WRF eta levels
Plotting WRF eta levels distribution
draw_WRFeta_levels(filenames, values)
Function to plot vertical levels from WRF wrfinput_d[nn] file
  filenames= ',' list of name of files to use
  values = [labs]:[colors]:[markers]:[legvals]:[imgtit]:[imgkind]:[newfile]:[close]
    [labs]= ',' list of labels for the plot (LaTeX like)
    [colors]= ',' list of colors for the lines ('auto' for automatic)
    [markers]= '@' list of markers for the lines ('auto' for automatic)
    [legvals]=[loclegend]|[fonstsize]|[ncol] values for the legend
      [locleg]: location of the legend (0, automatic)
        1: 'upper right', 2: 'upper left', 3: 'lower left', 4: 'lower right',
        5: 'right', 6: 'center left', 7: 'center right', 8: 'lower center',
        9: 'upper center', 10: 'center'
      [fontsize]: font size for the legend ('auto' for 12)
      [ncol]: number of columns ('auto' for 1)
    [imgtit]= title of the image ('!' for spaces)
    [imgkind]= kind of file output of the image (ps, pns, pdf, ...)
    [newfile]= whether the possible pre-existing file with the required data be
      should removed or not ('yes/no')
    [close]= whether figure should be closed or not
  * NOTE: A multi-panel plot will be drawn called `WRFeta_levels.png', and also
    an individual plot for each panel will be produced
$ python $pyHOME/drawing.py -o draw_WRFeta_levels -f '120lev_cdxwrf2/wrfinput_d02,
  38lev_assigned/wrfinput_d02' -S '120lev,120leva,80lev,8leva,50lev,50leva,38lev,