Plotting river basins with their discharge vector and basins id (from '' - ORCHIDEE routing output)
draw_basins(ncfile, values)
values= [lonlatbox]:[mapres]:[colorbarvals]:[xtrmbasin]:[mapdraw]:[veclength]:[plotcountry]:[basinidn]:
[lonlatbox]= [lonSW],[lonNE],[latSW],[latNE] coordinates of the lon/lat box
[mapres]= resolution of the mapping information to lon/lat
* 'c': cure
* 'l': low
* 'i': intermediate
* 'h': high
* 'f': full
[colorbarvals] = [cbarname],[fmtcolorbar],[orientation]
[cbarname]: colorbar name for the colors
[fmtcolorbar]: format of the numbers in the color bar 'C'-like ('auto' for %6g)
[orientation]: orientation of the colorbar ('vertical' (default, by 'auto', 'horizontal')
[xtrmbasin]= [minbasin],[maxbasin] minimum and maximum basin numbers to define color range
[mapdraw]= whether to draw the map (and project the data) or not ('True/False')
[plotcountry]= whether country lines should be plotted or not ('True/False')
[plotbasinid]= whether id of the basins should be plotted or not ('True/False')
[gtit]= title of the graph ('|', for spaces)
[kindfig]= kind of figure
[figuren]= name of the figure
[closefig]= whether figure should be closed or not
ncfile= file to use
$ python ${pyHOME}/ -o draw_basins -f -S '-5,5,42.,52.:l:rainbow,auto,auto:1,1000:True:True:True:ORCDHIEE|river-basins:png:basins_named:True' -v nav_lon,nav_lat,trip,basins