1 | acprc, acprc, accumulated_cmulus_precipitation, 0., 3.e4, accumulated|cmulus|precipitation, mm, Blues, $acprc$, acprc |
2 | RAINC, acprc, accumulated_cmulus_precipitation, 0., 3.e4, accumulated|cmulus|precipitation, mm, Blues, $acprc$, acprc |
3 | rainc, acprc, accumulated_cmulus_precipitation, 0., 3.e4, accumulated|cmulus|precipitation, mm, Blues, $acprc$, acprc |
4 | acprnc, acprnc, accumulated_non-cmulus_precipitation, 0., 3.e4, accumulated|non-cmulus|precipitation, mm, Blues, $acprnc$, acprnc |
5 | RAINNC, acprnc, accumulated_non-cmulus_precipitation, 0., 3.e4, accumulated|non-cmulus|precipitation, mm, Blues, $acprnc$, acprnc |
6 | rainnc, acprnc, accumulated_non-cmulus_precipitation, 0., 3.e4, accumulated|non-cmulus|precipitation, mm, Blues, $acprnc$, acprnc |
7 | albbaredry, albbaredry, alb_bare_dry, 0., 1., Dry|bare|soil|albedo, 1., Reds, $alb^{dry}_{bare}$, albdry_bare |
8 | soilalbedo_dry, albbaredry, alb_bare_dry, 0., 1., Dry|bare|soil|albedo, 1., Reds, $alb^{dry}_{bare}$, albdry_bare |
9 | albbaremean, albbaremean, alb_bare_mean, 0., 1., Mean|bare|soil|albedo, 1., Spectral, $alb^{mean}_{bare}$, albmean_bare |
10 | soilalbedo_moy, albbaremean, alb_bare_mean, 0., 1., Mean|bare|soil|albedo, 1., Spectral, $alb^{mean}_{bare}$, albmean_bare |
11 | albbarewet, albbarewet, alb_bare_wet, 0., 1., Wet|bare|soil|albedo, 1., Blues, $alb^{wet}_{bare}$, albwet_bare |
12 | soilalbedo_wet, albbarewet, alb_bare_wet, 0., 1., Wet|bare|soil|albedo, 1., Blues, $alb^{wet}_{bare}$, albwet_bare |
13 | a_tht, ath, total_thermal_plume_cover, 0., 1., total|column|thermal|plume|cover, 1, YlGnBu, $ath$, ath |
14 | LA_THT, ath, total_thermal_plume_cover, 0., 1., total|column|thermal|plume|cover, 1, YlGnBu, $ath$, ath |
15 | brich, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, XXXX, Blues, $brich$, brich |
16 | Bulk Richardson Number, brich, bulk_richardson_number, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number, XXXX, Blues, $brich$, brich |
17 | brich_capv, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, XXXX, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv |
18 | Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV, brich_capv, bulk_richardson_number_capv, 0., 3000., Bulk|Richardson|number|using|CAPV, XXXX, Blues, $brich^{capv}$, brich_capv |
19 | qnai, qnai, aerosol_ice_friendly, 0., 3., ice-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, BuPu, $q_{nai}$, q_nai |
20 | QNIFA, qnai, aerosol_ice_friendly, 0., 3., ice-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, BuPu, $q_{nai}$, q_nai |
21 | qnaw, qnaw, aerosol_water_friendly, 0., 3., water-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, Blues, $q_{naw}$, q_naw |
22 | QNWFA, qnaw, aerosol_water_friendly, 0., 3., water-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1, Blues, $q_{naw}$, q_naw |
23 | nawemis, nawemis, aerosol_water_friendly_emissions, 0., 3., emissions|of|water-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1s-1, BuPu, $emiss_{naw}$, emiss_naw |
24 | QNWFA2D, nawemis, aerosol_water_friendly_emissions, 0., 3., emissions|of|water-friendly|aerosol|number|concentration, numkg-1s-1, BuPu, $emiss_{naw}$, emiss_naw |
25 | bils, bils, surface_total_heat_flux, -100., 100., surface|total|heat|flux, Wm-2, seismic, $bils$, bils |
26 | LBILS, bils, surface_total_heat_flux, -100., 100., surface|total|heat|flux, Wm-2, seismic, $bils$, bils |
27 | WRFbils, bils, surface_total_heat_flux, -100., 100., surface|total|heat|flux, Wm-2, seismic, $bils$, bils |
28 | landcat, landcat, land_categories, 0., 22., land|categories, 1, rainbow, $landcat$, landcat |
29 | category, landcat, land_categories, 0., 22., land|categories, 1, rainbow, $landcat$, landcat |
30 | c, c, condensed_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 3.e-4, condensed|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qc$, qc |
31 | QCLOUD, c, condensed_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 3.e-4, condensed|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qc$, qc |
32 | oliq, c, condensed_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 3.e-4, condensed|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qc$, qc |
33 | OLIQ, c, condensed_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 3.e-4, condensed|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qc$, qc |
34 | cape, cape, convective_available_potential_energy, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy, Jkg-1, Reds, $cape$, cape |
35 | Convective Available Potential Energy, cape, convective_available_potential_energy, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy, Jkg-1, Reds, $cape$, cape |
36 | capetv, capetv, convective_available_potential_energy_tv, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Reds, $capetv$, capetv |
37 | CAPE using virtual temperature, capetv, convective_available_potential_energy_tv, 0., 40000., convective|available|potential|energy|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Reds, $capetv$, capetv |
38 | cdrag, cdrag, cdrag, 0., 0.01, drag|coefficient|for|LW|and|SH, '-', rainbow, $C_{D}$, CD |
39 | ci, ci, cloud_iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi |
40 | iwcon, ci, cloud_iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi |
41 | LIWCON, ci, cloud_iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi |
42 | cin, cin, convective_inhibition, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition, Jkg-1, Greens, $cin$, cin |
43 | Convective Inhibition, cin, convective_inhibition, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition, Jkg-1, Greens, $cin$, cin |
44 | cintv, cintv, convective_inhibition_tv, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Greens, $cintv$, cintv |
45 | CINS using virtual temperature, cintv, convective_inhibition_tv, 0., 40000., convective|inhibition|using|virtual|temperature, Jkg-1, Greens, $cintv$, cintv |
46 | cl, cl, cloud_liquidwater_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|liquid|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Blues, $ql$, ql |
47 | lwcon, cl, cloud_liquidwater_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|liquid|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Blues, $ql$, ql |
48 | LLWCON, cl, cloud_liquidwater_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, cloud|liquid|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Blues, $ql$, ql |
49 | cld, cld, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cld$, cld |
50 | CLDFRA, cld, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cld$, cld |
51 | rneb, cld, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cld$, cld |
52 | lrneb, cld, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cld$, cld |
53 | LRNEB, cld, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cld$, cld |
54 | cldc, cldc, convective_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., convective|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cldc$, cldc |
55 | rnebcon, cldc, convective_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., convective|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cldc$, cldc |
56 | lrnebcon, cldc, convective_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., convective|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cldc$, cldc |
57 | LRNEBCON, cldc, convective_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., convective|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cldc$, cldc |
58 | rnebls, cldl, large_scale_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., large|scale|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cldc$, cldc |
59 | lrnebls, cldl, large_scale_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., large|scale|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cldl$, cldl |
60 | LRNEBLS, cldl, large_scale_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., large|scale|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cldl$, cldl |
61 | clt, clt, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., total|cloud|cover, 1, gist_gray, $clt$, clt |
62 | CLT, clt, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., total|cloud|cover, 1, gist_gray, $clt$, clt |
63 | cldt, clt, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., total|cloud|cover, 1, gist_gray, $clt$, clt |
64 | Total cloudiness, clt, cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., total|cloud|cover, 1, gist_gray, $clt$, clt |
65 | cll, cll, low_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., low|level|(p|>|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cll$, cll |
66 | cldl, cll, low_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., low|level|(p|>|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cll$, cll |
67 | LCLDL, cll, low_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., low|level|(p|>|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cll$, cll |
68 | Low-level cloudiness, cll, low_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., low|level|(p|>|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $cll$, cll |
69 | clm, clm, mid_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., medium|level|(440|<|p|<|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clm$, clm |
70 | cldm, clm, mid_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., medium|level|(440|<|p|<|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clm$, clm |
71 | LCLDM, clm, mid_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., medium|level|(440|<|p|<|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clm$, clm |
72 | Mid-level cloudiness, clm, mid_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., medium|level|(440|<|p|<|680|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clm$, clm |
73 | clh, clh, high_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., high|level|(p|<|440|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clh$, clh |
74 | cldh, clh, high_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., high|level|(p|<|440|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clh$, clh |
75 | LCLDH, clh, high_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., high|level|(p|<|440|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clh$, clh |
76 | High-level cloudiness, clh, high_level_cloud_area_fraction, 0., 1., high|level|(p|<|440|hPa)|cloud|fraction, 1, gist_gray, $clh$, clh |
77 | clmf, clmf, cloud_base_mass_flux, -0.3, 0.3, cloud|base|mass|flux, kgm-2s-1, seismic, $clmf$, clmf |
78 | fbase, clmf, cloud_base_mass_flux, -0.3, 0.3, cloud|base|mass|flux, kgm-2s-1, seismic, $clmf$, clmf |
79 | LFBASE, clmf, cloud_base_mass_flux, -0.3, 0.3, cloud|base|mass|flux, kgm-2s-1, seismic, $clmf$, clmf |
80 | clp, clp, cloud_base_pressure, -0.3, 0.3, cloud|base|pressure, Pa, Reds, $clp$, clp |
81 | pbase, clp, cloud_base_pressure, -0.3, 0.3, cloud|base|pressure, Pa, Reds, $clp$, clp |
82 | LPBASE, clp, cloud_base_pressure, -0.3, 0.3, cloud|base|pressure, Pa, Reds, $clp$, clp |
83 | clivi, clivi, atmosphere_cloud_ice_content, 0., 10., ice|water|path, kgm-2, Blues, $clivi$, clivi |
84 | WRFclivi, clivi, atmosphere_cloud_ice_content, 0., 10., ice|water|path, kgm-2, Blues, $clivi$, clivi |
85 | clwvi, clwvi, atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content, 0., 10., condensed|water|path, kgm-2, Blues, $clwvi$, clwvi |
86 | WRFclwvi, clwvi, atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content, 0., 10., condensed|water|path, kgm-2, Blues, $clwvi$, clwvi |
87 | CLW, clw, total_cloud_properties, 0., 3., total|column-integrated|water|vapor|and|cloud|variables, 1, Purples, $clw$, clw |
88 | clw, clw, total_cloud_properties, 0., 3., total|column-integrated|water|vapor|and|cloud|variables, 1, Purples, $clw$, clw |
89 | cpt, cpt, convective_point, 0., 1., convective|point, 1, seismic, $cpt$, cpt |
90 | ptconv, cpt, convective_point, 0., 1., convective|point, 1, seismic, $cpt$, cpt |
91 | LPTCONV, cpt, convective_point, 0., 1., convective|point, 1, seismic, $cpt$, cpt |
92 | crosstotalsi, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti |
93 | Cross totals index, crosstoalsi, cross_totals_index, 0., 100., Cross|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $CROSStoti$, CROSStoti |
94 | dens, dens, air_density, 0., 5., density|of|the|air, kgm-3, Spectral, $\rho$, rho |
95 | WRFdens, dens, air_density, 0., 5., density|of|the|air, kgm-3, Spectral, $\rho$, rho |
96 | H_DIABATIC, diabh, diabh, 0., 30., diabatic|heating, K, Reds, $\mathcal{Q}_{d}$, Qd |
97 | dqajs, dqajs, dry_adjustment_water_vapor_tendency, -0.0003, 0.0003, dry|adjustment|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{Q}^{dry}_{adj}$, dtQdry_adj |
98 | LDQAJS, dqajs, dry_adjustment_water_vapor_tendency, -0.0003, 0.0003, dry|adjustment|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{Q}^{dry}_{adj}$, dtQdry_adj |
99 | dqcon, dqcon, convective_water_vapor_tendency, -3e-8, 3.e-8, convective|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{con}_{adj}$, dtqvcon_adj |
100 | LDQCON, dqcon, convective_water_vapor_tendency, -3e-8, 3.e-8, convective|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{con}_{adj}$, dtqvcon_adj |
101 | dqdyn, dqdyn, dynamics_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, dynamics|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{dyn}$, dtqvdyn |
102 | LDQDYN, dqdyn, dynamics_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, dynamics|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{dyn}$, dtqvdyn |
103 | dqeva, dqeva, evaporation_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-6, 3.e-6, evaporation|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{eva}$, dtqveva |
104 | LDQEVA, dqeva, evaporation_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-6, 3.e-6, evaporation|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{eva}$, dtqveva |
105 | dqlscst, dqlscst, stratocumulus_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, stratocumulus|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{cst}$, dtqvcst |
106 | LDQLSCST, dqlscst, stratocumulus_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, stratocumulus|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{cst}$, dtqvcst |
107 | dqlscth, dqlscth, thermals_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, thermal|plumes|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{th}$, dtqvth |
108 | LDQLSCTH, dqlscth, thermals_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, thermal|plumes|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{th}$, dtqvth |
109 | dqlsc, dqlsc, condensation_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-6, 3.e-6, condensation|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{lsc}$, dtqvlsc |
110 | LDQLSC, dqlsc, condensation_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-6, 3.e-6, condensation|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{lsc}$, dtqvlsc |
111 | dqphy, dqphy, physics_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, physics|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{phys}$, dtqvphys |
112 | LDQPHY, dqphy, physics_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, physics|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{phys}$, dtqvphys |
113 | dqthe, dqthe, thermals_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, thermal|plumes|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{the}$, dtqvthe |
114 | LDQTHE, dqthe, thermals_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, thermal|plumes|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{the}$, dtqvthe |
115 | dqvdf, dqvdf, vertical_difussion_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-8, 3.e-8, vertical|difussion|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{zdiff}$, dtqvzdiff |
116 | LDQVDF, dqvdf, vertical_difussion_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-8, 3.e-8, vertical|difussion|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{zdiff}$, dtqvzdiff |
117 | dqwak, dqwak, wake_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, wake|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{wak}$, dtqvwak |
118 | LDQWAK, dqwak, wake_water_vapor_tendency, -3.e-7, 3.e-7, wake|water|vapor|tendency, kg/kg/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{qv}^{wak}$, dtqvwak |
119 | dta, dta, tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}$, dtta |
120 | tnt, dta, tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}$, dtta |
121 | LTNT, dta, tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}$, dtta |
122 | dtac, dtac, moist_convection_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, moist|convection|tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{mc}$, dttamc |
123 | tntc, dtac, moist_convection_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, moist|convection|tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{mc}$, dttamc |
124 | LTNTC, dtac, moist_convection_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, moist|convection|tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{mc}$, dttamc |
125 | dtar, dtar, radiative_heating_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, radiative|heating|tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{rad}$, dttarad |
126 | tntr, dtar, radiative_heating_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, radiative|heating|tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{rad}$, dttarad |
127 | LTNTR, dtar, radiative_heating_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, radiative|heating|tendency|of|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{rad}$, dttarad |
128 | dtascpbl, dtascpbl, stratiform_cloud_precipitation_BL_mixing_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-6, 3.e-6, stratiform|cloud|precipitation|Boundary|Layer|mixing|tendency|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{str}_{pbl}mix$, dttastrpblmix |
129 | tntscpbl, dtascpbl, stratiform_cloud_precipitation_BL_mixing_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-6, 3.e-6, stratiform|cloud|precipitation|Boundary|Layer|mixing|tendency|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{str}_{pbl}mix$, dttastrpblmix |
130 | LTNTSCPBL, dtascpbl, stratiform_cloud_precipitation_BL_mixing_tendency_air_temperature, -3.e-6, 3.e-6, stratiform|cloud|precipitation|Boundary|Layer|mixing|tendency|air|temperature, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{str}_{pbl}mix$, dttastrpblmix |
131 | dtajs, dtajs, dry_adjustment_thermal_tendency, -3.e-5, 3.e-5, dry|adjustment|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{dry}_{adj}$, dttadryadj |
132 | LDTAJS, dtajs, dry_adjustment_thermal_tendency, -3.e-5, 3.e-5, dry|adjustment|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{dry}_{adj}$, dttadryadj |
133 | dtcon, dtcon, convective_thermal_tendency, -3.e-5, 3.e-5, convective|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{con}$, dttacon |
134 | LDTCON, dtcon, convective_thermal_tendency, -3.e-5, 3.e-5, convective|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{con}$, dttacon |
135 | dtdyn, dtdyn, dynamics_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, dynamics|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{dyn}$, dttadyn |
136 | LDTDYN, dtdyn, dynamics_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, dynamics|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{dyn}$, dttadyn |
137 | dteva, dteva, evaporation_thermal_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, evaporation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{eva}$, dttaeva |
138 | LDTEVA, dteva, evaporation_thermal_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, evaporation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{eva}$, dttaeva |
139 | dtlscst, dtlscst, stratocumulus_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, stratocumulus|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{lscst}$, dttalscst |
140 | LDTLSCST, dtlscst, stratocumulus_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, stratocumulus|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{lscst}$, dttalscst |
141 | dtlscth, dtlscth, thermals_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, thermal|plumes|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{th}$, dttath |
142 | LDTLSCTH, dtlscth, thermals_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, thermal|plumes|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{th}$, dttath |
143 | dtlsc, dtlsc, condensation_thermal_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, condensation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{lsc}$, dttalsc |
144 | LDTLSC, dtlsc, condensation_thermal_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, condensation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{lsc}$, dttalsc |
145 | dtlwr, dtlwr, long_wave_thermal_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, long|wave|radiation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{lw}$, dttalw |
146 | LDTLWR, dtlwr, long_wave_thermal_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, long|wave|radiation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{lw}$, dttalw |
147 | dtphy, dtphy, physics_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, physics|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{phys}$, dttaphys |
148 | LDTPHY, dtphy, physics_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, physics|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{phys}$, dttaphys |
149 | dtsw0, dtsw0, cloudy_sky_short_wave_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, cloudy|sky|short|wave|radiation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{sw0}$, dttasw0 |
150 | LDTSW0, dtsw0, cloudy_sky_short_wave_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, cloudy|sky|short|wave|radiation|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{sw0}$, dttasw0 |
151 | dtthe, dtthe, thermals_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, thermal|plumes|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{the}$, dttathe |
152 | LDTTHE, dtthe, thermals_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, thermal|plumes|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{the}$, dttathe |
153 | dtvdf, dtvdf, vertical_difussion_thermal_tendency, -3.e-5, 3.e-5, vertical|difussion|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{zdiff}$, dttazdiff |
154 | LDTVDF, dtvdf, vertical_difussion_thermal_tendency, -3.e-5, 3.e-5, vertical|difussion|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{zdiff}$, dttazdiff |
155 | dtwak, dtwak, wake_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, wake|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{wak}$, dttawak |
156 | LDTWAK, dtwak, wake_thermal_tendency, -3.e-4, 3.e-4, wake|thermal|tendency, K/s, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{wak}$, dttawak |
157 | ducon, ducon, convective_eastward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, convective|eastward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{con}$, dttacon |
158 | LDUCON, ducon, convective_eastward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, convective|eastward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ta}^{con}$, dttacon |
159 | dudyn, dudyn, dynamics_eastward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, dynamics|eastward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ua}^{dyn}$, dtuadyn |
160 | LDUDYN, dudyn, dynamics_eastward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, dynamics|eastward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ua}^{dyn}$, dtuadyn |
161 | duvdf, duvdf, vertical_difussion_eastward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, vertical|difussion|eastward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ua}^{zdiff}$, dtuazdiff |
162 | LDUVDF, duvdf, vertical_difussion_eastward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, vertical|difussion|eastward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{ua}^{zdiff}$, dtuazdiff |
163 | dvcon, dvcon, convective_difussion_northward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, convective|northward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{va}^{con}$, dtvacon |
164 | LDVCON, dvcon, convective_difussion_northward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, convective|northward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{va}^{con}$, dtvacon |
165 | dvdyn, dvdyn, dynamics_northward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, dynamics|difussion|northward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{va}^{dyn}$, dtvadyn |
166 | LDVDYN, dvdyn, dynamics_northward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, dynamics|difussion|northward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{va}^{dyn}$, dtvadyn |
167 | dvvdf, dvvdf, vertical_difussion_northward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, vertical|difussion|northward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{va}^{zdiff}$, dtvazdiff |
168 | LDVVDF, dvvdf, vertical_difussion_northward_wind_tendency, -3.e-3, 3.e-3, vertical|difussion|northward|wind|tendency, ms-2, seismic, $\partial_{t}{va}^{zdiff}$, dtvazdiff |
169 | etau, etau, etau, 0., 1, eta|values|on|half|(mass)|levels, -, reds, $\eta_{hm}$, eta_hm |
170 | ZNU, etau, etau, 0., 1, eta|values|on|half|(mass)|levels, -, reds, $\eta_{hm}$, eta_hm |
171 | etaw, etaw, etaw, 0., 1, eta|values|on|full|(mass)|levels, -, reds, $\eta_{fm}$, eta_fm |
172 | ZNW, etaw, etaw, 0., 1, eta|values|on|full|(mass)|levels, -, reds, $\eta_{fm}$, eta_fm |
173 | evspsbl, evspsbl, water_evaporation_flux, 0., 1.5e-4, water|evaporation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $evspsbl$, evspsbl |
174 | LEVAP, evspsbl, water_evaporation_flux, 0., 1.5e-4, water|evaporation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $evspsbl$, evspsbl |
175 | evap, evspsbl, water_evaporation_flux, 0., 1.5e-4, water|evaporation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $evspsbl$, evspsbl |
176 | SFCEVP, evspsbl, water_evaporation_flux, 0., 1.5e-4, water|evaporation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $evspsbl$, evspsbl |
177 | evspsbl, evspsblac, water_evaporation_flux_ac, 0., 1.5e-4, accumulated|water|evaporation|flux, kgm-2, Blues, $evspsbl^{ac}$, evspsblac |
178 | SFCEVPde, evspsblac, water_evaporation_flux_ac, 0., 1.5e-4, accumulated|water|evaporation|flux, kgm-2, Blues, $evspsbl^{ac}$, evspsblac |
179 | evspsblpot, evspsblpot, potential_water_evapotranspiration_flux, 0., 1.5e-4, potential|evapotranspiration|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $evspsblpot$, evspsblpot |
180 | EVSPSBLPOT, evspsblpot, potential_water_evapotranspiration_flux, 0., 1.5e-4, potential|evapotranspiration|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $evspsblpot$, evspsblpot |
181 | fog, fog, fog, 0, 1, presence|of|fog|(0:no|1:yes), 1, Purples, $fog$, fog |
182 | g, g, grauepl_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, graupel|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qg$, qg |
183 | QGRAUP, g, grauepl_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, graupel|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qg$, qg |
184 | QGRAUPEL, g, grauepl_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, graupel|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qg$, qg |
185 | GLW, glw, downward_longwave_radiation_at_ground, 100., 500., downward|longwave|radiation|flux|at|the|ground|(downward|is|positive), Wm-2, Reds, $glw$, glw |
186 | glw, glw, downward_longwave_radiation_at_ground, 100., 500., downward|longwave|radiation|flux|at|the|ground|(downward|is|positive), Wm-2, Reds, $glw$, glw |
187 | GSW, gsw, net_shortwave_radiation_flux_at_ground, 0., 1000., net|shortwave|radiation|flux|at|the|ground|(downward|is|positive), Wm-2, Reds, $gsw$, gsw |
188 | gsw, gsw, net_shortwave_radiation_flux_at_ground, 0., 1000., net|shortwave|radiation|flux|at|the|ground|(downward|is|positive), Wm-2, Reds, $gsw$, gsw |
189 | h2o, h2o, water_mass_fraction, 0., 3.e-2, mass|fraction|of|water, 1, Blues, $qw$, qw |
190 | LH2O, h2o, water_mass_fraction, 0., 3.e-2, mass|fraction|of|water, 1, Blues, $qw$, qw |
191 | h, h, hail_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, hail|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qh$, qh |
192 | QHAIL, h, hail_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, hail|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qh$, qh |
193 | hadvpbl, hadvpbl, pbl_heat_advection, -1., 1., heat|advection|within|pbl, Kh-1, Reds, $\mathcal{Q}^{pbl}_{adv}$, Qpbladv |
194 | Heatadv, hadvpbl, pbl_heat_advection, -1., 1., heat|advection|within|pbl, Kh-1, Reds, $\mathcal{Q}^{pbl}_{adv}$, Qpbladv |
195 | hfls, hfls, surface_upward_latent_heat_flux, -400., 400., upward|latent|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfls$, hfls |
196 | LH, hfls, surface_upward_latent_heat_flux, -400., 400., upward|latent|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfls$, hfls |
197 | lh, hfls, surface_upward_latent_heat_flux, -400., 400., upward|latent|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfls$, hfls |
198 | LFLAT, hfls, surface_upward_latent_heat_flux, -400., 400., upward|latent|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfls$, hfls |
199 | flat, hfls, surface_upward_latent_heat_flux, -400., 400., upward|latent|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfls$, hfls |
200 | hfss, hfss, surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux, -150., 150., upward|sensible|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfss$, hfss |
201 | LSENS, hfss, surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux, -150., 150., upward|sensible|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfss$, hfss |
202 | sens, hfss, surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux, -150., 150., upward|sensible|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfss$, hfss |
203 | HFX, hfss, surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux, -150., 150., upward|sensible|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfss$, hfss |
204 | hfx, hfss, surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux, -150., 150., upward|sensible|heat|flux|at|the|surface, Wm-2, seismic, $hfss$, hfss |
205 | hfso, hfso, downward_heat_flux_in_soil, -150., 150., Downward|soil|heat|flux, Wm-2, seismic, $hfso$, hfso |
206 | GRDFLX, hfso, downward_heat_flux_in_soil, -150., 150., Downward|soil|heat|flux, Wm-2, seismic, $hfso$, hfso |
207 | hufs, hufs, surface_upward_water_vapor_flux_in_air, 0., 0.2e-4, Upward moisture flux at the surface, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $hufs$, hufs |
208 | QFX, hufs, surface_upward_water_vapor_flux_in_air, 0., 0.2e-4, Upward moisture flux at the surface, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $hufs$, hufs |
209 | hus, hus, specific_humidity, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty, kgkg-1, BuPu, $hus$, hus |
210 | ovap, hus, specific_humidity, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty, kgkg-1, BuPu, $hus$, hus |
211 | LOVAP, hus, specific_humidity, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty, kgkg-1, BuPu, $hus$, hus |
212 | WRFhus, hus, specific_humidity, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty, kgkg-1, BuPu, $hus$, hus |
213 | huss, huss, specific_humidity, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty|at|2m, kgkg-1, BuPu, $huss$, huss |
214 | r2, huss, specific_humidity_at_2m, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty|at|2|m,kgkg-1, BuPu, $huss$, huss |
215 | Qair, huss, specific_humidity_at_2m, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty|at|2|m,kgkg-1, BuPu, $huss$, huss |
216 | qair, huss, specific_humidity_at_2m, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty|at|2|m,kgkg-1, BuPu, $huss$, huss |
217 | TSq, huss, specific_humidity_at_2m, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty|at|2|m,kgkg-1, BuPu, $huss$, huss |
218 | LQ2M, huss, specific_humidity_at_2m, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty|at|2|m,kgkg-1, BuPu, $huss$, huss |
219 | Q2123, huss, specific_humidity, 0., 0.03, specific|humidty|at|2m, kgkg-1, BuPu, $huss$, huss |
220 | Q2, qv2, water_vapour_mixing_ratio_at_2m, 0., 0.03, water|vpour|mixing|ratio|at|2|m, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qv2$, qv2 |
221 | q2m, qv2, water_vapour_mixing_ratio_at_2m, 0., 0.03, water|vpour|mixing|ratio|at|2|m, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qv2$, qv2 |
222 | qv, qv, water_vapour_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.03, water|vpour|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qv$, qv |
223 | MIXR, qv, water_vapour_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.03, water|vpour|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qv$, qv |
224 | QVAPOR, qv, water_vapour_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.03, water|vpour|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, BuPu, $qv$, qv |
225 | LMDZrhs123, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
226 | hur, hur, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty, 1, BuPu, $hur$, hur |
227 | WRFrh, hur, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty, 1, BuPu, $hur$, hur |
228 | LMDZrh, hur, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty, 1, BuPu, $hur$, hur |
229 | rhum, hur, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty, 1, BuPu, $hur$, hur |
230 | LRHUM, hur, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty, 1, BuPu, $hur$, hur |
231 | RELH, hur, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty, 1, BuPu, $hur$, hur |
232 | hurs, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
233 | rh2m123, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
234 | LRH2M123, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
235 | TSrhs123, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
236 | WRFrhs, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
237 | LMDZrhs, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
238 | rh2m, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
239 | LRH2M, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
240 | TSrhs, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs |
241 | rh, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs (from TS files to netcdf) |
242 | rhs, hurs, relative_humidity, 0., 1., relative|humidty|at|2m, 1, BuPu, $hurs$, hurs (from TS files to netcdf) |
243 | i, i, iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi |
244 | QICE, i, iced_water_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, iced|water|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qi$, qi |
245 | ki, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, XXXXX, Reds, $Ki$, Ki |
246 | K index, ki, k_index, 0., 100., K|index, XXXXX, Reds, $Ki$, Ki |
247 | lai, lai, lai, 0., 8., Leaf|Area|Index, -, Greens, $lai$, lai |
248 | LAI, lai, lai, 0., 8., Leaf|Area|Index, -, Greens, $lai$, lai |
249 | lat, lat, latitude, -90., 90., latitude, degrees_North, seismic, $lat$, lat |
250 | XLAT, lat, latitude, -90., 90., latitude, degrees_North, seismic, $lat$, lat |
251 | XLAT_M, lat, latitude, -90., 90., latitude, degrees_North, seismic, $lat$, lat |
252 | latitude, lat, latitude, -90., 90., latitude, degrees_North, seismic, $lat$, lat |
253 | lat, lat, latitude, -90., 90., latitude, degrees_North, seismic, $lat$, lat |
254 | nav_lat, lat, latitude, -90., 90., latitude, degrees_North, seismic, $lat$, lat |
255 | lco, lco, land_use, 0, 24, Land|use, 1, ranibow, $lco$, lco |
256 | LU_INDEX, lco, land_use, 0, 24, Land|use, 1, ranibow, $lco$, lco |
257 | lcl, lcl, condensation_level, 0., 2500., level|of|condensation, m, Greens, $lcl$, lcl |
258 | s_lcl, lcl, condensation_level, 0., 2500., level|of|condensation, m, Greens, $lcl$, lcl |
259 | ls_lcl, lcl, condensation_level, 0., 2500., level|of|condensation, m, Greens, $lcl$, lcl |
260 | LS_LCL, lcl, condensation_level, 0., 2500., level|of|condensation, m, Greens, $lcl$, lcl |
261 | lambdath, lambdath, thermal_plume_vertical_velocity, -30., 30., thermal|plume|vertical|velocity, m/s, seismic, $wa_{th}_{plume}$, wath_plume |
262 | lambda_th, lambdath, thermal_plume_vertical_velocity, -30., 30., thermal|plume|vertical|velocity, m/s, seismic, $wa_{th}_{plume}$, wath_plume |
263 | LLAMBDA_TH, lambdath, thermal_plume_vertical_velocity, -30., 30., thermal|plume|vertical|velocity, m/s, seismic, $wa_{th}_{plume}$, wath_plume |
264 | lev, lev, lev, 0., 100., vertical|level, -, Greens, $lev$, lev |
265 | iz, lev, lev, 0., 100., vertical|level, -, Greens, $lev$, lev |
266 | li, li, lifted_index, -20., 20., lifted|index, -, Sesimic, $li$, li |
267 | Lifted index, li, lifted_index, -20., 20., lifted|index, -, Sesimic, $li$, li |
268 | litv, litv, lifted_index_tv, -20., 20., lifted|index|using|virtual|temperature, -, Sesimic, $litv$, litv |
269 | LIFT computed using virtual temperature, litv, lifted_index_tv, -20., 20., lifted|index|using|virtual|temperature, -, Sesimic, $litv$, litv |
270 | lmaxth, lmaxth, upper_level_thermals, 0., 100., upper|level|thermals, 1, Greens, $top^{ĺev}_{th}$, toplev_th |
271 | LLMAXTH, lmaxth, upper_level_thermals, 0., 100., upper|level|thermals, 1, Greens, $top^{ĺev}_{th}$, toplev_th |
272 | lon, lon, longitude, -180., 180., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon |
273 | XLONG, lon, longitude, -180., 180., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon |
274 | XLONG_M, lon, longitude, -180., 180., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon |
275 | longitude, lon, longitude, 0., 360., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon |
276 | lon, lon, longitude, 0., 360., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon |
277 | nav_lon, lon, longitude, 0., 360., longitude, degrees_East, seismic, $lon$, lon |
278 | mixthelaymean, mixthelaymean, mean_mixed_layer_potential_temperature, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|potential|temperature, K, Reds, $mixthelaymean$, mixthelaymean |
279 | Mean mixed layer potential temperature, mixthelaymean, mean_mixed_layer_potential_temperature, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|potential|temperature, K, Reds, $mixthelaymean$, mixthelaymean |
280 | mixrlaymean, mixrlaymean, mean_mixed_layer_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, blues, $mixrlaymean$, mixrlaymean |
281 | Mean mixed layer mixing ratio, mixrlaymean, mean_mixed_layer_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.02, mean|mixed|layer|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, blues, $mixrlaymean$, mixrlaymean |
282 | mrso, mrso, soil_moisture_content, 0., 0.003, Total|soil|moisture|content, kg m-2, Blues, $mrso$, mrso |
283 | mrsos, mrsos, moisture_content_of_soil_layer, 0., 0.003, Moisture|content|of|first|soil|layer, kg m-2, Blues, $mrsos$, mrsos |
284 | SMOIS, mrsos, moisture_content_of_soil_layer, 0., 0.003, Moisture|content|of|first|soil|layer, kg m-2, Blues, $mrsos$, mrsos |
285 | qsurf, mrsos, moisture_content_of_soil_layer, 0., 0.003, Moisture|content|of|first|soil|layer, kg m-2, Blues, $mrsos$, mrsos |
286 | orog, orog, orography, 0., 3000., surface|altitude, m,terrain, $orog$, orog |
287 | HGT, orog, orography, 0., 3000., surface|altitude, m,terrain, $orog$, orog |
288 | HGT_M, orog, orography, 0., 3000., surface|altitude, m,terrain, $orog$, orog |
289 | plfc, plfc, pressure_level_free_convection, 100., 101000., pressure|of|level|free|convection, Pa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p |
290 | pfc, pfc, pressure_free_convection, 100., 1100., pressure|free|convection, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p |
291 | plfc, pfc, pressure_free_convection, 100., 1100., pressure|free|convection, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p |
292 | LPLFC, pfc, pressure_free_convection, 100., 1100., pressure|free|convection, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p |
293 | plcl, plcl, pressure_lifting_condensation_level, 700., 1100., pressure|lifting|condensation|level, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p |
294 | LPLCL, plcl, pressure_lifting_condensation_level, 700., 1100., pressure|lifting|condensation|level, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p |
295 | Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level, plcl, pressure_lifting_condensation_level, 700., 1100., pressure|lifting|condensation|level, hPa, BuPu, $lfc^{p}$, lfc_p |
296 | pr, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr |
297 | RAINTOT, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr |
298 | Rainf, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr |
299 | rain, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr |
300 | precip, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr |
301 | LPRECIP, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr |
302 | Precip Totale liq+sol, pr, precipitation_flux, 0., 1.e-4, precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $pr$, pr |
303 | # https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/archive/arc0021/0002199/1.1/data/0-data/HTML/WMO-CODE/WMO4677.HTM |
304 | pr_code, pr_code, precipitation_code, 0, 99, WMO|precipiation|codes|from|table|4677, 1, Reds, $pr^{code}$, prcode |
305 | pr_code_smn, pr_code_smn, precipitation_code_smn, 0, 1, SMN|precipiation|codes, -, Reds, $pr^{code}_{smn}$, prcode_smn |
306 | prprof, prprof, precipitation_profile, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}$, prprof |
307 | vprecip, prprof, precipitation_profile, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}$, prprof |
308 | LVPRECIP, prprof, precipitation_profile, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}$, prprof |
309 | prprofci, prprofci, precipitation_profile_convective_i, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|convective|i, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{ci}$, prprof_ci |
310 | pr_con_i, prprofci, precipitation_profile_convective_i, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|convective|i, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{ci}$, prprof_ci |
311 | LPR_CON_I, prprofci, precipitation_profile_convective_i, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|convective|i, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{ci}$, prprof_ci |
312 | prprofcl, prprofcl, precipitation_profile_convective_l, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|convective|l, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{cl}$, prprof_cl |
313 | pr_con_l, prprofcl, precipitation_profile_convective_l, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|convective|l, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{cl}$, prprof_cl |
314 | LPR_CON_L, prprofcl, precipitation_profile_convective_l, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|convective|l, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{cl}$, prprof_cl |
315 | prprofli, prprofli, precipitation_profile_large_scale_i, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|large|scale|i, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{li}$, prprof_li |
316 | pr_lsc_i, prprofli, precipitation_profile_large_scale_i, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|large|scale|i, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{li}$, prprof_li |
317 | LPR_LSC_I, prprofli, precipitation_profile_large_scale_i, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|large|scale|i, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{li}$, prprof_li |
318 | prprofll, prprofll, precipitation_profile_large_scale_l, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|large|scale|l, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{li}$, prprof_li |
319 | pr_lsc_l, prprofll, precipitation_profile_large_scale_l, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|large|scale|l, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{ll}$, prprof_ll |
320 | LPR_LSC_L, prprofll, precipitation_profile_large_scale_l, 0., 1.e-3, precipitation|profile|large|scale|l, kg/m2/s, BuPu, $pr^{prof}_{ll}$, prprof_ll |
321 | pracc, pracc, precipitation_amount, 0., 100., accumulated|precipitation, kgm-2, BuPu, $pracc$, pracc |
322 | ACRAINTOT, pracc, precipitation_amount, 0., 100., accumulated|precipitation, kgm-2, BuPu, $pracc$, pracc |
323 | prc, prc, convective_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, convective|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prc$, prc |
324 | LPLUC, prc, convective_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, convective|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prc$, prc |
325 | pluc, prc, convective_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, convective|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prc$, prc |
326 | WRFprc, prc, convective_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, convective|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prc$, prc |
327 | RAINCde, prc, convective_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, convective|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prc$, prc |
328 | prci, prci, convective_ice_precipitation_flux, 0., 0.003, convective|ice|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Purples, $prci$, prci |
329 | pr_con_i, prci, convective_ice_precipitation_flux, 0., 0.003, convective|ice|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Purples, $prci$, prci |
330 | LPR_CON_I, prci, convective_ice_precipitation_flux, 0., 0.003, convective|ice|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Purples, $prci$, prci |
331 | prcl, prcl, convective_liquid_precipitation_flux, 0., 0.003, convective|liquid|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prcl$, prcl |
332 | pr_con_l, prcl, convective_liquid_precipitation_flux, 0., 0.003, convective|liquid|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prcl$, prcl |
333 | LPR_CON_L, prcl, convective_liquid_precipitation_flux, 0., 0.003, convective|liquid|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prcl$, prcl |
334 | plev, plev, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $plev$, plev |
335 | presnivs, pres, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $pres$, pres |
336 | pres, pres, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $pres$, pres |
337 | air_pressure, pres, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $pres$, pres |
338 | lpres, pres, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $pres$, pres |
339 | LPRES, pres, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $pres$, pres |
340 | PRES, pres, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $pres$, pres |
341 | WRFp, pres, air_pressure, 0., 103000., air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $pres$, pres |
342 | p_base, p_base, air_pressure_base, 0., 103000., air|pressure|base|state, Pa, Blues, $press^{base}$, press_base |
343 | PB, p_base, air_pressure_base, 0., 103000., air|pressure|base|state, Pa, Blues, $press^{base}$, press_base |
344 | p_per, p_per, air_pressure_per, 0., 103000., air|pressure|perturbation, Pa, Blues, $press^{pert}$, press_pert |
345 | P, p_per, air_pressure_per, 0., 103000., air|pressure|perturbation, Pa, Blues, $press^{pert}$, press_pert |
346 | P_HYD, p_hyd, hydrostatic_air_pressure, 0., 103000., hydrostatic|air|pressure, Pa, Blues, $press^{hyd}$, press_hyd |
347 | prls, prls, large_scale_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, large|scale|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prls$, prls |
348 | WRFprls, prls, large_scale_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, large|scale|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prls$, prls |
349 | LPLUL, prls, large_scale_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, large|scale|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prls$, prls |
350 | plul, prls, large_scale_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, large|scale|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prls$, prls |
351 | RAINNCde, prls, large_scale_precipitation_flux, 0., 2.e-4, large|scale|precipitation|flux, kgm-2s-1, Blues, $prls$, prls |
352 | prsn, prsn, snowfall, 0., 1.e-4, snowfall|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $prsn$, prsn |
353 | SNOW, prsn, snowfall, 0., 1.e-4, snowfall|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $prsn$, prsn |
354 | snow, prsn, snowfall, 0., 1.e-4, snowfall|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $prsn$, prsn |
355 | Snowf, prsn, snowfall, 0., 1.e-4, snowfall|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $prsn$, prsn |
356 | LSNOW, prsn, snowfall, 0., 1.e-4, snowfall|flux, kgm-2s-1, BuPu, $prsn$, prsn |
357 | prw, prw, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, 0., 10., water|vapor|path, kgm-2, Blues, $prw$, prw |
358 | LPRW, prw, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, 0., 10., water|vapor|path, kgm-2, Blues, $prw$, prw |
359 | WRFprw, prw, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, 0., 10., water|vapor|path, kgm-2, Blues, $prw$, prw |
360 | Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding, prw, atmosphere_water_vapor_content, 0., 10., water|vapor|path, kgm-2, Blues, $prw$, prw |
361 | ps, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
362 | psfc, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
363 | PSFC, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
364 | PSurf, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
365 | Psurf, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
366 | psol, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
367 | Surface Pressure, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
368 | PSTAT, ps, surface_air_pressure, 85000., 105400., surface|pressure, hPa, cool, $ps$, ps |
369 | psl, psl, air_pressure_at_sea_level, 85000., 104000., mean|sea|level|pressure, Pa, Greens, $psl$, psl |
370 | mslp, psl, air_pressure_at_sea_level, 85000., 104000., mean|sea|level|pressure, Pa, Greens, $psl$, psl |
371 | slp, psl, air_pressure_at_sea_level, 85000., 104000., mean|sea|level|pressure, Pa, Greens, $psl$, psl |
372 | WRFmslp, psl, air_pressure_at_sea_level, 85000., 104000., mean|sea|level|pressure, Pa, Greens, $psl$, psl |
373 | qth, qth, thermal_plume_total_water_content, 0., 25., total|water|cotent|in|thermal|plume, mm, YlOrRd, $prw^{th}_{plume}$, prwth_plume |
374 | q_th, qth, thermal_plume_total_water_content, 0., 25., total|water|cotent|in|thermal|plume, mm, YlOrRd, $prw^{th}_{plume}$, prwth_plume |
375 | LQ_TH, qth, thermal_plume_total_water_content, 0., 25., total|water|cotent|in|thermal|plume, mm, YlOrRd, $prw^{th}_{plume}$, prwth_plume |
376 | r, r, rain_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.03, rain|mixing|ratio, KgKg-1, BuPu, $qr$, qr |
377 | QRAIN, r, rain_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.03, rain|mixing|ratio, KgKg-1, BuPu, $qr$, qr |
378 | reinf_slope, rslope, slope, 0., 1., slope, -, rainbow, $slope$, slope |
379 | r_field, r_field, r_field, 0., 96., r_field, 1, BuPu, $r^{field}$, rfield |
380 | rqvblten, rhusblten, coupled_v_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|water|vapor|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qv^{pbl}cpl$, dtqvcpl_pbl |
381 | RQVBLTEN, rqvblten, coupled_v_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|water|vapor|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qv^{pbl}cpl$, dtqvcpl_pbl |
382 | rcblten, rcblten, coupled_c_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|cloud|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qc^{pbl}cpl$, dtqccpl_pbl |
383 | RQCBLTEN, rcblten, coupled_c_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|cloud|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qc^{pbl}cpl$, dtqccpl_pbl |
384 | rgblten, rgblten, coupled_g_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|graupel|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qg^{pbl}cpl$, dtqgcpl_pbl |
385 | RQGBLTEN, rgblten, coupled_r_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|graupel|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qg^{pbl}cpl$, dtqgcpl_pbl |
386 | riblten, riblten, coupled_i_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|ice|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qi^{pbl}cpl$, dtqicpl_pbl |
387 | RQIBLTEN, riblten, coupled_i_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|ice|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qi^{pbl}cpl$, dtqicpl_pbl |
388 | rrblten, rrblten, coupled_r_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|rain|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qr^{pbl}cpl$, dtqrcpl_pbl |
389 | RQRBLTEN, rrblten, coupled_r_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|rain|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qr^{pbl}cpl$, dtqrcpl_pbl |
390 | rsblten, rsblten, coupled_s_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|snow|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qs^{pbl}cpl$, dtqscpl_pbl |
391 | RQSBLTEN, rsblten, coupled_s_tendency_pbl, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|snow|tendency|due|to|pbl|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Greens, $\partial_{t}qs^{pbl}cpl$, dtqscpl_pbl |
392 | rvcuten, rvcuten, coupled_v_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|water|vapor|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qv^{cu}cpl$, dtqvcpl_cu |
393 | RQVCUTEN, rvcuten, coupled_v_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|water|vapor|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qv^{cu}cpl$, dtqvcpl_cu |
394 | rccuten, rccuten, coupled_c_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|cloud|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qc^{cu}cpl$, dtqccpl_cu |
395 | RQCCUTEN, rccuten, coupled_c_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|cloud|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qc^{cu}cpl$, dtqccpl_cu |
396 | rgcuten, rgcuten, coupled_g_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|graupel|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qg^{cu}cpl$, dtqgcpl_cu |
397 | RQGCUTEN, rgcuten, coupled_r_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|graupel|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qg^{cu}cpl$, dtqgcpl_cu |
398 | ricuten, ricuten, coupled_i_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|ice|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qi^{cu}cpl$, dtqicpl_cu |
399 | RQICUTEN, ricuten, coupled_i_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|ice|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qi^{cu}cpl$, dtqicpl_cu |
400 | rrcuten, rrcuten, coupled_r_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|rain|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qr^{cu}cpl$, dtqrcpl_cu |
401 | RQRCUTEN, rrcuten, coupled_r_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|rain|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qr^{cu}cpl$, dtqrcpl_cu |
402 | rscuten, rscuten, coupled_s_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|snow|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qs^{cu}cpl$, dtqscpl_cu |
403 | RQSCUTEN, rscuten, coupled_s_tendency_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|snow|tendency|due|to|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qs^{cu}cpl$, dtqscpl_cu |
404 | rvshten, rvshten, coupled_v_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|water|vapor|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qv^{shcu}cpl$, dtqvcpl_shcu |
405 | RQVSHTEN, rvshten, coupled_hus_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|water|vapor|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qv^{shcu}cpl$, dtqvcpl_shcu |
406 | rcshten, rcshten, coupled_c_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|cloud|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qc^{shcu}cpl$, dtqccpl_shcu |
407 | RQCSHTEN, rcshten, coupled_c_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|cloud|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qc^{shcu}cpl$, dtqccpl_shcu |
408 | rgshten, rgshten, coupled_g_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|graupel|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qg^{shcu}cpl$, dtqgcpl_shcu |
409 | RQGSHTEN, rgshten, coupled_r_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|graupel|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qg^{shcu}cpl$, dtqgcpl_shcu |
410 | rishten, rishten, coupled_i_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|ice|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qi^{shcu}cpl$, dtqicpl_shcu |
411 | RQISHTEN, rishten, coupled_i_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|ice|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qi^{shcu}cpl$, dtqicpl_shcu |
412 | rrshten, rrshten, coupled_r_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|rain|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qr^{shcu}cpl$, dtqrcpl_shcu |
413 | RQRSHTEN, rrshten, coupled_r_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|rain|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qr^{shcu}cpl$, dtqrcpl_shcu |
414 | rsshten, rsshten, coupled_s_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|snow|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qs^{shcu}cpl$, dtqscpl_shcu |
415 | RQSSHTEN, rsshten, coupled_s_tendency_shallow_cumulus, -0.2, 0.2, coupled|snow|tendency|due|to|shallow|cumulus|scheme, Pa kg kg-1 s-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qs^{shcu}cpl$, dtqscpl_shcu |
416 | rlds, rlds, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|LW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rlds$, rlds |
417 | LWDNB, rlds, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|LW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rlds$, rlds |
418 | LWdnSFC, rlds, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|LW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rlds$, rlds |
419 | LWdown, rlds, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|LW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rlds$, rlds |
420 | lwdown, rlds, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|LW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rlds$, rlds |
421 | rlus, rlus, surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, 0., 200., Surface|Upwelling|Longwave|Radiation, Wm-2 ,Reds, $rlus$, rlus |
422 | ACLWUPB, rlus, surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, 0., 200., Surface|Upwelling|Longwave|Radiation, Wm-2 ,Reds, $rlus$, rlus |
423 | rsds, rsds, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|SW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rsds$, rsds |
424 | SWdnSFC, rsds, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|SW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rsds$, rsds |
425 | SWdn at surface, rsds, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|SW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rsds$, rsds |
426 | SWDOWN, rsds, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|SW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rsds$, rsds |
427 | SWdown, rsds, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|SW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rsds$, rsds |
428 | swdown, rsds, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., downward|SW|surface|radiation, Wm-2, Reds, $rsds$, rsds |
429 | SWdown_aerosol, rsdsaero, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_with_aerosol_effects, 0., 1200., downward|SW|surface|radiation|with|aerosol|effects, Wm-2 ,Reds, $rsds^{aerosols}$, rsdsaerosols |
430 | rsdsacc, rsdsacc, accumulated_surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 1200., accumulated|downward|SW|surface|radiation, Wm-2 ,Reds, $rsds^{ac}$, rsdsac |
431 | rsus, rsus, surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 200., Surface|Upwelling|Shortwave|Radiation, Wm-2 ,Reds, $rsus$, rsus |
432 | ACSWUPB, rsus, surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, 0., 200., Surface|Upwelling|Shortwave|Radiation, Wm-2 ,Reds, $rsus$, rsus |
433 | rvor, rvor, air_relative_vorticity, -2.5E-3, 2.5E-3, air|relative|vorticity, s-1, seismic, $vor^{rel}$, vorrel |
434 | WRFrvor, rvor, air_relative_vorticity, -2.5E-3, 2.5E-3, air|relative|vorticity, s-1, seismic, $vor^{rel}$, vorrel |
435 | rvors, rvors, surface_air_relative_vorticity, -2.5E-3, 2.5E-3, surface|air|relative|vorticity, s-1, seismic, $vors^{rel}$, vorsrel |
436 | WRFrvors, rvors, surface_air_relative_vorticity, -2.5E-3, 2.5E-3, surface|air|relative|vorticity, s-1, seismic, $vors^{rel}$, vorsrel |
437 | s, s, snow_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, snow|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qs$, qs |
438 | QSNOW, s, snow_mixing_ratio, 0., 0.0003, snow|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1, Purples, $qs$, qs |
439 | slw, slw, soil_liquid_water, 0., 0.003, Total|soil|liquid|water|content, kg m-2, Blues, $slw$, slw |
440 | sftls, sftls, land_binary_mask, 0., 1., land|mask, 1, bwr, $sftls$, sftls |
441 | LANDMASK, sftls, land_binary_mask, 0., 1., land|mask, 1, bwr, $sftls$, sftls |
442 | snd, snd, snowf_depth, 0., 10., snow|depth, m, BuPu, $snd$, snd |
443 | SNOWH, snd, snowf_depth, 0., 10., snow|depth, m, BuPu, $snd$, snd |
444 | stherm, stherm, thermals_excess, 0., 0.8, thermals|excess, K, Reds, $th^{exc}$, th_exc |
445 | s_therm, stherm, thermals_excess, 0., 0.8, thermals|excess, K, Reds, $th^{exc}$, th_exc |
446 | LS_THERM, stherm, thermals_excess, 0., 0.8, thermals|excess, K, Reds, $th^{exc}$, th_exc |
447 | sund, sund, duration_of_sunshine, 0., 1440., Duration|of|Sunshine, minute, Reds, $sund$, sund |
448 | SUND, sund, duration_of_sunshine, 0., 1440., Duration|of|Sunshine, minute, Reds, $sund$, sund |
449 | SUNSHINE, sund, duration_of_sunshine, 0., 1440., Duration|of|Sunshine, minute, Reds, $sund$, sund |
450 | shoi, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, XXX, Reds, $shoi$, shoi |
451 | Showalter index, shoi, showalter_index, 0., 100., Showalter|Index, XXX, Reds, $shoi$, shoi |
452 | swi, swi, sweat_index, -20., 20., sweat|index, -, Sesimic, $swi$, swi |
453 | SWEAT index, swi, sweat_index, -20., 20., sweat|index, -, Sesimic, $swi$, swi |
454 | ta_per, ta_per, air_temperature_per, 240., 310., air|temperature|perturbation, K, YlOrRd, $ta^{per}$, taper |
455 | T, ta_per, air_temperature_per, 240., 310., air|temperature|perturbation, K, YlOrRd, $ta^{per}$, taper |
456 | ta, ta, air_temperature, 195., 320., air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta$, ta |
457 | WRFt, ta, air_temperature, 195., 320., air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta$, ta |
458 | temp, ta, air_temperature, 195., 320., air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta$, ta |
459 | LTEMP, ta, air_temperature, 195., 320., air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta$, ta |
460 | TEMP, ta, air_temperature, 195., 320., air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta$, ta |
461 | Air temperature, ta, air_temperature, 195., 320., air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta$, ta |
462 | tah, tah, potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $\theta a$, theta |
463 | theta, tah, potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $\theta a$, theta |
464 | LTHETA, tah, potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $\theta a$, theta |
465 | THTA, tah, potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $\theta a$, theta |
466 | tahe, tahe, equivalent_potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., equivalent|potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $\theta_{e} a$, thetae |
467 | THTE, tahe, equivalent_potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., equivalent|potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $\theta_{e} a$, thetae |
468 | tahv, tahv, virtual_air_temperature, 195., 320., virtual|potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta_{v}$, tav |
469 | THTV, tahv, virtual_air_temperature, 195., 320., virtual|potential|air|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ta_{v}$, tav |
470 | tahs, tahs, potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., potential|air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas_{v}$, tasv |
471 | tas, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
472 | TSt, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
473 | TH2, tahs, potential_air_temperature, 195., 320., potential|air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $\theta as$, thetas |
474 | T2, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
475 | t2m, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
476 | T2M, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
477 | Tair, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
478 | tair, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
479 | Temperature 2m, tas, air_temperature, 240., 310., air|temperature|at|2m, K, YlOrRd, $tas$, tas |
480 | tda, tda, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature, K, YlGnBu, $tda$, tda |
481 | DWPT, tda, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature, K, YlGnBu, $tda$, tda |
482 | tdas, tdas, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature|at|2m, K, YlGnBu, $tdas$, tdas |
483 | TD, tdas, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature|at|2m, K, YlGnBu, $tdas$, tdas |
484 | TDS, tdas, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature|at|2m, K, YlGnBu, $tdas$, tdas |
485 | TStd, tdas, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature|at|2m, K, YlGnBu, $tdas$, tdas |
486 | TStdC, tdas, air_dew_point_temperature, 240., 310., air|dew|point|temperature|at|2m, K, YlGnBu, $tdas$, tdas |
487 | th105, th105, thickness_1000_500, 0., 2500., atmosphere|thickness|1000|hPa|to|500|hPa, m, Reds, $m$, m |
488 | 1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness, th105, thickness_1000_500, 0., 2500., atmosphere|thickness|1000|hPa|to|500|hPa, m, Reds, $m$, m |
489 | tke, tke, turbulent_kinetic_energy, 0., 0.003, turbulent|kinetic|energy, m2/s2, Reds, $tke$, tke |
490 | TKE, tke, turbulent_kinetic_energy, 0., 0.003, turbulent|kinetic|energy, m2/s2, Reds, $tke$, tke |
491 | LTKE, tke, turbulent_kinetic_energy, 0., 0.003, turbulent|kinetic|energy, m2/s2, Reds, $tke$, tke |
492 | tlcl, tlcl, temperature_lifting_condensation_level, 200., 350., temperature|lifting|condensation|level, K, Reds, $lfc^{t}$, lfc_t |
493 | Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level, tlcl, temperature_lifting_condensation_level, 200., 350., temperature|lifting|condensation|level, K, Reds, $lfc^{t}$, lfc_t |
494 | transpir, transpir, transpiration, 0., 4., Transpiration, mm/d, BuPu, $transpir$, transpir |
495 | tsk, tsk, skin_temperature, 240., 320., skin|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $tsk$, tsk |
496 | tss, tss, soil_temperature, 240., 310., soil|surface|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $tsk$, tsk |
497 | ts1, ts1, soil_temperature, 240., 310., soil|first|level|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ts1$, ts1 |
498 | tslb1, ts1, soil_temperature, 240., 310., soil|first|level|temperature, K, YlOrRd, $ts1$, ts1 |
499 | time, time, time, 0., 1000., time, hours|since|1949/12/01|00:00:00, Reds, $time$, time |
500 | time_counter, time, time, 0., 1000., time, hours|since|1949/12/01|00:00:00, Reds, $time$, time |
501 | tmla, tmla, atmosphere_top_boundary_layer_temperature, 250., 330., atmosphere|top|boundary|layer|temperature, K, Reds, $ta^{zmla}$, tazmla |
502 | s_pblt, tmla, atmosphere_top_boundary_layer_temperature, 250., 330., atmosphere|top|boundary|layer|temperature, K, Reds, $ta^{zmla}$, tazmla |
503 | LS_PBLT, tmla, atmosphere_top_boundary_layer_temperature, 250., 330., atmosphere|top|boundary|layer|temperature, K, Reds, $ta^{zmla}$, tazmla |
504 | tottotalsi, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti |
505 | Totals totals index, tottoalsi, totals_totals_index, 0., 100., Totals|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $TOTtoti$, TOTtoti |
506 | ua, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua |
507 | vitu, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua |
508 | U, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua |
509 | Zonal wind, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua |
510 | LVITU, ua, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $ua$, ua |
511 | uas, uas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $uas$, uas |
512 | TSu, uas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $uas$, uas |
513 | u10m, uas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $uas$, uas |
514 | U10, uas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $uas$, uas |
515 | Vent zonal 10m, uas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $uas$, uas |
516 | uaz, uaz, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind|at|z|value, ms-1, seismic, $uaz$, uaz |
517 | uascurv, uas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $uas$, uas |
518 | va, va, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $va$, va |
519 | vitv, va, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $va$, va |
520 | V, va, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $va$, va |
521 | Meridional wind, va, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $va$, va |
522 | LVITV, va, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $va$, va |
523 | vas, vas, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $vas$, vas |
524 | TSv, vas, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $vas$, vas |
525 | v10m, vas, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $vas$, vas |
526 | V10, vas, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|10m|wind, ms-1, seismic, $vas$, vas |
527 | Vent meridien 10m, vas, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|10m|wind, ms-1, seism, $vas$, vasic |
528 | vaz, vaz, northward_wind, -30., 30., northward|wind|at|z|value, ms-1, seismic, $vaz$, vaz |
529 | vascurv, vas, eastward_wind, -30., 30., eastward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $vas$, vas |
530 | vertotalsi, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti |
531 | Vertical totals index, vertoalsi, vertical_totals_index, 0., 100., Vertical|totals|index, XXXXX, Reds, $VERtoti$, VERtoti |
532 | veget, veget, vegetation_type, 1, 13, type|of|plant|functional|type, 1, Reds, $veget$, veget |
533 | fogvisblty, fogvisblty, fog_visibility, 0., 5000., visibility|inside|fog, km, Purples, $fogvisblty$, fogvisblty |
534 | wakedeltaq, wakedeltaq, wake_delta_vapor, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1s-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}qv^{wak}$, dtqv_wak |
535 | wake_deltaq, wakedeltaq, wake_delta_vapor, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1s-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}qv^{wak}$, dtqv_wak |
536 | lwake_deltaq, wakedeltaq, wake_delta_vapor, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1s-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}qv^{wak}$, dtqv_wak |
537 | LWAKE_DELTAQ, wakedeltaq, wake_delta_vapor, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|mixing|ratio, kgkg-1s-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}qv^{wak}$, dtqv_wak |
538 | wakedeltat, wakedeltat, wake_delta_temp, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|temperature, Ks-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}ta^{wak}$, dtta_wak |
539 | wake_deltat, wakedeltat, wake_delta_temp, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|temperature, Ks-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}ta^{wak}$, dtta_wak |
540 | lwake_deltat, wakedeltat, wake_delta_temp, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|temperature, Ks-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}ta^{wak}$, dtta_wak |
541 | LWAKE_DELTAT, wakedeltat, wake_delta_temp, -0.003, 0.003, wake|delta|temperature, Ks-1, seismic, $\partial_{t}ta^{wak}$, dtta_wak |
542 | wakeh, wakeh, wake_height, 0., 1000., height|of|the|wakes, m, YlOrRd, $wake^{h}$, wakeh |
543 | wake_h, wakeh, wake_height, 0., 1000., height|of|the|wakes, m, YlOrRd, $wake^{h}$, wakeh |
544 | LWAKE_H, wakeh, wake_height, 0., 1000., height|of|the|wakes, m, YlOrRd, $wake^{h}$, wakeh |
545 | wakeomg, wakeomg, wake_omega, 0., 3., wake|omega, -, BuGn, $wake^{\omega}$, wakeomega |
546 | wake_omg, wakeomg, wake_omega, 0., 3., wake|omega, -, BuGn, $wake^{\omega}$, wakeomega |
547 | lwake_omg, wakeomg, wake_omega, 0., 3., wake|omega, -, BuGn, $wake^{\omega}$, wakeomega |
548 | LWAKE_OMG, wakeomg, wake_omega, 0., 3., wake|omega, -, BuGn, $wake^{\omega}$, wakeomega |
549 | wakes, wakes, wake_area_fraction, 0., 0.5, wake|spatial|fraction, 1, BuGn, $wake^{s}$, wakes |
550 | wake_s, wakes, wake_area_fraction, 0., 0.5, wake|spatial|fraction, 1, BuGn, $wake^{s}$, wakes |
551 | LWAKE_S, wakes, wake_area_fraction, 0., 0.5, wake|spatial|fraction, 1, BuGn, $wake^{s}$, wakes |
552 | wa, wa, upward_wind, -10., 10., upward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $wa$, wa |
553 | W, wa, upward_wind, -10., 10., upward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $wa$, wa |
554 | Vertical wind, wa, upward_wind, -10., 10., upward|wind, ms-1, seismic, $wa$, wa |
555 | wap, wap, upward_wind, -3.e-10, 3.e-10, upward|wind, mPa-1, seismic, $wa$, wa |
556 | vitw, wap, upward_wind, -3.e-10, 3.e-10, upward|wind, mPa-1, seismic, $wa$, wa |
557 | LVITW, wap, upward_wind, -3.e-10, 3.e-10, upward|wind, mPa-1, seismic, $wa$, wa |
558 | wd, wd, air_direction, 0., 360., horizontal|wind|direction, degree, hsv, $wd$, wd |
559 | DRCT, wd, air_direction, 0., 360., horizontal|wind|direction, degree, hsv, $wd$, wd |
560 | wds, wds, air_direction, 0., 360., surface|horizontal|wind|direction, degree, hsv, $wds$, wds |
561 | DD, wds, air_direction, 0., 360., surface|horizontal|wind|direction, degree, hsv, $wds$, wds |
562 | TSwds, wds, air_direction, 0., 360., surface|horizontal|wind|direction, degree, hsv, $wds$, wds |
563 | windir, wds, air_direction, 0., 360., surface|horizontal|wind|direction, degree, hsv, $wds$, wds |
564 | wdir, wds, air_direction, 0., 360., surface|horizontal|wind|direction, degree, hsv, $wds$, wds |
565 | ws, ws, air_velocity, 0., 30., horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $ws$, ws |
566 | SKNT, ws, air_velocity, 0., 30., horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $ws$, ws |
567 | wss, wss, air_velocity, 0., 30., surface|horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $wss$, wss |
568 | Wind, wss, air_velocity, 0., 30., surface|horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $wss$, wss |
569 | FF, wss, air_velocity, 0., 30., surface|horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $wss$, wss |
570 | SPDUV10, wss, air_velocity, 0., 30., surface|horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $wss$, wss |
571 | wind10m, wss, air_velocity, 0., 30., surface|horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $wss$, wss |
572 | TSwss, wss, air_velocity, 0., 30., surface|horizontal|wind|speed, ms-1, Reds, $wss$, wss |
573 | # Water budget |
574 | # Water budget de-accumulated |
575 | ccond, ccond, cw_cond, 0., 30., cloud|water|condensation, mm, Reds, $qc^{cond}$, qccond |
576 | CCOND, ccond, cw_cond, 0., 30., cloud|water|condensation, mm, Reds, $qc^{cond}$, qccond |
577 | ACCCONDde, ccond, cw_cond, 0., 30., cloud|water|condensation, mm, Reds, $qc^{cond}$, qccond |
578 | wbr, wbr, wbr, 0., 30., Water|Budget|water|wapor, mm, Blues, $qv^{wb}$, qvwb |
579 | ACQVAPORde, wbr, wbr, 0., 30., Water|Budget|water|wapor, mm, Blues, $qv^{wb}$, qvwb |
580 | diabh, diabh, diabh, 0., 30., diabatic|heating, K, Reds, $\mathcal{Q}_{d}$, Qd |
581 | DIABH, diabh, diabh, 0., 30., diabatic|heating, K, Reds, $\mathcal{Q}_{d}$, Qd |
582 | ACDIABHde, diabh, diabh, 0., 30., diabatic|heating, K, Reds, $\mathcal{Q}_{d}$, Qd |
583 | QV_OLD, v_old, previous_water_vapor, 0., 0.03, water|vapor|at|previous|times-tep, kgkg-1, Greens, $qv^{old}$, qvold |
584 | QC_OLD, c_old, previous_cloud, 0., 0.03, cloud|at|previous|times-tep, kgkg-1, Greens, $qc^{old}$, qcold |
585 | QR_OLD, r_old, previous_rain, 0., 0.03, rain|at|previous|times-tep, kgkg-1, Greens, $qr^{old}$, qrold |
586 | QS_OLD, s_old, previous_snow, 0., 0.03, snow|at|previous|times-tep, kgkg-1, Greens, $sv^{old}$, qsold |
587 | QI_OLD, i_old, previous_ice, 0., 0.03, ice|at|previous|times-tep, kgkg-1, Greens, $qi^{old}$, qiold |
588 | QG_OLD, g_old, previous_graupel, 0., 0.03, graupel|at|previous|times-tep, kgkg-1, Greens, $qg^{old}$, qgold |
589 | QH_OLD, h_old, previous_hail, 0., 0.03, hail|at|previous|times-tep, kgkg-1, Greens, $qh^{old}$, qhold |
590 | QVTEND, vtendsch, water_vapor_tendency_sschemes, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, water|vapor|tendency|from|schemes, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qv^{phys}$, dtqvphys |
591 | QCTEND, ctendsch, cloud_tendency_sschemes, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, cloud|tendency|from|schemes, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qc^{phys}$, dtqcphys |
592 | QRTEND, rtendsch, rain_tendency_sschemes, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, rain|tendency|from|schemes, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qr^{phys}$, dtqrphys |
593 | QSTEND, stendsch, snow_tendency_sschemes, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, snow|tendency|from|schemes, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qs^{phys}$, dtqsphys |
594 | QITEND, itendsch, ice_tendency_sschemes, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, icetendency|from|schemes, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qi^{phys}$, dtqiphys |
595 | QGTEND, gtendsch, graupel_tendency_sschemes, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, graupel|tendency|from|schemes, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qg^{phys}$, dtqgphys |
596 | QHTEND, htendsch, hail_tendency_sschemes, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, hail|tendency|from|schemes, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qh^{phys}$, dtqhphys |
597 | QVTTEND, husttend, water_vapor_ttendency, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, inter|time-step|water|vapor|tendency, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qv$, dtqv |
598 | QCTTEND, cttendsch, cloud_ttendency, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, inter|time-step|cloud|tendency, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qc$, dtqc |
599 | QRTTEND, rttendsch, rain_ttendency, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, inter|time-step|rain|tendency, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qr$, dtqr |
600 | QSTTEND, sttendsch, snow_ttendency, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, inter|time-step|snow|tendency, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qs$, dtqs |
601 | QITTEND, ittendsch, ice_ttendency, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, inter|time-step|icetendency, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qi$, dtqi |
602 | QGTTEND, gttendsch, graupel_ttendency, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, inter|time-step|graupel|tendency, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qg$, dtqg |
603 | QHTTEND, ghtendsch, hail_ttendency, -0.3e-4, 0.3e-4, inter|time-step|hail|tendency, kgkg-1s-1, Blues, $\partial_{t}qh$, dtqh |
604 | vegetfracmax, vegetfracmax, veget_frac_max, 0., 1., Maximum|vegetation|fraction, 1, Greens, $veget^{frac}max$, vegetfracmax |
605 | veget_max, vegetfracmax, veget_frac_max, 0., 1., Maximum|vegetation|fraction, 1, Greens, $veget^{frac}max$, vegetfracmax |
606 | vegetfractot, vegetfractot, veget_total, 0., 1., Total|vegetation|fraction, 1, Greens, $veget^{frac}tot$, vegetfractot |
607 | vegtot, vegetfractot, veget_total, 0., 1., Total|vegetation|fraction, 1, Greens, $veget^{frac}tot$, vegetfractot |
608 | wbpw, wbpw, water_budget_pw, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|water|content, mms-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qv$, dtqv |
609 | WBPW, wbpw, water_budget_pw, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|water|content, mms-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qv$, dtqv |
610 | WBACPWde, wbpw, water_budget_pw, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|water|content, mms-1, Reds, $\partial_{t}qv$, dtqv |
611 | wbpwv, wbpwv, water_budget_pw_qv, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|water|vapour|column|integrated, mms, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qv$, dtqvcol |
612 | wbpwc, wbpwc, water_budget_pw_qc, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|cloud|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qc$, dtqccol |
613 | wbpwr, wbpwr, water_budget_pw_qr, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|rain|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qr$, dtqrcol |
614 | wbpws, wbpws, water_budget_pw_qs, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|snow|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qs$, dtqscol |
615 | wbpwi, wbpwi, water_budget_pw_qi, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|ice|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qi$, dtqicol |
616 | wbpwg, wbpwg, water_budget_pw_qg, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|graupel|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qg$, dtqgcol |
617 | wbpwh, wbpwh, water_budget_pw_qh, 0., 30., Water|Budget|total|evolution|hail|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qh$, dtqhcol |
618 | wbf, wbf, water_budget_hadv_qv, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qv$, advh_qv |
619 | wbfv, wbfv, water_budget_hadv_qv, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qv$, advh_qv |
620 | wbfc, wbfc, water_budget_hadv_qc, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|cloud|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qc$, advh_qc |
621 | wbfr, wbfr, water_budget_hadv_qr, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|rain|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qr$, advh_qr |
622 | wbfs, wbfs, water_budget_hadv_qs, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|snow|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qs$, advh_qs |
623 | wbfi, wbfi, water_budget_hadv_qi, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qi$, advh_qi |
624 | wbfg, wbfg, water_budget_hadv_qg, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|graupel|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qg$, advh_qg |
625 | wbfh, wbfh, water_budget_hadv_qh, 0., 30., Water|Budget|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qh$, advh_qh |
626 | wbz, wbf, water_budget_zadv_qv, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qv$, advz_qv |
627 | wbzv, wbzv, water_budget_zadv_qv, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qv$, advz_qv |
628 | wbzc, wbzc, water_budget_zadv_qc, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|cloud|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qc$, advz_qc |
629 | wbzr, wbzr, water_budget_zadv_qr, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|rain|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qr$, advz_qr |
630 | wbzs, wbzs, water_budget_zadv_qs, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|snow|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qs$, advz_qs |
631 | wbzi, wbzi, water_budget_zadv_qi, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qi$, advz_qi |
632 | wbzg, wbzg, water_budget_zadv_qg, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|graupel|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qg$, advz_qg |
633 | wbzh, wbzh, water_budget_zadv_qh, 0., 30., Water|Budget|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qh$, advz_qh |
634 | wbsi, wbsi, water_budget_si, 0., 30., Water|Budget|hydrometeor|sink, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{si}$, mpsi |
635 | WBSI, wbsi, water_budget_si, 0., 30., Water|Budget|hydrometeor|sink, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{si}$, mpsi |
636 | WBACSIde, wbsi, water_budget_si, 0., 30., Water|Budget|hydrometeor|sink, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{si}$, mpsi |
637 | wbso, wbso, water_budget_so, 0., 30., Water|Budget|hydrometeor|source, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{so}$, mpso |
638 | WBSO, wbso, water_budget_so, 0., 30., Water|Budget|hydrometeor|source, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{so}$, mpso |
639 | WBACSOde, wbso, water_budget_so, 0., 30., Water|Budget|hydrometeor|source, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{so}$, mpso |
640 | # Water Budget accumulated |
641 | wbacpw, wbacpwv, water_budget_pw_qv_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|water|vapour|column|integrated, mms, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qvac$, dtqvaccolac |
642 | wbacpwv, wbacpwv, water_budget_pw_qv_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|water|vapour|column|integrated, mms, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qvac$, dtqvcolac |
643 | wbacpwc, wbacpwc, water_budget_pw_qc_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|cloud|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qcac$, dtqccolac |
644 | wbacpwr, wbacpwr, water_budget_pw_qr_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|rain|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qrac$, dtqrcolac |
645 | wbacpws, wbacpws, water_budget_pw_qs_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|snow|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qsac$, dtqscolac |
646 | wbacpwi, wbacpwi, water_budget_pw_qi_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|ice|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qiac$, dtqicolac |
647 | wbacpwg, wbacpwg, water_budget_pw_qg_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|graupel|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qgac$, dtqgcolac |
648 | wbacpwh, wbacpwh, water_budget_pw_qh_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|total|evolution|hail|column|integrated, mm, Reds, $\partial^{col}_{t}qhac$, dtqhcolac |
649 | wbacf, wbacf, water_budget_hadv_qv_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qvac$, advh_qvac |
650 | wbacfv, wbacfv, water_budget_hadv_qv_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qvac$, advh_qvac |
651 | wbacfc, wbacfc, water_budget_hadv_qc_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|cloud|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qcac$, advh_qcac |
652 | wbacfr, wbacfr, water_budget_hadv_qr_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|rain|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qrac$, advh_qrac |
653 | wbacfs, wbacfs, water_budget_hadv_qs_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|snow|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qsac$, advh_qsac |
654 | wbacfi, wbacfi, water_budget_hadv_qi_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qiac$, advh_qiac |
655 | wbacfg, wbacfg, water_budget_hadv_qg_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|graupel|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qgac$, advh_qgac |
656 | wbacfh, wbacfh, water_budget_hadv_qh_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|horizontal|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{h}qhac$, advh_qhac |
657 | wbacz, wbacf, water_budget_zadv_qv_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qvac$, advz_qvac |
658 | wbaczv, wbaczv, water_budget_zadv_qv_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|water|vapour|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qvac$, advz_qvac |
659 | wbaczc, wbaczc, water_budget_zadv_qc_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|cloud|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qcac$, advz_qcac |
660 | wbaczr, wbaczr, water_budget_zadv_qr_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|rain|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qrac$, advz_qrac |
661 | wbaczs, wbaczs, water_budget_zadv_qs_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|snow|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qsac$, advz_qsac |
662 | wbaczi, wbaczi, water_budget_zadv_qi_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qiac$, advz_qiac |
663 | wbaczg, wbaczg, water_budget_zadv_qg_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|graupel|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qgac$, advz_qgac |
664 | wbaczh, wbaczh, water_budget_zadv_qh_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|vertical|advection|column|integrated|of|ice|(+|conv.;|-|div.), mm, Reds, $adv_{z}qhac$, advz_qhac |
665 | wbacsi, wbacsi, water_budget_si_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|column|integrated|hydrometeor|sink, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{si}ac$, mpsiac |
666 | WBACSI, wbacsi, water_budget_si_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|column|integrated|hydrometeor|sink, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{si}ac$, mpsiac |
667 | wbacso, wbacso, water_budget_so_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|column|integrated|hydrometeor|source, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{so}ac$, mpsoac |
668 | WBACSO, wbacso, water_budget_so_ac, 0., 30., Water|Budget|accumulated|column|integrated|hydrometeor|source, mms-1, Reds, $mp^{so}ac$, mpsoac |
669 | xtime, xtime, time, 0., 1.e5, time, minutes|since|simulation|start, Reds, $xtime$, xtime |
670 | XTIME, xtime, time, 0., 1.e5, time, minutes|since|simulation|start, Reds, $xtime$, xtime |
671 | x, x, x, 0., 100., x, -, Reds, $\hatx{e}_{x}$, x_axis |
672 | X, x, x, 0., 100., x, -, Reds, $\hatx{e}_{x}$, x_axis |
673 | projection_x_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate, 0., 100., x|coordinate|of|projection, m, Reds, ${x}_{proj}$, x_proj |
674 | x_coor, projection_x_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate, 0., 100., x|coordinate|of|projection, m, Reds, ${x}_{proj}$, x_proj |
675 | x_proj, projection_x_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate, 0., 100., x|coordinate|of|projection, m, Reds, ${x}_{proj}$, x_proj |
676 | y, y, y, 0., 100., y, -, Blues, $\hatx{e}_{y}$, y_axis |
677 | Y, y, y, 0., 100., y, -, Blues, $\hatx{e}_{y}$, y_axis |
678 | projection_x_coordinate, projection_y_coordinate, projection_y_coordinate, 0., 100., y|coordinate|of|projection, m, Reds, ${y}_{proj}$, y_proj |
679 | y_coor, projection_y_coordinate, projection_y_coordinate, 0., 100., y|coordinate|of|projection, m, Reds, ${y}_{proj}$, y_proj |
680 | y_proj, projection_y_coordinate, projection_y_coordinate, 0., 100., y|coordinate|of|projection, m, Reds, ${y}_{proj}$, y_proj |
681 | z, z, z, 0., 100., z, -, Greens, $\hatx{e}_{z}$, z_axis |
682 | WRFz, z, height, 0., 80000., height|above|surface, m, rainbow, $z$, z |
683 | Z, z, z, 0., 100., z, -, Greens, $z$, z |
684 | zhgt, zhgt, height, 0., 50000., sea|level|altitude, m, rainbow, $z$, z |
685 | zhgtrel, zhgtrel, height_relative, 0., 50000., relative|altitude|from|surface, m, rainbow, $z$, z |
686 | zg, zg, geopotential_height, 0., 80000., geopotential|height, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg$, zg |
687 | HGHT, zg, geopotential_height, 0., 80000., geopotential|height, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg$, zg |
688 | WRFgeop, zg, geopotential_height, 0., 80000., geopotential|height, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg$, zg |
689 | WRFght, zg, geopotential_height, 0., 80000., geopotential|height, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg$, zg |
690 | Geopotential height, zg, geopotential_height, 0., 80000., geopotential|height, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg$, zg |
691 | geop, zg, geopotential_height, 0., 80000., geopotential|height, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg$, zg |
692 | LGEOP, zg, geopotential_height, 0., 80000., geopotential|height, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg$, zg |
693 | zg_base, zg_base, geopotential_height_base, 0., 80000., geopotential|height|base|state, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg^{base}$, zgabse |
694 | PHB, zg_base, geopotential_height_base, 0., 80000., geopotential|height|base|state, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg^{base}$, zgabse |
695 | zg_per, zg_per, geopotential_height_per, 0., 80000., geopotential|height|perturbation, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg^{pert}$, zgpert |
696 | PH, zg_per, geopotential_height_per, 0., 80000., geopotential|height|perturbation, m2s-2, rainbow, $zg^{pert}$, zgpert |
697 | zeq, zeq, height_level_equilibrium, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum, m, BuPu, $zeq$, zeq |
698 | Equilibrum Level, zeq, height_level_equilibrium, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum, m, BuPu, $zeq$, zeq |
699 | zeqtv, zeqtv, height_level_equilibrium_virutal_temperature, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $zeq^{tv}$, zeqtv |
700 | Equilibrum Level using virtual temperature, zeqtv, height_level_equilibrium_virutal_temperature, 0., 2000., height|of|level|equilibirum|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $zeq^{tv}$, zeqtv |
701 | zlfc, zlfc, height_level_free_convection, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}$, lfcz |
702 | Level of Free Convection, zlfc, height_level_free_convection, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}$, lfcz |
703 | zlfctv, zlfctv, height_level_free_convection_tv, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}_{tv}$, lfcztv |
704 | LFCT using virtual temperature, zlfctv, height_level_free_convection_tv, 100., 2000., height|of|level|free|convection|using|virtual|temperature, m, BuPu, $lfc^{z}_{tv}$, lfcztv |
705 | zmaxth, zmaxth, thermal_plume_height, 0., 4000., maximum|thermals|plume|height, m, YlOrRd, $th_{s}$, thz |
706 | zmax_th, zmaxth, thermal_plume_height, 0., 4000., maximum|thermals|plume|height, m, YlOrRd, $th_{s}$, thz |
707 | LZMAX_TH, zmaxth, thermal_plume_height, 0., 4000., maximum|thermals|plume|height, m, YlOrRd, $th_{s}$, thz |
708 | zmla, zmla, atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness, 0., 2500., atmosphere|boundary|layer|thickness, m, Blues, $zmla$, zmla |
709 | PBLH, zmla, atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness, 0., 2500., atmosphere|boundary|layer|thickness, m, Blues, $zmla$, zmla |
710 | s_pblh, zmla, atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness, 0., 2500., atmosphere|boundary|layer|thickness, m, Blues, $zmla$, zmla |
711 | LS_PBLH, zmla, atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness, 0., 2500., atmosphere|boundary|layer|thickness, m, Blues, $zmla$, zmla |