draw_2Dshad_map(ncfile, values, varn)
plotting a shadow field with a background map
ncfile= file to use
[vnamemap]: Name of the variable to be used for map
[vnamefs]: Name in the figure of the variable to be shaded
[dimvals]: ',' list of [dimname]|[value] telling at which dimension of the
variable a given value is required:
* [integer]: which value of the dimension
* -1: all along the dimension
* -9: last value of the dimension
* [beg]@[end]@[inc] slice from [beg] to [end] every [inc]
* NOTE, no dim name all the dimension size
[dimx/yvn]: name of the variables with the values of the final dimensions (x,y)
[dimxyfmt]=[dxs],[dxf],[Ndx],[ordx],[dys],[dyf],[Ndy],[ordx]: format of the values at each axis (or 'auto')
[dxs]: style of x-axis ('auto' for 'pretty')
'Nfix', values computed at even 'Ndx'
'Vfix', values computed at even 'Ndx' increments
'pretty', values computed following aprox. 'Ndx' at 'pretty' intervals (2.,2.5,4,5,10)
[dxf]: format of the labels at the x-axis ('auto' for '%5g')
[Ndx]: Number of ticks at the x-axis ('auto' for 5)
[ordx]: angle of orientation of ticks at the x-axis ('auto' for horizontal)
[dys]: style of y-axis ('auto' for 'pretty')
[dyf]: format of the labels at the y-axis ('auto' for '%5g')
[Ndy]: Number of ticks at the y-axis ('auto' for 5)
[ordy]: angle of orientation of ticks at the y-axis ('auto' for horizontal)
[colorbarn]: name of the color bar for the values to plot
[fmtcolorbar]: format of the numbers in the color bar 'C'-like ('auto' for %6g)
[orientation]: orientation of the colorbar ('vertical' (default, by 'auto'), 'horizontal')
[colorbarticks]: kind of colorbarticks
'direct': direct values
'time'@[units]|[kind]|[tfmt]|[label] time labels characteristics
[units]: units string according to CF conventions ([tunits] since
[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [[HH]:[MI]:[SS]], '!' for spaces),
'auto' for minutes!since!1949-12-01!00:00:00
[kind]: kind of output
'Nval': according to a given number of values as 'Nval',[Nval]
'exct': according to an exact time unit as 'exct',[tunit];
tunit= [Nunits],[tu]; [tu]= 'c': centuries, 'y': year, 'm': month,
'w': week, 'd': day, 'h': hour, 'i': minute, 's': second,
'l': milisecond
[tfmt]: desired format (combination of 'C'-style values and LaTeX)
[label]: label at the graph ('!' for spaces, combination of 'C'-style
values and LaTeX)
[smin/axv]: minimum and maximum value for the shading or:
'Srange': for full range
'Saroundmean@val': for mean-xtrm,mean+xtrm where xtrm = np.min(mean-min@val,max@val-mean)
'Saroundminmax@val': for min*val,max*val
'Saroundpercentile@val': for median-xtrm,median+xtrm where xtrm = np.min(median-percentile_(val),
'Smean@val': for -xtrm,xtrm where xtrm = np.min(mean-min*@val,max*@val-mean)
'Smedian@val': for -xtrm,xtrm where xtrm = np.min(median-min@val,max@val-median)
'Spercentile@val': for -xtrm,xtrm where xtrm = np.min(median-percentile_(val),
[figt]: title of the figure ('|' for spaces)
[kindfig]: kind of file for the figure output (ps, eps, png, pdf, ...)
[mapfmt] = [cbarmap]|[mapkind]|[lonlatbox] values for the map
cbarmap: name of the colorbar for the map
mapkind: kind of map to use in the plot
'direct': values are they come
'shadow',[pos],[enhance]: pseudo-shadding from a given location of the sun
[pos]: 'N', 'NW'
[enhance]: enhance factor for the shading ('auto' for 1./5.)
lonlatbox: [lonSW],[latSW],[lonNE],[latNE] to plot only a lon,lat box
'full': for the whole domain
[mapv]: map characteristics: [proj],[res]
see full documentation:
[proj]: projection
* 'cyl', cilindric
* 'lcc', lambert conformal
[res]: resolution:
* 'c', crude
* 'l', low
* 'i', intermediate
* 'h', high
* 'f', full
[close]: Whether figure should be finished or not
varn= [varsn] name of the variable to plot with shading
$ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o draw_2Dshad_map -S 'orog;$conv^{ini}$;lat|-1,lon|-1;lon;lat;
-70.,-36,-62.,-30.;cyl,c;yes' -v convini -f UBA_ERA5_1a_2D.nc