Changeset 2228 in lmdz_wrf
- Timestamp:
- Nov 14, 2018, 9:08:39 PM (6 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r2227 r2228 14023 14023 >>> cyclevar_within(np.arange(12)+1, 12, 3, 5) 14024 14024 False 14025 >>> cyclevar_within(np.arange(12)+1, 12, 2, 2) 14026 True 14025 14027 """ 14026 14028 fname = 'cyclevar_within' … … 14036 14038 if eind < bind: 14037 14039 eind = eind + dcyc 14040 vind = vind + dcyc 14038 14041 14039 14042 if vind < bind: 14040 14043 vind = vind + dcyc 14041 14044 14042 if vind >= bind and vind < eind: within = True 14045 #print bind, '<=', vind, '<', eind 14046 14047 if vind >= bind and vind <= eind: within = True 14043 14048 else: within = False 14044 14049 14045 14050 return within 14046 14047 def time_slices(tv, tu, cal, per, amount, temp_desc):14048 """ Function to return temporal slices of a series of times for a given amount14049 of periods14050 tv: time vallues (CF format)14051 tu: CF time-units14052 cal: calendar14053 per: period14054 'year': full year [01/01 00:00:00 - 12/31 23:59:59]14055 'month': full months [01 00:00:00 - [31,30,28/29] 23:59:59]14056 'day': full days [00:00:00 - 23:59:59]14057 'hour': full hours [00:00 - 59:59]14058 'minute': full minutes [00 - 59]14059 'aggmonth': aggregation mulitple months:14060 yy1/[1,...,12]/01 00:00:00 - yym/[1,...,12]/01 00:00:0014061 'aggday': aggregation mulitple days:14062 yy1/mm1/[01,...,31,30,28/29] 00:00:00 - yym/mm1/[01,...,31,30,28/29] 00:00:0014063 'agghour': aggregation mulitple hours:14064 yy1/mm1/dd1 [00,...,23]:00:00 - yym/mmm/ddm [00,...,23]:59:5914065 amount: amount of periods14066 temp_desc: disctionary with the description of the time_steps (from14067 `temporal_desc' function))14068 """14069 import datetime as dt14070 fname = 'time_slices'14071 14072 availper = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'mmonth', 'mday', 'mhour']14073 14074 mattimes = CFtimesvar_datetime(tv, tu, cal)14075 14076 if type(tv) == type(np.arange(2)):14077 dimt = tv.shape[0]14078 elif type(tv) == type(range(2)):14079 dimt = len(tv)14080 else:14081 print errormsg14082 print ' ' + fname + ': time values type ', type(tv), 'not ready !!'14083 print ' available ones:', type(np.arange(1)), type(range(2))14084 quit(-1)14085 #print 'mat times _______'14086 #for it in range(dimt):14087 # print ' ',it, mattimes[it,:]14088 14089 # Beginning and Ending of time data14090 it = 014091 idate = dt.datetime(mattimes[it,0], mattimes[it,1], mattimes[it,2], \14092 mattimes[it,3], mattimes[it,4], mattimes[it,5])14093 it = dimt-114094 edate = dt.datetime(mattimes[it,0], mattimes[it,1], mattimes[it,2], \14095 mattimes[it,3], mattimes[it,4], mattimes[it,5])14096 14097 istats = mattimes[0,:]14098 estats = mattimes[dimt-1,:]14099 #print 'idate:', idate, 'edate:', edate14100 14101 # Getting the dates14102 if per == 'year':14103 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods14104 istats[1] = 114105 istats[2] = 114106 istats[3:5] = 014107 estats[0] = estats[0] + 114108 estats[1] = 114109 estats[2] = 114110 estats[3:5] = 014111 14112 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \14113 istats[5])14114 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \14115 estats[5])14116 14117 iper = 014118 # Getting statistics periods14119 stmatdates = {iper: [istats]}14120 # Single periods per stats14121 idate = istdate14122 imdate = istats.copy()14123 while idate < estdate:14124 iper = iper + 114125 imdate = imdate.copy()14126 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + amount14127 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\14128 imdate[5])14129 if idate < estdate: stmatdates[iper] = [imdate]14130 else: break14131 stmatdates[iper] = [imdate]14132 14133 elif per == 'month':14134 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods14135 istats[2] = 114136 istats[3:5] = 014137 estats[1] = estats[1]+114138 if estats[1] > 12:14139 estats[0] = estats[0] + 114140 estats[1] = 114141 estats[2] = 114142 estats[3:5] = 014143 14144 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \14145 istats[5])14146 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \14147 estats[5])14148 14149 iper = 014150 # Getting statistics periods14151 stmatdates = {iper: [istats]}14152 idate = istdate14153 imdate = istats.copy()14154 while idate < estdate:14155 iper = iper + 114156 imdate = imdate.copy()14157 imdate[1] = imdate[1] + amount14158 if imdate[1] > 12:14159 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + 114160 imdate[1] = 114161 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\14162 imdate[5])14163 if idate < estdate: stmatdates[iper] = [imdate]14164 else: break14165 stmatdates[iper] = [imdate]14166 14167 elif per == 'day':14168 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods14169 istats[3:5] = 014170 iper = 014171 estats[2] = estats[2]+114172 if estats[2] > dmon:14173 estats[1] = estats[1] + 114174 if estats[1] > 12:14175 estats[0] = estats[0] + 114176 estats[1] = 114177 estats[3:5] = 014178 14179 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \14180 istats[5])14181 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \14182 estats[5])14183 14184 iper = 014185 # Getting statistics periods14186 stmatdates = {iper: [istats]}14187 idate = istdate14188 imdate = istats.copy()14189 while idate < estdate:14190 iper = iper + 114191 imdate = imdate.copy()14192 dmon = days_month(imdate[0], imdate[1])14193 imdate[2] = imdate[2] + amount14194 if imdate[2] > dmon:14195 imdate[2] = imdate[2] - dmon14196 imdate[1] = imdate[1] + 114197 if imdate[1] > 12:14198 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + 114199 imdate[1] = 114200 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\14201 imdate[5])14202 if idate < estdate: stmatdates[iper] = [imdate]14203 else: break14204 stmatdates[iper] = [imdate]14205 14206 elif per == 'aggmonth':14207 if temp_desc is None:14208 print errormsg14209 print ' ' + fname + ": For '" + per + "' temporal description is required"14210 quit(-1)14211 14212 amount = 114213 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods14214 istats[2] = 114215 istats[3:5] = 014216 estats[1] = estats[1]+114217 if estats[1] > 12:14218 estats[0] = estats[0] + 114219 estats[1] = 114220 estats[2] = 114221 estats[3:5] = 014222 14223 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \14224 istats[5])14225 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \14226 estats[5])14227 14228 iper = 014229 # Getting statistics periods. We got 12 periods14230 stmatdates = {istats[1]: [istats]}14231 idate = istdate14232 imdate = istats.copy()14233 while idate < estdate:14234 imdate = imdate.copy()14235 imdate[1] = imdate[1] + amount14236 if imdate[1] > 12:14237 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + 114238 imdate[1] = 114239 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\14240 imdate[5])14241 if idate < estdate:14242 if stmatdates.has_key(imdate[1]):14243 vals = stmatdates[imdate[1]]14244 vals = vals + [imdate]14245 stmatdates[imdate[1]] = vals14246 else:14247 stmatdates[imdate[1]] = [imdate]14248 else: break14249 if stmatdates.has_key(imdate[1]):14250 vals = stmatdates[imdate[1]]14251 vals = vals + [imdate]14252 stmatdates[imdate[1]] = vals14253 else:14254 stmatdates[imdate[1]] = [imdate]14255 14256 else:14257 print errormsg14258 print ' ' + fname + ": period '" + per + "' not ready !!"14259 print ' available ones:', availper14260 quit(-1)14261 14262 # Getting the slices14263 ##14264 slices = []14265 14266 # Passing to CF-times14267 Srefdate0 = tu.split(' ')[2]14268 Sreftime0 = tu.split(' ')[3]14269 tunits = tu.split(' ')[0]14270 14271 if Srefdate0.find('/') != -1: Srdate = Srefdate0.replace('/', '')14272 elif Srefdate0.find('-') != -1: Srdate = Srefdate0.replace('-','')14273 else:14274 print errormsg14275 print ' ' + fname + ": I do not know how to create a [YYYY][MM][DD] " + \14276 "date with '" + Srefdate0 + "' !!"14277 print " expecting '/' or '-' splitting characters"14278 quit(-1)14279 14280 if Sreftime0.find(':') != -1: Srtime = Sreftime0.replace(':', '')14281 else:14282 print errormsg14283 print ' ' + fname + ": I do not know how to create a [HH][MI][SS] " + \14284 "date with '" + Sreftime0 + "' !!"14285 print " expecting ':' splitting character"14286 quit(-1)14287 14288 Srefdate = Srdate + Srtime14289 Nslices = len(stmatdates.keys())14290 stmdates = np.zeros((Nslices,6), #print ' dates slices ________'14292 if per[0:3] == 'agg':14293 Lper=len(per)14294 pern = len[3:Lper]14295 print ' ' + fname + ": slices as aggregations of '" + pern + "' !!"14296 else:14297 for islc in range(Nslices):14298 #print islc, ' ', stmatdates[islc]14299 stmdates[islc,:] = stmatdates[islc]14300 14301 # CF-standard format of the dates of the slices14302 cfstdates = realdatetime_CFcompilant(stmdates, Srefdate, tunits)14303 14304 Nslices = len(cfstdates)14305 itt = 014306 icfst = 014307 for it in range(dimt):14308 timeslice = [itt,itt,1]14309 timeslice[1] = it14310 icfstup = np.min([icfst+1, Nslices-1])14311 if not(tv[it] >= cfstdates[icfst] and tv[it] < cfstdates[icfstup]):14312 slices.append(timeslice)14313 itt = it14314 icfst = icfst + 114315 slices.append(timeslice)14316 14317 Nslices = len(slices)14318 print infmsg14319 print ' ' + fname + ' slices _______'14320 for isl in range(Nslices-1):14321 print ' ', isl, stmatdates[isl], stmatdates[isl+1], ':', slices[isl]14322 14323 return slices, Nslices14324 14325 tv = []14326 values = []14327 totT = 24.*60.14328 dT = 7.34514329 for it in range(0,10):14330 for itt in range(3):14331 tv.append(29*24*60.+it*totT+dT*itt)14332 #values.append((it*3+itt)*1.)14333 values.append(it*1.)14334 14335 #print 'tv:', tv14336 #print 'values:', values14337 14338 vals = np.array(values)14339 itdim = 014340 tu = 'minutes since 1949-12-01 00:00:00'14341 per = 'day'14342 calend = 'standard'14343 amount = 114344 14345 tdes = temporal_desc(tv, tu, calend)14346 14347 tslc, Ntslc = time_slices(tv, tu, calend, per, amount)14348 14349 #statn = 'mean'14350 #tstat = np.ones((Ntslc), dtype=np.float)14351 #for islc in range(Ntslc):14352 # timeslcv = tslc[islc]14353 # timeslc = [slice(timeslcv[0],timeslcv[1],timeslcv[2])]14354 # tvals = vals[tuple(timeslc)]14355 # if statn == 'min':14356 # tstat[islc] = np.min(tvals, axis=itdim)14357 # elif statn == 'max':14358 # tstat[islc] = np.max(tvals, axis=itdim)14359 # elif statn == 'mean':14360 # tstat[islc] = np.mean(tvals, axis=itdim)14361 # elif statn == 'mean2':14362 # tstat[islc] = np.mean(tvals**2, axis=itdim)14363 # elif statn == 'std':14364 # tstat[islc] = np.std(tvals, axis=itdim)14365 14366 # timeslc = tslc[islc]14367 # itime = tv[timeslc[0]]14368 # etime = tv[timeslc[1]]14369 # print islc, ':', itime, '-', etime, '<>', tvals, '=', tstat[islc]14370 #quit()14371 14051 14372 14052 def Latin_Greek(char): … … 14949 14629 else: 14950 14630 tvals = {'DJF':[12,1,2], 'MAM':[3,4,5], 'JJA':[6,7,8], 'SON':[9,10,11]} 14631 seasn = ['DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'] 14951 14632 months12 = np.arange(12)+1 14952 14633 for it in range(dimt): 14953 for tvv in tvals:14954 tvvv = tvals[ tvv]14634 for tvv in range(4): 14635 tvvv = tvals[seasn[tvv]] 14955 14636 iper = tvvv[0] 14956 14637 eper = tvvv[2] 14957 if cyclevar_within(months12, iper, eper, mattimes[it, itsec]):14638 if cyclevar_within(months12, iper, eper, mattimes[it,1]): 14958 14639 if tvsec.has_key(tvv): 14959 14640 vvv = tvsec[tvv] … … 14962 14643 vvv = [it] 14963 14644 tvsec[tvv] = vvv 14964 break 14645 break 14646 print it, 'Lluis:', mattimes[it,:], tvv, mattimes[it,1] 14647 14965 14648 temporal_desc[timesec]=tvsec 14966 14649 … … 14969 14652 return temporal_desc 14970 14653 14971 #quit() 14972 14973 14654 def time_slices(tv, tu, cal, per, amount, temp_desc): 14655 """ Function to return temporal slices of a series of times for a given amount 14656 of periods 14657 tv: time vallues (CF format) 14658 tu: CF time-units 14659 cal: calendar 14660 per: period 14661 'year': full year [01/01 00:00:00 - 12/31 23:59:59] 14662 'seas': full seasons 'DJF':[12,1,2], 'MAM':[3,4,5], 'JJA':[6,7,8], 14663 'SON':[9,10,11] from [startSEAS/01 00:00:00 - endSEAS/[30,29,27/28] 23:59:59] 14664 'month': full months [01 00:00:00 - [31,30,28/29] 23:59:59] 14665 'day': full days [00:00:00 - 23:59:59] 14666 'hour': full hours [00:00 - 59:59] 14667 'minute': full minutes [00 - 59] 14668 'aggmonth': aggregation mulitple months: 14669 yy1/[1,...,12]/01 00:00:00 - yym/[1,...,12]/01 00:00:00 14670 'aggday': aggregation mulitple days: 14671 yy1/mm1/[01,...,31,30,28/29] 00:00:00 - yym/mm1/[01,...,31,30,28/29] 00:00:00 14672 'agghour': aggregation mulitple hours: 14673 yy1/mm1/dd1 [00,...,23]:00:00 - yym/mmm/ddm [00,...,23]:59:59 14674 amount: amount of periods 14675 temp_desc: disctionary with the description of the time_steps (from 14676 `temporal_desc' function) 14677 """ 14678 import datetime as dt 14679 fname = 'time_slices' 14680 14681 seasons = {0:[12,1,2], 1:[3,4,5], 2:[6,7,8], 3:[9,10,11]} 14682 months12 = np.arange(12)+1 14683 14684 availper = ['year', 'season', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'aggseason', \ 14685 'aggmonth', 'aggday', 'agghour'] 14686 14687 if not searchInlist(availper, per): 14688 print errormsg 14689 print ' ' + fname + ": period '" + per + "' not ready !!" 14690 print ' available ones:', availper 14691 quit(-1) 14692 14693 14694 mattimes = CFtimesvar_datetime(tv, tu, cal) 14695 14696 if type(tv) == type(np.arange(2)): 14697 dimt = tv.shape[0] 14698 elif type(tv) == type(range(2)): 14699 dimt = len(tv) 14700 else: 14701 print errormsg 14702 print ' ' + fname + ': time values type ', type(tv), 'not ready !!' 14703 print ' available ones:', type(np.arange(1)), type(range(2)) 14704 quit(-1) 14705 #print 'mat times _______' 14706 #for it in range(dimt): 14707 # print ' ',it, mattimes[it,:] 14708 14709 # Beginning and Ending of time data 14710 it = 0 14711 idate = dt.datetime(mattimes[it,0], mattimes[it,1], mattimes[it,2], \ 14712 mattimes[it,3], mattimes[it,4], mattimes[it,5]) 14713 it = dimt-1 14714 edate = dt.datetime(mattimes[it,0], mattimes[it,1], mattimes[it,2], \ 14715 mattimes[it,3], mattimes[it,4], mattimes[it,5]) 14716 14717 istats = mattimes[0,:] 14718 estats = mattimes[dimt-1,:] 14719 #print 'idate:', idate, 'edate:', edate 14720 14721 # Getting the dates 14722 if per == 'year': 14723 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods 14724 istats[1] = 1 14725 istats[2] = 1 14726 istats[3:5] = 0 14727 estats[0] = estats[0] + 1 14728 estats[1] = 1 14729 estats[2] = 1 14730 estats[3:5] = 0 14731 14732 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \ 14733 istats[5]) 14734 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \ 14735 estats[5]) 14736 14737 iper = 0 14738 # Getting statistics periods 14739 stmatdates = {iper: [istats]} 14740 # Single periods per stats 14741 idate = istdate 14742 imdate = istats.copy() 14743 while idate < estdate: 14744 iper = iper + 1 14745 imdate = imdate.copy() 14746 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + amount 14747 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\ 14748 imdate[5]) 14749 if idate < estdate: stmatdates[iper] = [imdate] 14750 else: break 14751 stmatdates[iper] = [imdate] 14752 14753 elif per == 'season': 14754 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods 14755 istats[2] = 1 14756 istats[3:5] = 0 14757 for iseas in range(4): 14758 vseas = seasons[iseas] 14759 bseas = vseas[0] 14760 eseas = vseas[2] 14761 if cyclevar_within(months12, bseas, eseas, istats[1]): 14762 istats[1] = bseas 14763 14764 mone = estats[1] 14765 for iseas in range(4): 14766 vseas = seasons[iseas] 14767 bseas = vseas[0] 14768 eseas = vseas[2] 14769 if cyclevar_within(months12, bseas, eseas, estats[1]): 14770 estats[1] = bseas 14771 bereak 14772 # Checking if the end of season is on the following year... 14773 if bseas < mone: estats[0] = estats[0] + 1 14774 14775 estats[2] = days_month(estats[0],estats[1]) 14776 estats[3] = 23 14777 estats[4] = 59 14778 estats[5] = 59 14779 14780 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \ 14781 istats[5]) 14782 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \ 14783 estats[5]) 14784 14785 iper = 0 14786 stmatdates = {} 14787 # Getting statistics periods 14788 for iseas in range(4): 14789 vseas = seasons[iseas] 14790 bseas = vseas[0] 14791 eseas = vseas[2] 14792 if cyclevar_within(months12, bseas, eseas, istats[1]): 14793 lval = list(istats) 14794 stmatdates[iper] = lval 14795 break 14796 14797 # Single periods per stats 14798 idate = istdate 14799 imdate = istats.copy() 14800 while idate < estdate: 14801 iper = iper + 1 14802 imdate[1] = imdate[1] + 3 14803 if imdate[1] > 12: 14804 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + 1 14805 imdate[1] = imdate[1] - 12 14806 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\ 14807 imdate[5]) 14808 for iseas in range(4): 14809 vseas = seasons[iseas] 14810 bseas = vseas[0] 14811 eseas = vseas[2] 14812 if cyclevar_within(months12, bseas, eseas, imdate[1]): 14813 lval = list(imdate) 14814 stmatdates[iper] = lval 14815 break 14816 lval = list(imdate) 14817 stmatdates[iper] = lval 14818 printing_dictionary(stmatdates) 14819 14820 elif per == 'month': 14821 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods 14822 istats[2] = 1 14823 istats[3:5] = 0 14824 estats[1] = estats[1]+1 14825 if estats[1] > 12: 14826 estats[0] = estats[0] + 1 14827 estats[1] = 1 14828 estats[2] = 1 14829 estats[3:5] = 0 14830 14831 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \ 14832 istats[5]) 14833 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \ 14834 estats[5]) 14835 14836 iper = 0 14837 # Getting statistics periods 14838 stmatdates = {iper: [istats]} 14839 idate = istdate 14840 imdate = istats.copy() 14841 while idate < estdate: 14842 iper = iper + 1 14843 imdate = imdate.copy() 14844 imdate[1] = imdate[1] + amount 14845 if imdate[1] > 12: 14846 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + 1 14847 imdate[1] = 1 14848 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\ 14849 imdate[5]) 14850 if idate < estdate: stmatdates[iper] = [imdate] 14851 else: break 14852 stmatdates[iper] = [imdate] 14853 14854 elif per == 'day': 14855 # Arranging accordingly beginning/ending statistics periods 14856 istats[3:5] = 0 14857 iper = 0 14858 estats[2] = estats[2]+1 14859 dmon = days_month(estats[0], estats[1]) 14860 if estats[2] > dmon: 14861 estats[1] = estats[1] + 1 14862 if estats[1] > 12: 14863 estats[0] = estats[0] + 1 14864 estats[1] = 1 14865 estats[3:5] = 0 14866 14867 istdate = dt.datetime(istats[0], istats[1], istats[2], istats[3], istats[4], \ 14868 istats[5]) 14869 estdate = dt.datetime(estats[0], estats[1], estats[2], estats[3], estats[4], \ 14870 estats[5]) 14871 14872 iper = 0 14873 # Getting statistics periods 14874 stmatdates = {iper: [istats]} 14875 idate = istdate 14876 imdate = istats.copy() 14877 while idate < estdate: 14878 iper = iper + 1 14879 imdate = imdate.copy() 14880 dmon = days_month(imdate[0], imdate[1]) 14881 imdate[2] = imdate[2] + amount 14882 if imdate[2] > dmon: 14883 imdate[2] = imdate[2] - dmon 14884 imdate[1] = imdate[1] + 1 14885 if imdate[1] > 12: 14886 imdate[0] = imdate[0] + 1 14887 imdate[1] = 1 14888 idate= dt.datetime(imdate[0], imdate[1], imdate[2], imdate[3], imdate[4],\ 14889 imdate[5]) 14890 if idate < estdate: stmatdates[iper] = [imdate] 14891 else: break 14892 stmatdates[iper] = [imdate] 14893 14894 elif per[0:3] == 'agg': 14895 Lper = len(per) 14896 pern = per[3:Lper] 14897 print " " + fname + ": temporal '" + pern + "' aggregation statistics !" 14898 14899 # Getting the slices 14900 ## 14901 slices = [] 14902 14903 # Passing to CF-times 14904 Srefdate0 = tu.split(' ')[2] 14905 Sreftime0 = tu.split(' ')[3] 14906 tunits = tu.split(' ')[0] 14907 14908 if Srefdate0.find('/') != -1: Srdate = Srefdate0.replace('/', '') 14909 elif Srefdate0.find('-') != -1: Srdate = Srefdate0.replace('-','') 14910 else: 14911 print errormsg 14912 print ' ' + fname + ": I do not know how to create a [YYYY][MM][DD] " + \ 14913 "date with '" + Srefdate0 + "' !!" 14914 print " expecting '/' or '-' splitting characters" 14915 quit(-1) 14916 14917 if Sreftime0.find(':') != -1: Srtime = Sreftime0.replace(':', '') 14918 else: 14919 print errormsg 14920 print ' ' + fname + ": I do not know how to create a [HH][MI][SS] " + \ 14921 "date with '" + Sreftime0 + "' !!" 14922 print " expecting ':' splitting character" 14923 quit(-1) 14924 14925 Srefdate = Srdate + Srtime 14926 #print ' dates slices ________' 14927 if per[0:3] == 'agg': 14928 Lper=len(per) 14929 pern = per[3:Lper] 14930 vtemp_desc = temp_desc[pern] 14931 print vtemp_desc 14932 vvtdesc = list(vtemp_desc.keys()) 14933 vvtdesc.sort() 14934 14935 Nslices = len(vtemp_desc) 14936 slices = [] 14937 for islc in range(Nslices): 14938 vvtemp_desc = vtemp_desc[vvtdesc[islc]] 14939 print 'islc,', islc, 'vtemp:', vvtemp_desc 14940 Ltt = len(vvtemp_desc) 14941 slices.append(vvtemp_desc) 14942 14943 else: 14944 Nslices = len(stmatdates.keys()) 14945 stmdates = np.zeros((Nslices,6), 14946 for islc in range(Nslices): 14947 lval = stmatdates[islc] 14948 stmdates[islc,:] = np.array(lval) 14949 14950 # CF-standard format of the dates of the slices 14951 cfstdates = realdatetime_CFcompilant(stmdates, Srefdate, tunits) 14952 14953 Nslices = len(cfstdates) 14954 itt = 0 14955 icfst = 0 14956 for it in range(dimt): 14957 timeslice = [itt,itt,1] 14958 timeslice[1] = it 14959 icfstup = np.min([icfst+1, Nslices-1]) 14960 if not(tv[it] >= cfstdates[icfst] and tv[it] < cfstdates[icfstup]): 14961 slices.append(timeslice) 14962 itt = it 14963 icfst = icfst + 1 14964 slices.append(timeslice) 14965 14966 Nslices = len(slices) 14967 print infmsg 14968 print ' ' + fname + ':', Nslices, ' slices _______' 14969 for isl in range(Nslices-1): 14970 print ' ', isl, stmatdates[isl], stmatdates[isl+1], ':', slices[isl] 14971 print ' ', isl+1, stmatdates[isl+1], stmatdates[isl+2], ':', slices[isl+1] 14972 14973 return slices, Nslices 14974 14975 tv = [] 14976 values = [] 14977 totT = 24. 14978 dT = 7.345 14979 iTT = 29. 14980 for it in range(0,10): 14981 for itt in range(3): 14982 tv.append(iTT+it*totT+dT*itt) 14983 #values.append((it*3+itt)*1.) 14984 values.append(it*1.) 14985 14986 print 'tv:', tv 14987 print 'values:', values 14988 14989 vals = np.array(values) 14990 itdim = 0 14991 tu = 'days since 1949-12-01 00:00:00' 14992 per = 'aggseason' 14993 calend = 'standard' 14994 amount = 1 14995 14996 tdes = temporal_desc(tv, tu, calend) 14997 14998 tslc, Ntslc = time_slices(tv, tu, calend, per, amount, tdes) 14999 15000 statn = 'mean' 15001 tstat = np.ones((Ntslc), dtype=np.float) 15002 for islc in range(Ntslc): 15003 timeslcv = tslc[islc] 15004 if per[0:3] != 'agg': 15005 timeslc = [slice(timeslcv[0],timeslcv[1],timeslcv[2])] 15006 tvals = vals[tuple(timeslc)] 15007 else: 15008 newshape = list(vals.shape) 15009 aggslc = tslc[islc] 15010 NNtslc = len(aggslc) 15011 newshape[itdim] = NNtslc 15012 tvals = np.zeros(tuple(newshape), dtype=vals.dtype) 15013 origshape = list(vals.shape) 15014 iishape = list(vals.shape) 15015 for iislc in range(NNtslc): 15016 origshape[itdim] = aggslc[iislc] 15017 iishape[itdim] = iislc 15018 print iislc, ':', iishape, '<>', origshape 15019 tvals[tuple(iishape)] = vals[tuple(origshape)] 15020 15021 if statn == 'min': 15022 tstat[islc] = np.min(tvals, axis=itdim) 15023 elif statn == 'max': 15024 tstat[islc] = np.max(tvals, axis=itdim) 15025 elif statn == 'mean': 15026 tstat[islc] = np.mean(tvals, axis=itdim) 15027 elif statn == 'mean2': 15028 tstat[islc] = np.mean(tvals**2, axis=itdim) 15029 elif statn == 'std': 15030 tstat[islc] = np.std(tvals, axis=itdim) 15031 15032 timeslc = tslc[islc] 15033 itime = tv[timeslc[0]] 15034 etime = tv[timeslc[1]] 15035 print islc, ':', itime, '-', etime, '<>', tvals, '=', tstat[islc] 15036 quit() 15037 15038
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.