Changeset 1438 in lmdz_wrf for trunk/tools/
- Timestamp:
- Feb 8, 2017, 7:54:43 PM (8 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
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r1420 r1438 83 83 # plot_2lines_time: Function to plot two time-lines in different axes (x/x2 or y/y2) 84 84 # plot_lines: Function to plot a collection of lines 85 # plot_WindRose: Function to plot a wind rose (from where the dinw blows) 85 86 # plot_ZQradii: Function to plot following radial averages only at exact grid poins 86 87 # transform: Function to transform the values and the axes … … 8042 8043 8043 8044 return 8045 8046 def plot_WindRose(ang, speed, dime, lpvals, thetalabs, windu, titimg, kfig, figname, \ 8047 close, origfilen, outputfile=False, ev=None, eunit=None): 8048 """ Function to plot a wind rose (from where the dinw blows) 8049 ang= angle of the winds 8050 speed= speed of the winds 8051 Nang= number of angles to split the total circumference 8052 Nspeed= number of speed sections to split the wind distribution 8053 maxspeed= maximum wind speed to be plotted 8054 dime= number of winds to plot 8055 lpvals= values to configure the kind of Wind Rose to plot 8056 lpvals[0]: kind of Wind Rose 8057 lpvals[1]: specie of kind of Wind Rose 8058 lpvals[>=2]: specific values for the specie Wind Rose 8059 'anglespeedfreq';[Nang];[Nspeed];[maxspeed];[cbar];[maxfreq] grid of frequencies of each angle and speed 8060 following a given discretization 8061 'linepoint';[kind];[val1];[...;[valN]]: consecutive (time, height, level, ...) line-point angle and speed valules 8062 'multicol';[extravarn];[line];[marker];[colbar] 8063 'multicoltime';[extravarn];[line];[marker];[colbar];[timekind];[timefmt];[timelabel] 8064 'singlecol';[line];[marker];[col] 8065 'scatter';[kind];[val1];[...;[valN]]: a cross for each wind at different values (time, height, level, ...) 8066 'multicol';[extravarn];[marker];[colbar] 8067 'multicoltime';[extravarn];[line];[marker];[colbar];[timekind];[timefmt];[timelabel] 8068 'singlecol';[marker];[col] 8069 windu= units of the wind speed 8070 thetalabs= kind of labels for the angles of the wind-rose 8071 'cardianals': Following combinations of 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W' according to Nang 8072 titimg= title of the image 8073 kfig= kind of figure 8074 figname= name of the figure 8075 close= wether figure has to be closed or not 8076 origfilen= Name of the file from which the data cames from 8077 outputfile= wether file with wind and angle frequencies has to be created (only valid for 'anglespeedfreq') 8078 ev= extra values (for certain Wind Roses: 'linepoint/scatter' 'multicol' & 'multicoltime') 8079 eunits= units of the extravalues (for certain Wind Roses) 8080 """ 8081 fname = 'plot_WindRose' 8082 8083 if lpvals[0] == 'anglespeedfreq': 8084 # Computing statistics 8085 Nang = gen.auto_val(lpvals[1], 8) 8086 Nspeed = gen.auto_val(lpvals[2], 8) 8087 maxspeed = gen.auto_val(lpvals[3], 40.) 8088 freqcbar = gen.auto_val(lpvals[4], 'spectral_r') 8089 maxfreq = lpvals[5] 8090 8091 dang = 2.*np.pi / (Nang) 8092 dang2 = dang/2. 8093 8094 nspeed = 0. 8095 xspeed = maxspeed 8096 dspeed = maxspeed/(Nspeed) 8097 8098 # Adding one extra partition for the last range 8099 #Nang = Nang + 1 8100 Nspeed = Nspeed + 1 8101 8102 # Angle localized 8103 angfound = np.zeros((dime), dtype=bool) 8104 # Angles's distirbution 8105 angdistrib = np.zeros((Nang), dtype=np.float) 8106 # Wind speed distirbution following angle 8107 ang_speeddistrib = {} 8108 # Wind speed distirbution following angle & speed 8109 speedang_speeddistrib = {} 8110 for it in range(dime): 8111 for iang in range(Nang): 8112 # initial/ending of the angle section 8113 iasec = iang*dang - dang/2. 8114 easec = iasec + dang 8115 8116 if ang[it] >= iasec and ang[it] < easec: 8117 Siang = str(iang) 8118 angfound[it] = True 8119 angdistrib[iang] = angdistrib[iang] + 1 8120 if ang_speeddistrib.has_key(iang): 8121 speeds = ang_speeddistrib[iang] 8122 ang_speeddistrib[iang] = speeds + [speed[iang]] 8123 else: 8124 ang_speeddistrib[iang] = [speed[it]] 8125 # initial/ending of the speed section 8126 for ispd in range(Nspeed): 8127 issec = ispd*dspeed - dspeed/2. 8128 essec = issec + dspeed 8129 if speed[it] >= issec and speed[it] < essec: 8130 Siaspd = Siang + '_' + str(ispd) 8131 if speedang_speeddistrib.has_key(Siaspd): 8132 speedangs = speedang_speeddistrib[Siaspd] 8133 speedang_speeddistrib[Siaspd]= speedangs + [speed[it]] 8134 else: 8135 speedang_speeddistrib[Siaspd]= [speed[it]] 8136 break 8137 if not angfound[it]: 8138 print warnmsg 8139 print 'angle:',ang[it],': not located within:', dang*np.arange(Nang)-\ 8140 dang/2. 8141 8142 lkind = lpvals[1] 8143 8144 # Getting time values and ticks 8145 if lkind == 'multicoltime': 8146 if lpvals[0] == 'linepoint': 8147 timekind = lpvals[7] 8148 timefmt = lpvals[8] 8149 elif lpvals[0] == 'scatter': 8150 timekind = lpvals[6] 8151 timefmt = lpvals[7] 8152 timepos, timelabels = CFtimes_plot(ev, eunit, timekind, timefmt) 8153 8154 if lpvals[0] == 'anglespeedfreq': 8155 # Distribution of Frequencies 8156 TOTwinds = 0 8157 freqs = np.zeros((Nspeed,Nang), dtype=np.float) 8158 for ian in range(Nang): 8159 for isp in range(Nspeed): 8160 Siaspd = str(ian) + '_' + str(isp) 8161 if speedang_speeddistrib.has_key(Siaspd): 8162 Nwind = len(speedang_speeddistrib[Siaspd]) 8163 freqs[isp,ian] = Nwind 8164 TOTwinds = TOTwinds + Nwind 8165 8166 if np.sum(freqs) != TOTwinds: 8167 print errormsg 8168 print 'number of located frequencies:', freqs, 'and number of values:', \ 8169 TOTwinds, 'differ!!' 8170 quit(-1) 8171 8172 # Normalizing 8173 freqs = freqs*1./TOTwinds 8174 freqs = ma.masked_equal(freqs, 0.) 8175 8176 # Filling with zeros up to the highest speed 8177 for iang in range(Nang): 8178 xfreq = freqs[:,iang].max() 8179 if not np.all(freqs.mask[:,iang]): 8180 indicesc = gen.multi_index_mat(freqs.mask[:,iang], False) 8181 xind = np.max(indicesc) 8182 freqs[0:xind+1,iang]= np.where(freqs.mask[0:xind+1,iang], 0., \ 8183 freqs[0:xind+1,iang]) 8184 8185 if type(maxfreq) == type('s'): 8186 if maxfreq == 'auto': maxfreq = freqs.max() 8187 8188 # Plot 8189 plt.rc('text', usetex=True) 8190 ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') 8191 8192 # Rosekind 8193 # Scatter 8194 if lpvals[0] == 'fill': 8195 plt.fill_between(ang, speed, 0.) 8196 elif lpvals[0] == 'anglespeedfreq': 8197 angs = np.arange(Nang,dtype=np.float)*dang - dang/2. 8198 spds = np.arange(Nspeed,dtype=np.float)*dspeed - dspeed/2. 8199 spds[0] = 0. 8200 x, y = gen.lonlat2D(angs,spds) 8201 plt.pcolormesh(x, y, freqs, cmap=freqcbar, vmin=0., vmax=maxfreq) 8202 cbar = plt.colorbar() 8203 cbar.set_label('Frequencies (1)') 8204 plt.grid() 8205 if type(thetalabs) != type('auto'): 8206 ax.set_thetagrids((angs+dang/2.)*180./np.pi, thetalabs) 8207 8208 elif lpvals[0] == 'linepoint': 8209 if lkind == 'multicol': 8210 ltyp = gen.auto_val(lpvals[3],'-') 8211 lmrk = gen.auto_val(lpvals[4],'x') 8212 colbar = gen.auto_val(lpvals[5],'spectral_r') 8213 Nang = gen.auto_val(lpvals[6],8) 8214 # Setting up colors for each label 8215 # From: 8216 vcolmin = np.min(ev) 8217 vcolmax = np.max(ev) 8218 my_cmap = 8219 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vcolmin, vcolmax) 8220 8221 for ie in range(dime-1): 8222 labcol = my_cmap(norm(ev[ie])) 8223 plt.plot([ang[ie], ang[ie+1]], [speed[ie], speed[ie+1]], ltyp, marker=lmrk, color=labcol) 8224 # FROM: 8225 # For matplotlib v1.3 or greater the code becomes: 8226 sm =, norm=norm) 8227 # fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh... 8228 sm._A = [] 8229 cbar = plt.colorbar(sm) 8230 cbar.set_label(eunit) 8231 elif lkind == 'multicoltime': 8232 ltyp = gen.auto_val(lpvals[3],'-') 8233 lmrk = gen.auto_val(lpvals[4],'x') 8234 colbar = gen.auto_val(lpvals[5],'spectral_r') 8235 Nang = gen.auto_val(lpvals[6],8) 8236 timekind = lpvals[7] 8237 timefmt = lpvals[8] 8238 timelabel = lpvals[9].replace('!',' ') 8239 # Setting up colors for each label 8240 # From: 8241 vcolmin = np.min(ev) 8242 vcolmax = np.max(ev) 8243 my_cmap = 8244 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vcolmin, vcolmax) 8245 8246 for ie in range(dime-1): 8247 labcol = my_cmap(norm(ev[ie])) 8248 lcolS = gen.coldec_hex(labcol[0:3]) 8249 plt.plot([ang[ie], ang[ie+1]], [speed[ie], speed[ie+1]], ltyp, marker=lmrk, color=lcolS) 8250 8251 # FROM: 8252 # For matplotlib v1.3 or greater the code becomes: 8253 sm =, norm=norm) 8254 # fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh... 8255 sm._A = [] 8256 cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ticks=timepos) 8257 cbar.set_label(timelabel) 8258 8259 8260 # An attempt using text... 8261 #maxt = np.max(timepos) 8262 #for it in range(len(timelabels)): 8263 # daxistT = 0.6 8264 # iaxistT = (1. - daxistT)/2. 8265 # itt = (timepos[it]-timepos[0])*daxistT/(maxt-timepos[0]) 8266 # labcol = my_cmap(norm(timepos[it])) 8267 # plt.annotate(timelabels[it], xy=(0.87,iaxistT+itt), color=labcol, \ 8268 # xycoords='figure fraction', multialignment='center') 8269 #plt.annotate(timelabel, xy=(0.97,0.5), color='k', rotation=90, \ 8270 # rotation_mode="anchor", xycoords='figure fraction', horizontalalignment='center') 8271 elif lkind == 'singlecol': 8272 ltyp = gen.auto_val(lpvals[2],'-') 8273 lmrk = gen.auto_val(lpvals[3],'x') 8274 lcol = gen.auto_val(lpvals[4],'b') 8275 Nang = gen.auto_val(lpvals[5],8) 8276 plt.plot(ang, speed, ltyp, marker=lmrk, color=lcol) 8277 8278 elif lpvals[0] == 'scatter': 8279 if lkind == 'multicol': 8280 lmrk = gen.auto_val(lpvals[3],'x') 8281 colbar = gen.auto_val(lpvals[4],'spectral_r') 8282 Nang = gen.auto_val(lpvals[5],8) 8283 plt.scatter(ang, speed, c=ev, cmap=colbar, marker=lmrk) 8284 cbar = plt.colorbar() 8285 cbar.set_label(eunit) 8286 elif lkind == 'multicoltime': 8287 lmrk = gen.auto_val(lpvals[3],'x') 8288 colbar = gen.auto_val(lpvals[4],'spectral_r') 8289 Nang = gen.auto_val(lpvals[5],8) 8290 timekind = lpvals[6] 8291 timefmt = lpvals[7] 8292 timelabel = lpvals[8].replace('!',' ') 8293 plt.scatter(ang, speed, c=ev, cmap=colbar, marker=lmrk) 8294 cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=timepos) 8295 cbar.set_label(timelabel) 8296 8297 elif lkind == 'singlecol': 8298 lmrk = gen.auto_val(lpvals[2],'x') 8299 lcol = gen.auto_val(lpvals[3],'b') 8300 Nang = gen.auto_val(lpvals[4],8) 8301 plt.plot(ang, speed, ',', marker=lmrk, color=lcol) 8302 8303 if thetalabs == 'cardinals': 8304 if Nang == 4: 8305 thetalabs = ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W'] 8306 elif Nang == 8: 8307 thetalabs = ['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW'] 8308 elif Nang == 16: 8309 thetalabs= ['N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW',\ 8310 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'] 8311 else: 8312 print errormsg 8313 print ' ' + fname + ': number of angles:', Nang, "not ready for '" + \ 8314 thetalabs + "' !!" 8315 print ' available ones: 4, 8, 16' 8316 quit(-1) 8317 8318 dang = 2.*np.pi / (Nang) 8319 angs = np.arange(Nang,dtype=np.float)*dang - dang/2. 8320 ax.set_thetagrids((angs+dang/2.)*180./np.pi, thetalabs) 8321 8322 ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') 8323 ax.set_theta_direction(-1) 8324 plt.annotate('wind (' + units_lunits(windu) + ')', xy=(0.75,0.06), color='k', \ 8325 xycoords='figure fraction', horizontalalignment='center') 8326 8327 plt.title(gen.latex_text(titimg)) 8328 8329 output_kind(kfig, figname, close) 8330 8331 # Creation of the output file 8332 if lpvals[0] == 'anglespeedfreq' and outputfile: 8333 print ' ' + fname + ': Writting netCDF of frequencies of wind angle and ' + \ 8334 'speeds...' 8335 newnc = NetCDFFile(figname + '.nc', 'w') 8336 8337 # Dimension creation 8338 newdim = newnc.createDimension('angle', Nang) 8339 newdim = newnc.createDimension('speed', Nspeed) 8340 newdim = newnc.createDimension('bounds', 2) 8341 8342 # Dimension variable 8343 newvar = newnc.createVariable('angle', 'f8', ('angle')) 8344 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'angle', 'angle from which wind blows', 'degree') 8345 newvar[:] = angs 8346 newvar.setncattr('cell_method','angle_bounds') 8347 8348 newvar = newnc.createVariable('angle_bounds', 'f8', ('angle','bounds')) 8349 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar,'angle_bounds', 'bounds of the angle sections', \ 8350 'degree') 8351 for iang in range(Nang): 8352 # initial/ending of the angle section 8353 iasec = iang*dang - dang/2. 8354 if iasec < 0.: iasec = 2.*np.pi + iasec 8355 easec = iasec + dang 8356 newvar[iang,0] = iasec*180./np.pi 8357 newvar[iang,1] = easec*180./np.pi 8358 newnc.sync() 8359 8360 newvar = newnc.createVariable('speed', 'f8', ('speed')) 8361 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'speed', 'speed of wind', windu) 8362 newvar[:] = spds 8363 newvar.setncattr('cell_method','speed_bounds') 8364 8365 newvar = newnc.createVariable('speed_bounds', 'f8', ('speed', 'bounds')) 8366 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar,'speed_bounds','bounds of the speed sections',windu) 8367 for ispd in range(Nspeed): 8368 # initial/ending of the speed section 8369 issec = ispd*dspeed - dspeed/2. 8370 if issec < 0.: issec = 0. 8371 essec = issec + dspeed 8372 newvar[ispd,0] = issec 8373 newvar[ispd,1] = essec 8374 newnc.sync() 8375 8376 # Variables 8377 newvar = newnc.createVariable('frequency', 'f4', ('speed', 'angle'), \ 8378 fill_value=gen.fillValueF) 8379 ncvar.basicvardef(newvar, 'frequency', 'frequency of angle and speed', '1') 8380 newvar[:] = freqs[:] 8381 newnc.sync() 8382 8383 # Global values 8384 newnc.setncattr('author', 'L. Fita') 8385 newattr = ncvar.set_attributek(newnc, 'institution', unicode('Laboratoire ' +\ 8386 'de M' + unichr(233) + 't' + unichr(233) + 'orologie Dynamique'), 'U') 8387 newnc.setncattr('university', 'Pierre Marie Curie - Jussieu') 8388 newnc.setncattr('center', 'Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques') 8389 newnc.setncattr('city', 'Paris') 8390 newnc.setncattr('country', 'France') 8391 newnc.setncattr('script', '') 8392 newnc.setncattr('function', fname) 8393 newnc.setncattr('version', '1.0') 8394 newnc.setncattr('original_file', origfilen) 8395 8396 newnc.sync() 8397 newnc.close() 8398 print "Successful creation of file with frequencies '" + figname + ".nc' !!" 8399 8400 return
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