fraction oce" "1" state real LFRACT_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LFRACT_SIC" "LMDZ Fraction sic" "1" state real LFRACT_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LFRACT_TER" "LMDZ Fraction ter" "1" state real LFSNOW ij misc 1 - rh "LFSNOW" "LMDZ Surface snow area fraction" "-" state real LFSW_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LFSW_LIC" "LMDZ SW lic" "W/m2" state real LFSW_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LFSW_OCE" "LMDZ SW oce" "W/m2" state real LFSW_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LFSW_SIC" "LMDZ SW sic" "W/m2" state real LFSW_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LFSW_TER" "LMDZ SW ter" "W/m2" state real LFTIME_CON ij misc 1 - rh "LFTIME_CON" "LMDZ Fraction of time convection Occurs" " " state real LFTIME_TH ij misc 1 - rh "LFTIME_TH" "LMDZ Fraction of time Shallow convection occurs" " " state real LGEOP ikj misc 1 - rh "LGEOP" "LMDZ Geopotential height" "m2/s2" state real LH2O ikj misc 1 - rh "LH2O" "LMDZ Mass Fraction of Water" "1" state real LIWCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LIWCON" "LMDZ Cloud ice water content" "kg/kg" state real LIWP ij misc 1 - rh "LIWP" "LMDZ Cloud ice water path" "kg/m2" state real LKZ ikj misc 1 - rh "LKZ" "LMDZ Kz melange" "m2/s" state real LKZ_MAX ikj misc 1 - rh "LKZ_MAX" "LMDZ Kz melange max" "m2/s" state real LLAMBDA_TH ikj misc 1 - rh "LLAMBDA_TH" "LMDZ Thermal plume vertical velocity" "m/s" state real LLAT j misc 1 - rh "LLAT" "LMDZ latitude" "degrees_north" state real LLAT_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LLAT_LIC" "LMDZ Latent heat flux lic" "W/m2" state real LLAT_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LLAT_OCE" "LMDZ Latent heat flux oce" "W/m2" state real LLAT_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LLAT_SIC" "LMDZ Latent heat flux sic" "W/m2" state real LLAT_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LLAT_TER" "LMDZ Latent heat flux ter" "W/m2" state real LLMAXTH ij misc 1 - rh "LLMAXTH" "LMDZ Upper level thermals" " " state real LLON i misc 1 - rh "LLON" "LMDZ longitude" "degrees_east" state real LLWCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LLWCON" "LMDZ Cloud liquid water content" "kg/kg" state real LLWDN200 ij misc 1 - rh "LLWDN200" "LMDZ LWdn at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LLWDN200CLR ij misc 1 - rh "LLWDN200CLR" "LMDZ LWdn clear sky at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LLWDNSFC ij misc 1 - rh "LLWDNSFC" "LMDZ Down. IR rad. at surface" "W/m2" state real LLWDNSFCCLR ij misc 1 - rh "LLWDNSFCCLR" "LMDZ Down. CS IR rad. at surface" "W/m2" state real LLWDOWNOR ij misc 1 - rh "LLWDOWNOR" "LMDZ Sfce incident LW radiation OR" "W/m2" state real LLWP ij misc 1 - rh "LLWP" "LMDZ Cloud water path" "kg/m2" state real LLWUP200 ij misc 1 - rh "LLWUP200" "LMDZ LWup at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LLWUP200CLR ij misc 1 - rh "LLWUP200CLR" "LMDZ LWup clear sky at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LLWUPSFC ij misc 1 - rh "LLWUPSFC" "LMDZ Upwd. IR rad. at surface" "W/m2" state real LLWUPSFCCLR ij misc 1 - rh "LLWUPSFCCLR" "LMDZ CS Upwd. IR rad. at surface" "W/m2" state real LMA ikj misc 1 - rh "LMA" "LMDZ undilute adiab updraft" "kg/m2/s" state real LMASS ikj misc 1 - rh "LMASS" "LMDZ Masse Couches" "kg/m2" state real LMC ikj misc 1 - rh "LMC" "LMDZ Convective mass flux" "kg/m2/s" state real LMCD ikj misc 1 - rh "LMCD" "LMDZ Downdraft COnvective Mass Flux" "kg/(m2*s)" state real LMSNOW ij misc 1 - rh "LMSNOW" "LMDZ Surface snow amount" "kg/m2" state real LNDAYRAIN ij misc 1 - rh "LNDAYRAIN" "LMDZ Number of dayrain(liq+sol)" "-" state real LNETTOP ij misc 1 - rh "LNETTOP" "LMDZ Net dn radiatif flux at TOA" "W/m2" state real LOLIQ ikj misc 1 - rh "LOLIQ" "LMDZ Condensed water" "kg/kg" state real LOVAP ikj misc 1 - rh "LOVAP" "LMDZ Specific humidity" "kg/kg" state real LOVAPINIT ikj misc 1 - rh "LOVAPINIT" "LMDZ Specific humidity (begin of timestep)" "kg/kg" state real LOZONE ikj misc 1 - rh "LOZONE" "LMDZ Ozone mole fraction" "-" state real LPAPRS ikj misc 1 - rh "LPAPRS" "LMDZ Air pressure Inter-Couches" "Pa" state real LPB ikj misc 1 - rh "LPB" "LMDZ Tracer PBVL1" "-" state real LPBASE ij misc 1 - rh "LPBASE" "LMDZ Cld base pressure" "Pa" state real LPHIS ij misc 1 - rh "LPHIS" "LMDZ Surface geop.height" "m2/s2" state real LPLCL ij misc 1 - rh "LPLCL" "LMDZ Lifting Condensation Level" "hPa" state real LPLFC ij misc 1 - rh "LPLFC" "LMDZ Level of Free Convection" "hPa" state real LPLUC ij misc 1 - rh "LPLUC" "LMDZ Convective Precip." "kg/(s*m2)" state real LPLUL ij misc 1 - rh "LPLUL" "LMDZ Large-scale Precip." "kg/(s*m2)" state real LPLULST ij misc 1 - rh "LPLULST" "LMDZ Rainfall strat." "K/s" state real LPLULTH ij misc 1 - rh "LPLULTH" "LMDZ Rainfall therm." "K/s" state real LPOURC_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LPOURC_LIC" "LMDZ % lic" "%" state real LPOURC_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LPOURC_OCE" "LMDZ % oce" "%" state real LPOURC_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LPOURC_SIC" "LMDZ % sic" "%" state real LPOURC_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LPOURC_TER" "LMDZ % ter" "%" state real LPR_CON_I ikj misc 1 - rh "LPR_CON_I" "LMDZ Convective precipitation ice" " " state real LPR_CON_L ikj misc 1 - rh "LPR_CON_L" "LMDZ Convective precipitation lic" " " state real LPRECIP ij misc 1 - rh "LPRECIP" "LMDZ Precip Totale liq+sol" "kg/(s*m2)" state real LPRES ikj misc 1 - rh "LPRES" "LMDZ Air pressure" "Pa" state real LPRESNIVS k misc 1 - rh "LPRESNIVS" "LMDZ model_level_number" "Pa" state real LPR_LSC_I ikj misc 1 - rh "LPR_LSC_I" "LMDZ Large scale precipitation ice" " " state real LPR_LSC_L ikj misc 1 - rh "LPR_LSC_L" "LMDZ Large scale precipitation lic" " " state real LPRW ij misc 1 - rh "LPRW" "LMDZ Precipitable water" "kg/m2" state real LPSOL ij misc 1 - rh "LPSOL" "LMDZ Surface Pressure" "Pa" state real LPTCONV ikj misc 1 - rh "LPTCONV" "LMDZ POINTS CONVECTIFS" " " state real LPTOP ij misc 1 - rh "LPTOP" "LMDZ Cld top pressure" "Pa" state real LQ10 ij misc 1 - rh "LQ10" "LMDZ Specific humidity 7hPa" "kg/kg" state real LQ100 ij misc 1 - rh "LQ100" "LMDZ Specific humidity 5hPa" "kg/kg" state real LQ200 ij misc 1 - rh "LQ200" "LMDZ Specific humidity 4hPa" "kg/kg" state real LQ2M ij misc 1 - rh "LQ2M" "LMDZ Specific humidity 2m" "kg/kg" state real LQ50 ij misc 1 - rh "LQ50" "LMDZ Specific humidity 6hPa" "kg/kg" state real LQ500 ij misc 1 - rh "LQ500" "LMDZ Specific humidity 3hPa" "kg/kg" state real LQ700 ij misc 1 - rh "LQ700" "LMDZ Specific humidity 2hPa" "kg/kg" state real LQ850 ij misc 1 - rh "LQ850" "LMDZ Specific humidity 1hPa" "kg/kg" state real LQSAT2M ij misc 1 - rh "LQSAT2M" "LMDZ Saturant humidity at 2m" "%" state real LQSOL ij misc 1 - rh "LQSOL" "LMDZ Soil watter content" "mm" state real LQSURF ij misc 1 - rh "LQSURF" "LMDZ Surface Air humidity" "kg/kg" state real LQ_TH ikj misc 1 - rh "LQ_TH" "LMDZ Thermal plume total humidity" "kg/kg" state real LRADSOL ij misc 1 - rh "LRADSOL" "LMDZ Rayonnement au sol" "W/m2" state real LRATQS ikj misc 1 - rh "LRATQS" "LMDZ RATQS" " " state real LRE ikj misc 1 - rh "LRE" "LMDZ Cloud droplet effective radius" "um" state real LREF_ICE ikj misc 1 - rh "LREF_ICE" "LMDZ Effective radius of startiform cloud ice particle" "m" state real LREF_LIQ ikj misc 1 - rh "LREF_LIQ" "LMDZ Effective radius of convective cloud liquid water particle" "m" state real LRH2M ij misc 1 - rh "LRH2M" "LMDZ Relative humidity at 2m" "%" state real LRH2M_MAX ij misc 1 - rh "LRH2M_MAX" "LMDZ Max Relative humidity at 2m" "%" state real LRH2M_MIN ij misc 1 - rh "LRH2M_MIN" "LMDZ Min Relative humidity at 2m" "%" state real LRHUM ikj misc 1 - rh "LRHUM" "LMDZ Relative humidity" "-" state real LRLD ikj misc 1 - rh "LRLD" "LMDZ LW downward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRLDCS ikj misc 1 - rh "LRLDCS" "LMDZ LW CS downward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRLU ikj misc 1 - rh "LRLU" "LMDZ LW upward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRLUCS ikj misc 1 - rh "LRLUCS" "LMDZ LW CS upward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRN ikj misc 1 - rh "LRN" "LMDZ Tracer RNVL1" "-" state real LRNEB ikj misc 1 - rh "LRNEB" "LMDZ Cloud fraction" "-" state real LRNEBCON ikj misc 1 - rh "LRNEBCON" "LMDZ Convective Cloud Fraction" "-" state real LRNEBLS ikj misc 1 - rh "LRNEBLS" "LMDZ LS Cloud fraction" "-" state real LRSD ikj misc 1 - rh "LRSD" "LMDZ SW downward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRSDCS ikj misc 1 - rh "LRSDCS" "LMDZ SW CS downward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRSU ikj misc 1 - rh "LRSU" "LMDZ SW upward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRSUCS ikj misc 1 - rh "LRSUCS" "LMDZ SW CS upward radiation" "W m-2" state real LRUGS ij misc 1 - rh "LRUGS" "LMDZ rugosity" "-" state real LRUGS_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LRUGS_LIC" "LMDZ Surface roughness lic" "m" state real LRUGS_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LRUGS_OCE" "LMDZ Surface roughness oce" "m" state real LRUGS_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LRUGS_SIC" "LMDZ Surface roughness sic" "m" state real LRUGS_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LRUGS_TER" "LMDZ Surface roughness ter" "m" state real LSENS ij misc 1 - rh "LSENS" "LMDZ Sensible heat flux" "W/m2" state real LSENS_LIC ikj misc 1 - rh "LSENS_LIC" "LMDZ Sensible heat flux lic" "W/m2" state real LSENS_OCE ikj misc 1 - rh "LSENS_OCE" "LMDZ Sensible heat flux oce" "W/m2" state real LSENS_SIC ikj misc 1 - rh "LSENS_SIC" "LMDZ Sensible heat flux sic" "W/m2" state real LSENS_TER ikj misc 1 - rh "LSENS_TER" "LMDZ Sensible heat flux ter" "W/m2" state real LSICF ij misc 1 - rh "LSICF" "LMDZ Sea-ice fraction" "-" state real LS_LCL ij misc 1 - rh "LS_LCL" "LMDZ Condensation level" "m" state real LSLP ij misc 1 - rh "LSLP" "LMDZ Sea Level Pressure" "Pa" state real LSNOW ij misc 1 - rh "LSNOW" "LMDZ Snow fall" "kg/(s*m2)" state real LSNOWL ij misc 1 - rh "LSNOWL" "LMDZ Solid Large-scale Precip." "kg/(m2*s)" state real LSOLL ij misc 1 - rh "LSOLL" "LMDZ IR rad. at surface" "W/m2" state real LSOLL0 ij misc 1 - rh "LSOLL0" "LMDZ IR rad. at surface" "W/m2" state real LSOLLWDOWN ij misc 1 - rh "LSOLLWDOWN" "LMDZ Down. IR rad. at surface" "W/m2" state real LSOLS ij misc 1 - rh "LSOLS" "LMDZ Solar rad. at surf." "W/m2" state real LSOLS0 ij misc 1 - rh "LSOLS0" "LMDZ Solar rad. at surf." "W/m2" state real LS_PBLH ij misc 1 - rh "LS_PBLH" "LMDZ Boundary Layer Height" "m" state real LS_PBLT ij misc 1 - rh "LS_PBLT" "LMDZ t at Boundary Layer Height" "K" state real LS_THERM ij misc 1 - rh "LS_THERM" "LMDZ Exces du thermique" "K" state real LSWDN200 ij misc 1 - rh "LSWDN200" "LMDZ SWdn at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LSWDN200CLR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWDN200CLR" "LMDZ SWdn clear sky at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LSWDNSFC ij misc 1 - rh "LSWDNSFC" "LMDZ SWdn at surface" "W/m2" state real LSWDNSFCCLR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWDNSFCCLR" "LMDZ SWdn clear sky at surface" "W/m2" state real LSWDNTOA ij misc 1 - rh "LSWDNTOA" "LMDZ SWdn at TOA" "W/m2" state real LSWDNTOACLR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWDNTOACLR" "LMDZ SWdn clear sky at TOA" "W/m2" state real LSWDOWNOR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWDOWNOR" "LMDZ Sfce incident SW radiation OR" "W/m2" state real LSWNETOR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWNETOR" "LMDZ Sfce net SW radiation OR" "W/m2" state real LSWUP200 ij misc 1 - rh "LSWUP200" "LMDZ SWup at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LSWUP200CLR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWUP200CLR" "LMDZ SWup clear sky at 200mb" "W/m2" state real LSWUPSFC ij misc 1 - rh "LSWUPSFC" "LMDZ SWup at surface" "W/m2" state real LSWUPSFCCLR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWUPSFCCLR" "LMDZ SWup clear sky at surface" "W/m2" state real LSWUPTOA ij misc 1 - rh "LSWUPTOA" "LMDZ SWup at TOA" "W/m2" state real LSWUPTOACLR ij misc 1 - rh "LSWUPTOACLR" "LMDZ SWup clear sky at TOA" "W/m2" state real LT10 ij misc 1 - rh "LT10" "LMDZ Temperature 7hPa" "K" state real LT100 ij misc 1 - rh "LT100" "LMDZ Temperature 5hPa" "K" state real LT200 ij misc 1 - rh "LT200" "LMDZ Temperature 4hPa" "K" state real LT2M ij misc 1 - rh "LT2M" "LMDZ Temperature 2m" "K" state real LT2M_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LT2M_LIC" "LMDZ Temp 2m lic" "K" state real LT2M_MAX ij misc 1 - rh "LT2M_MAX" "LMDZ Temp 2m max" "K" state real LT2M_MIN ij misc 1 - rh "LT2M_MIN" "LMDZ Temp 2m min" "K" state real LT2M_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LT2M_OCE" "LMDZ Temp 2m oce" "K" state real LT2M_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LT2M_SIC" "LMDZ Temp 2m sic" "K" state real LT2M_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LT2M_TER" "LMDZ Temp 2m ter" "K" state real LT50 ij misc 1 - rh "LT50" "LMDZ Temperature 6hPa" "K" state real LT500 ij misc 1 - rh "LT500" "LMDZ Temperature 3hPa" "K" state real LT700 ij misc 1 - rh "LT700" "LMDZ Temperature 2hPa" "K" state real LT850 ij misc 1 - rh "LT850" "LMDZ Temperature 1hPa" "K" state real LTAUX ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUX" "LMDZ Zonal wind stress" "Pa" state real LTAUX_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUX_LIC" "LMDZ Zonal wind stresslic" "Pa" state real LTAUX_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUX_OCE" "LMDZ Zonal wind stressoce" "Pa" state real LTAUX_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUX_SIC" "LMDZ Zonal wind stresssic" "Pa" state real LTAUX_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUX_TER" "LMDZ Zonal wind stresster" "Pa" state real LTAUY ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUY" "LMDZ Meridional wind stress" "Pa" state real LTAUY_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUY_LIC" "LMDZ Meridional wind stress lic" "Pa" state real LTAUY_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUY_OCE" "LMDZ Meridional wind stress oce" "Pa" state real LTAUY_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUY_SIC" "LMDZ Meridional wind stress sic" "Pa" state real LTAUY_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LTAUY_TER" "LMDZ Meridional wind stress ter" "Pa" state real LTEMP ikj misc 1 - rh "LTEMP" "LMDZ Air temperature" "K" state real LTHETA ikj misc 1 - rh "LTHETA" "LMDZ Potential air temperature" "K" ##state real LTIME - misc 1 - rh "LTIME" "LMDZ time" "seconds since 1999-12-31 00:00:00" ##state real LTIME_BOUNDS {lbnds} misc 1 - rh "LTIME_BOUNDS" "LMDZ time bounds" "seconds since 1999-12-31 00:00:00" ##state real LTI86400 - misc 1 - rh "LTI86400" "LMDZ time" "seconds since 1999-12-31 00:00:00" state real LTKE ikj misc 1 - rh "LTKE" "LMDZ TKE" "m2/s2" state real LTKE_LIC ikj misc 1 - rh "LTKE_LIC" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy lic" "-" state real LTKE_MAX ikj misc 1 - rh "LTKE_MAX" "LMDZ TKE max" "m2/s2" state real LTKE_MAX_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTKE_MAX_LIC" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy lic" "-" state real LTKE_MAX_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LTKE_MAX_OCE" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy oce" "-" state real LTKE_MAX_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTKE_MAX_SIC" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy sic" "-" state real LTKE_MAX_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LTKE_MAX_TER" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy ter" "-" state real LTKE_OCE ikj misc 1 - rh "LTKE_OCE" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy oce" "-" state real LTKE_SIC ikj misc 1 - rh "LTKE_SIC" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy sic" "-" state real LTKE_TER ikj misc 1 - rh "LTKE_TER" "LMDZ Max Turb. Kinetic Energy ter" "-" state real LTNHUS ikj misc 1 - rh "LTNHUS" "LMDZ Tendency of specific humidity" "s-1" state real LTNHUSC ikj misc 1 - rh "LTNHUSC" "LMDZ Tendency of specific humidity due to convection" "s-1" state real LTNHUSSCPBL ikj misc 1 - rh "LTNHUSSCPBL" "LMDZ Tendency of Specific humidity due to ST cl, precip and BL mixing" "s-1" state real LTNT ikj misc 1 - rh "LTNT" "LMDZ Tendency of air temperature" "K s-1" state real LTNTC ikj misc 1 - rh "LTNTC" "LMDZ Tendency of air temperature due to Moist Convection" "K s-1" state real LTNTR ikj misc 1 - rh "LTNTR" "LMDZ Air temperature tendency due to Radiative heating" "K s-1" state real LTNTSCPBL ikj misc 1 - rh "LTNTSCPBL" "LMDZ Air temperature tendency due to St cloud and precipitation and BL mixing" "K s-1" state real LT_OCE_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LT_OCE_SIC" "LMDZ Temp mixte oce-sic" "K" ##state real LT_OP_00001800 misc 1 - rh "LT_OP_00001800" "LMDZ time" "seconds since 1979-01-01 00:00:00" ##state real LT_OP_00001800_BNDS misc 1 - rh "LT_OP_00001800_BNDS""LMDZ " " " state real LTOPL ij misc 1 - rh "LTOPL" "LMDZ IR rad. at TOA" "W/m2" state real LTOPL0 ij misc 1 - rh "LTOPL0" "LMDZ IR rad. at TOA" "W/m2" state real LTOPS ij misc 1 - rh "LTOPS" "LMDZ Solar rad. at TOA" "W/m2" state real LTOPS0 ij misc 1 - rh "LTOPS0" "LMDZ CS Solar rad. at TOA" "W/m2" state real LTPOT ij misc 1 - rh "LTPOT" "LMDZ Surface air potential temperature" "K" state real LTPOTE ij misc 1 - rh "LTPOTE" "LMDZ Surface air equivalent potential temperature" "K" state real LTSOL ij misc 1 - rh "LTSOL" "LMDZ Surface Temperature" "K" state real LTSOL_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTSOL_LIC" "LMDZ Temperature lic" "K" state real LTSOL_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LTSOL_OCE" "LMDZ Temperature oce" "K" state real LTSOL_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LTSOL_SIC" "LMDZ Temperature sic" "K" state real LTSOL_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LTSOL_TER" "LMDZ Temperature ter" "K" state real LU10 ij misc 1 - rh "LU10" "LMDZ Zonal wind 7hPa" "m/s" state real LU100 ij misc 1 - rh "LU100" "LMDZ Zonal wind 5hPa" "m/s" state real LU10M ij misc 1 - rh "LU10M" "LMDZ Vent zonal 10m" "m/s" state real LU10M_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LU10M_LIC" "LMDZ Vent Zonal 10m lic" "m/s" state real LU10M_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LU10M_OCE" "LMDZ Vent Zonal 10m oce" "m/s" state real LU10M_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LU10M_SIC" "LMDZ Vent Zonal 10m sic" "m/s" state real LU10M_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LU10M_TER" "LMDZ Vent Zonal 10m ter" "m/s" state real LU200 ij misc 1 - rh "LU200" "LMDZ Zonal wind 4hPa" "m/s" state real LU50 ij misc 1 - rh "LU50" "LMDZ Zonal wind 6hPa" "m/s" state real LU500 ij misc 1 - rh "LU500" "LMDZ Zonal wind 3hPa" "m/s" state real LU700 ij misc 1 - rh "LU700" "LMDZ Zonal wind 2hPa" "m/s" state real LU850 ij misc 1 - rh "LU850" "LMDZ Zonal wind 1hPa" "m/s" state real LUE ij misc 1 - rh "LUE" "LMDZ Zonal energy transport" "-" state real LUPWD ikj misc 1 - rh "LUPWD" "LMDZ saturated updraft" "kg/m2/s" state real LUQ ij misc 1 - rh "LUQ" "LMDZ Zonal humidity transport" "-" state real LUSTAR ij misc 1 - rh "LUSTAR" "LMDZ Friction velocity" "m/s" state real LUSTAR_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LUSTAR_LIC" "LMDZ Friction velocity lic" "m/s" state real LUSTAR_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LUSTAR_OCE" "LMDZ Friction velocity oce" "m/s" state real LUSTAR_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LUSTAR_SIC" "LMDZ Friction velocity sic" "m/s" state real LUSTAR_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LUSTAR_TER" "LMDZ Friction velocity ter" "m/s" state real LV10 ij misc 1 - rh "LV10" "LMDZ Meridional wind 7hPa" "m/s" state real LV100 ij misc 1 - rh "LV100" "LMDZ Meridional wind 5hPa" "m/s" state real LV10M ij misc 1 - rh "LV10M" "LMDZ Vent meridien 10m" "m/s" state real LV10M_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LV10M_LIC" "LMDZ Vent meredien 10m lic" "m/s" state real LV10M_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LV10M_OCE" "LMDZ Vent meredien 10m oce" "m/s" state real LV10M_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LV10M_SIC" "LMDZ Vent meredien 10m sic" "m/s" state real LV10M_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LV10M_TER" "LMDZ Vent meredien 10m ter" "m/s" state real LV200 ij misc 1 - rh "LV200" "LMDZ Meridional wind 4hPa" "m/s" state real LV50 ij misc 1 - rh "LV50" "LMDZ Meridional wind 6hPa" "m/s" state real LV500 ij misc 1 - rh "LV500" "LMDZ Meridional wind 3hPa" "m/s" state real LV700 ij misc 1 - rh "LV700" "LMDZ Meridional wind 2hPa" "m/s" state real LV850 ij misc 1 - rh "LV850" "LMDZ Meridional wind 1hPa" "m/s" state real LVE ij misc 1 - rh "LVE" "LMDZ Merid energy transport" "-" state real LVITU ikj misc 1 - rh "LVITU" "LMDZ Zonal wind" "m/s" state real LVITV ikj misc 1 - rh "LVITV" "LMDZ Meridional wind" "m/s" state real LVITW ikj misc 1 - rh "LVITW" "LMDZ Vertical wind" "Pa/s" state real LVPRECIP ikj misc 1 - rh "LVPRECIP" "LMDZ precipitation vertical profile" "-" state real LVQ ij misc 1 - rh "LVQ" "LMDZ Merid humidity transport" "-" state real LW10 ij misc 1 - rh "LW10" "LMDZ Vertical wind 7hPa" "Pa/s" state real LW100 ij misc 1 - rh "LW100" "LMDZ Vertical wind 5hPa" "Pa/s" state real LW200 ij misc 1 - rh "LW200" "LMDZ Vertical wind 4hPa" "Pa/s" state real LW50 ij misc 1 - rh "LW50" "LMDZ Vertical wind 6hPa" "Pa/s" state real LW500 ij misc 1 - rh "LW500" "LMDZ Vertical wind 3hPa" "Pa/s" state real LW700 ij misc 1 - rh "LW700" "LMDZ Vertical wind 2hPa" "Pa/s" state real LW850 ij misc 1 - rh "LW850" "LMDZ Vertical wind 1hPa" "Pa/s" state real LWAKE_DELTAQ ikj misc 1 - rh "LWAKE_DELTAQ" "LMDZ wake_deltaq" " " state real LWAKE_DELTAT ikj misc 1 - rh "LWAKE_DELTAT" "LMDZ wake_deltat" " " state real LWAKE_H ij misc 1 - rh "LWAKE_H" "LMDZ wake_h" "-" state real LWAKE_OMG ikj misc 1 - rh "LWAKE_OMG" "LMDZ wake_omg" " " state real LWAKE_S ij misc 1 - rh "LWAKE_S" "LMDZ wake_s" "-" state real LWAPE ij misc 1 - rh "LWAPE" "LMDZ " " " state real LWBEFF ij misc 1 - rh "LWBEFF" "LMDZ Conv. updraft velocity at LFC (<100)" "m/s" state real LWBILO_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILO_LIC" "LMDZ Bilan eau lic" "kg/(m2*s)" state real LWBILO_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILO_OCE" "LMDZ Bilan eau oce" "kg/(m2*s)" state real LWBILO_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILO_SIC" "LMDZ Bilan eau sic" "kg/(m2*s)" state real LWBILO_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILO_TER" "LMDZ Bilan eau ter" "kg/(m2*s)" state real LWBILS_LIC ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILS_LIC" "LMDZ Bilan sol lic" "W/m2" state real LWBILS_OCE ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILS_OCE" "LMDZ Bilan sol oce" "W/m2" state real LWBILS_SIC ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILS_SIC" "LMDZ Bilan sol sic" "W/m2" state real LWBILS_TER ij misc 1 - rh "LWBILS_TER" "LMDZ Bilan sol ter" "W/m2" state real LWDTRAINA ikj misc 1 - rh "LWDTRAINA" "LMDZ precipitation from AA" "-" state real LWDTRAINM ikj misc 1 - rh "LWDTRAINM" "LMDZ precipitation from mixture" "-" state real LWEAKINV ij misc 1 - rh "LWEAKINV" "LMDZ Weak inversion" "-" state real LWIND10M ij misc 1 - rh "LWIND10M" "LMDZ 10-m wind speed" "m/s" state real LWIND10MAX ij misc 1 - rh "LWIND10MAX" "LMDZ 10m wind speed max" "m/s" state real LZ10 ij misc 1 - rh "LZ10" "LMDZ Geopotential height 7hPa" "m" state real LZ100 ij misc 1 - rh "LZ100" "LMDZ Geopotential height 5hPa" "m" state real LZ200 ij misc 1 - rh "LZ200" "LMDZ Geopotential height 4hPa" "m" state real LZ50 ij misc 1 - rh "LZ50" "LMDZ Geopotential height 6hPa" "m" state real LZ500 ij misc 1 - rh "LZ500" "LMDZ Geopotential height 3hPa" "m" state real LZ700 ij misc 1 - rh "LZ700" "LMDZ Geopotential height 2hPa" "m" state real LZ850 ij misc 1 - rh "LZ850" "LMDZ Geopotential height 1hPa" "m" state real LZFULL ikj misc 1 - rh "LZFULL" "LMDZ Altitude of full pressure levels" "m" state real LZHALF ikj misc 1 - rh "LZHALF" "LMDZ Altitude of half pressure levels" "m" state real LZMAX_TH ij misc 1 - rh "LZMAX_TH" "LMDZ Thermal plume height" "K/s"