[Comchar]: which characters (':', list) can be used as comment inside the observations file
[DescFile?]: ASCII file with all the information of the observational data-set
[Endchar]: character of end of column
[obsFile]: observatinoal ASCII file with data in columns
[debugFlag]: boolean flag for debugging
[CFreftime],[CFunits]: reference and time-units to transform the date to CF convention
[obskind]: kind of observation, up to now:
'multi-points': multiple individual punctual obs (e.g., lightning strikes)
A new variale called 'obsmap' with the number of observations at a grid mesh of 100x100 will be added
'single-station': single station on a fixed position
'trajectory': following a trajectory
A new variale called 'obstrj' with the number of observations at a grid mesh of 100x100x100 will be
[stloc]: only with [obskind]='single-station', a ',' list of longitude,latitude,height will be used to
add new variables on the netCDF file with the given values ('lon','lat','height') or with 'st' header
if these variables already exist