Changeset 2047 in lmdz_wrf

Aug 7, 2018, 6:49:58 PM (7 years ago)

Adding units to that convective index without them

1 edited


  • trunk/tools/variables_values.dat

    r1981 r2047  
    1313a_tht, ath, total_thermal_plume_cover, 0., 1., total|column|thermal|plume|cover, 1, YlGnBu, $ath$, ath
    1414LA_THT, ath, total_thermal_plume_cover, 0., 1., total|column|thermal|plume|cover, 1, YlGnBu, $ath$, ath
    15 brich, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, XXXX, Blues, $brich$, brich
    16 Bulk Richardson Number, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, XXXX, Blues, $brich$, brich
    17 brich_capv, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, XXXX, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv
    18 Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, XXXX, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv
     15brich, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, -, Blues, $brich$, brich
     16Bulk Richardson Number, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, -, Blues, $brich$, brich
     17brich_capv, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, -, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv
     18Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, -, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv
    1919qnai, qnai, aerosol_ice_friendly, 0., 3., ice-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, BuPu, $q_{nai}$, q_nai
    2020QNIFA, qnai, aerosol_ice_friendly, 0., 3., ice-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, BuPu, $q_{nai}$, q_nai
    9090ptconv, cpt, convective_point, 0., 1., convective|point, 1, seismic, $cpt$, cpt
    9191LPTCONV, cpt, convective_point, 0., 1., convective|point, 1, seismic, $cpt$, cpt
    92 crosstotalsi, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti
    93 Cross totals index, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti
     92crosstotalsi, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, C, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti
     93Cross totals index, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, C, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti
    9494dens, dens, air_density, 0., 5., density|of|the|air, kgm-3, Spectral, $\rho$, rho
    9595WRFdens, dens, air_density, 0., 5., density|of|the|air, kgm-3, Spectral, $\rho$, rho
    243243i, i, iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi
    244244QICE, i, iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi
    245 ki, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, XXXXX, Reds, $Ki$, Ki
    246 K index, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, XXXXX, Reds, $Ki$, Ki
     245ki, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, C, Reds, $Ki$, Ki
     246K index, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, C, Reds, $Ki$, Ki
    247247lai, lai, lai, 0., 8., Leaf|Area|Index, -, Greens, $lai$, lai
    248248LAI, lai, lai, 0., 8., Leaf|Area|Index, -, Greens, $lai$, lai
    448448SUND, sund, duration_of_sunshine, 0., 1440., Duration|of|Sunshine, minute, Reds, $sund$, sund
    449449SUNSHINE, sund, duration_of_sunshine, 0., 1440., Duration|of|Sunshine, minute, Reds, $sund$, sund
    450 shoi, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, XXX, Reds, $shoi$, shoi
    451 Showalter index, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, XXX, Reds, $shoi$, shoi
     450shoi, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, -, Reds, $shoi$, shoi
     451Showalter index, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, -, Reds, $shoi$, shoi
    452452swi, swi, sweat_index, -20., 20., sweat|index, -, Sesimic, $swi$, swi
    453453SWEAT index, swi, sweat_index, -20., 20., sweat|index, -, Sesimic, $swi$, swi
    502502s_pblt, tmla, atmosphere_top_boundary_layer_temperature, 250., 330., atmosphere|top|boundary|layer|temperature, K, Reds, $ta^{zmla}$, tazmla
    503503LS_PBLT, tmla, atmosphere_top_boundary_layer_temperature, 250., 330., atmosphere|top|boundary|layer|temperature, K, Reds, $ta^{zmla}$, tazmla
    504 tottotalsi, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti
    505 Totals totals index, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti
     504tottotalsi, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, C, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti
     505Totals totals index, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, C, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti
    506506ua, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua
    507507vitu, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua
    528528vaz, vaz, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind|at|z|value, ms-1, seismic, $vaz$, vaz
    529529vascurv, vas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $vas$, vas
    530 vertotalsi, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti
    531 Vertical totals index, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti
     530vertotalsi, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, C, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti
     531Vertical totals index, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, C, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti
    532532veget, veget, vegetation_type, 1, 13, type|of|plant|functional|type, 1, Reds, $veget$, veget
    533533fogvisblty, fogvisblty, fog_visibility, 0., 5000., visibility|inside|fog, km, Purples, $fogvisblty$, fogvisblty
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