point Z value
Plotting points by their Z value according to a colorbar
draw_ptZvals(ncfile, values, variable)
  ncfile= netCDF file to use
  values= [fvname]:[XYvar]:[dimxyfmt]:[pointype]:[pointsize]:[graphlimits]:[nxtype]:
    [fvname]: name of the variable in the graph
    [XYvar]: [x],[y] variable names
    [dimxyfmt]=[dxs],[dxf],[Ndx],[ordx],[dys],[dyf],[Ndy],[ordy]: format of the values at each axis ('auto', for
    'pretty' at both axes)
      [dxs]: style of x-axis ('auto' for 'pretty')
        'Nfix', values computed at even 'Ndx'
        'Vfix', values computed at even 'Ndx' increments
        'pretty', values computed following aprox. 'Ndx' at 'pretty' intervals 2.,2.5,4,5,10)
      [dxf]: format of the labels at the x-axis
      [Ndx]: Number of ticks at the x-axis
      [ordx]: angle of orientation of ticks at the x-axis ('auto' for horizontal)
      [dys]: style of y-axis ('auto' for 'pretty')
      [dyf]: format of the labels at the y-axis
      [Ndy]: Number of ticks at the y-axis
      [ordy]: angle of orientation of ticks at the y-axis ('auto' for horizontal)
    [ptype]: type of the point
    [ptsize]: size of the point
    [graphlimits]: minX,minY,maxX,maxY limits of the graph 'None' for the full size
    [nxtype]: minimum and maximum type
      'auto': values taken from the extrems of the data
      [min],[max]: given minimum and maximum values
    [legend]: kind of legend
      'None': no legend
      'ptlabel',[varlabels],[fontsize],[xoffset],[yoffset]: label at the side of the point
        [varlabels]: variable in file with the labels for the points
        [fontsize]: font-size of the label
        [xoffset]: x-offset of the label respect the point in pixels
        [yoffset]: y-offset of the label respect the point in pixels
      'legend',[varlabels],[location],[fontsize]: standard legend
        [varlabels]: variable in file with the labels for the points
        [location]: location of the legend ('0', for automatic)
          1: 'upper right', 2: 'upper left', 3: 'lower left', 4: 'lower right',
          5: 'right', 6: 'center left', 7: 'center right', 8: 'lower center',
          9: 'upper center', 10: 'center'
        [fontsize]: size of the font for the legend ('auto' for 12)
    [figtitle]: title of the figure ('!' for spaces)
    [colorbarv]: list with the parameters of the color bar [colorbar, cbarfmt, cbaror]
      colorbar= name of the color bar to use
      cbarfmt= format of the numbers in the colorbar ('auto' for %6g)
      cbaror= orientation of the colorbar ('auto' for vertical)
    [mapv]: map characteristics: [proj],[res]
      see full documentation: http://matplotlib.org/basemap/
      [proj]: projection
        * 'cyl', cilindric
        * 'lcc', lambert-conformal
      [res]: resolution:
        * 'c', crude
        * 'l', low
        * 'i', intermediate
        * 'h', high
        * 'f', full
    [kfig]: kind of figure
    [closefig]: boolean value whether figure should be close (finish) or not
  variable= name of the variable to plot
$ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o draw_ptZvals -f MountainPeaks.nc -S 'height:lon,lat:auto:x:5.:-180.,-90.,180.,90.:0,9000.:ptlabel,name,8,0,4:Mountain!peaks:rainbow,auto,auto:cyl,l:png:yes' -v height
`MountainPeaks.nc' File generated with create_TopoValues.py