module module_gfs_physcons use module_gfs_machine,only:kind_phys ! Physical constants as set in NMC handbook from Smithsonian tables. ! Physical constants are given to 5 places. ! 1990/04/30: g and rd are made consistent with NWS usage. ! 2001/10/22: g made consistent with SI usage. ! Math constants real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_pi =3.1415926535897931 ! pi real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_sqrt2 =1.414214e+0 ! square root of 2 real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_sqrt3 =1.732051e+0 ! square root of 3 ! Primary constants real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_rerth =6.3712e+6 ! radius of earth (m) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_g =9.80665e+0! gravity (m/s2) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_omega =7.2921e-5 ! ang vel of earth (1/s) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_rd =2.8705e+2 ! gas constant air (J/kg/K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_rv =4.6150e+2 ! gas constant H2O (J/kg/K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_cp =1.0046e+3 ! spec heat air @p (J/kg/K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_cv =7.1760e+2 ! spec heat air @v (J/kg/K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_cvap =1.8460e+3 ! spec heat H2O gas (J/kg/K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_cliq =4.1855e+3 ! spec heat H2O liq (J/kg/K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_csol =2.1060e+3 ! spec heat H2O ice (J/kg/K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_hvap =2.5000e+6 ! lat heat H2O cond (J/kg) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_hfus =3.3358e+5 ! lat heat H2O fusion (J/kg) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_psat =6.1078e+2 ! pres at H2O 3pt (Pa) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_sbc =5.6730e-8 ! stefan-boltzmann (W/m2/K4) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_solr =1.3533e+3 ! solar constant (W/m2) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_t0c =2.7315e+2 ! temp at 0C (K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_ttp =2.7316e+2 ! temp at H2O 3pt (K) real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_jcal =4.1855E+0 ! JOULES PER CALORIE () ! Secondary constants real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_rocp =con_rd/con_cp real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_cpor =con_cp/con_rd real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_rog =con_rd/con_g real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_fvirt =con_rv/con_rd-1. real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_eps =con_rd/con_rv real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_epsm1 =con_rd/con_rv-1. real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_dldt =con_cvap-con_cliq real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_xpona =-con_dldt/con_rv real(kind=kind_phys),parameter:: con_xponb =-con_dldt/con_rv+con_hvap/(con_rv*con_ttp) end module module_gfs_physcons