** WRFmeas: Introducing real measurements in WRF ** L. Fita, LMD. May 2013 more details in http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lflmd/WRFmeas With the new set of observations taking place in the HyMeX (http://www.hymex.org) experiment, (including lidar, iso-baric-baloons, flights...), a new way to validate WRF runs is open. These measurements used to be a very high temporal resolutions (seconds) with very specific characteristics. Thus, in the scope of the REMEMBER (http://climserv.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/hymex-remember) project and keeping in mind the HyMeX observational data-set WRFmeas, has been designed. Basically it envisages a way to introduce the necesary modifications in the WRF model in order to retrieve from model runs a similar observational data-set as if the measurement was tacking in real inside the simulation domain. * LIDAR A series of modules have been created in order to obatin a lidar output in the model. Mostly, all the vertical profile of a series of values at each time-step in a given grid point (closest to the station). It works similar as in the time-series capabilities. With an external ASCII file, user defines the locations and names of the station. Model will output and independent ASCII file for each station - lidarlist: ASCII file with the name and location of the stations (exactly as 'tslist') #-----------------------------------------------# # 24 characters for name | pfx | LAT | LON | #-----------------------------------------------# Athens ath 37.964 23.736 Rome rom 41.872 12.486 Girona gir 41.985 2.832 - Variables: height, pressure, x-wind direction, y-wind direction, z-wind direction, potential temperature, water vapor mixing ratio, cloud mixing ratio, rain mixing ratio, snow mixing ratio, hail mixing ratio, ice mixing ratio, graupel mixing ratio, air density, cloud fraction - Modifcations of WRF code: All the modifcations are contained in this tar file (WRF v3.3): WRFmeas_lidar.tar.gz. To compile it, decompress, and compile with the precompilation flag (in the configure.wrf file, after -DNETCDF) -DWRFMEAS - Output in files [pfx].LIDAR.d[nn]: [stname] [iddom] [idst] [pfx] ( [real lat], [real lon]) ( [x-grid point], [y-grid point]) ( [WRF lat], [WRF lon]) [WRF elevation] meters. simulation start time: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]_[HH]:[MI]:[SS] new_time [iddom] [time since simulation start (h)] [stid] [xgrid] [ygrid] [psfc] [rainc] [rainnc] [tot dry mas] k z [m] p [hPa] u [ms-1] v [ms-1] w [ms-1] t_pot [k] qv [kgkg-1] qc [kgkg-1] qr [kgkg-1] qs [kgkg-1] qh [kgkg-1] qi [kgkg-1] qg [kgkg-1] dens [kg m-3] cldfra [1] __________ [z level] [height] [pressure] [x-wind direction] [y-wind direction] [z-wind direction] [potential temperature] [water vapor mixing ratio] [cloud mixing ratio] [rain mixing ratio] [snow mixing ratio] [hail mixing ratio] [ice mixing ratio] [graupel mixing ratio] [air density] [cloud fraction] (...) [z_maxlevel] [height] [pressure] [x-wind direction] [y-wind direction] [z-wind direction] [potential temperature] [water vapor mixing ratio] [cloud mixing ratio] [rain mixing ratio] [snow mixing ratio] [hail mixing ratio] [ice mixing ratio] [graupel mixing ratio] [air density] [cloud fraction] new_time [iddom] [time since simulation start (h)] [stid] [xgrid] [ygrid] [psfc] [rainc] [rainnc] [tot dry mas] k z [m] p [hPa] u [ms-1] v [ms-1] w [ms-1] t_pot [k] qv [kgkg-1] qc [kgkg-1] qr [kgkg-1] qs [kgkg-1] qh [kgkg-1] qi [kgkg-1] qg [kgkg-1] dens [kg m-3] cldfra [1] __________ (...) - utils: > LIDAR_ASCII_netCDF.py: Python to create a netCDF with all the ASCII content > plot_lidar.py: Python to plot the values from the netCDF file > nc_var_tools.py: python suit of netCDF utilities > drawing_tools.py: python suit of plotting utilities