subroutine comunpack(cpack,len,lensec,idrsnum,idrstmpl,ndpts, & fld,ier) !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: comunpack ! PRGMMR: Gilbert ORG: W/NP11 DATE: 2000-06-21 ! ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine unpacks a data field that was packed using a ! complex packing algorithm as defined in the GRIB2 documention, ! using info from the GRIB2 Data Representation Template 5.2 or 5.3. ! Supports GRIB2 complex packing templates with or without ! spatial differences (i.e. DRTs 5.2 and 5.3). ! ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! 2000-06-21 Gilbert ! 2004-12-29 Gilbert - Added test ( provided by Arthur Taylor/MDL ) ! to verify that group widths and lengths are ! consistent with section length. ! ! USAGE: CALL comunpack(cpack,len,lensec,idrsnum,idrstmpl,ndpts,fld,ier) ! INPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! cpack - The packed data field (character*1 array) ! len - length of packed field cpack(). ! lensec - length of section 7 (used for error checking). ! idrsnum - Data Representation Template number 5.N ! Must equal 2 or 3. ! idrstmpl - Contains the array of values for Data Representation ! Template 5.2 or 5.3 ! ndpts - The number of data values to unpack ! ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT LIST: ! fld() - Contains the unpacked data values ! ier - Error return: ! 0 = OK ! 1 = Problem - inconsistent group lengths of widths. ! ! REMARKS: None ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: XL Fortran 90 ! MACHINE: IBM SP ! !$$$ character(len=1),intent(in) :: cpack(len) integer,intent(in) :: ndpts,len integer,intent(in) :: idrstmpl(*) real,intent(out) :: fld(ndpts) integer,allocatable :: ifld(:),ifldmiss(:) integer(4) :: ieee integer,allocatable :: gref(:),gwidth(:),glen(:) real :: ref,bscale,dscale,rmiss1,rmiss2 ! real :: fldo(6045) integer :: totBit, totLen ier=0 !print *,'IDRSTMPL: ',(idrstmpl(j),j=1,16) ieee = idrstmpl(1) call rdieee(ieee,ref,1) bscale = 2.0**real(idrstmpl(2)) dscale = 10.0**real(-idrstmpl(3)) nbitsgref = idrstmpl(4) itype = idrstmpl(5) ngroups = idrstmpl(10) nbitsgwidth = idrstmpl(12) nbitsglen = idrstmpl(16) if (idrsnum.eq.3) then nbitsd=idrstmpl(18)*8 endif ! Constant field if (ngroups.eq.0) then do j=1,ndpts fld(j)=ref enddo return endif iofst=0 allocate(ifld(ndpts),stat=is) !print *,'ALLOC ifld: ',is,ndpts allocate(gref(ngroups),stat=is) !print *,'ALLOC gref: ',is allocate(gwidth(ngroups),stat=is) !print *,'ALLOC gwidth: ',is ! ! Get missing values, if supplied ! if ( idrstmpl(7).eq.1 ) then if (itype.eq.0) then call rdieee(idrstmpl(8),rmiss1,1) else rmiss1=real(idrstmpl(8)) endif elseif ( idrstmpl(7).eq.2 ) then if (itype.eq.0) then call rdieee(idrstmpl(8),rmiss1,1) call rdieee(idrstmpl(9),rmiss2,1) else rmiss1=real(idrstmpl(8)) rmiss2=real(idrstmpl(9)) endif endif !print *,'RMISSs: ',rmiss1,rmiss2,ref ! ! Extract Spatial differencing values, if using DRS Template 5.3 ! if (idrsnum.eq.3) then if ( then call g2lib_gbyte(cpack,isign,iofst,1) iofst=iofst+1 call g2lib_gbyte(cpack,ival1,iofst,nbitsd-1) iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1 if (isign.eq.1) ival1=-ival1 if (idrstmpl(17).eq.2) then call g2lib_gbyte(cpack,isign,iofst,1) iofst=iofst+1 call g2lib_gbyte(cpack,ival2,iofst,nbitsd-1) iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1 if (isign.eq.1) ival2=-ival2 endif call g2lib_gbyte(cpack,isign,iofst,1) iofst=iofst+1 call g2lib_gbyte(cpack,minsd,iofst,nbitsd-1) iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1 if (isign.eq.1) minsd=-minsd else ival1=0 ival2=0 minsd=0 endif !print *,'SDu ',ival1,ival2,minsd,nbitsd endif ! ! Extract Each Group's reference value ! !print *,'SAG1: ',nbitsgref,ngroups,iofst if ( then call g2lib_gbytes(cpack,gref,iofst,nbitsgref,0,ngroups) itemp=nbitsgref*ngroups iofst=iofst+(itemp) if (mod(itemp,8).ne.0) iofst=iofst+(8-mod(itemp,8)) else gref(1:ngroups)=0 endif !write(78,*)'GREFs: ',(gref(j),j=1,ngroups) ! ! Extract Each Group's bit width ! !print *,'SAG2: ',nbitsgwidth,ngroups,iofst,idrstmpl(11) if ( then call g2lib_gbytes(cpack,gwidth,iofst,nbitsgwidth,0,ngroups) itemp=nbitsgwidth*ngroups iofst=iofst+(itemp) if (mod(itemp,8).ne.0) iofst=iofst+(8-mod(itemp,8)) else gwidth(1:ngroups)=0 endif do j=1,ngroups gwidth(j)=gwidth(j)+idrstmpl(11) enddo !write(78,*)'GWIDTHs: ',(gwidth(j),j=1,ngroups) ! ! Extract Each Group's length (number of values in each group) ! allocate(glen(ngroups),stat=is) !print *,'ALLOC glen: ',is !print *,'SAG3: ',nbitsglen,ngroups,iofst,idrstmpl(14),idrstmpl(13) if ( then call g2lib_gbytes(cpack,glen,iofst,nbitsglen,0,ngroups) itemp=nbitsglen*ngroups iofst=iofst+(itemp) if (mod(itemp,8).ne.0) iofst=iofst+(8-mod(itemp,8)) else glen(1:ngroups)=0 endif do j=1,ngroups glen(j)=(glen(j)*idrstmpl(14))+idrstmpl(13) enddo glen(ngroups)=idrstmpl(15) !write(78,*)'GLENs: ',(glen(j),j=1,ngroups) !print *,'GLENsum: ',sum(glen) ! ! Test to see if the group widths and lengths are consistent with number of ! values, and length of section 7. ! totBit = 0 totLen = 0 do j=1,ngroups totBit = totBit + (gwidth(j)*glen(j)); totLen = totLen + glen(j); enddo if (totLen .NE. ndpts) then ier=1 return endif if ( (totBit/8) .GT. lensec) then ier=1 return endif ! ! For each group, unpack data values ! if ( idrstmpl(7).eq.0 ) then ! no missing values n=1 do j=1,ngroups !write(78,*)'NGP ',j,gwidth(j),glen(j),gref(j) if (gwidth(j).ne.0) then call g2lib_gbytes(cpack,ifld(n),iofst,gwidth(j),0,glen(j)) do k=1,glen(j) ifld(n)=ifld(n)+gref(j) n=n+1 enddo else ifld(n:n+glen(j)-1)=gref(j) n=n+glen(j) endif iofst=iofst+(gwidth(j)*glen(j)) enddo elseif ( idrstmpl(7).eq.1.OR.idrstmpl(7).eq.2 ) then ! missing values included allocate(ifldmiss(ndpts)) !ifldmiss=0 n=1 non=1 do j=1,ngroups !print *,'SAGNGP ',j,gwidth(j),glen(j),gref(j) if (gwidth(j).ne.0) then msng1=(2**gwidth(j))-1 msng2=msng1-1 call g2lib_gbytes(cpack,ifld(n),iofst,gwidth(j),0,glen(j)) iofst=iofst+(gwidth(j)*glen(j)) do k=1,glen(j) if (ifld(n).eq.msng1) then ifldmiss(n)=1 elseif (idrstmpl(7).eq.2.AND.ifld(n).eq.msng2) then ifldmiss(n)=2 else ifldmiss(n)=0 ifld(non)=ifld(n)+gref(j) non=non+1 endif n=n+1 enddo else msng1=(2**nbitsgref)-1 msng2=msng1-1 if (gref(j).eq.msng1) then ifldmiss(n:n+glen(j)-1)=1 !ifld(n:n+glen(j)-1)=0 elseif (idrstmpl(7).eq.2.AND.gref(j).eq.msng2) then ifldmiss(n:n+glen(j)-1)=2 !ifld(n:n+glen(j)-1)=0 else ifldmiss(n:n+glen(j)-1)=0 ifld(non:non+glen(j)-1)=gref(j) non=non+glen(j) endif n=n+glen(j) endif enddo endif !write(78,*)'IFLDs: ',(ifld(j),j=1,ndpts) if ( allocated(gref) ) deallocate(gref) if ( allocated(gwidth) ) deallocate(gwidth) if ( allocated(glen) ) deallocate(glen) ! ! If using spatial differences, add overall min value, and ! sum up recursively ! if (idrsnum.eq.3) then ! spatial differencing if (idrstmpl(17).eq.1) then ! first order ifld(1)=ival1 if ( idrstmpl(7).eq.0 ) then ! no missing values itemp=ndpts else itemp=non-1 endif do n=2,itemp ifld(n)=ifld(n)+minsd ifld(n)=ifld(n)+ifld(n-1) enddo elseif (idrstmpl(17).eq.2) then ! second order ifld(1)=ival1 ifld(2)=ival2 if ( idrstmpl(7).eq.0 ) then ! no missing values itemp=ndpts else itemp=non-1 endif do n=3,itemp ifld(n)=ifld(n)+minsd ifld(n)=ifld(n)+(2*ifld(n-1))-ifld(n-2) enddo endif !write(78,*)'IFLDs: ',(ifld(j),j=1,ndpts) endif ! ! Scale data back to original form ! !print *,'SAGT: ',ref,bscale,dscale if ( idrstmpl(7).eq.0 ) then ! no missing values do n=1,ndpts fld(n)=((real(ifld(n))*bscale)+ref)*dscale !write(78,*)'SAG ',n,fld(n),ifld(n),bscale,ref,1./dscale enddo elseif ( idrstmpl(7).eq.1.OR.idrstmpl(7).eq.2 ) then ! missing values included non=1 do n=1,ndpts if ( ifldmiss(n).eq.0 ) then fld(n)=((real(ifld(non))*bscale)+ref)*dscale !print *,'SAG ',n,fld(n),ifld(non),bscale,ref,dscale non=non+1 elseif ( ifldmiss(n).eq.1 ) then fld(n)=rmiss1 elseif ( ifldmiss(n).eq.2 ) then fld(n)=rmiss2 endif enddo if ( allocated(ifldmiss) ) deallocate(ifldmiss) endif if ( allocated(ifld) ) deallocate(ifld) !open(10,form='unformatted',recl=24180,access='direct') !read(10,rec=1) (fldo(k),k=1,6045) !do i =1,6045 ! print *,i,fldo(i),fld(i),fldo(i)-fld(i) !enddo return end