bils | WRFbils | HFX@LH | total heat surface flux from WRF |
cape | WRFcape_afwa | WRFt@WRFrh@WRFp@WRFgeop@HGT | Convective Available Potential Energy (cape)1 |
clt | clt | CLDFRA | total cloud cover from WRF |
cll | cllmh | CLDFRA@WRFp | low-level (p > 660 hPa) cloudiness from WRF |
clm | cllmh | CLDFRA@WRFp | mid-level (660 < p > 440 hPa) cloudiness from WRF |
clh | cllmh | CLDFRA@WRFp | high-level (p < 440 hPa) cloudiness from WRF |
clivi | WRFclivi | WRFdens@QICE@QHAIL@QGRAUPEL | Ice water path |
clwvi | WRFclwvi | WRFdens@QCLOUD@QICE@QHAIL@QGRAUPEL | Cloud condensed water path |
hur | LMDZrh | pres@t@r | relative humidity from LMDZ/DYNAMICO |
hur | WRFrh | WRFrh@T@P@PB | relative humidity from WRF |
hurs | LMDZrhs | psol@t2m@q2m | 2 m relative humidity from LMDZ/DYNAMICO |
hurs | TSrhs | psfc@t@q | 2 m relative humidity from WRF's time-series files |
hurs | WRFrhs | PSFC@T2@Q2 | 2 m relative humidity from WRF |
mrso | WRFmrso | SMOIS@DZS | total soil moisture content |
p | WRFp | P@PB | air pressure |
evspsblpot | WRFpotevap_orPM | WRFdens@UST@U10@V10@T2@PSFC@QVAPOR | Potent5ial evapotranspiration following Penman-Monteith formulation implemented in ORCHIDEE |
p | WRFp | P@PB | air pressure from WRF |
pr | RAINTOT | RAINC@RAINNC@WRFtime | precipitation flux from WRF |
pracc | ACRAINTOT | RAINC@RAINNC@WRFtime | accumulated precipitation from WRF |
prc | WRFprc | deaccum@RAINC@XTIME@prc | convective precipitation flux from WRF |
prls | WRFprls | deaccum@RAINNC@XTIME@prls | large-scale precipitation flux from WRF |
prw | WRFprw | WRFdens@QVAPOR | liquid water path from WRF |
psl | WRFmslp | WRFp@PSFC@HGT@WRFt@QVAPOR | Mean sea level pressure from WRF (following NCAR, C. Bruyé's 'pinterp') |
psl | WRFpsl_ecmwf | PSFC@HGT@WRFt@WRFp@ZNU@ZNW | sea level pressure using ECMWF method |
psl | WRFpsl_ptarget | WRFp@PSFC@WRFt@HGT@QVAPOR | Same as WRFmslp, but Fortran based |
rvor | rvor | U@V | aire relative vorticity from WRF |
rvors | WRFrvors | U10@V10@WRFpos | 10 m aire relative vorticity from WRF |
slw | WRFslw | SH2O@DZS | Total soil water content |
ta | WRFt | T@P@PB | air temperature from WRF |
td | WRFtd | WRFp@WRFt2@QVAPOR | air dew-point temperature from WRF |
tds | TStd | psfc@t@q | 2m air dew-point temperature from WRF's time-series files |
tds | WRFtds | PSFC@T2@Q2 | 2m air dew-point temperature from WRF |
ua | WRFua | U@V@SINALPHA@COSALPHA | eastward wind speed of air from WRF |
va | WRFva | U@V@SINALPHA@COSALPHA | northward wind speed of air from WRF |
uavaz | WRFzwind | U@V@WRFz@U10@V10@SINALPHA@COSALPHA@z=100. | Height wind extrapolation using power-law method (e.g. at 100. m) |
uavaz | WRFzwind_log | U@V@WRFz@U10@V10@SINALPHA@COSALPHA@z=100. | Height wind extrapolation using logarithmic method (e.g. at 100. m) |
uavaz | WRFzwindMO | UST@ZNT@RMOL@U10@V10@SINALPHA@COSALPHA@z=100. | Height wind extrapolation using Monin-Obukhov theory (e.g. at 100. m) |
wa | OMEGAw | vitw@pres@temp | vertical wind speed from LMDZ |
wds | TSwds | u@v | wind speed direction from WRF's time-series files |
wds | wds | U10@V10 | 10 m wind speed direction from WRF |
ws | ws | U@V | air wind speed from WRF |
wss | wss | U10@V10 | 10m wind speed from WRF |
wss | wss | u10m@v10m | 10m wind speed from LMDZ/DYNAMICO |
wssturb | turbulence | wss | Wind speed turbulence (Taylor's wss*= < wss > - wss) |
zg | WRFght | PH@PHB | Geopotential height from WRF |
zhgt | WRFheight | PH@PHB@WRFgeop | sea level altitude from WRF
zhgtrel | WRFheightrel | PH@PHB@HGT | relative altitude from surface from WRF
wssturb | turbulence | wss | Wind speed turbulence |
zg | WRFght | PH@PHB | Geopotential height |
zmla | WRFzmlagen | T@QVAPOR@WRFgeop@HGT | PBL height following a generic method |