io_grib1 Author: Todd Hutchinson WSI 5 August 2004 8 February 2005 - Updated by Todd Hutchinson. Section V was updated to clarify the description of the decimal scale factor field in the gribmap file. 12 July 2005 - Updated by Todd Hutchinson. GRIB version 1 input capability was added to WRF. All sections in this README were updated to add information relevant for grib input capability. I. Introduction io_grib1 is a WRF module that allows for input and output of WRF data in GRIB version 1 format. Why would anyone use GRIB output? GRIB stores data in a compressed format so output files are much smaller than in other formats such as netCDF. In addition, encoding in GRIB format is very efficient and can be faster than writing out netCDF formatted data, especially for large grids. (See Section V for more on performance). II. Running WRF 1. Set namelist entry or entries io_form_ to 5 2. Run WRF as you normally would, for example: cd test/em_real ./wrf.exe IV. Examining GRIB output with wgrib 1. wgrib is installed within external/io_grib1 (See for more information.) 2. Define the GRIBTAB environment variable: For bourne shell users: export GRIBTAB=/run/gribmap.txt For csh users setenv GRIBTAB /run/gribmap.txt 3. To get a listing of the records in the GRIB data: /external/io_grib1/wgrib wrfout_d01_000000 IV. Quilting If you are running WRF using MPI, you may use a seperate processor for quilting just as is done with netCDF. Simply set the namelist variable nio_tasks_per_group to 1 (or more). V. Details 1. gribmap.txt file io_grib1 makes use of a GRIB table for encoding the WRF data into GRIB format. The GRIB table that io_grib1 uses is contained in the WRF run directory, and is called gribmap.txt. This file is read at run-time by io_grib1. Settings in this file are used to encode the corresponding parameters in the GRIB output files. You may modify this file to suit your needs. The file has the following format: the first line of a table (note: there may be several tables in a gribmap.txt file) -1:CENTER:SUBCENTER:PARAMETER_TABLE_VERSION "-1" is an indicator for the start of a table "CENTER" is generating center (PDS 5, i.e., for NCEP, this is 7) "SUBCENTER" is the generating sub-center (PDS 26) "PARAMETER_TABLE_VERSION" is the parameter table version (PDS 4) Subsequent lines: GRIBID:::: "GRIBID" is the GRIB parameter id (PDS 9). "PARAMETER" is the abbreviated parameter name. "DESCRIPTION" is a description of the parameter. "WRF VAR" is a comma-seperated list of WRF variables that will be encoded as with PARAMETER described in the line and with the CENTER, SUBCENTER and PARAMETER_TABLE_VERSION listed at the beginning of the table. WRF VAR must use the WRF variable names that are defined in the "DNAME" column in the WRF Registry. "DECSCL" is the decimal scale factor. It is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point that will be saved in the output data. This number may be less than zero, in which case, the precision of data will be truncated the specified number of digits to the left of the decimal point. Examples: -2 : Data will be encoded at the hundreds level, i.e., 102425.231 will be encoded as 102400 3 : Data will be encoded at the thousandths level, i.e., 102425.231243 will be encoded as 1024.231 Example: 1:PRES:Pressure [Pa]:P,PSFC:1 In this example, GRIB parameter 1, abbreviated PRES, is pressure in pascals. WRF variables P and PSFC (as listed in the WRF Registry) will be encoded as PRES. The data will have one decimals of precision, i.e., 101323.1 Pa. 62:NCPCP:Large scale precipitation [kg/m^2]:NCPCP:2 In this example, GRIB parameter 62, abbreviated NCPCP, is Large-scale precipitation. The WRF variables NCPCP (as listed in the WRF Registry) will be encoded as NCPCP. The data will have two decimals of precision, i.e., 1.23 kg/m^2 (i.e., 1.23 mm). Note: For GRIB encoding, parameters 1-127 are the standard parameters described by the WMO GRIB convention. Interpretation of parameters 128-254 vary depending on the setting of the CENTER, SUBCENTER, and PARAMETER_TABLE_VERSION. In the default gribmap.txt file, the CENTER and SUBCENTER are both set to be 255. Five tables with PARAMETER_TABLE_VERSION's varying between 2 and 6 are specified in the default gribmap.txt file. 2. Variable dimensions. A GRIB file is a set of records of data. Each record is a 2-dimensional, horizontal field, i.e., temperature on a pressure surface, In the case of the WRF Eulerian mass model, we have variables on Eta coordinates, so, we have, i.e., temperature on the 0.995 Eta level. WRF outputs 3, 2 and 1-dimensional fields and point data. 3-dimensional (i.e., u-component of wind) fields are stored in GRIB as a series of horizontal 2-dimensional fields. WRF horizontal 2-d fields are stored simply as horizontal 2-d fields (i.e., surface pressure). One-dimensional fields with dimension varying in the vertical (i.e., the vertical coordinate ZN), are stored as a set of 1x1 grids valid at the center of the grid. So, the third vertical level (ZN) is encoded as a 1x1 grid, valid at the center of the grid. Point data is also stored as a 1x1 grid valid at the center of the grid. VI. Performance GRIB output has proven to be very fast, as compared to netcdf output. Listed below is a comparison of file size and run-time for io_grib1 and io_netcdf. WRF was run twice, once with GRIB output and once with netcdf output. In both cases, 32 CPUS (on 16 machines) were dedicated to model integration, and one was CPU dedicated to I/O and quilting (using nio_tasks_per_group = 1). The run had a domain with 360x485 grid points (12 km spacing) and 10-minute output. The model was run out to 3 hours. Shown is the file size for one-output time, the total model run-time and the time for I/O as listed in the WRF output. In addition, the additional time that is required for a time-step just after model output is listed. Format File Size Run time I/O time additional time after output netCDF 368 MB 719 s 1.26 s 3.3 s GRIB v1 109 MB 519 s 0.28 s 1.9 s VII. Testing We (at WSI) have tested io_grib1 with WRF running on linux (redhat v 9.0). We typically use the intel fortran compiler (v8.0) and the gnu C compiler, so, that configuration has the most testing. We have also done limited testing with the Portland Group Compiler on linux. We have not tested any other platforms or compilers. io_grib1 Author: Todd Hutchinson WSI