Python script to compute diagnostics (new variables) from model outputs

diagnostics.py -f [file] -d [dimns] -v [varns]
  [file]= netCDF output file
  [dimns]=[dimtn]@[dtvn],[dimzn]@[dzvn],[...,[dimxn]@[dxvn]] ',' list with the couples [dimDn]@[dDvn], [dimDn], name of the dimension D and name of the variable [dDvn] with the values of the dimension
  [varns]=[varn1]|[var11]@[...[varN1]],[...,[varnM]|[var1M]@[...[varLM]]] ',' list of variables to compute [varnK] and its necessary ones [var1K]...[varPK] (separated by '|')

Available diagnostics (content of `diagnostics.inf'):
CF NameName in scriptvariablesdescription
bils WRFbils HFX@LHtotal heat surface flux from WRF
clt clt CLDFRAtotal cloud cover from WRF
cll cllmh CLDFRA@WRFplow-level (p > 660 hPa) cloudiness from WRF
clm cllmh CLDFRA@WRFpmid-level (660 < p > 440 hPa) cloudiness from WRF
clh cllmh CLDFRA@WRFphigh-level (p < 440 hPa) cloudiness from WRF
hur LMDZrh pres@t@rrelative humidity from LMDZ/DYNAMICO
hur WRFrh WRFrh@T@P@PBrelative humidity from WRF
hurs LMDZrhs psol@t2m@q2m2 m relative humidity from LMDZ/DYNAMICO
hurs TSrhs psfc@t@q2 m relative humidity from WRF's time-series files
hurs WRFrhs PSFC@T2@Q22 m relative humidity from WRF
p WRFp P@PBair pressure from WRF
pr RAINTOT RAINC@RAINNC@WRFtimeprecipitation flux from WRF
pracc ACRAINTOT RAINC@RAINNC@WRFtimeaccumulated precipitation from WRF
prc WRFprc deaccum@RAINC@XTIME@prcconvective precipitation flux from WRF
prls WRFprls deaccum@RAINNC@XTIME@prlslarge-scale precipitation flux from WRF
prw WRFprw WRFdens@QVAPORliquid water path from WRF
psl WRFmslp WRFp@PSFC@HGT@WRFt@QVAPORMean sea level pressure from WRF (following NCAR, C. Bruyé's 'pinterp')
rvor rvor U@Vaire relative vorticity from WRF
rvors WRFrvors U10@V10@WRFpos10 m aire relative vorticity from WRF
ta WRFt T@P@PBair temperature from WRF
td WRFtd WRFp@WRFt2@QVAPORair dew-point temperature from WRF
tds TStd psfc@t@q2m air dew-point temperature from WRF's time-series files
tds WRFtds PSFC@T2@Q22m air dew-point temperature from WRF
ua WRFua U@V@SINALPHA@COSALPHAeastward wind speed of air from WRF
va WRFva U@V@SINALPHA@COSALPHAnorthward wind speed of air from WRF
wa OMEGAw vitw@pres@tempvertical wind speed from LMDZ
wds TSwds u@vwind speed direction from WRF's time-series files
wds wds U10@V1010 m wind speed direction from WRF
ws ws U@Vair wind speed from WRF
wss wss U10@V1010m wind speed from WRF
wss wss u10m@v10m10m wind speed from LMDZ/DYNAMICO
wssturbturbulencewssWind speed turbulence (Taylor's wss*= < wss > - wss)
zgWRFghtPH@PHBGeopotential height from WRF
python diagnostics.py -f wrfout_d01_2001-11-11_00:00:00 -d 'Time@WRFtime,bottom_top@ZNU,south_north@XLAT,west_east@XLONG' -v 'clt|CLDFRA,cllmh|CLDFRA@WRFp'