Taylor Diagram
Plotting a Taylor Diagram

After a script from `Yannick Copin'
draw_Taylor(ncfile, values, varn)
From script:
# Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.

Taylor diagram (Taylor, 2001) test implementation.


__version__ = "Time-stamp: <2012-02-17 20:59:35 ycopin>"
__author__ = "Yannick Copin "

ncfile= ',' list of netCDF file and vartiable to use ([ncfile1]@[var1], [...[nmcvileN]@[varN]])
   [reflabel]: label of the reference values in the graph
   [mark]: ',' list of kind of markers (single value for the same for all values)
   [col]: ',' list of color of markers (single value for the same for all values)
   [size]: ',' list of sizes of markers (single value for the same for all values)
   [labels]: ',' list of label of markers ('None' for without)
   [kindlabels]: kind of labels in plot
     'markfollow': on top of the mark of each pair of stddev, corr
     'legend',[loc],[charsize]: as a traditional legend and [loc] position [charsize] (size of labels, 'auto' for 12)
       1: 'upper right', 2: 'upper left', 3: 'lower left', 4: 'lower right',
       5: 'right', 6: 'center left', 7: 'center right', 8: 'lower center',
       9: 'upper center', 10: 'center'
   [taylorkind]: kind of Taylor plot
     'direct': direct values
     'norm': normalized to the stdandard deviation of reference
   [imgtit]: title of the image ('!' for spaces)
   [figkind]: kind of the figure
   [outputfile]: Whether is required to create a netcdf file with the information used in the Taylor diagram
   [close]: whether the figure has to be closed
varname= [refncfile],[refvn] name of the reference faile and name of the variables within to use as reference
$ python ${pyHOME}/drawing.py -o draw_Taylor -f 'file0.nc@var,file1.nc@var,file2.nc@var,file3.nc@var' -S '$10.\sin(0.05t2\pi)$:x:8:k,b,r,g,#FFBB00:$10.25\sin(0.025+0.05t2\pi)$,$10.25\sin(0.025+0.05125t2\pi)$,$10.5\sin(0.05+0.05t2\pi)$,$10.\sin(0.05+0.0525t2\pi)$:legend,0,8:norm:sinus!Taylor!diagram:png:yes:True' -v reffile.nc,var

Sinus files generated with sinus_files.py