Changeset 2664 in lmdz_wrf

Jul 12, 2019, 5:31:42 PM (6 years ago)

Sorting vectorial calculus operators

1 edited


  • trunk/tools/module_scientific.f90

    r2663 r2664  
    1818! coincident_polygon: Subroutine to provide the intersection polygon between two polygons
    1919! crossingpoints_polys: Subroutine to provide the crossing points between two polygons
    20 ! curl2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order curl of a 2D vectorial field
    21 ! curl2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered curl of a 2D vectorial field
    2220! distanceRK: Function to provide the distance between two points
    23 ! divergence2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order divergence of a 2D vectorial field
    24 ! divergence2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered divergence of a 2D vectorial field
    2521! FindMinimumR_K*: Function returns the location of the minimum in the section between Start and End.
    2622! fill3DI_2Dvec: Subroutine to fill a 3D integer matrix from a series of indices from a 2D matrix
    2723! fill3DR_2Dvec: Subroutine to fill a 3D float matrix from a series of indices from a 2D matrix
    28 ! gradient2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order gradient of a 2D field
    29 ! gradient3D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order gradient of a 3D field
    30 ! gradient2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered gradient of a 2D field
    3124! grid_within_polygon: Subroutine to determine which grid cells from a matrix lay inside a polygon
    3225! grid_spacepercen: Subroutine to compute the space-percentages of a series of grid cells (B) which lay inside another
    4437! intersection_2Dlines: Subroutine to provide the intersection point between two lines on the plane using Cramer's method
    4538! join_polygon: Subroutine to join two polygons
    46 ! lap2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order laplacian of a 2D vectorial field
    47 ! lap2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered laplacian of a 2D vectorial field
    4839! look_clockwise_borders: Subroutine to look clock-wise for a next point within a collection of borders
    4940!   (limits of a region)
    114105!! Vectorial calculus
     106! curl2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order curl of a 2D vectorial field
     107! curl2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered curl of a 2D vectorial field
    115108! deformation3D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order deformation of a 3D field
     109! divergence2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order divergence of a 2D vectorial field
     110! divergence2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered divergence of a 2D vectorial field
     111! gradient2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order gradient of a 2D field
    116112! gradient3D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order gradient of a 3D field
     113! gradient2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered gradient of a 2D field
     114! lap2D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order laplacian of a 2D vectorial field
     115! lap2D_c1o: Subroutine to compute the first order centered laplacian of a 2D vectorial field
    117116! matmodule3D: Subroutine to compute the module of a 3D matrix with 3 components
    118117! tilting3D_1o: Subroutine to compute the first order tilting of a 3D field
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