!WRF:MODEL_MP:PHYSICS ! MODULE module_mp_etanew ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL,PRIVATE,SAVE :: ABFR, CBFR, CIACW, CIACR, C_N0r0, & & CN0r0, CN0r_DMRmin, CN0r_DMRmax, CRACW, CRAUT, ESW0, & & RFmax, RQR_DR1, RQR_DR2, RQR_DR3, RQR_DRmin, & & RQR_DRmax, RR_DRmin, RR_DR1, RR_DR2, RR_DR3, RR_DRmax ! INTEGER, PRIVATE,PARAMETER :: MY_T1=1, MY_T2=35 REAL,PRIVATE,DIMENSION(MY_T1:MY_T2),SAVE :: MY_GROWTH ! REAL, PRIVATE,PARAMETER :: DMImin=.05e-3, DMImax=1.e-3, & & DelDMI=1.e-6,XMImin=1.e6*DMImin INTEGER, PUBLIC,PARAMETER :: XMImax=1.e6*DMImax, XMIexp=.0536, & & MDImin=XMImin, MDImax=XMImax REAL, PRIVATE,DIMENSION(MDImin:MDImax) :: & & ACCRI,SDENS,VSNOWI,VENTI1,VENTI2 ! REAL, PRIVATE,PARAMETER :: DMRmin=.05e-3, DMRmax=.45e-3, & & DelDMR=1.e-6,XMRmin=1.e6*DMRmin, XMRmax=1.e6*DMRmax INTEGER, PRIVATE,PARAMETER :: MDRmin=XMRmin, MDRmax=XMRmax REAL, PRIVATE,DIMENSION(MDRmin:MDRmax):: & & ACCRR,MASSR,RRATE,VRAIN,VENTR1,VENTR2 ! INTEGER, PRIVATE,PARAMETER :: Nrime=40 REAL, DIMENSION(2:9,0:Nrime),PRIVATE,SAVE :: VEL_RF ! INTEGER,PARAMETER :: NX=7501 REAL, PARAMETER :: XMIN=180.0,XMAX=330.0 REAL, DIMENSION(NX),SAVE :: TBPVS,TBPVS0 REAL, SAVE :: C1XPVS0,C2XPVS0,C1XPVS,C2XPVS ! REAL, PRIVATE,PARAMETER :: & !--- Physical constants follow: & CP=1004.6, EPSQ=1.E-12, GRAV=9.806, RHOL=1000., RD=287.04 & & ,RV=461.5, T0C=273.15, XLS=2.834E6 & !--- Derived physical constants follow: & ,EPS=RD/RV, EPS1=RV/RD-1., EPSQ1=1.001*EPSQ & & ,RCP=1./CP, RCPRV=RCP/RV, RGRAV=1./GRAV, RRHOL=1./RHOL & & ,XLS1=XLS*RCP, XLS2=XLS*XLS*RCPRV, XLS3=XLS*XLS/RV & !--- Constants specific to the parameterization follow: !--- CLIMIT/CLIMIT1 are lower limits for treating accumulated precipitation & ,CLIMIT=10.*EPSQ, CLIMIT1=-CLIMIT & & ,C1=1./3. & & ,DMR1=.1E-3, DMR2=.2E-3, DMR3=.32E-3 & & ,XMR1=1.e6*DMR1, XMR2=1.e6*DMR2, XMR3=1.e6*DMR3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MDR1=XMR1, MDR2=XMR2, MDR3=XMR3 ! ! ====================================================================== !--- Important tunable parameters that are exported to other modules ! * RHgrd - threshold relative humidity for onset of condensation ! * T_ICE - temperature (C) threshold at which all remaining liquid water ! is glaciated to ice ! * T_ICE_init - maximum temperature (C) at which ice nucleation occurs ! * NLImax - maximum number concentrations (m**-3) of large ice (snow/graupel/sleet) ! * NLImin - minimum number concentrations (m**-3) of large ice (snow/graupel/sleet) ! * N0r0 - assumed intercept (m**-4) of rain drops if drop diameters are between 0.2 and 0.45 mm ! * N0rmin - minimum intercept (m**-4) for rain drops ! * NCW - number concentrations of cloud droplets (m**-3) ! * FLARGE1, FLARGE2 - number fraction of large ice to total (large+snow) ice ! at T>0C and in presence of sublimation (FLARGE1), otherwise in ! presence of ice saturated/supersaturated conditions ! ====================================================================== REAL, PUBLIC,PARAMETER :: & & RHgrd=1. & & ,T_ICE=-40. & & ,T_ICEK=T0C+T_ICE & & ,T_ICE_init=-15. & & ,NLImax=5.E3 & & ,NLImin=1.E3 & & ,N0r0=8.E6 & & ,N0rmin=1.E4 & & ,NCW=100.E6 & & ,FLARGE1=1. & & ,FLARGE2=.2 !--- Other public variables passed to other routines: REAL,PUBLIC,SAVE :: QAUT0 REAL, PUBLIC,DIMENSION(MDImin:MDImax) :: MASSI ! ! CONTAINS !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE ETAMP_NEW (itimestep,DT,DX,DY, & & dz8w,rho_phy,p_phy,pi_phy,th_phy,qv,qt, & & LOWLYR,SR, & & F_ICE_PHY,F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY, & & QC,QR,QS, & & mp_restart_state,tbpvs_state,tbpvs0_state, & & RAINNC,RAINNCV, & & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ITLO=-60, ITHI=40 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE & & ,IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME & & ,ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE & & ,ITIMESTEP REAL, INTENT(IN) :: DT,DX,DY REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme):: & & dz8w,p_phy,pi_phy,rho_phy REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme):: & & th_phy,qv,qt REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: & & qc,qr,qs REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: & & F_ICE_PHY,F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) :: & & RAINNC,RAINNCV REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme):: SR ! REAL,DIMENSION(*),INTENT(INOUT) :: MP_RESTART_STATE ! REAL,DIMENSION(nx),INTENT(INOUT) :: TBPVS_STATE,TBPVS0_STATE ! INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ),INTENT(INOUT) :: LOWLYR !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LOCAL VARS !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NSTATS,QMAX,QTOT are diagnostic vars INTEGER,DIMENSION(ITLO:ITHI,4) :: NSTATS REAL, DIMENSION(ITLO:ITHI,5) :: QMAX REAL, DIMENSION(ITLO:ITHI,22):: QTOT ! SOME VARS WILL BE USED FOR DATA ASSIMILATION (DON'T NEED THEM NOW). ! THEY ARE TREATED AS LOCAL VARS, BUT WILL BECOME STATE VARS IN THE ! FUTURE. SO, WE DECLARED THEM AS MEMORY SIZES FOR THE FUTURE USE ! TLATGS_PHY,TRAIN_PHY,APREC,PREC,ACPREC,SR are not directly related ! the microphysics scheme. Instead, they will be used by Eta precip ! assimilation. REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: & & TLATGS_PHY,TRAIN_PHY REAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme):: APREC,PREC,ACPREC REAL, DIMENSION(its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte):: t_phy INTEGER :: I,J,K,KFLIP REAL :: WC ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! MY_GROWTH(MY_T1:MY_T2)=MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T1:MY_T2) ! C1XPVS0=MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+1) C2XPVS0=MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+2) C1XPVS =MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+3) C2XPVS =MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+4) CIACW =MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+5) CIACR =MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+6) CRACW =MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+7) CRAUT =MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+8) ! TBPVS(1:NX) =TBPVS_STATE(1:NX) TBPVS0(1:NX)=TBPVS0_STATE(1:NX) ! DO j = jts,jte DO k = kts,kte DO i = its,ite t_phy(i,k,j) = th_phy(i,k,j)*pi_phy(i,k,j) qv(i,k,j)=qv(i,k,j)/(1.+qv(i,k,j)) !Convert to specific humidity ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! initial diagnostic variables and data assimilation vars ! (will need to delete this part in the future) DO k = 1,4 DO i = ITLO,ITHI NSTATS(i,k)=0. ENDDO ENDDO DO k = 1,5 DO i = ITLO,ITHI QMAX(i,k)=0. ENDDO ENDDO DO k = 1,22 DO i = ITLO,ITHI QTOT(i,k)=0. ENDDO ENDDO ! initial data assimilation vars (will need to delete this part in the future) DO j = jts,jte DO k = kts,kte DO i = its,ite TLATGS_PHY (i,k,j)=0. TRAIN_PHY (i,k,j)=0. ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO j = jts,jte DO i = its,ite ACPREC(i,j)=0. APREC (i,j)=0. PREC (i,j)=0. SR (i,j)=0. ENDDO ENDDO !-- 6/11/2010: Update QT, F_ice, F_rain arrays ! !-- NOTE: The total ice array in this code is "QS" because the vast ! majority of the ice mass is in the form of snow, and using ! the "QS" array should result in better coupling with the ! Dudhia SW package. DO j = jts,jte DO k = kts,kte DO i = its,ite #if (NMM_CORE==1) ! Note ARW QT has been advected, while QR, QS and QC have not, so use updated QT ! NMM calls microphysics after other physics, so use updated QR, QS and QC QT(I,K,J)=QC(I,K,J)+QR(I,K,J)+QS(I,K,J) #endif IF (QS(I,K,J) <= EPSQ) THEN F_ICE_PHY(I,K,J)=0. IF (T_PHY(I,K,J) < T_ICEK) F_ICE_PHY(I,K,J)=1. ELSE F_ICE_PHY(I,K,J)=MAX( 0., MIN(1., QS(I,K,J)/QT(I,K,J) ) ) ENDIF IF (QR(I,K,J) <= EPSQ) THEN F_RAIN_PHY(I,K,J)=0. ELSE F_RAIN_PHY(I,K,J)=QR(I,K,J)/(QC(I,K,J)+QR(I,K,J)) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL EGCP01DRV(DT,LOWLYR, & & APREC,PREC,ACPREC,SR,NSTATS,QMAX,QTOT, & & dz8w,rho_phy,qt,t_phy,qv,F_ICE_PHY,P_PHY, & & F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY,TLATGS_PHY,TRAIN_PHY, & & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO j = jts,jte DO k = kts,kte DO i = its,ite th_phy(i,k,j) = t_phy(i,k,j)/pi_phy(i,k,j) qv(i,k,j)=qv(i,k,j)/(1.-qv(i,k,j)) !Convert to mixing ratio WC=qt(I,K,J) QS(I,K,J)=0. QR(I,K,J)=0. QC(I,K,J)=0. IF(F_ICE_PHY(I,K,J)>=1.)THEN QS(I,K,J)=WC ELSEIF(F_ICE_PHY(I,K,J)<=0.)THEN QC(I,K,J)=WC ELSE QS(I,K,J)=F_ICE_PHY(I,K,J)*WC QC(I,K,J)=WC-QS(I,K,J) ENDIF ! IF(QC(I,K,J)>0..AND.F_RAIN_PHY(I,K,J)>0.)THEN IF(F_RAIN_PHY(I,K,J).GE.1.)THEN QR(I,K,J)=QC(I,K,J) QC(I,K,J)=0. ELSE QR(I,K,J)=F_RAIN_PHY(I,K,J)*QC(I,K,J) QC(I,K,J)=QC(I,K,J)-QR(I,K,J) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! ! update rain (from m to mm) DO j=jts,jte DO i=its,ite RAINNC(i,j)=APREC(i,j)*1000.+RAINNC(i,j) RAINNCV(i,j)=APREC(i,j)*1000. ENDDO ENDDO ! MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T1:MY_T2)=MY_GROWTH(MY_T1:MY_T2) MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+1)=C1XPVS0 MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+2)=C2XPVS0 MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+3)=C1XPVS MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+4)=C2XPVS MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+5)=CIACW MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+6)=CIACR MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+7)=CRACW MP_RESTART_STATE(MY_T2+8)=CRAUT ! TBPVS_STATE(1:NX) =TBPVS(1:NX) TBPVS0_STATE(1:NX)=TBPVS0(1:NX) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- END SUBROUTINE ETAMP_NEW !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE EGCP01DRV( & & DTPH,LOWLYR,APREC,PREC,ACPREC,SR, & & NSTATS,QMAX,QTOT, & & dz8w,RHO_PHY,CWM_PHY,T_PHY,Q_PHY,F_ICE_PHY,P_PHY, & & F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY,TLATGS_PHY,TRAIN_PHY, & & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DTPH Physics time step (s) ! CWM_PHY (qt) Mixing ratio of the total condensate. kg/kg ! Q_PHY Mixing ratio of water vapor. kg/kg ! F_RAIN_PHY Fraction of rain. ! F_ICE_PHY Fraction of ice. ! F_RIMEF_PHY Mass ratio of rimed ice (rime factor). ! !TLATGS_PHY,TRAIN_PHY,APREC,PREC,ACPREC,SR are not directly related the !micrphysics sechme. Instead, they will be used by Eta precip assimilation. ! !NSTATS,QMAX,QTOT are used for diagnosis purposes. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Variables APREC,PREC,ACPREC,SR are calculated for precip assimilation ! and/or ZHAO's scheme in Eta and are not required by this microphysics ! scheme itself. !--- NSTATS,QMAX,QTOT are used for diagnosis purposes only. They will be ! printed out when PRINT_diag is true. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ITLO=-60, ITHI=40 LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: PRINT_diag=.FALSE. ! VARIABLES PASSED IN/OUT INTEGER,INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde & & ,ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme & & ,its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte REAL,INTENT(IN) :: DTPH INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ),INTENT(INOUT) :: LOWLYR INTEGER,DIMENSION(ITLO:ITHI,4),INTENT(INOUT) :: NSTATS REAL,DIMENSION(ITLO:ITHI,5),INTENT(INOUT) :: QMAX REAL,DIMENSION(ITLO:ITHI,22),INTENT(INOUT) :: QTOT REAL,DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme),INTENT(INOUT) :: & & APREC,PREC,ACPREC,SR REAL,DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte ),INTENT(INOUT) :: t_phy REAL,DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ),INTENT(IN) :: & & dz8w,P_PHY,RHO_PHY REAL,DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ),INTENT(INOUT) :: & & CWM_PHY, F_ICE_PHY,F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY,TLATGS_PHY & & ,Q_PHY,TRAIN_PHY ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !LOCAL VARIABLES !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! #define CACHE_FRIENDLY_MP_ETANEW #ifdef CACHE_FRIENDLY_MP_ETANEW # define TEMP_DIMS kts:kte,its:ite,jts:jte # define TEMP_DEX L,I,J #else # define TEMP_DIMS its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte # define TEMP_DEX I,J,L #endif ! INTEGER :: LSFC,I,J,I_index,J_index,L,K,KFLIP REAL,DIMENSION(TEMP_DIMS) :: CWM,T,Q,TRAIN,TLATGS,P REAL,DIMENSION(kts:kte,its:ite,jts:jte) :: F_ice,F_rain,F_RimeF INTEGER,DIMENSION(its:ite,jts:jte) :: LMH REAL :: TC,WC,QI,QR,QW,Fice,Frain,DUM,ASNOW,ARAIN REAL,DIMENSION(kts:kte) :: P_col,Q_col,T_col,QV_col,WC_col, & RimeF_col,QI_col,QR_col,QW_col, THICK_col,DPCOL REAL,DIMENSION(2) :: PRECtot,PRECmax !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO J=JTS,JTE DO I=ITS,ITE LMH(I,J) = KTE-LOWLYR(I,J)+1 ENDDO ENDDO DO 98 J=JTS,JTE DO 98 I=ITS,ITE DO L=KTS,KTE KFLIP=KTE+1-L CWM(TEMP_DEX)=CWM_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) T(TEMP_DEX)=T_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) Q(TEMP_DEX)=Q_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) P(TEMP_DEX)=P_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) TLATGS(TEMP_DEX)=TLATGS_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) TRAIN(TEMP_DEX)=TRAIN_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) F_ice(L,I,J)=F_ice_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) F_rain(L,I,J)=F_rain_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) F_RimeF(L,I,J)=F_RimeF_PHY(I,KFLIP,J) ENDDO 98 CONTINUE DO 100 J=JTS,JTE DO 100 I=ITS,ITE LSFC=LMH(I,J) ! "L" of surface ! DO K=KTS,KTE KFLIP=KTE+1-K DPCOL(K)=RHO_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)*GRAV*dz8w(I,KFLIP,J) ENDDO ! ! !--- Initialize column data (1D arrays) ! L=1 IF (CWM(TEMP_DEX) .LE. EPSQ) CWM(TEMP_DEX)=EPSQ F_ice(1,I,J)=1. F_rain(1,I,J)=0. F_RimeF(1,I,J)=1. DO L=1,LSFC ! !--- Pressure (Pa) = (Psfc-Ptop)*(ETA/ETA_sfc)+Ptop ! P_col(L)=P(TEMP_DEX) ! !--- Layer thickness = RHO*DZ = -DP/G = (Psfc-Ptop)*D_ETA/(G*ETA_sfc) ! THICK_col(L)=DPCOL(L)*RGRAV T_col(L)=T(TEMP_DEX) TC=T_col(L)-T0C QV_col(L)=max(EPSQ, Q(TEMP_DEX)) IF (CWM(TEMP_DEX) .LE. EPSQ1) THEN WC_col(L)=0. IF (TC .LT. T_ICE) THEN F_ice(L,I,J)=1. ELSE F_ice(L,I,J)=0. ENDIF F_rain(L,I,J)=0. F_RimeF(L,I,J)=1. ELSE WC_col(L)=CWM(TEMP_DEX) ENDIF ! !--- Determine composition of condensate in terms of ! cloud water, ice, & rain ! WC=WC_col(L) QI=0. QR=0. QW=0. Fice=F_ice(L,I,J) Frain=F_rain(L,I,J) IF (Fice .GE. 1.) THEN QI=WC ELSE IF (Fice .LE. 0.) THEN QW=WC ELSE QI=Fice*WC QW=WC-QI ENDIF IF (QW.GT.0. .AND. Frain.GT.0.) THEN IF (Frain .GE. 1.) THEN QR=QW QW=0. ELSE QR=Frain*QW QW=QW-QR ENDIF ENDIF IF (QI .LE. 0.) F_RimeF(L,I,J)=1. RimeF_col(L)=F_RimeF(L,I,J) ! (real) QI_col(L)=QI QR_col(L)=QR QW_col(L)=QW ENDDO ! !####################################################################### ! !--- Perform the microphysical calculations in this column ! I_index=I J_index=J CALL EGCP01COLUMN ( ARAIN, ASNOW, DTPH, I_index, J_index, LSFC, & & P_col, QI_col, QR_col, QV_col, QW_col, RimeF_col, T_col, & & THICK_col, WC_col,KTS,KTE,NSTATS,QMAX,QTOT ) ! !####################################################################### ! ! !--- Update storage arrays ! DO L=1,LSFC TRAIN(TEMP_DEX)=(T_col(L)-T(TEMP_DEX))/DTPH TLATGS(TEMP_DEX)=T_col(L)-T(TEMP_DEX) T(TEMP_DEX)=T_col(L) Q(TEMP_DEX)=QV_col(L) CWM(TEMP_DEX)=WC_col(L) ! !--- REAL*4 array storage ! IF (QI_col(L) .LE. EPSQ) THEN F_ice(L,I,J)=0. IF (T_col(L) .LT. T_ICEK) F_ice(L,I,J)=1. F_RimeF(L,I,J)=1. ELSE F_ice(L,I,J)=MAX( 0., MIN(1., QI_col(L)/WC_col(L)) ) F_RimeF(L,I,J)=MAX(1., RimeF_col(L)) ENDIF IF (QR_col(L) .LE. EPSQ) THEN DUM=0 ELSE DUM=QR_col(L)/(QR_col(L)+QW_col(L)) ENDIF F_rain(L,I,J)=DUM ! ENDDO ! !--- Update accumulated precipitation statistics ! !--- Surface precipitation statistics; SR is fraction of surface ! precipitation (if >0) associated with snow ! APREC(I,J)=(ARAIN+ASNOW)*RRHOL ! Accumulated surface precip (depth in m) !<--- Ying PREC(I,J)=PREC(I,J)+APREC(I,J) ACPREC(I,J)=ACPREC(I,J)+APREC(I,J) IF(APREC(I,J) .LT. 1.E-8) THEN SR(I,J)=0. ELSE SR(I,J)=RRHOL*ASNOW/APREC(I,J) ENDIF ! !--- Debug statistics ! IF (PRINT_diag) THEN PRECtot(1)=PRECtot(1)+ARAIN PRECtot(2)=PRECtot(2)+ASNOW PRECmax(1)=MAX(PRECmax(1), ARAIN) PRECmax(2)=MAX(PRECmax(2), ASNOW) ENDIF !####################################################################### !####################################################################### ! 100 CONTINUE ! End "I" & "J" loops DO 101 J=JTS,JTE DO 101 I=ITS,ITE DO L=KTS,KTE KFLIP=KTE+1-L CWM_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=CWM(TEMP_DEX) T_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=T(TEMP_DEX) Q_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=Q(TEMP_DEX) TLATGS_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=TLATGS(TEMP_DEX) TRAIN_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=TRAIN(TEMP_DEX) F_ice_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=F_ice(L,I,J) F_rain_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=F_rain(L,I,J) F_RimeF_PHY(I,KFLIP,J)=F_RimeF(L,I,J) ENDDO 101 CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE EGCP01DRV ! ! !############################################################################### ! ***** VERSION OF MICROPHYSICS DESIGNED FOR HIGHER RESOLUTION MESO ETA MODEL ! (1) Represents sedimentation by preserving a portion of the precipitation ! through top-down integration from cloud-top. Modified procedure to ! Zhao and Carr (1997). ! (2) Microphysical equations are modified to be less sensitive to time ! steps by use of Clausius-Clapeyron equation to account for changes in ! saturation mixing ratios in response to latent heating/cooling. ! (3) Prevent spurious temperature oscillations across 0C due to ! microphysics. ! (4) Uses lookup tables for: calculating two different ventilation ! coefficients in condensation and deposition processes; accretion of ! cloud water by precipitation; precipitation mass; precipitation rate ! (and mass-weighted precipitation fall speeds). ! (5) Assumes temperature-dependent variation in mean diameter of large ice ! (Houze et al., 1979; Ryan et al., 1996). ! -> 8/22/01: This relationship has been extended to colder temperatures ! to parameterize smaller large-ice particles down to mean sizes of MDImin, ! which is 50 microns reached at -55.9C. ! (6) Attempts to differentiate growth of large and small ice, mainly for ! improved transition from thin cirrus to thick, precipitating ice ! anvils. ! -> 8/22/01: This feature has been diminished by effectively adjusting to ! ice saturation during depositional growth at temperatures colder than ! -10C. Ice sublimation is calculated more explicitly. The logic is ! that sources of are either poorly understood (e.g., nucleation for NWP) ! or are not represented in the Eta model (e.g., detrainment of ice from ! convection). Otherwise the model is too wet compared to the radiosonde ! observations based on 1 Feb - 18 March 2001 retrospective runs. ! (7) Top-down integration also attempts to treat mixed-phase processes, ! allowing a mixture of ice and water. Based on numerous observational ! studies, ice growth is based on nucleation at cloud top & ! subsequent growth by vapor deposition and riming as the ice particles ! fall through the cloud. Effective nucleation rates are a function ! of ice supersaturation following Meyers et al. (JAM, 1992). ! -> 8/22/01: The simulated relative humidities were far too moist compared ! to the rawinsonde observations. This feature has been substantially ! diminished, limited to a much narrower temperature range of 0 to -10C. ! (8) Depositional growth of newly nucleated ice is calculated for large time ! steps using Fig. 8 of Miller and Young (JAS, 1979), at 1 deg intervals ! using their ice crystal masses calculated after 600 s of growth in water ! saturated conditions. The growth rates are normalized by time step ! assuming 3D growth with time**1.5 following eq. (6.3) in Young (1993). ! -> 8/22/01: This feature has been effectively limited to 0 to -10C. ! (9) Ice precipitation rates can increase due to increase in response to ! cloud water riming due to (a) increased density & mass of the rimed ! ice, and (b) increased fall speeds of rimed ice. ! -> 8/22/01: This feature has been effectively limited to 0 to -10C. !############################################################################### !############################################################################### ! SUBROUTINE EGCP01COLUMN ( ARAIN, ASNOW, DTPH, I_index, J_index, & & LSFC, P_col, QI_col, QR_col, QV_col, QW_col, RimeF_col, T_col, & & THICK_col, WC_col ,KTS,KTE,NSTATS,QMAX,QTOT) ! !############################################################################### !############################################################################### ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- NOTE: Code is currently set up w/o threading! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: Grid-scale microphysical processes - condensation & precipitation ! PRGRMMR: Ferrier ORG: W/NP22 DATE: 08-2001 ! PRGRMMR: Jin (Modification for WRF structure) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ABSTRACT: ! * Merges original GSCOND & PRECPD subroutines. ! * Code has been substantially streamlined and restructured. ! * Exchange between water vapor & small cloud condensate is calculated using ! the original Asai (1965, J. Japan) algorithm. See also references to ! Yau and Austin (1979, JAS), Rutledge and Hobbs (1983, JAS), and Tao et al. ! (1989, MWR). This algorithm replaces the Sundqvist et al. (1989, MWR) ! parameterization. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! USAGE: ! * CALL EGCP01COLUMN FROM SUBROUTINE EGCP01DRV ! ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! DTPH - physics time step (s) ! I_index - I index ! J_index - J index ! LSFC - Eta level of level above surface, ground ! P_col - vertical column of model pressure (Pa) ! QI_col - vertical column of model ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! QR_col - vertical column of model rain ratio (kg/kg) ! QV_col - vertical column of model water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) ! QW_col - vertical column of model cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! RimeF_col - vertical column of rime factor for ice in model (ratio, defined below) ! T_col - vertical column of model temperature (deg K) ! THICK_col - vertical column of model mass thickness (density*height increment) ! WC_col - vertical column of model mixing ratio of total condensate (kg/kg) ! ! ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! ARAIN - accumulated rainfall at the surface (kg) ! ASNOW - accumulated snowfall at the surface (kg) ! QV_col - vertical column of model water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) ! WC_col - vertical column of model mixing ratio of total condensate (kg/kg) ! QW_col - vertical column of model cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! QI_col - vertical column of model ice mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! QR_col - vertical column of model rain ratio (kg/kg) ! RimeF_col - vertical column of rime factor for ice in model (ratio, defined below) ! T_col - vertical column of model temperature (deg K) ! ! OUTPUT FILES: ! NONE ! ! Subprograms & Functions called: ! * Real Function CONDENSE - cloud water condensation ! * Real Function DEPOSIT - ice deposition (not sublimation) ! ! UNIQUE: NONE ! ! LIBRARY: NONE ! ! COMMON BLOCKS: ! CMICRO_CONS - key constants initialized in GSMCONST ! CMICRO_STATS - accumulated and maximum statistics ! CMY_GROWTH - lookup table for growth of ice crystals in ! water saturated conditions (Miller & Young, 1979) ! IVENT_TABLES - lookup tables for ventilation effects of ice ! IACCR_TABLES - lookup tables for accretion rates of ice ! IMASS_TABLES - lookup tables for mass content of ice ! IRATE_TABLES - lookup tables for precipitation rates of ice ! IRIME_TABLES - lookup tables for increase in fall speed of rimed ice ! RVENT_TABLES - lookup tables for ventilation effects of rain ! RACCR_TABLES - lookup tables for accretion rates of rain ! RMASS_TABLES - lookup tables for mass content of rain ! RVELR_TABLES - lookup tables for fall speeds of rain ! RRATE_TABLES - lookup tables for precipitation rates of rain ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: FORTRAN 90 ! MACHINE : IBM SP ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- Arrays & constants in argument list --------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: KTS,KTE,I_index, J_index, LSFC REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: ARAIN, ASNOW REAL,DIMENSION(KTS:KTE),INTENT(INOUT) :: P_col, QI_col,QR_col & & ,QV_col ,QW_col, RimeF_col, T_col, THICK_col,WC_col ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------- Common blocks for microphysical statistics --------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------- Common blocks for constants initialized in GSMCONST ---------- ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ITLO=-60, ITHI=40 INTEGER,INTENT(INOUT) :: NSTATS(ITLO:ITHI,4) REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: QMAX(ITLO:ITHI,5),QTOT(ITLO:ITHI,22) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- Common blocks for various lookup tables ----------------- ! !--- Discretized growth rates of small ice crystals after their nucleation ! at 1 C intervals from -1 C to -35 C, based on calculations by Miller ! and Young (1979, JAS) after 600 s of growth. Resultant growth rates ! are multiplied by physics time step in GSMCONST. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- Mean ice-particle diameters varying from 50 microns to 1000 microns ! (1 mm), assuming an exponential size distribution. ! !---- Meaning of the following arrays: ! - mdiam - mean diameter (m) ! - VENTI1 - integrated quantity associated w/ ventilation effects ! (capacitance only) for calculating vapor deposition onto ice ! - VENTI2 - integrated quantity associated w/ ventilation effects ! (with fall speed) for calculating vapor deposition onto ice ! - ACCRI - integrated quantity associated w/ cloud water collection by ice ! - MASSI - integrated quantity associated w/ ice mass ! - VSNOWI - mass-weighted fall speed of snow (large ice), used to calculate ! precipitation rates ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- VEL_RF - velocity increase of rimed particles as functions of crude ! particle size categories (at 0.1 mm intervals of mean ice particle ! sizes) and rime factor (different values of Rime Factor of 1.1**N, ! where N=0 to Nrime). ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- Mean rain drop diameters varying from 50 microns (0.05 mm) to 450 microns ! (0.45 mm), assuming an exponential size distribution. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------- Key parameters, local variables, & important comments --------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- TOLER => Tolerance or precision for accumulated precipitation ! REAL, PARAMETER :: TOLER=5.E-7, C2=1./6., RHO0=1.194, Xratio=.025 ! !--- If BLEND=1: ! precipitation (large) ice amounts are estimated at each level as a ! blend of ice falling from the grid point above and the precip ice ! present at the start of the time step (see TOT_ICE below). !--- If BLEND=0: ! precipitation (large) ice amounts are estimated to be the precip ! ice present at the start of the time step. ! !--- Extended to include sedimentation of rain on 2/5/01 ! REAL, PARAMETER :: BLEND=1. ! !--- This variable is for debugging purposes (if .true.) ! LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: PRINT_diag=.FALSE. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REAL EMAIRI, N0r, NLICE, NSmICE LOGICAL CLEAR, ICE_logical, DBG_logical, RAIN_logical INTEGER :: IDR,INDEX_MY,INDEXR,INDEXR1,INDEXS,IPASS,ITDX,IXRF, & & IXS,LBEF,L ! REAL :: ABI,ABW,AIEVP,ARAINnew,ASNOWnew,BLDTRH,BUDGET, & & CREVP,DELI,DELR,DELT,DELV,DELW,DENOMF, & & DENOMI,DENOMW,DENOMWI,DIDEP, & & DIEVP,DIFFUS,DLI,DTPH,DTRHO,DUM,DUM1, & & DUM2,DWV0,DWVI,DWVR,DYNVIS,ESI,ESW,FIR,FLARGE,FLIMASS, & & FSMALL,FWR,FWS,GAMMAR,GAMMAS, & & PCOND,PIACR,PIACW,PIACWI,PIACWR,PICND,PIDEP,PIDEP_max, & & PIEVP,PILOSS,PIMLT,PP,PRACW,PRAUT,PREVP,PRLOSS, & & QI,QInew,QLICE,QR,QRnew,QSI,QSIgrd,QSInew,QSW,QSW0, & & QSWgrd,QSWnew,QT,QTICE,QTnew,QTRAIN,QV,QW,QW0,QWnew, & & RFACTOR,RHO,RIMEF,RIMEF1,RQR,RR,RRHO,SFACTOR, & & TC,TCC,TFACTOR,THERM_COND,THICK,TK,TK2,TNEW, & & TOT_ICE,TOT_ICEnew,TOT_RAIN,TOT_RAINnew, & & VEL_INC,VENTR,VENTIL,VENTIS,VRAIN1,VRAIN2,VRIMEF,VSNOW, & & WC,WCnew,WSgrd,WS,WSnew,WV,WVnew,WVQW, & & XLF,XLF1,XLI,XLV,XLV1,XLV2,XLIMASS,XRF,XSIMASS ! !####################################################################### !########################## Begin Execution ############################ !####################################################################### ! ! ARAIN=0. ! Accumulated rainfall into grid box from above (kg/m**2) ASNOW=0. ! Accumulated snowfall into grid box from above (kg/m**2) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------ Loop from top (L=1) to surface (L=LSFC) ------------------ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO 10 L=1,LSFC !--- Skip this level and go to the next lower level if no condensate ! and very low specific humidities ! IF (QV_col(L).LE.EPSQ .AND. WC_col(L).LE.EPSQ) GO TO 10 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------ Proceed with cloud microphysics calculations ------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TK=T_col(L) ! Temperature (deg K) TC=TK-T0C ! Temperature (deg C) PP=P_col(L) ! Pressure (Pa) QV=QV_col(L) ! Specific humidity of water vapor (kg/kg) WV=QV/(1.-QV) ! Water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) WC=WC_col(L) ! Grid-scale mixing ratio of total condensate (water or ice; kg/kg) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Moisture variables below are mixing ratios & not specifc humidities !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CLEAR=.TRUE. ! !--- This check is to determine grid-scale saturation when no condensate is present ! ESW=1000.*FPVS0(TK) ! Saturation vapor pressure w/r/t water QSW=EPS*ESW/(PP-ESW) ! Saturation mixing ratio w/r/t water WS=QSW ! General saturation mixing ratio (water/ice) IF (TC .LT. 0.) THEN ESI=1000.*FPVS(TK) ! Saturation vapor pressure w/r/t ice QSI=EPS*ESI/(PP-ESI) ! Saturation mixing ratio w/r/t water WS=QSI ! General saturation mixing ratio (water/ice) ENDIF ! !--- Effective grid-scale Saturation mixing ratios ! QSWgrd=RHgrd*QSW QSIgrd=RHgrd*QSI WSgrd=RHgrd*WS ! !--- Check if air is subsaturated and w/o condensate ! IF (WV.GT.WSgrd .OR. WC.GT.EPSQ) CLEAR=.FALSE. ! !--- Check if any rain is falling into layer from above ! IF (ARAIN .GT. CLIMIT) THEN CLEAR=.FALSE. ELSE ARAIN=0. ENDIF ! !--- Check if any ice is falling into layer from above ! !--- NOTE that "SNOW" in variable names is synonomous with ! large, precipitation ice particles ! IF (ASNOW .GT. CLIMIT) THEN CLEAR=.FALSE. ELSE ASNOW=0. ENDIF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- Loop to the end if in clear, subsaturated air free of condensate --- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (CLEAR) GO TO 10 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------- Initialize RHO, THICK & microphysical processes ------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !--- Virtual temperature, TV=T*(1./EPS-1)*Q, Q is specific humidity; ! (see pp. 63-65 in Fleagle & Businger, 1963) ! RHO=PP/(RD*TK*(1.+EPS1*QV)) ! Air density (kg/m**3) RRHO=1./RHO ! Reciprocal of air density DTRHO=DTPH*RHO ! Time step * air density BLDTRH=BLEND*DTRHO ! Blend parameter * time step * air density THICK=THICK_col(L) ! Layer thickness = RHO*DZ = -DP/G = (Psfc-Ptop)*D_ETA/(G*ETA_sfc) ! ARAINnew=0. ! Updated accumulated rainfall ASNOWnew=0. ! Updated accumulated snowfall QI=QI_col(L) ! Ice mixing ratio QInew=0. ! Updated ice mixing ratio QR=QR_col(L) ! Rain mixing ratio QRnew=0. ! Updated rain ratio QW=QW_col(L) ! Cloud water mixing ratio QWnew=0. ! Updated cloud water ratio ! PCOND=0. ! Condensation (>0) or evaporation (<0) of cloud water (kg/kg) PIDEP=0. ! Deposition (>0) or sublimation (<0) of ice crystals (kg/kg) PIACW=0. ! Cloud water collection (riming) by precipitation ice (kg/kg; >0) PIACWI=0. ! Growth of precip ice by riming (kg/kg; >0) PIACWR=0. ! Shedding of accreted cloud water to form rain (kg/kg; >0) PIACR=0. ! Freezing of rain onto large ice at supercooled temps (kg/kg; >0) PICND=0. ! Condensation (>0) onto wet, melting ice (kg/kg) PIEVP=0. ! Evaporation (<0) from wet, melting ice (kg/kg) PIMLT=0. ! Melting ice (kg/kg; >0) PRAUT=0. ! Cloud water autoconversion to rain (kg/kg; >0) PRACW=0. ! Cloud water collection (accretion) by rain (kg/kg; >0) PREVP=0. ! Rain evaporation (kg/kg; <0) ! !--- Double check input hydrometeor mixing ratios ! ! DUM=WC-(QI+QW+QR) ! DUM1=ABS(DUM) ! DUM2=TOLER*MIN(WC, QI+QW+QR) ! IF (DUM1 .GT. DUM2) THEN ! WRITE(6,"(/2(a,i4),a,i2)") '{@ i=',I_index,' j=',J_index, ! & ' L=',L ! WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") ! & '{@ TCold=',TC,'P=',.01*PP,'DIFF=',DUM,'WCold=',WC, ! & '{@ QIold=',QI,'QWold=',QW,'QRold=',QR ! ENDIF ! !*********************************************************************** !*********** MAIN MICROPHYSICS CALCULATIONS NOW FOLLOW! **************** !*********************************************************************** ! !--- Calculate a few variables, which are used more than once below ! !--- Latent heat of vaporization as a function of temperature from ! Bolton (1980, JAS) ! XLV=3.148E6-2370*TK ! Latent heat of vaporization (Lv) XLF=XLS-XLV ! Latent heat of fusion (Lf) XLV1=XLV*RCP ! Lv/Cp XLF1=XLF*RCP ! Lf/Cp TK2=1./(TK*TK) ! 1./TK**2 XLV2=XLV*XLV*QSW*TK2/RV ! Lv**2*Qsw/(Rv*TK**2) DENOMW=1.+XLV2*RCP ! Denominator term, Clausius-Clapeyron correction ! !--- Basic thermodynamic quantities ! * DYNVIS - dynamic viscosity [ kg/(m*s) ] ! * THERM_COND - thermal conductivity [ J/(m*s*K) ] ! * DIFFUS - diffusivity of water vapor [ m**2/s ] ! TFACTOR=TK**1.5/(TK+120.) DYNVIS=1.496E-6*TFACTOR THERM_COND=2.116E-3*TFACTOR DIFFUS=8.794E-5*TK**1.81/PP ! !--- Air resistance term for the fall speed of ice following the ! basic research by Heymsfield, Kajikawa, others ! GAMMAS=(1.E5/PP)**C1 ! !--- Air resistance for rain fall speed (Beard, 1985, JAS, p.470) ! GAMMAR=(RHO0/RHO)**.4 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------- IMPORTANT MICROPHYSICS DECISION TREE ----------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- Determine if conditions supporting ice are present ! IF (TC.LT.0. .OR. QI.GT. EPSQ .OR. ASNOW.GT.CLIMIT) THEN ICE_logical=.TRUE. ELSE ICE_logical=.FALSE. QLICE=0. QTICE=0. ENDIF ! !--- Determine if rain is present ! RAIN_logical=.FALSE. IF (ARAIN.GT.CLIMIT .OR. QR.GT.EPSQ) RAIN_logical=.TRUE. ! IF (ICE_logical) THEN ! !--- IMPORTANT: Estimate time-averaged properties. ! !--- ! * FLARGE - ratio of number of large ice to total (large & small) ice ! * FSMALL - ratio of number of small ice crystals to large ice particles ! -> Small ice particles are assumed to have a mean diameter of 50 microns. ! * XSIMASS - used for calculating small ice mixing ratio !--- ! * TOT_ICE - total mass (small & large) ice before microphysics, ! which is the sum of the total mass of large ice in the ! current layer and the input flux of ice from above ! * PILOSS - greatest loss (<0) of total (small & large) ice by ! sublimation, removing all of the ice falling from above ! and the ice within the layer ! * RimeF1 - Rime Factor, which is the mass ratio of total (unrimed & rimed) ! ice mass to the unrimed ice mass (>=1) ! * VrimeF - the velocity increase due to rime factor or melting (ratio, >=1) ! * VSNOW - Fall speed of rimed snow w/ air resistance correction ! * EMAIRI - equivalent mass of air associated layer and with fall of snow into layer ! * XLIMASS - used for calculating large ice mixing ratio ! * FLIMASS - mass fraction of large ice ! * QTICE - time-averaged mixing ratio of total ice ! * QLICE - time-averaged mixing ratio of large ice ! * NLICE - time-averaged number concentration of large ice ! * NSmICE - number concentration of small ice crystals at current level !--- !--- Assumed number fraction of large ice particles to total (large & small) ! ice particles, which is based on a general impression of the literature. ! WVQW=WV+QW ! Water vapor & cloud water ! IF (TC.GE.0. .OR. WVQW.LT.QSIgrd) THEN ! !--- Eliminate small ice particle contributions for melting & sublimation ! FLARGE=FLARGE1 ELSE ! !--- Enhanced number of small ice particles during depositional growth ! (effective only when 0C > T >= T_ice [-10C] ) ! FLARGE=FLARGE2 ! !--- Larger number of small ice particles due to rime splintering ! IF (TC.GE.-8. .AND. TC.LE.-3.) FLARGE=.5*FLARGE ! ENDIF ! End IF (TC.GE.0. .OR. WVQW.LT.QSIgrd) FSMALL=(1.-FLARGE)/FLARGE XSIMASS=RRHO*MASSI(MDImin)*FSMALL IF (QI.LE.EPSQ .AND. ASNOW.LE.CLIMIT) THEN INDEXS=MDImin TOT_ICE=0. PILOSS=0. RimeF1=1. VrimeF=1. VEL_INC=GAMMAS VSNOW=0. EMAIRI=THICK XLIMASS=RRHO*RimeF1*MASSI(INDEXS) FLIMASS=XLIMASS/(XLIMASS+XSIMASS) QLICE=0. QTICE=0. NLICE=0. NSmICE=0. ELSE ! !--- For T<0C mean particle size follows Houze et al. (JAS, 1979, p. 160), ! converted from Fig. 5 plot of LAMDAs. Similar set of relationships ! also shown in Fig. 8 of Ryan (BAMS, 1996, p. 66). ! DUM=XMImax*EXP(.0536*TC) INDEXS=MIN(MDImax, MAX(MDImin, INT(DUM) ) ) TOT_ICE=THICK*QI+BLEND*ASNOW PILOSS=-TOT_ICE/THICK LBEF=MAX(1,L-1) DUM1=RimeF_col(LBEF) DUM2=RimeF_col(L) RimeF1=(DUM2*THICK*QI+DUM1*BLEND*ASNOW)/TOT_ICE RimeF1=MIN(RimeF1, RFmax) DO IPASS=0,1 IF (RimeF1 .LE. 1.) THEN RimeF1=1. VrimeF=1. ELSE IXS=MAX(2, MIN(INDEXS/100, 9)) XRF=10.492*ALOG(RimeF1) IXRF=MAX(0, MIN(INT(XRF), Nrime)) IF (IXRF .GE. Nrime) THEN VrimeF=VEL_RF(IXS,Nrime) ELSE VrimeF=VEL_RF(IXS,IXRF)+(XRF-FLOAT(IXRF))* & & (VEL_RF(IXS,IXRF+1)-VEL_RF(IXS,IXRF)) ENDIF ENDIF ! End IF (RimeF1 .LE. 1.) VEL_INC=GAMMAS*VrimeF VSNOW=VEL_INC*VSNOWI(INDEXS) EMAIRI=THICK+BLDTRH*VSNOW XLIMASS=RRHO*RimeF1*MASSI(INDEXS) FLIMASS=XLIMASS/(XLIMASS+XSIMASS) QTICE=TOT_ICE/EMAIRI QLICE=FLIMASS*QTICE NLICE=QLICE/XLIMASS NSmICE=Fsmall*NLICE ! IF ( (NLICE.GE.NLImin .AND. NLICE.LE.NLImax) & & .OR. IPASS.EQ.1) THEN EXIT ELSE IF (TC < 0) THEN XLI=RHO*(QTICE/DUM-XSIMASS)/RimeF1 IF (XLI .LE. MASSI(MDImin) ) THEN INDEXS=MDImin ELSE IF (XLI .LE. MASSI(450) ) THEN DLI=9.5885E5*XLI**.42066 ! DLI in microns INDEXS=MIN(MDImax, MAX(MDImin, INT(DLI) ) ) ELSE IF (XLI .LE. MASSI(MDImax) ) THEN DLI=3.9751E6*XLI**.49870 ! DLI in microns INDEXS=MIN(MDImax, MAX(MDImin, INT(DLI) ) ) ELSE INDEXS=MDImax ENDIF ! End IF (XLI .LE. MASSI(MDImin) ) ENDIF ! End IF (TC < 0) ! !--- Reduce excessive accumulation of ice at upper levels ! associated with strong grid-resolved ascent ! !--- Force NLICE to be between NLImin and NLImax ! ! !--- 8/22/01: Increase density of large ice if maximum limits ! are reached for number concentration (NLImax) and mean size ! (MDImax). Done to increase fall out of ice. ! DUM=MAX(NLImin, MIN(NLImax, NLICE) ) IF (DUM.GE.NLImax .AND. INDEXS.GE.MDImax) & & RimeF1=RHO*(QTICE/NLImax-XSIMASS)/MASSI(INDEXS) ! WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") ! & '{$ TC=',TC,'P=',.01*PP,'NLICE=',NLICE,'DUM=',DUM, ! & '{$ XLI=',XLI,'INDEXS=',FLOAT(INDEXS),'RHO=',RHO,'QTICE=',QTICE, ! & '{$ XSIMASS=',XSIMASS,'RimeF1=',RimeF1 ENDIF ! End IF ( (NLICE.GE.NLImin .AND. NLICE.LE.NLImax) ... ENDDO ! End DO IPASS=0,1 ENDIF ! End IF (QI.LE.EPSQ .AND. ASNOW.LE.CLIMIT) ENDIF ! End IF (ICE_logical) ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- Calculate individual processes ----------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- Cloud water autoconversion to rain and collection by rain ! IF (QW.GT.EPSQ .AND. TC.GE.T_ICE) THEN ! !--- QW0 could be modified based on land/sea properties, ! presence of convection, etc. This is why QAUT0 and CRAUT ! are passed into the subroutine as externally determined ! parameters. Can be changed in the future if desired. ! QW0=QAUT0*RRHO PRAUT=MAX(0., QW-QW0)*CRAUT IF (QLICE .GT. EPSQ) THEN ! !--- Collection of cloud water by large ice particles ("snow") ! PIACWI=PIACW for riming, PIACWI=0 for shedding ! FWS=MIN(1., CIACW*VEL_INC*NLICE*ACCRI(INDEXS)/PP**C1) PIACW=FWS*QW IF (TC .LT. 0.) PIACWI=PIACW ! Large ice riming ENDIF ! End IF (QLICE .GT. EPSQ) ENDIF ! End IF (QW.GT.EPSQ .AND. TC.GE.T_ICE) ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Loop around some of the ice-phase processes if no ice should be present !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (ICE_logical .EQV. .FALSE.) GO TO 20 ! !--- Now the pretzel logic of calculating ice deposition ! IF (TC.LT.T_ICE .AND. (WV.GT.QSIgrd .OR. QW.GT.EPSQ)) THEN ! !--- Adjust to ice saturation at T0) and evaporation ! DUM=PIEVP-PIMLT IF (DUM .LT. PILOSS) THEN DUM1=PILOSS/DUM PIMLT=PIMLT*DUM1 PIEVP=PIEVP*DUM1 ENDIF ! End IF (DUM .GT. QTICE) ENDIF ! End IF (TC.GT.0. .AND. TCC.GT.0. .AND. ICE_logical) ! !--- IMPORTANT: Estimate time-averaged properties. ! ! * TOT_RAIN - total mass of rain before microphysics, which is the sum of ! the total mass of rain in the current layer and the input ! flux of rain from above ! * VRAIN1 - fall speed of rain into grid from above (with air resistance correction) ! * QTRAIN - time-averaged mixing ratio of rain (kg/kg) ! * PRLOSS - greatest loss (<0) of rain, removing all rain falling from ! above and the rain within the layer ! * RQR - rain content (kg/m**3) ! * INDEXR - mean size of rain drops to the nearest 1 micron in size ! * N0r - intercept of rain size distribution (typically 10**6 m**-4) ! TOT_RAIN=0. VRAIN1=0. QTRAIN=0. PRLOSS=0. RQR=0. N0r=0. INDEXR=MDRmin INDEXR1=INDEXR !-- For debugging only IF (RAIN_logical) THEN IF (ARAIN .LE. 0.) THEN INDEXR=MDRmin VRAIN1=0. ELSE ! !--- INDEXR (related to mean diameter) & N0r could be modified ! by land/sea properties, presence of convection, etc. ! !--- Rain rate normalized to a density of 1.194 kg/m**3 ! RR=ARAIN/(DTPH*GAMMAR) ! IF (RR .LE. RR_DRmin) THEN ! !--- Assume fixed mean diameter of rain (0.2 mm) for low rain rates, ! instead vary N0r with rain rate ! INDEXR=MDRmin ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DR1) THEN ! !--- Best fit to mass-weighted fall speeds (V) from rain lookup tables ! for mean diameters (Dr) between 0.05 and 0.10 mm: ! V(Dr)=5.6023e4*Dr**1.136, V in m/s and Dr in m ! RR = PI*1000.*N0r0*5.6023e4*Dr**(4+1.136) = 1.408e15*Dr**5.136, ! RR in kg/(m**2*s) ! Dr (m) = 1.123e-3*RR**.1947 -> Dr (microns) = 1.123e3*RR**.1947 ! INDEXR=INT( 1.123E3*RR**.1947 + .5 ) INDEXR=MAX( MDRmin, MIN(INDEXR, MDR1) ) ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DR2) THEN ! !--- Best fit to mass-weighted fall speeds (V) from rain lookup tables ! for mean diameters (Dr) between 0.10 and 0.20 mm: ! V(Dr)=1.0867e4*Dr**.958, V in m/s and Dr in m ! RR = PI*1000.*N0r0*1.0867e4*Dr**(4+.958) = 2.731e14*Dr**4.958, ! RR in kg/(m**2*s) ! Dr (m) = 1.225e-3*RR**.2017 -> Dr (microns) = 1.225e3*RR**.2017 ! INDEXR=INT( 1.225E3*RR**.2017 + .5 ) INDEXR=MAX( MDR1, MIN(INDEXR, MDR2) ) ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DR3) THEN ! !--- Best fit to mass-weighted fall speeds (V) from rain lookup tables ! for mean diameters (Dr) between 0.20 and 0.32 mm: ! V(Dr)=2831.*Dr**.80, V in m/s and Dr in m ! RR = PI*1000.*N0r0*2831.*Dr**(4+.80) = 7.115e13*Dr**4.80, ! RR in kg/(m**2*s) ! Dr (m) = 1.3006e-3*RR**.2083 -> Dr (microns) = 1.3006e3*RR**.2083 ! INDEXR=INT( 1.3006E3*RR**.2083 + .5 ) INDEXR=MAX( MDR2, MIN(INDEXR, MDR3) ) ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DRmax) THEN ! !--- Best fit to mass-weighted fall speeds (V) from rain lookup tables ! for mean diameters (Dr) between 0.32 and 0.45 mm: ! V(Dr)=944.8*Dr**.6636, V in m/s and Dr in m ! RR = PI*1000.*N0r0*944.8*Dr**(4+.6636) = 2.3745e13*Dr**4.6636, ! RR in kg/(m**2*s) ! Dr (m) = 1.355e-3*RR**.2144 -> Dr (microns) = 1.355e3*RR**.2144 ! INDEXR=INT( 1.355E3*RR**.2144 + .5 ) INDEXR=MAX( MDR3, MIN(INDEXR, MDRmax) ) ELSE ! !--- Assume fixed mean diameter of rain (0.45 mm) for high rain rates, ! instead vary N0r with rain rate ! INDEXR=MDRmax ENDIF ! End IF (RR .LE. RR_DRmin) etc. VRAIN1=GAMMAR*VRAIN(INDEXR) ENDIF ! End IF (ARAIN .LE. 0.) INDEXR1=INDEXR ! For debugging only TOT_RAIN=THICK*QR+BLEND*ARAIN QTRAIN=TOT_RAIN/(THICK+BLDTRH*VRAIN1) PRLOSS=-TOT_RAIN/THICK RQR=RHO*QTRAIN ! !--- RQR - time-averaged rain content (kg/m**3) ! IF (RQR .LE. RQR_DRmin) THEN N0r=MAX(N0rmin, CN0r_DMRmin*RQR) INDEXR=MDRmin ELSE IF (RQR .GE. RQR_DRmax) THEN N0r=CN0r_DMRmax*RQR INDEXR=MDRmax ELSE N0r=N0r0 INDEXR=MAX( XMRmin, MIN(CN0r0*RQR**.25, XMRmax) ) ENDIF ! IF (TC .LT. T_ICE) THEN PIACR=-PRLOSS ELSE DWVr=WV-PCOND-QSW DUM=QW+PCOND IF (DWVr.LT.0. .AND. DUM.LE.EPSQ) THEN ! !--- Rain evaporation ! ! * RFACTOR - [GAMMAR**.5]*[Schmidt**(1./3.)]*[(RHO/DYNVIS)**.5], ! where Schmidt (Schmidt Number) =DYNVIS/(RHO*DIFFUS) ! ! * Units: RFACTOR - s**.5/m ; ABW - m**2/s ; VENTR - m**-2 ; ! N0r - m**-4 ; VENTR1 - m**2 ; VENTR2 - m**3/s**.5 ; ! CREVP - unitless ! RFACTOR=GAMMAR**.5*(RHO/(DIFFUS*DIFFUS*DYNVIS))**C2 ABW=1./(RHO*XLV2/THERM_COND+1./DIFFUS) ! !--- Note that VENTR1, VENTR2 lookup tables do not include the ! 1/Davg multiplier as in the ice tables ! VENTR=N0r*(VENTR1(INDEXR)+RFACTOR*VENTR2(INDEXR)) CREVP=ABW*VENTR*DTPH IF (CREVP .LT. Xratio) THEN DUM=DWVr*CREVP ELSE DUM=DWVr*(1.-EXP(-CREVP*DENOMW))/DENOMW ENDIF PREVP=MAX(DUM, PRLOSS) ELSE IF (QW .GT. EPSQ) THEN FWR=CRACW*GAMMAR*N0r*ACCRR(INDEXR) PRACW=MIN(1.,FWR)*QW ENDIF ! End IF (DWVr.LT.0. .AND. DUM.LE.EPSQ) ! IF (TC.LT.0. .AND. TCC.LT.0.) THEN ! !--- Biggs (1953) heteorogeneous freezing (e.g., Lin et al., 1983) ! - Rescaled mean drop diameter from microns (INDEXR) to mm (DUM) to prevent underflow ! DUM=.001*FLOAT(INDEXR) DUM=(EXP(ABFR*TC)-1.)*DUM*DUM*DUM*DUM*DUM*DUM*DUM PIACR=MIN(CBFR*N0r*RRHO*DUM, QTRAIN) IF (QLICE .GT. EPSQ) THEN ! !--- Freezing of rain by collisions w/ large ice ! DUM=GAMMAR*VRAIN(INDEXR) DUM1=DUM-VSNOW ! !--- DUM2 - Difference in spectral fall speeds of rain and ! large ice, parameterized following eq. (48) on p. 112 of ! Murakami (J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 1990) ! DUM2=(DUM1*DUM1+.04*DUM*VSNOW)**.5 DUM1=5.E-12*INDEXR*INDEXR+2.E-12*INDEXR*INDEXS & & +.5E-12*INDEXS*INDEXS FIR=MIN(1., CIACR*NLICE*DUM1*DUM2) ! !--- Future? Should COLLECTION BY SMALL ICE SHOULD BE INCLUDED??? ! PIACR=MIN(PIACR+FIR*QTRAIN, QTRAIN) ENDIF ! End IF (QLICE .GT. EPSQ) DUM=PREVP-PIACR If (DUM .LT. PRLOSS) THEN DUM1=PRLOSS/DUM PREVP=DUM1*PREVP PIACR=DUM1*PIACR ENDIF ! End If (DUM .LT. PRLOSS) ENDIF ! End IF (TC.LT.0. .AND. TCC.LT.0.) ENDIF ! End IF (TC .LT. T_ICE) ENDIF ! End IF (RAIN_logical) ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------- Main Budget Equations ------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Update fields, determine characteristics for next lower layer ---- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- Carefully limit sinks of cloud water ! DUM1=PIACW+PRAUT+PRACW-MIN(0.,PCOND) IF (DUM1 .GT. QW) THEN DUM=QW/DUM1 PIACW=DUM*PIACW PIACWI=DUM*PIACWI PRAUT=DUM*PRAUT PRACW=DUM*PRACW IF (PCOND .LT. 0.) PCOND=DUM*PCOND ENDIF PIACWR=PIACW-PIACWI ! TC >= 0C ! !--- QWnew - updated cloud water mixing ratio ! DELW=PCOND-PIACW-PRAUT-PRACW QWnew=QW+DELW IF (QWnew .LE. EPSQ) QWnew=0. IF (QW.GT.0. .AND. QWnew.NE.0.) THEN DUM=QWnew/QW IF (DUM .LT. TOLER) QWnew=0. ENDIF ! !--- Update temperature and water vapor mixing ratios ! DELT= XLV1*(PCOND+PIEVP+PICND+PREVP) & & +XLS1*PIDEP+XLF1*(PIACWI+PIACR-PIMLT) Tnew=TK+DELT ! DELV=-PCOND-PIDEP-PIEVP-PICND-PREVP WVnew=WV+DELV ! !--- Update ice mixing ratios ! !--- ! * TOT_ICEnew - total mass (small & large) ice after microphysics, ! which is the sum of the total mass of large ice in the ! current layer and the flux of ice out of the grid box below ! * RimeF - Rime Factor, which is the mass ratio of total (unrimed & ! rimed) ice mass to the unrimed ice mass (>=1) ! * QInew - updated mixing ratio of total (large & small) ice in layer ! -> TOT_ICEnew=QInew*THICK+BLDTRH*QLICEnew*VSNOW ! -> But QLICEnew=QInew*FLIMASS, so ! -> TOT_ICEnew=QInew*(THICK+BLDTRH*FLIMASS*VSNOW) ! * ASNOWnew - updated accumulation of snow at bottom of grid cell !--- ! DELI=0. RimeF=1. IF (ICE_logical) THEN DELI=PIDEP+PIEVP+PIACWI+PIACR-PIMLT TOT_ICEnew=TOT_ICE+THICK*DELI IF (TOT_ICE.GT.0. .AND. TOT_ICEnew.NE.0.) THEN DUM=TOT_ICEnew/TOT_ICE IF (DUM .LT. TOLER) TOT_ICEnew=0. ENDIF IF (TOT_ICEnew .LE. CLIMIT) THEN TOT_ICEnew=0. RimeF=1. QInew=0. ASNOWnew=0. ELSE ! !--- Update rime factor if appropriate ! DUM=PIACWI+PIACR IF (DUM.LE.EPSQ .AND. PIDEP.LE.EPSQ) THEN RimeF=RimeF1 ELSE ! !--- Rime Factor, RimeF = (Total ice mass)/(Total unrimed ice mass) ! DUM1 - Total ice mass, rimed & unrimed ! DUM2 - Estimated mass of *unrimed* ice ! DUM1=TOT_ICE+THICK*(PIDEP+DUM) DUM2=TOT_ICE/RimeF1+THICK*PIDEP IF (DUM2 .LE. 0.) THEN RimeF=RFmax ELSE RimeF=MIN(RFmax, MAX(1., DUM1/DUM2) ) ENDIF ENDIF ! End IF (DUM.LE.EPSQ .AND. PIDEP.LE.EPSQ) QInew=TOT_ICEnew/(THICK+BLDTRH*FLIMASS*VSNOW) IF (QInew .LE. EPSQ) QInew=0. IF (QI.GT.0. .AND. QInew.NE.0.) THEN DUM=QInew/QI IF (DUM .LT. TOLER) QInew=0. ENDIF ASNOWnew=BLDTRH*FLIMASS*VSNOW*QInew IF (ASNOW.GT.0. .AND. ASNOWnew.NE.0.) THEN DUM=ASNOWnew/ASNOW IF (DUM .LT. TOLER) ASNOWnew=0. ENDIF ENDIF ! End IF (TOT_ICEnew .LE. CLIMIT) ENDIF ! End IF (ICE_logical) ! !--- Update rain mixing ratios ! !--- ! * TOT_RAINnew - total mass of rain after microphysics ! current layer and the input flux of ice from above ! * VRAIN2 - time-averaged fall speed of rain in grid and below ! (with air resistance correction) ! * QRnew - updated rain mixing ratio in layer ! -> TOT_RAINnew=QRnew*(THICK+BLDTRH*VRAIN2) ! * ARAINnew - updated accumulation of rain at bottom of grid cell !--- ! DELR=PRAUT+PRACW+PIACWR-PIACR+PIMLT+PREVP+PICND TOT_RAINnew=TOT_RAIN+THICK*DELR IF (TOT_RAIN.GT.0. .AND. TOT_RAINnew.NE.0.) THEN DUM=TOT_RAINnew/TOT_RAIN IF (DUM .LT. TOLER) TOT_RAINnew=0. ENDIF IF (TOT_RAINnew .LE. CLIMIT) THEN TOT_RAINnew=0. VRAIN2=0. QRnew=0. ARAINnew=0. ELSE ! !--- 1st guess time-averaged rain rate at bottom of grid box ! RR=TOT_RAINnew/(DTPH*GAMMAR) ! !--- Use same algorithm as above for calculating mean drop diameter ! (IDR, in microns), which is used to estimate the time-averaged ! fall speed of rain drops at the bottom of the grid layer. This ! isn't perfect, but the alternative is solving a transcendental ! equation that is numerically inefficient and nasty to program ! (coded in earlier versions of GSMCOLUMN prior to 8-22-01). ! IF (RR .LE. RR_DRmin) THEN IDR=MDRmin ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DR1) THEN IDR=INT( 1.123E3*RR**.1947 + .5 ) IDR=MAX( MDRmin, MIN(IDR, MDR1) ) ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DR2) THEN IDR=INT( 1.225E3*RR**.2017 + .5 ) IDR=MAX( MDR1, MIN(IDR, MDR2) ) ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DR3) THEN IDR=INT( 1.3006E3*RR**.2083 + .5 ) IDR=MAX( MDR2, MIN(IDR, MDR3) ) ELSE IF (RR .LE. RR_DRmax) THEN IDR=INT( 1.355E3*RR**.2144 + .5 ) IDR=MAX( MDR3, MIN(IDR, MDRmax) ) ELSE IDR=MDRmax ENDIF ! End IF (RR .LE. RR_DRmin) VRAIN2=GAMMAR*VRAIN(IDR) QRnew=TOT_RAINnew/(THICK+BLDTRH*VRAIN2) IF (QRnew .LE. EPSQ) QRnew=0. IF (QR.GT.0. .AND. QRnew.NE.0.) THEN DUM=QRnew/QR IF (DUM .LT. TOLER) QRnew=0. ENDIF ARAINnew=BLDTRH*VRAIN2*QRnew IF (ARAIN.GT.0. .AND. ARAINnew.NE.0.) THEN DUM=ARAINnew/ARAIN IF (DUM .LT. TOLER) ARAINnew=0. ENDIF ENDIF ! WCnew=QWnew+QRnew+QInew ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------- Begin debugging & verification ------------------------ !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- QT, QTnew - total water (vapor & condensate) before & after microphysics, resp. ! QT=THICK*(WV+WC)+ARAIN+ASNOW QTnew=THICK*(WVnew+WCnew)+ARAINnew+ASNOWnew BUDGET=QT-QTnew ! !--- Additional check on budget preservation, accounting for truncation effects ! DBG_logical=.FALSE. ! DUM=ABS(BUDGET) ! IF (DUM .GT. TOLER) THEN ! DUM=DUM/MIN(QT, QTnew) ! IF (DUM .GT. TOLER) DBG_logical=.TRUE. ! ENDIF !! ! DUM=(RHgrd+.001)*QSInew ! IF ( (QWnew.GT.EPSQ) .OR. QRnew.GT.EPSQ .OR. WVnew.GT.DUM) ! & .AND. TC.LT.T_ICE ) DBG_logical=.TRUE. ! ! IF (TC.GT.5. .AND. QInew.GT.EPSQ) DBG_logical=.TRUE. ! IF ((WVnew.LT.EPSQ .OR. DBG_logical) .AND. PRINT_diag) THEN ! WRITE(6,"(/2(a,i4),2(a,i2))") '{} i=',I_index,' j=',J_index,& & ' L=',L,' LSFC=',LSFC ! ESW=1000.*FPVS0(Tnew) QSWnew=EPS*ESW/(PP-ESW) IF (TC.LT.0. .OR. Tnew .LT. 0.) THEN ESI=1000.*FPVS(Tnew) QSInew=EPS*ESI/(PP-ESI) ELSE QSI=QSW QSInew=QSWnew ENDIF WSnew=QSInew WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} TCold=',TC,'TCnew=',Tnew-T0C,'P=',.01*PP,'RHO=',RHO, & & '{} THICK=',THICK,'RHold=',WV/WS,'RHnew=',WVnew/WSnew, & & 'RHgrd=',RHgrd, & & '{} RHWold=',WV/QSW,'RHWnew=',WVnew/QSWnew,'RHIold=',WV/QSI, & & 'RHInew=',WVnew/QSInew, & & '{} QSWold=',QSW,'QSWnew=',QSWnew,'QSIold=',QSI,'QSInew=',QSInew, & & '{} WSold=',WS,'WSnew=',WSnew,'WVold=',WV,'WVnew=',WVnew, & & '{} WCold=',WC,'WCnew=',WCnew,'QWold=',QW,'QWnew=',QWnew, & & '{} QIold=',QI,'QInew=',QInew,'QRold=',QR,'QRnew=',QRnew, & & '{} ARAINold=',ARAIN,'ARAINnew=',ARAINnew,'ASNOWold=',ASNOW, & & 'ASNOWnew=',ASNOWnew, & & '{} TOT_RAIN=',TOT_RAIN,'TOT_RAINnew=',TOT_RAINnew, & & 'TOT_ICE=',TOT_ICE,'TOT_ICEnew=',TOT_ICEnew, & & '{} BUDGET=',BUDGET,'QTold=',QT,'QTnew=',QTnew ! WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} DELT=',DELT,'DELV=',DELV,'DELW=',DELW,'DELI=',DELI, & & '{} DELR=',DELR,'PCOND=',PCOND,'PIDEP=',PIDEP,'PIEVP=',PIEVP, & & '{} PICND=',PICND,'PREVP=',PREVP,'PRAUT=',PRAUT,'PRACW=',PRACW, & & '{} PIACW=',PIACW,'PIACWI=',PIACWI,'PIACWR=',PIACWR,'PIMLT=', & & PIMLT, & & '{} PIACR=',PIACR ! IF (ICE_logical) WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} RimeF1=',RimeF1,'GAMMAS=',GAMMAS,'VrimeF=',VrimeF, & & 'VSNOW=',VSNOW, & & '{} INDEXS=',FLOAT(INDEXS),'FLARGE=',FLARGE,'FSMALL=',FSMALL, & & 'FLIMASS=',FLIMASS, & & '{} XSIMASS=',XSIMASS,'XLIMASS=',XLIMASS,'QLICE=',QLICE, & & 'QTICE=',QTICE, & & '{} NLICE=',NLICE,'NSmICE=',NSmICE,'PILOSS=',PILOSS, & & 'EMAIRI=',EMAIRI, & & '{} RimeF=',RimeF ! IF (TOT_RAIN.GT.0. .OR. TOT_RAINnew.GT.0.) & & WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} INDEXR1=',FLOAT(INDEXR1),'INDEXR=',FLOAT(INDEXR), & & 'GAMMAR=',GAMMAR,'N0r=',N0r, & & '{} VRAIN1=',VRAIN1,'VRAIN2=',VRAIN2,'QTRAIN=',QTRAIN,'RQR=',RQR, & & '{} PRLOSS=',PRLOSS,'VOLR1=',THICK+BLDTRH*VRAIN1, & & 'VOLR2=',THICK+BLDTRH*VRAIN2 ! IF (PRAUT .GT. 0.) WRITE(6,"(a12,g11.4,1x)") '{} QW0=',QW0 ! IF (PRACW .GT. 0.) WRITE(6,"(a12,g11.4,1x)") '{} FWR=',FWR ! IF (PIACR .GT. 0.) WRITE(6,"(a12,g11.4,1x)") '{} FIR=',FIR ! DUM=PIMLT+PICND-PREVP-PIEVP IF (DUM.GT.0. .or. DWVi.NE.0.) & & WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} TFACTOR=',TFACTOR,'DYNVIS=',DYNVIS, & & 'THERM_CON=',THERM_COND,'DIFFUS=',DIFFUS ! IF (PREVP .LT. 0.) WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} RFACTOR=',RFACTOR,'ABW=',ABW,'VENTR=',VENTR,'CREVP=',CREVP, & & '{} DWVr=',DWVr,'DENOMW=',DENOMW ! IF (PIDEP.NE.0. .AND. DWVi.NE.0.) & & WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} DWVi=',DWVi,'DENOMI=',DENOMI,'PIDEP_max=',PIDEP_max, & & 'SFACTOR=',SFACTOR, & & '{} ABI=',ABI,'VENTIL=',VENTIL,'VENTIL1=',VENTI1(INDEXS), & & 'VENTIL2=',SFACTOR*VENTI2(INDEXS), & & '{} VENTIS=',VENTIS,'DIDEP=',DIDEP ! IF (PIDEP.GT.0. .AND. PCOND.NE.0.) & & WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} DENOMW=',DENOMW,'DENOMWI=',DENOMWI,'DENOMF=',DENOMF, & & 'DUM2=',PCOND-PIACW ! IF (FWS .GT. 0.) WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} FWS=',FWS ! DUM=PIMLT+PICND-PIEVP IF (DUM.GT. 0.) WRITE(6,"(4(a12,g11.4,1x))") & & '{} SFACTOR=',SFACTOR,'VENTIL=',VENTIL,'VENTIL1=',VENTI1(INDEXS), & & 'VENTIL2=',SFACTOR*VENTI2(INDEXS), & & '{} AIEVP=',AIEVP,'DIEVP=',DIEVP,'QSW0=',QSW0,'DWV0=',DWV0 ! ENDIF ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- Water budget statistics & maximum values -------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (PRINT_diag) THEN ITdx=MAX( ITLO, MIN( INT(Tnew-T0C), ITHI ) ) IF (QInew .GT. EPSQ) NSTATS(ITdx,1)=NSTATS(ITdx,1)+1 IF (QInew.GT.EPSQ .AND. QRnew+QWnew.GT.EPSQ) & & NSTATS(ITdx,2)=NSTATS(ITdx,2)+1 IF (QWnew .GT. EPSQ) NSTATS(ITdx,3)=NSTATS(ITdx,3)+1 IF (QRnew .GT. EPSQ) NSTATS(ITdx,4)=NSTATS(ITdx,4)+1 ! QMAX(ITdx,1)=MAX(QMAX(ITdx,1), QInew) QMAX(ITdx,2)=MAX(QMAX(ITdx,2), QWnew) QMAX(ITdx,3)=MAX(QMAX(ITdx,3), QRnew) QMAX(ITdx,4)=MAX(QMAX(ITdx,4), ASNOWnew) QMAX(ITdx,5)=MAX(QMAX(ITdx,5), ARAINnew) QTOT(ITdx,1)=QTOT(ITdx,1)+QInew*THICK QTOT(ITdx,2)=QTOT(ITdx,2)+QWnew*THICK QTOT(ITdx,3)=QTOT(ITdx,3)+QRnew*THICK ! QTOT(ITdx,4)=QTOT(ITdx,4)+PCOND*THICK QTOT(ITdx,5)=QTOT(ITdx,5)+PICND*THICK QTOT(ITdx,6)=QTOT(ITdx,6)+PIEVP*THICK QTOT(ITdx,7)=QTOT(ITdx,7)+PIDEP*THICK QTOT(ITdx,8)=QTOT(ITdx,8)+PREVP*THICK QTOT(ITdx,9)=QTOT(ITdx,9)+PRAUT*THICK QTOT(ITdx,10)=QTOT(ITdx,10)+PRACW*THICK QTOT(ITdx,11)=QTOT(ITdx,11)+PIMLT*THICK QTOT(ITdx,12)=QTOT(ITdx,12)+PIACW*THICK QTOT(ITdx,13)=QTOT(ITdx,13)+PIACWI*THICK QTOT(ITdx,14)=QTOT(ITdx,14)+PIACWR*THICK QTOT(ITdx,15)=QTOT(ITdx,15)+PIACR*THICK ! QTOT(ITdx,16)=QTOT(ITdx,16)+(WVnew-WV)*THICK QTOT(ITdx,17)=QTOT(ITdx,17)+(QWnew-QW)*THICK QTOT(ITdx,18)=QTOT(ITdx,18)+(QInew-QI)*THICK QTOT(ITdx,19)=QTOT(ITdx,19)+(QRnew-QR)*THICK QTOT(ITdx,20)=QTOT(ITdx,20)+(ARAINnew-ARAIN) QTOT(ITdx,21)=QTOT(ITdx,21)+(ASNOWnew-ASNOW) IF (QInew .GT. 0.) & & QTOT(ITdx,22)=QTOT(ITdx,22)+QInew*THICK/RimeF ! ENDIF ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------- Update arrays ------------------------------ !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! T_col(L)=Tnew ! Updated temperature ! QV_col(L)=max(EPSQ, WVnew/(1.+WVnew)) ! Updated specific humidity WC_col(L)=max(EPSQ, WCnew) ! Updated total condensate mixing ratio QI_col(L)=max(EPSQ, QInew) ! Updated ice mixing ratio QR_col(L)=max(EPSQ, QRnew) ! Updated rain mixing ratio QW_col(L)=max(EPSQ, QWnew) ! Updated cloud water mixing ratio RimeF_col(L)=RimeF ! Updated rime factor ASNOW=ASNOWnew ! Updated accumulated snow ARAIN=ARAINnew ! Updated accumulated rain ! !####################################################################### ! 10 CONTINUE ! ##### End "L" loop through model levels ##### ! !####################################################################### ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------- Return to GSMDRIVE ----------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CONTAINS !####################################################################### !--------- Produces accurate calculation of cloud condensation --------- !####################################################################### ! REAL FUNCTION CONDENSE (PP, QW, TK, WV) ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------ The Asai (1965) algorithm takes into consideration the release of ------ !------ latent heat in increasing the temperature & in increasing the ------ !------ saturation mixing ratio (following the Clausius-Clapeyron eqn.). ------ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: HIGH_PRES=Selected_Real_Kind(15) REAL (KIND=HIGH_PRES), PARAMETER :: & & RHLIMIT=.001, RHLIMIT1=-RHLIMIT REAL (KIND=HIGH_PRES) :: COND, SSAT, WCdum ! REAL,INTENT(IN) :: QW,PP,WV,TK REAL WVdum,Tdum,XLV2,DWV,WS,ESW,XLV1,XLV integer nsteps ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- LV (T) is from Bolton (JAS, 1980) ! XLV=3.148E6-2370.*TK XLV1=XLV*RCP XLV2=XLV*XLV*RCPRV Tdum=TK WVdum=WV WCdum=QW ESW=1000.*FPVS0(Tdum) ! Saturation vapor press w/r/t water WS=RHgrd*EPS*ESW/(PP-ESW) ! Saturation mixing ratio w/r/t water DWV=WVdum-WS ! Deficit grid-scale water vapor mixing ratio SSAT=DWV/WS ! Supersaturation ratio CONDENSE=0. nsteps = 0 DO WHILE ((SSAT.LT.RHLIMIT1 .AND. WCdum.GT.EPSQ) & & .OR. SSAT.GT.RHLIMIT) nsteps = nsteps + 1 COND=DWV/(1.+XLV2*WS/(Tdum*Tdum)) ! Asai (1965, J. Japan) COND=MAX(COND, -WCdum) ! Limit cloud water evaporation Tdum=Tdum+XLV1*COND ! Updated temperature WVdum=WVdum-COND ! Updated water vapor mixing ratio WCdum=WCdum+COND ! Updated cloud water mixing ratio CONDENSE=CONDENSE+COND ! Total cloud water condensation ESW=1000.*FPVS0(Tdum) ! Updated saturation vapor press w/r/t water WS=RHgrd*EPS*ESW/(PP-ESW) ! Updated saturation mixing ratio w/r/t water DWV=WVdum-WS ! Deficit grid-scale water vapor mixing ratio SSAT=DWV/WS ! Grid-scale supersaturation ratio ENDDO ! END FUNCTION CONDENSE ! !####################################################################### !---------------- Calculate ice deposition at T