Changeset 1940 in lmdz_wrf

Jul 17, 2018, 9:23:23 PM (7 years ago)


  • Variables from U. Wyoming souding data
1 edited


  • trunk/tools/variables_values.dat

    r1912 r1940  
    1313a_tht, ath, total_thermal_plume_cover, 0., 1., total|column|thermal|plume|cover, 1, YlGnBu, $ath$, ath
    1414LA_THT, ath, total_thermal_plume_cover, 0., 1., total|column|thermal|plume|cover, 1, YlGnBu, $ath$, ath
     15brich, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, XXXX, Blues, $brich$, brich
     16Bulk Richardson Number, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, XXXX, Blues, $brich$, brich
     17brich_capv, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, XXXX, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv
     18Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, XXXX, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv
    1519qnai, qnai, aerosol_ice_friendly, 0., 3., ice-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, BuPu, $q_{nai}$, q_nai
    1620QNIFA, qnai, aerosol_ice_friendly, 0., 3., ice-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, BuPu, $q_{nai}$, q_nai
    2933OLIQ, c, condensed_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 3.e-4, condensed|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qc$, qc
    3034cape, cape, convective_available_potential_energy, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy, Jkg-1, Reds, $cape$, cape
     35Convective Available Potential Energy, cape, convective_available_potential_energy, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy, Jkg-1, Reds, $cape$, cape
     36capetv, capetv, convective_available_potential_energy_tv, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Reds, $capetv$, capetv
     37CAPE using virtual temperature, capetv, convective_available_potential_energy_tv, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Reds, $capetv$, capetv
    3138cdrag, cdrag, cdrag, 0., 0.01, drag|coefficient|for|LW|and|SH, '-', rainbow, $C_{D}$, CD
    3239ci, ci, cloud_iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi
    3441LIWCON, ci, cloud_iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi
    3542cin, cin, convective_inhibition, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition, Jkg-1, Greens, $cin$, cin
     43Convective Inhibition, cin, convective_inhibition, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition, Jkg-1, Greens, $cin$, cin
     44cintv, cintv, convective_inhibition_tv, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Greens, $cintv$, cintv
     45CINS using virtual temperature, cintv, convective_inhibition_tv, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Greens, $cintv$, cintv
    3646cl, cl, cloud_liquidwater_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|liquid|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Blues, $ql$, ql
    3747lwcon, cl, cloud_liquidwater_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|liquid|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Blues, $ql$, ql
    8090ptconv, cpt, convective_point, 0., 1., convective|point, 1, seismic, $cpt$, cpt
    8191LPTCONV, cpt, convective_point, 0., 1., convective|point, 1, seismic, $cpt$, cpt
     92crosstotalsi, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti
     93Cross totals index, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti
    8294dens, dens, air_density, 0., 5., density|of|the|air, kgm-3, Spectral, $\rho$, rho
    8395WRFdens, dens, air_density, 0., 5., density|of|the|air, kgm-3, Spectral, $\rho$, rho
    231243i, i, iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi
    232244QICE, i, iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi
     245ki, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, XXXXX, Reds, $Ki$, Ki
     246K index, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, XXXXX, Reds, $Ki$, Ki
    233247lai, lai, lai, 0., 8., Leaf|Area|Index, -, Greens, $lai$, lai
    234248LAI, lai, lai, 0., 8., Leaf|Area|Index, -, Greens, $lai$, lai
    251265iz, lev, lev,  0., 100., vertical|level, -, Greens, $lev$, lev
    252266li, li, lifted_index, -20., 20., lifted|index, -, Sesimic, $li$, li
     267Lifted index, li, lifted_index, -20., 20., lifted|index, -, Sesimic, $li$, li
     268litv, litv, lifted_index_tv, -20., 20., lifted|index|using|virtual|temperature, -, Sesimic, $litv$, litv
     269LIFT computed using virtual temperature, litv, lifted_index_tv, -20., 20., lifted|index|using|virtual|temperature, -, Sesimic, $litv$, litv
    253270lmaxth, lmaxth, upper_level_thermals, 0., 100., upper|level|thermals, 1, Greens, $top^{ĺev}_{th}$, toplev_th
    254271LLMAXTH, lmaxth, upper_level_thermals, 0., 100., upper|level|thermals, 1, Greens, $top^{ĺev}_{th}$, toplev_th
    259276lon, lon, longitude, 0., 360., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon
    260277nav_lon, lon, longitude, 0., 360., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon
     278mixthelaymean, mixthelaymean, mean_mixed_layer_potential_temperature, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|potential|temperature, K, Reds, $mixthelaymean$, mixthelaymean
     279Mean mixed layer potential temperature, mixthelaymean, mean_mixed_layer_potential_temperature, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|potential|temperature, K, Reds, $mixthelaymean$, mixthelaymean
     280mixrlaymean, mixrlaymean, mean_mixed_layer_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, blues, $mixrlaymean$, mixrlaymean
     281Mean mixed layer mixing ratio, mixrlaymean, mean_mixed_layer_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, blues, $mixrlaymean$, mixrlaymean
    261282mrso, mrso, soil_moisture_content, 0., 0.003, Total|soil|moisture|content, kg m-2, Blues, $mrso$, mrso
    262283mrsos, mrsos, moisture_content_of_soil_layer, 0., 0.003, Moisture|content|of|first|soil|layer, kg m-2, Blues, $mrsos$, mrsos
    272293plcl, plcl, pressure_lifting_condensation_level, 700., 1100., pressure|lifting|condensation|level, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p
    273294LPLCL, plcl, pressure_lifting_condensation_level, 700., 1100., pressure|lifting|condensation|level, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p
     295Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level, plcl, pressure_lifting_condensation_level, 700., 1100., pressure|lifting|condensation|level, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p
    274296pr, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr
    275297RAINTOT, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr
    335357LPRW, prw, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, 0., 10., water|vapor|path, kgm-2, Blues, $prw$, prw
    336358WRFprw, prw, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, 0., 10., water|vapor|path, kgm-2, Blues, $prw$, prw
     359Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding, prw, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, 0., 10., water|vapor|path, kgm-2, Blues, $prw$, prw
    337360ps, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps
    338361psfc, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps
    424447SUND, sund, duration_of_sunshine, 0., 1440., Duration|of|Sunshine, minute, Reds, $sund$, sund
    425448SUNSHINE, sund, duration_of_sunshine, 0., 1440., Duration|of|Sunshine, minute, Reds, $sund$, sund
     449shoi, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, XXX, Reds, $shoi$, shoi
     450Showalter index, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, XXX, Reds, $shoi$, shoi
     451swi, swi, sweat_index, -20., 20., sweat|index, -, Sesimic, $swi$, swi
     452SWEAT index, swi, sweat_index, -20., 20., sweat|index, -, Sesimic, $swi$, swi
    426453ta_per, ta_per, air_temperature_per, 240., 310., air|temperature|perturbation, K, YlOrRd, $ta^{per}$, taper
    427454T, ta_per, air_temperature_per, 240., 310., air|temperature|perturbation, K, YlOrRd, $ta^{per}$, taper
    457484TStd, tds, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature|at|2m, C, YlGnBu, $tdas$, tdas
    458485TStdC, tds, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature|at|2m, C, YlGnBu, $tdas$, tdas
     486th105, th105, thickness_1000_500, 0., 2500., atmosphere|thickness|1000|hPa|to|500|hPa, m, Reds, $m$, m
     4871000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness, th105, thickness_1000_500, 0., 2500., atmosphere|thickness|1000|hPa|to|500|hPa, m, Reds, $m$, m
    459488tke, tke, turbulent_kinetic_energy, 0., 0.003, turbulent|kinetic|energy, m2/s2, Reds, $tke$, tke
    460489TKE, tke, turbulent_kinetic_energy, 0., 0.003, turbulent|kinetic|energy, m2/s2, Reds, $tke$, tke
    461490LTKE, tke, turbulent_kinetic_energy, 0., 0.003, turbulent|kinetic|energy, m2/s2, Reds, $tke$, tke
     491tlcl, tlcl, temperature_lifting_condensation_level, 200., 350., temperature|lifting|condensation|level, K, Reds, $lfc^{t}$, lfc_t
     492Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level, tlcl, temperature_lifting_condensation_level, 200., 350., temperature|lifting|condensation|level, K, Reds, $lfc^{t}$, lfc_t
    462493transpir, transpir, transpiration, 0., 4., Transpiration, mm/d, BuPu, $transpir$, transpir
    463494tsk, tsk, skin_temperature, 240., 320., skin|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $tsk$, tsk
    470501s_pblt, tmla, atmosphere_top_boundary_layer_temperature, 250., 330., atmosphere|top|boundary|layer|temperature, K, Reds, $ta^{zmla}$, tazmla
    471502LS_PBLT, tmla, atmosphere_top_boundary_layer_temperature, 250., 330., atmosphere|top|boundary|layer|temperature, K, Reds, $ta^{zmla}$, tazmla
     503tottotalsi, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti
     504Totals totals index, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti
    472505ua, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua
    473506vitu, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua
    494527vaz, vaz, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind|at|z|value, ms-1, seismic, $vaz$, vaz
    495528vascurv, vas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $vas$, vas
     529vertotalsi, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti
     530Vertical totals index, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti
    496531veget, veget, vegetation_type, 1, 13, type|of|plant|functional|type, 1, Reds, $veget$, veget
    497532fogvisblty, fogvisblty, fog_visibility, 0., 5000., visibility|inside|fog, km, Purples, $fogvisblty$, fogvisblty
    659694zg_per, zg_per, geopotential_height_per, 0., 80000., geopotential|height|perturbation, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg^{pert}$, zgpert
    660695PH, zg_per, geopotential_height_per, 0., 80000., geopotential|height|perturbation, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg^{pert}$, zgpert
     696zeq, zeq, height_level_equilibrium, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum, m, BuPu, $zeq$, zeq
     697Equilibrum Level, zeq, height_level_equilibrium, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum, m, BuPu, $zeq$, zeq
     698zeqtv, zeqtv, height_level_equilibrium_virutal_temperature, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $zeq^{tv}$, zeqtv
     699Equilibrum Level using virtual temperature, zeqtv, height_level_equilibrium_virutal_temperature, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $zeq^{tv}$, zeqtv
    661700zlfc, zlfc, height_level_free_convection, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}$, lfcz
     701Level of Free Convection, zlfc, height_level_free_convection, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}$, lfcz
     702zlfctv, zlfctv, height_level_free_convection_tv, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}_{tv}$, lfcztv
     703LFCT using virtual temperature, zlfctv, height_level_free_convection_tv, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}_{tv}$, lfcztv
    662704zmaxth, zmaxth, thermal_plume_height, 0., 4000., maximum|thermals|plume|height, m, YlOrRd, $th_{s}$, thz
    663705zmax_th, zmaxth, thermal_plume_height, 0., 4000., maximum|thermals|plume|height, m, YlOrRd, $th_{s}$, thz
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