Plotting a map with locations of stations
draw_stations_map(filename, values)
Function to plot a map with the stations
filename= name of ASCII file with the values of the stations as: ('#' comments)
[sttype]: type of the station
[label]: label of the station (LaTeX format, 'None' for no label)
[lon]: longitude of the station
[lat]: latitude of the station
[height]: height of the station
stypevals='@' separated list of [sttype]|[marker]|[color]|[size]|[fontsize]
[sttype]: label of the type of the marker
[marker]: type of the marker
[color]: color of the marker
[size]: size of the marker
mapvals= map characteristics: [proj],[res]
see full documentation:
[proj]: projection
* 'cyl', cilindric
* 'lcc', lambert-conformal
[res]: resolution:
* 'c', crude
* 'l', low
* 'i', intermediate
* 'h', high
* 'f', full
SWNEbox: ',' list of the vertexs of the map [SWlon, NElon, SWlat, NElat]
'lonlatxtrms': to use the extremes of the lon,lat stations
imgtit: title of the image ('!' for spaces)
imgkind: kind of file output of the image (ps, pns, pdf, ...)
close: whether figure should be closed or not
$ python ${pyHOME}/ -o draw_stations_map -f stations.inf -S 'snd|x|#FFAAAA|2|8@sfc|