MODULE module_DistriCorrection ! Modules for modIFication of a Ditribution USE module_definitions USE module_generic USE module_scientific CONTAINS !!!!!!! Subroutines ! randLowRemovePercent_HighEqui: Method to re-distribute from lower tail of thedistribution to the ! higher one following percentages preserving total amount. SUBROUTINE randLowRemovePercent_HighEqui3D(d1, d2, d3, dist, drng, rangeVals, dpercen, PercentRange, & KindRemove, Nquants, Hquant, RepvalS, fillValue, dbg, newdist, redistributed, rngamount, & Habovequant, aboveind) ! Method to re-distribute from lower tail of thedistribution to the higher one following percentages ! preserving total amount. This method, removes values from the lower end of the distribution and ! equi-distribute the total amount on a percentile on the high end IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: d1, d2, d3, drng, dpercen, Nquants REAL(r_k), INTENT(in) :: Hquant, fillValue REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(d1,d2,d3), INTENT(in) :: dist REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(drng), INTENT(in) :: rangeVals REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(dpercen), INTENT(in) :: PercentRange CHARACTER(len=50), INTENT(in) :: KindRemove, RepvalS LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: dbg REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(d1,d2,d3), INTENT(out) :: newdist REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(d1,d2,drng), INTENT(out) :: rngamount INTEGER, DIMENSION(d1,d2,d3), INTENT(out) :: redistributed, aboveind REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(d1,d2), INTENT(out) :: Habovequant ! Local INTEGER :: i, j, iv, ir, irm, ind, ia INTEGER :: ierr INTEGER :: irg, erg INTEGER :: iHquant INTEGER :: Nvals, Nrngvals, Nrmvals, Nredis, Nrmprev INTEGER :: NaboveHquants INTEGER, DIMENSION(d3) :: distind REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(d3) :: varvals REAL(r_k), DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: varvalues, quants, newquants REAL(r_k) :: one, zero REAL(r_k) :: ndist, xdist, meandist REAL(r_k) :: Repval, leakvals REAL(r_k) :: iamount, initial_amount, eamount REAL(r_k) :: TOTamount, dTOTamount INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rngind, rmind CHARACTER(len=4) :: IS1, IS2 CHARACTER(len=50) :: spc, RS1 CHARACTER(len=50) :: fname CHARACTER(len=1000) :: vectorS1, vectorS2, bspc LOGICAL, DIMENSION(d3) :: search1, search2, search CHARACTER(len=256) :: msg !!!!!!! Variables ! d[1/2/3]: size of the values to treat ! dist: values to re-distribute ! drng: number of ranges provided ! rangeVals: ',' values from which establish the ranges of removals ! dpercen: number of percentages provided ! PercentRange: ',' percentages of removing to apply to each range (one value less than [rangeVals]) ! KindRemove: kind of methodology to select which values to remove ! 'rand': randomly selection within the correspondent range ! Nquants: quantity of percentiles to compute ! Hquant: percentile of the distribution of values above which total removed amount will be equi-distributed ! RepvalS: replacing value to be assigned at the removed values ! 'min': initial minimal value of the distribution ! 'mean': initial mean value of the distribution ! '[value]': any given value otherwise ! fillValue: missing value ! ! Outcome: ! newdist: Values of the new distribution ! redistributed: List of positions changed for each range ! rngamount: Amount re-distributed from each range ! Habovequant: value from which the amount is distributed ! aboveind: Indices of the values which received the distributed amount fname = 'randLowRemovePercent_HighEqui' spc = ' ' bspc = Nstrings(spc,4) one = 1. zero = 0. IF (dbg) PRINT *," Re-aranging distribution of ", d3," values following '"//TRIM(fname)//"' method" ! Checking for the right amount of ranges and percentages IF (dpercen /= drng - 1) THEN WRITE(IS1,'(I4)')drng WRITE(IS2,'(I4)')dpercen vectorS1 = vectorR_KS(dpercen, PercentRange) vectorS2 = vectorR_KS(drng, rangeVals) msg = 'provided number of percentages: ' // TRIM(vectorS1) // ' (' // TRIM(IS2) // & ') does not fit for: ' // TRIM(IS1) // 'ranges:' // TRIM(vectorS2) CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, -1) END IF IF (dbg) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // 'Ranges modIFication _______' DO ir=1, drng-1 WRITE(RS1,'(F5.2)')PercentRange(ir)*100 PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' ' // TRIM(RS1) // ' % of (', rangeVals(ir), ',', rangeVals(ir+1), ']' END DO END IF IF (ALLOCATED(quants)) DEALLOCATE(quants) ALLOCATE(quants(Nquants+1), STAT=ierr) msg = "Problem allocating 'quants'" CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, ierr) ! Checking for the upper-quantile quants = RangeR_K(Nquants+1, zeroRK, 100.*oneRK) iHquant = Index1DArrayR_K(quants, Nquants+1, hquant*100.*oneRK) IF (iHquant == -1) THEN WRITE(RS1,'(F50.10)')hquant*100. WRITE(IS1,'(I4)')Nquants vectorS1 = vectorR_KS(Nquants+1, quants) msg = 'provided high percentile ' // TRIM(RS1) // ' does not fit with ' // TRIM(IS1) // & ' quantiles: ' // TRIM(vectorS1) CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, iHquant) END IF IF (dbg) PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // 'To be added above:', quants(iHquant), ' [', iHquant, '] percentile' ! getting the right replacing value SELECT CASE (TRIM(repvalS)) CASE ('min') repval = ndist CASE ('mean') repval = meandist CASE DEFAULT READ(RepvalS,'(F50.25)', IOSTAT=ierr)Repval msg = "For not 'min' or 'mean', a value is required as RepValS" // CHAR(10) // " provided: '" //& TRIM(RepvalS) // "'" CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, ierr) END SELECT ! Future new distribution newdist = dist ! Total amounts for each range rngamount = zero ! Distribution indices distind = rangeI(d3,1,d3) ! Initialization of indices redistributed = -1 aboveind = -1 !! Looping on all dimensions DO i=1, d1 DO j=1, d2 varvals = dist(i,j,:) search = (varvals == fillValue) Nvals = COUNT( doingnothing: IF (Nvals == 0) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(infomsg) PRINT *,' ' // TRIM(fname) // ': all missed values for point:', i,', ',j, '!!' newdist(i,j,:) = dist(i,j,:) CYCLE ELSE IF (ALLOCATED(varvalues)) DEALLOCATE(varvalues) ALLOCATE(varvalues(Nvals)) varvalues = PACK(varvals, ! Amount of previous indices removed Nrmprev = 0 ndist = MINVAL(varvalues) xdist = MAXVAL(varvalues) meandist = SUM(varvalues)/(d3*one) IF (xdist < rangeVals(drng)) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(infomsg) PRINT *,' ' // TRIM(fname) // ': all values for point:', i,', ',j, ' are below ' // & 'ranges upper-end:', rangeVals(drng), ' !!' newdist(i,j,:) = dist(i,j,:) CYCLE END IF CALL quantilesR_K(d3, varvalues, Nquants+1, quants) iamount = SUM(varvalues) initial_amount = iamount + 0. IF (dbg) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // 'values _______' PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' initial total amount:', iamount PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' min:', ndist, 'max:', xdist, 'mean:', meandist PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' quantiles:' CALL PrintQuantilesR_K(d3, varvalues, Nquants+1, quants, Nstrings(spc,6)) END IF IF (dbg) THEN PRINT *, TRIM(bspc) // 'Loooping ranges _______' END IF bspc = Nstrings(spc,6) ! Getting total amount to remove and remove it from the value TOTamount = zero ranges: DO ir=1, drng-1 irg = ir erg = ir + 1 IF (dbg) THEN WRITE(RS1, '(F6.2)')PercentRange(ir)*100 PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // '* re-aranging ' // TRIM(RS1) // ' % of interval (', rangeVals(irg), ', ', & rangeVals(erg), ']' END IF ! Searching the indices WHERE (varvalues > rangeVals(irg)) search1 = .TRUE. ELSEWHERE search1 = .FALSE. END WHERE WHERE (varvalues <= rangeVals(erg)) search2 = .TRUE. ELSEWHERE search2 = .FALSE. END WHERE WHERE (search1 .AND. search2) search = .TRUE. ELSEWHERE search = .FALSE. END WHERE ! Values within the range Nrngvals = COUNT(search) IF (ALLOCATED(rngind)) DEALLOCATE(rngind) ALLOCATE(rngind(Nrngvals), STAT=ierr) msg = "Problem allocating 'rngind'" CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, ierr) irm = 1 DO iv=1, d3 IF (search(iv)) THEN rngind(irm) = iv irm = irm + 1 END IF END DO ! Number of values to remove Nrmvals = INT(Nrngvals*PercentRange(ir)) IF (Nrmvals < 2) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(warnmsg) PRINT *,' ' // TRIM(fname) // ': very few values to remove:', Nrmvals, ' !!' PRINT *,' for '//TRiM(RS1)//' % of interval (', rangeVals(irg), ',', rangeVals(erg), ']' END IF ! Indices to remove IF (ALLOCATED(rmind)) DEALLOCATE(rmind) ALLOCATE(rmind(Nrmvals), STAT=ierr) msg = "Problem allocating 'rmind'" CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, ierr) ! Removing kind Kremove: SELECT CASE (TRIM(KindRemove)) CASE ('rand') CALL rand_sample(Nrngvals, Nrmvals, rmind) CASE DEFAULT msg = "Removing kind '" // TRIM(KindRemove) // "' not ready" // CHAR(10) // & "Available ones: 'rand'" CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, -1) END SELECT Kremove leakvals = zero DO irm=1, Nrmvals ind = rngind(rmind(irm)) ! keeping the indices of the redistributed data redistributed(i,j,Nrmprev+irm) = ind rngamount(i,j,ir) = rngamount(i,j,ir) + (varvalues(ind) - repval) ! Keeping track of what is lost or gain during the transformation (for repval /= 0.) leakvals = leakvals + (repval - varvalues(ind)) newdist(i,j,ind) = repval END DO TOTamount = TOTamount + rngamount(i,j,ir) IF (dbg) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' removing:', Nrmvals, 'values from:', Nrngvals PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' from indices:', rngind, 're-distributing:', rngind(rmind(1:Nrmvals)) PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' total amount to remove:', TOTamount END IF Nrmprev = Nrmprev + Nrmvals END DO ranges NonullRM: IF (TOTamount /= zero) THEN ! Equi-distributing the TOTamount on values >= hquant Habovequant(i,j) = quants(iHquant) IF (Habovequant(i,j) < rangeVals(drng)) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(infomsg) PRINT *,' point:', i,', ',j,' has a High-quantile:', quants(iHquant), ' smaller' // & ' than upper limit of ranges:', rangeVals(drng), '!!' !PRINT *,' Trying to re-distribute on all the values above:', rangeVals(drng) Habovequant(i,j) = oneRK ! Searching the indices !WHERE (varvalues >= rangeVals(drng)) WHERE (varvalues > oneRK) search = .TRUE. ELSEWHERE search = .FALSE. END WHERE PRINT *,' Re-distribute ', TOTamount, ' on', COUNT(search),' values above:', oneRK ELSE ! Searching the indices WHERE (varvalues >= Habovequant(i,j)) search = .TRUE. ELSEWHERE search = .FALSE. END WHERE END IF ! Quantity to add at each above quantile NaboveHquants = COUNT(search) dTOTamount = TOTamount / NaboveHquants IF (dbg) THEN PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // 'incrementing:', NaboveHquants, 'values above:', Habovequant(i,j), & ' by', dTOTamount PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' replacing value:', repval END IF irm = 1 DO iv=1, d3 IF (search(iv)) THEN aboveind(i,j,irm) = iv newdist(i,j,iv) = varvalues(iv) + dTOTamount irm = irm + 1 END IF END DO ! Final total amount of the new distribution eamount = SUM(newdist(i,j,:)) IF (dbg) THEN Nredis = COUNT(redistributed(i,j,:) /= -1) PRINT *,TRIM(bspc), Nredis, 'Values removed from ranges ________' DO ia=1, Nredis ind = redistributed(i,j,ia) PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' ', ia, ' prev:', varvalues(ind), 'new:', newdist(i,j,ind) END DO PRINT *,TRIM(bspc), NaboveHquants, 'Values above ________' DO ia=1, NaboveHquants ind = aboveind(i,j,ia) PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' ', ia, 'prev:', varvalues(ind), 'new:', newdist(i,j,ind) END DO END IF ! Check IF (ABS(iamount - eamount) > 1.e-5) THEN PRINT *, warnmsg PRINT *,' ' // TRIM(fname) // ': final quantity:', eamount, ' &', iamount, ' does not' // & ' fit: abs(iamount - eamount) > 1.e-5:', abs(iamount-eamount), ' TOTamount:', TOTamount STOP END IF IF (dbg) THEN varvalues = newdist(i,j,:) ndist = MINVAL(varvalues) xdist = MAXVAL(varvalues) meandist = SUM(varvalues)/(d3*one) IF (ALLOCATED(newquants)) DEALLOCATE(newquants) ALLOCATE(newquants(Nquants+1), STAT=ierr) msg = "Problem allocating 'newquants'" CALL ErrMsg(msg, fname, ierr) CALL quantilesR_K(d3, varvalues, Nquants+1, newquants) PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' new distribution values _______' PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' final total amount:', eamount PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' min:', ndist, 'max:', xdist, 'mean:', meandist PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' initial quantiles:' CALL PrintQuantilesR_K(20, varvalues, Nquants+1, quants, Nstrings(spc,8)) PRINT *,TRIM(bspc) // ' new quantiles:' CALL PrintQuantilesR_K(20, varvalues, Nquants+1, newquants, Nstrings(spc,8)) !STOP END IF ELSE PRINT *,TRIM(warnmsg) PRINT *,' ' // TRIM(fname) // ': Any value has been removed !!' Habovequant(i,j) = zero END IF NonullRM END IF doingnothing END DO PRINT *,' ' // TRIM(fname) // ': done', i, ' of', d1 END DO IF (ALLOCATED(varvalues)) DEALLOCATE(varvalues) IF (ALLOCATED(rngind)) DEALLOCATE(rngind) IF (ALLOCATED(rmind)) DEALLOCATE(rmind) IF (ALLOCATED(quants)) DEALLOCATE(quants) IF (ALLOCATED(newquants)) DEALLOCATE(newquants) RETURN END SUBROUTINE randLowRemovePercent_HighEqui3D END MODULE module_DistriCorrection