plotting different geo_em.d[nn].nc topography from WPS files on a fixed low-level enhanced color mode
draw_topofix_geogrid_boxes(ncfiles, values)
""" plotting different geo_em.d[nn].nc topography from WPS files
draw_topo_geogrid_boxes(ncfiles, values) on a fixed low-level enhanced color mode
ncfiles= ',' list of geo_em.d[nn].nc files to use (first as topographyc
values= [lonlatL]:[title]:[graphic_kind]:[mapvalues]:[labels]:[legvals]:
lonlatL: limits of longitudes and latitudes [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax]
or None
title: title of the graph ('!' for spaces)
graphic_kind: kind of figure (jpg, pdf, png)
mapvalues: map characteristics [proj],[res]
see full documentation:
[proj]: projection
* 'cyl', cilindric
* 'lcc', lambert conformal
[res]: resolution:
* 'c', crude
* 'l', low
* 'i', intermediate
* 'h', high
* 'f', full
legvals: [locleg]|[fontsize]|[Ncol]:
[locleg]: location of the legend (0, automatic)
1: 'upper right', 2: 'upper left', 3: 'lower left', 4: 'lower right',
5: 'right', 6: 'center left', 7: 'center right', 8: 'lower center',
9: 'upper center', 10: 'center'
[fontsize]: font size for the legend (auto for 12)
[Ncol]: number of columns (1)
labels: labels to write in the graph ('!' for spaces)
boxlvals: [line style]|[line width] values for the boxes (['-', 3], auto)
ColorLeg: [ijstart, orientation, labsize, sqsize, labrotation,
totboxlength, ibox, seacolor] values for the legend of colors of the
topography ([0.95, 'vertical', 10., 10., 0., 0.8, 0.85, '#CCCCFF'], default)
ijstart: initial position as fraction of figure on the oposite axis of
orientation: orientation of the legend
labsize: font size of the labels
sqsize: size of the squares of the legend
labrotation: rotation of the labels of the legend
totboxlength: total length of the color legend as percentage of the figure
size along the given orientation
ibox: starting at the given orientation as percentage of the figure
seacolor: color for the sea
mervals: [fontsize]|[color line]|[labels rotation]|[line width] values for
the meridians ([8,'#AAAAAA', 0, 0.5], auto)
parvals: [fontsize]|[color line]|[labels rotation]|[line width] values for
the parallels ([8,'#AAAAAA', 0, 0.5], auto)
coastlvals: [line width|color line] values for the coastline (None for any,
[0.25,'#161616'], auto)
countrylvals: [line width|color line] values for the countries (None for any,
[0.25, '#161616'], auto)
stslvals: [line width|color line] values for the states (None for any, None,
[0.25, '#080808'], auto)
close: Whether figure should be finished or not
$ python ${pyHOME}/ -o draw_topofix_geogrid_boxes -f, -S 'None:RELAMPAGO!explicit!convection!configuration:pdf:cyl,i:d01$_{8k}$,d02$_{1.6k}$:0|10|1:auto:0.17|horizontal|8|10|-45.|0.8|0.15|#CCCCFF:auto:auto:auto:auto:auto:True'